Thirtyseventh Chill

Hero of Ice

                        I found it strange when there was a knock at my uncle's apartment door. My uncle was off at work again. Yunho and I were just studying and watching TV shows. Eventually, Yunho went to open the door and in walked a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a long time.

            "Minni!!!" Kimmi cried, running into my arms. "I mean Minji. Whatever."

            Junsu was next to speak. "I'm sorry we couldn't keep your secret, Minji." He said apologetically.

            I smiled at him. He was still a little brother to me. "It's okay." I reassured him. Hana and the others had come to attend the party that was happening in a few days.

            "Have you got your dress yet?" Kimmi asked.

            I shook my head.

            "What? But the party is so soon."

            I chuckled lightly. "I know."

            "Yunho, you know all the good places around here. Take us." Yoochun instructed.

            "What do you take me for? A tour guide?" Yunho pierced his eyes at his friend. A smile broke through his face soon afterwards. "Of course, I would be delighted to take my friends on a tour around Seoul."

            Kimmi giggled shyly. She still felt quite uncomfortable around Yunho but she was getting the hang of it.

            Changmin then turned to me with curious eyes. "Have you met Jaejoong yet?" He asked. "You knew who he really was, didn't you? Since when?"

            My smile dropped just like that. I could feel six pair of eyes staring at me.

            Fortunately, one of them knew exactly what I was going through and stepped between me and the crowd. "I think it's best not to speak about Jaejoong at this time." Yunho advised.

            "Why?" Kimmi asked suddenly. She looked past Yunho, at me with deep concern. "What did that smartass do to Minni, I mean Minji, this time?"

            I shot up out of my seat. "He did nothing." I stammered abruptly. "Jaejoong didn't do anything to me."

            Kimmi eyes widened at my reaction. Of course, she would. My actions were almost identical to Hana's, back when she was obsessively in love with Jaejoong. But I was different. I wasn't going to cling onto him when he didn't even want me in his sight.

            I composed myself and looked seriously at my best friend. "I love Jaejoong." I admitted to everyone nervously. Kimmi's eyes only grew and she bit on her bottom lip at my words but I continued. "But he doesn't love me back. So I have told myself to never see him ever again."

            Hana looked within me and spied the sadness I felt. She walked past Yunho and grabbed me roughly by the hand.

            "What are you doing?" Kimmi exclaimed displeasingly. "We need to talk." Hana answered dragging me to a vacant bedroom. She waited at the door and turned to Kimmi. "Well aren't you coming in?" She asked her.

            "What? Me?" Kimmi pointed to herself. Kimmi walked to us and entered the room.

            Hana then shut the door on the four boys and clicked the lock into place. "Tell us what happened." Hana demanded immediately.

            "Nothing." I stated simply.

            "We're not going anywhere unless you tell us everything." Kimmi went along with Hana, siding with her for once.

            I was speechless. I didn't want to burst into tears in front of them. I didn't want any sympathy from Hana and Kimmi. All I wanted was to forget Jaejoong and move on with my life. Not knowing what I should do, I planted myself on the bed. Hana and Kimmi then sat on either side of me.

            Hana was the first to break the silence. "Minji, we know that you're not okay." She said. "And we think you would be better if you let it all out."

            Kimmi grabbed my hand in a comforting way. "Please. Just tell us. We really care about you, Minji."

            My grip tightened on Kimmi's hand. "He doesn't love me anymore." My voice was almost inaudible. That was my deepest thoughts. "Jaejoong doesn't love me anymore." And then, while crying once again, I told them everything.


                        When Yunho heard the start of your tears, he turned to the boys. "I think we should go out and grab some air. I'll take you to a bakery nearby. It's quite good." He insisted.

            All the boys were looking at the door of the room the girls had entered.

            "I can tell you what I know." Yunho began.

            "No." Junsu rebutted. "You have no right to tell us Minji's personal story."

            Yunho scratched his head awkwardly. "Actually I do." He stated.

            Yoochun, Junsu and even Changmin were looking at Yunho, contemplating whether they should ask. They desperately wanted to know but they were concerned about how Minji was going to feel about their childish curiosity.

