Third Chill

Hero of Ice

                        "And why should I apologise?" Jaejoong questioned the two of us. I actually expected him to say he was sorry, and even if he didn't, I thought he would protest with a wise remark and walk out of the classroom with a tantrum. But never did I think that he would respond with a question.

            But if he were to apologise, I would like him to have meant it, like how Hana did this morning. Although she and I were never on friendly terms, she had the courage to say it. "You don't need to if you don't want to." I gave him my response. "Words are nothing if you don't mean them."

            Yunho was about to lecture Jaejoong but the culprit himself interrupted. "She is right, actions speak louder than words." Jaejoong said proudly. "In fact, by not apologising, I think I have done you all a favour." 

            "Huh?" Yunho exclaimed. Even my eyebrows furrowed as I tried to piece Jaejoong's words together.

            Jaejoong laughed and continued. "I have shown you my true self of course. I am a rude, deceitful, arrogant bastard who shouldn't be messed with. You all would do well to leave me alone." And with that, Jaejoong walked out calmly out of the classroom

            It was silent for a while, then Yunho broke it with a light snicker. "This is why we can't leave him alone." Yunho turned to me. "Look at what a mess he is."

            I nodded in agreement. I mean, I know that he was a heartless jerk. But why must he degrade himself in the process? It really concerned me how he didn't show any signs of love for anyone, including himself. Yunho snapped his fingers in front of my face and took me away from my thoughts. I looked at him, dazed, and then he pinched my nose. "Don't you look cute?" He spoke to me as if I were a baby while all I could do was scrunch my eyes tightly together from his sudden movements.

            "Here." He grabbed my right hand and my hand twitched when I felt the familiar jolt of pain. "What's wrong?" He asked, worriedly.

            "Nothing," I shook my head.

            "Must be my good looks." He boasted, combing his hair back. "Joking." He continued. "You're white as paper." He placed a hand on my forehead. “Temperature isn’t too bad.”

            “I’m not sick.”

            "Does it hurt anymore?" Yunho asked suddenly. He was looking and referring to my left cheek.

            "No, not at all." I convinced him. "It's very far from the heart."

            He smirked grimly and I put on my biggest smile, showing all my teeth. I knew that I looked ridiculous but I wanted everyone to be happy around me even though I wasn't. If anyone was to be sad, I just hoped it just wouldn’t be because of me.

            “So cute.” He squealed and pinched my nose again.


                        "I'm sick of all your complaints." Kimmi raged, slamming her text book shut. She was helping Yoochun with his homework during a study period. 

            I was in the library and I was very fortunate enough to share a study period with them; Kimmi, Yoochun and Yunho. There were all happy people who played while exerting their best efforts into everything they do. Yoochun and Kimmi were neighbours and childhood friends so they usually argue but they were never on bad terms. I could tell that Yoochun was just teasing her, but her fiery nature towards him blinded her from seeing that.

            "Well, I'm sick of your yakking as well." He retorted, pulling his work away from her. They were sitting next to each other but they had their heads turned away from each other. Kimmi was frustrated and Yoochun was silently laughing but Kimmi couldn't see that. It was a funny sight actually.

            "Come on guys, don't fight over such a trivial matter." Yunho began, putting this book down.

            "Will do." Yoochun exclaimed gleefully and grabbed the seat beside me. "Can you help me with my homework instead?" He gave me his puppy eyes that were quite small. It was adorable though.

            "Don't disturb her." Yunho interrupted. "Why don't you ever ask your best friend for help? I am a nerd."

            "But Minni is just as smart as you are." Yoochun frowned. "She might even be smarter." Yunho was speechless but Yoochun continued. "It's okay. I understand that you want to take care of your precious Minni."

            Yunho instantly flushed as Yoochun grabbed our shoulders and pushed us together. "Don't they look compatible?"

            "I guess so." Kimmi replied shyly. There was no spirit in her words.

            "You don't sound convincing." Yoochun whined.

            Kimmi looked at Yoochun angrily. "Quit being so immature!" She snapped. "You can't have everyone agreeing with you on everything."