            Changmin then cleared his throat. "What do you mean by having a right?" He asked.

            "Well," Yunho hesitated. "Minji, Jaejoong and I were childhood friends."

            "Are you serious?" Yoochun gaped, a little too loudly.

            Yunho put a finger to his lips, silencing the trio. "I think we should go the bakery. I'll explain there."

            The bakery was only a five minute walk from the apartment complex. The men sat down and Yunho explained his side of the story to them. After a full twenty minutes, four empty coffee cups and a demolished pastry platter, Yunho had recounted most of the past to them.

            "Jaejoong hated Minji and her family." Junsu spoke, taking in the new information.

            "And you were Minji's first love." Yoochun added.

            "And you left her." Changmin couldn't help but point out. "The two of you loved each other and you left her."

            Yunho lookd down grimly with slight guilt. "I know I did." If only he hadn't left her, then there was the greater chance that Minji would love him and him only. "But right now, Jaejoong and Minji love each other."

            Changmin scoffed at the idea. "If he loves Minji, then why isn't he here?"

            "Well Changmin, the reason is clear as day. So plain and simple that people miss it." Yunho stated. "Jaejoong just doesn't think he is good enough for her."

            "I don't know." Junsu furrowed his eyebrows, in deep thought. "From that newspaper article, he sounded like a prodigy."

            "He is a prodigy." Yoochun highlighted. He turned to his friend. "You're the leader here. What do you suggest we do?"

            Yunho smiled mischieviously at the boys. "It's alright. I've already got something up my sleeve."


                        "Think about it, Haeyoung." Sangwoo hissed. "These people act like angels. So shouldn't we send them to their rightful place?"

            "If you look at it that way, shouldn't you be burning into crisps in hell?" Jaejoong directed back at him.

            Sangwoo chuckled. "We're already in hell, boy."

            Jaejoong was caught speechless. 

            "There's nothing worse than the feeling of heartbreak. Let me tell you that." Sangwoo sneered at him. "I did this out of unrequited love."

            "Love?" Jaejoong questioned. 

            Sangwoo's eyes gleamed at him. "I know you felt it too. You loved Minji even way back then, didn't you? But Jungwoo and Minji loved each other so you couldn't intervene. Did it hurt Haeyoung?"

            Jaejoong scoffed. "So that was why you were trying to shift the blame towards me. You were trying to blame me for the death of Song Jaerim and his wife's deaths, weren't you?"

            "You too were becoming an angel. You needed a taste of this hell." Sangwoo hissed. "Trying so desperately to please your father, as if your life depended on it."

            "I see you were watching me all this time." Jaejoong tried to hide his shock. "I must admit that your stalking skills are very quite remarkable." 

            "Of course." Sangwoo confessed. "I needed to see whether you would be a threat to us or not. Jungwoo was one but he easily left after the death of his father. You on the other hand, went home but kept coming back."

            "How long had you been planning this?" Jaejoong asked, getting angrier and angrier by the minute. How could he not have seen it earlier? That he was being watched and evaluated for their own murderous purposes.

            Sangwoo's grin only made him look unnatural and crazy. "Ever since we knew the stupid Song family were returning from Australia. For two whole years, we patiently watched each and everyone of you and devised a plan to eliminate Song Jaerim and his cute little family."

            "We?" Jaejoong questioned. He was getting a lead into this case. 

            "Yes, we."

            Jaejoong left the interrogation room to wash his face. He had spent the whole night asking every question that had popped into his head. This time the answers were spilling like rain on a stormy day. Sangwoo's words were escaping from his lips non-stop.

            After Jaejoong had shown him the school photo of him and Song Taehee, he turned into a mad man, muttering his detest for her and how she was the cause for all the broken hearts around her. And amongst all the blabbering, Jaejoong had pieced everything together. He knew who had killed Minji's family. He knew now, the criminal's purpose and he knew what they were going to do next. Song Minji was in more danger than ever.

            And he felt restless. The truth hit him hard and he couldn't help but empathise with Minji.

             Jaejoong went outside the police department to get some fresh air. His motorbike was tempting him so he went on it and rode around the city. He found himself at the front of his house in a matter of minutes. And standing outside his house was an odd pair.

            Changmin and Hana were both giving him a cold look. Jaejoong noticed that the two had their hands together. He stopped in front of the gates rather than using his remote to open up and go inside. The bike looked unusual sitting in the middle of the driveway.

            Jaejoong got off and walked up to the couple. "Good morning, Hana, Changmin. What brings you here today?"

            Without a verbal warning, Hana smacked him across the face. Jaejoong turned his face to give the girl a penetrating stare. "How dare you."

            "Minji wasn't going to do it, so I had to do it in her place. You're a coward, Jaejoong." Hana intercepted hotly. "I trusted you."

            Jaejoong gave her that same smug expression he always wore. "Am I really that trustworthy?"

            "Wipe that smirk off of your face right now or else I'll have to break it." She lifted her hand again.

            "No." Jaejoong said bluntly, egging her on.

            "Hana, stop." It was Changmin who had spoken. "It's not going to make him any brighter."

            Jaejoong turned to Changmin with a side smirk. "Three years ago, I graduated high school at the age of fifteen years old along with many older seniors falling in the top 0.5% of all graduates that year. Did you know?" Jaejoong's smile grew as he boasted. "Of course you did, otherwise you wouldn't be here."

            "You're an idiot." Hana yelled at him. "You stand here bragging about these kind of accomplishments when the person who is suffering the most is the one that you love!" Hana's cheeks reddened despite the cold air and she huffed in and out in annoyance.

            Jaejoong and Changmin gave her an astonished face.

            "Are you really happy that everything has turned out this way?" Hana sneered at Jaejoong. "Everyone around you knows that you and Minji love each other. But just because you tell her that you hate her, Minji has chosen to keep her distance from you. She is dying because she can't be with you. And I know that you're not too happy that you have left her either. Why are you making the both of you suffer?"

            Hana broke away from her boyfriend and took a step towards Jaejoong. "We know that you love Minji, Jaejoong, but your method of loving her is all wrong." Hana screeched at him. "You forgot to consider one very important thing. You forgot about the very fact that Minji's happiness is solely determined by yours. If you're not happy then she can't be happy either. Ingrain that in your conceited mind of yours, you scum bag!" When Hana felt more relieved, she trotted off without a single farewell.

            Changmin was at a lost for words but soon followed his partner.

            Jaejoong stood, frozen to the spot just endlessly thinking about her. Song Minji. How do you love someone right? Should he rush to her right now and make up? Should he keep his distance and wait until this case was done and dusted? Jaejoong found his feet running towards back Hana and Changmin.

            The two heard his hurried footsteps and stopped in their tracks. Jaejoong was in front of them, quickly regaining his breath. A determined grin appeared on his face. "As if I'm loving her in the wrong way, Hana." Jaejoong retorted confidently. "I'm going to show you how much I love Minji. And I'm never going to let her go."

             Hana brightened. From Jaejoong's expression, she knew for sure that Jaejoong was going to go back to Minji even if it was the last thing he did.


                        The event came sooner than anticipated and my uncle's apartment was hysterically busy. The girls were over to dress me up and get dressed themselves. The boys were suiting up in Yunho's room and were done in ten minutes.

            "You girls take ages!" Yoochun whined through the bedroom door.

            "Shut your trap, Yoochun!" Kimmi yelled back.

            "Why don't you come out here and make me shut my trap?" Yoochun egged her on.

            Kimmi's lips thinned. She turned her back to me. "Help me zip up, please." It almost sounded like she was ordering me to do it but I complied. 

            I did as I was told and she dashed out of the room in her plain champagne dress. I heard violent sounds outside but didn't pay much attention to it. I knew that Yoochun was going to be just fine.

            "Minji, I'll do your make up." Hana insisted.

            "Yes, you should. I at these kind of things."

            "I could teach you." Hana offered.

            A smile broke through. "That would be lovely."

            "I'm sorry that my mother couldn't make it today." She said. "Unfortunately, she has some work to do."

            "It's alright." Was all I could say. I didn't want to tell her about the suspicions I had towards my aunt. I'd rather turn a blind eye to it all.

            After Hana had finished with my face, I slipped on my evening gown. It was a strapless silver satin dress that tucked at my upper body tightly then flowed lusciously to the ground. At the waistline were patterened small sparkling gems that had added a twinkly touch to the dress. I really loved the dress.

            Hana beside me, wore a crimson skin tight dress that ended at the top of her knees. The dress had black lace on its surface that extended to form elbow length sleeves. I thought that the colour really suited her character and that Hana looked stunning in it.

            Kimmi was back in the room. Her petitely bunned hair was now quite messy but it looked better than its original form. Her dress shone like pale gold. She kept it simple. The dress was strapless and wasn't too tight but defined her curves. I noticed that she had lost a lot of weight during the past few months. I was happy with her achievements. I knew that she wasn't entirely comfortable in her own skin previously.

            When Hana was satisfied with our looks, we exited the room. The boys were sitting on the couch, bored. We saw their faces quickly transform when we were at last ready. Junsu was wearing a baby pink dress shirt with a grey blazer and pants and a pink tie that was a shade darker than his shirt. Yoochun was suited in a black shirt and a grey blazer with a black collar and grey pants. Changmin wore a cherry red shirt with his black blazer and pants. He also wore a black bow tie. And Yunho wore a satin navy shirt with a white blazer and pants.

            "You guys look dashing." I complimented.

            We exchanged our praises until my uncle entered the apartment. He gaped when he saw us. "Minji, you look amazing." He was so appalled. "You look so much like your mother." He then turned to Yunho. "And my son is dashing as usual, just like I knew he was when I first met him."

            It was our cue to go. My uncle had hired a limosine for us because we had so much company. The ride was pleasant. My smile never broke on our way to the event but my heart was hammering at the thought of making a speech and greeting important guests. My heart also held an important person within it as well. It had too much to handle. I secretly hoped that the tasks at hand would mask the man in my heart. I needed to keep myself occupied to keep Jaejoong off my mind. But it turned out that the universe didn't want me to ever forget him.

            We had arrived at the venue early, just so my uncle could check the arrangements before the event could begin. "Everything should be fine now, Minji." He assured me. "I'll get you to stand at the door so that you can introduce yourself to the guests. I think you might know some of them from the hospital but most of them are important business partners."

            "Yes, uncle." I took my position and waited for the first guest to arrive. Junsu happily accompanied me. And then the first, arrived. I bowed low and looked up at the faces. "I am-" I stopped at that.

            Before me stood two men. Mr. Kim was dressed smartly in all black and had a warm smile that reached his eyes.

            Beside him was Jaejoong. He was dressed in a black blazer and pants, assembled with a black-collared white dress shirt buttoned right to the top. His hair was gelled back revealing his full face. A face that forced a smirk at me. "Hello Minji."

            His perfect face didn't falter. I could find no sense of hatred on any part of him. How was he able to remain so cool and collected when he was speaking to someone he didn't even want to lay eyes on?

            "What are you doing here?" My uncle suddenly intervened. "I don't remember sending you an invitation."

            Jaejoong's smile then revealed a glint of his teeth. "We did receive one though, Mr. Song." He took out the card in an envelope. "I think it was Yunho's doing." He added.

            "Good evening Jaehee." Jaejoong's father greeted the man. "I would also like you to know that I bought a lot of company along with me as well." After Mr. Kim had finished talking, ten uniformed bodyguards came into the hall. "Just to make sure that this event runs smoothly, I hope that you would appreciate our concern for Minji."

            My uncle nodded agreeably. "I am highly honoured."

            I stared at Jaejoong. I don't think I have turned my gaze away from him, not even once. A surge of displeasure rushed through me. I grabbed Jaejoong by the sleeve of his blazer and dragged him outside the venue. I found a set of couches that would usually be filled during the day but was vacant at this moment. I motioned for him to sit down and pursed my lips. I couldn't understand what was going through his head. Why? "What are you doing Jaejoong, why are you here?"





I have skimmed through this chapter once.

I will probably edit it again tomorrow. 




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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2028 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2028 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