            "You don't think we look good together?" Yunho joked.

            "Of course not. She thought that I was suitable." Jaejoong walked into the scene. He had messier hair than usual and his eyes were half open. Jaejoong shared the same study period as us, I observed, but he was always sleeping during this time. Now he was looking at me intently. A playful smile was on his face as I felt everyone in the library looking our way. "Am I right, Minni?" He asked me directly.

            "Not entirely." I admitted after some time. 

            Jaejoong eyes opened up a little but he still looked drowsy. "How so?"

            "You're right that Kimmi did think that we were compatible but that does not mean she won't change her opinion in the future." I tried to justify myself as simply as possible.

            "That's a smart response." Jaejoong came closer towards me but Yunho stood up and acted as a barrier.

            "That's enough Jaejoong." Yunho said strongly.

            "You don't want to disappoint your fans, do you?" Kimmi included. I looked around to see everyone on us; even the librarian. But it was the girls who were frightening. They were glaring at me and were extremely angry. I quickly looked away and tried to focus on something else. Surprisingly, watching Jaejoong and Yunho was more pleasant.

            "I thought you wanted to be alone?" Yunho said, staring at Jaejoong. 

            Jaejoong shook his head with that same annoying smirk. "I said that all of you would do well to leave me alone. I, on the other hand, can cause as much havoc as I like."

            "You're not that limitless." Yunho inserted. "Everyone has a weakness." Yunho stepped forward and embraced him. "And I happen to know yours." He finished in a whisper that I hardly could catch. "Now Jaejoong, let's keep the peace in the library intact!" Yunho smiled warmly and shouted out, clearly wanting to be heard. "Shall we?"

            Jaejoong struggled to break free. The couple twisted and turned like they were doing a lousy dance style while everyone in the library laughed at the scene. I knew that sooner or later, Jaejoong would put Yunho down and quickly escape his grasps. And when both his arms were free, Jaejoong used one arm to pull Yunho's prying hands off of him. Jaejoong's other hand held the table behind him firmly for balance. Jaejoong then s one leg around Yunho's shin and moved in a way that made Yunho plunder to the ground.  I quickly leaned away from the two because Jaejoong was falling forward towards me but he swiftly grabbed the back of my chair with his free hand and his face stopped an inch away from mine.

            He looked at me, now that he was aware of his position, he wore his playful smirk again. He leaned forward and I backed away almost falling off of my chair. Fortunately, Yoochun was on the other side, backing me up. Jaejoong's smile grew as he stood up straight, dusting his hands and his uniform. "I think that I have given credible evidence that supports Kimmi's statement." Jaejoong announced, looking hollowly at Kimmi who flushed a shade of deep rose. "Minni and I appear to be very compatible." Jaejoong concluded then strode for the library exit.

            "No Jaejoong." Yunho protested standing up slowly. Jaejoong turned to face him with a blank expression. "You have made a terrible mistake." Yunho looked from Jaejoong to me; a flicker of concern was in his eyes.


                        "Minni." Junsu walked into my classroom at the end of the school day, accompanied by a tall young man. He had long chocolate wavy locks that nearly touched his shoulder.

            "Changmin." Kimmi exclaimed in astonishment. "What are you doing here?"

            The tall man strugged. "Mum told me to walk home with you."

            "What?" Kimmi overreacted. 

            "Awesome!" Yoochun said with delight, cupping Changmin's shoulder.

            "I made a new friend today." Junsu grinned at me. "Are you proud of me?"

            I looked at Junsu's adorable posture. He had his hands behind his back and his eyes were shut tight exposing all his teeth. I smiled happily back. "Of course I'm proud of you." I replied, patting him on the head.

            I looked around after my praise. Yoochun and Changmin were staring at me in a dazed way. Yunho walked up to me again. "Cute as usual." He pinched my nose.

            "You are so adorable." Kimmi stammered.

            "I know my sister is the cutest." Junsu announced.

            I laughed nervously. "Every one is special in their own way." 

            Yoochun stifled a laugh. "Well, Kimmi has no special physical qualities, that's for sure." That earned him a whack on the shoulder blade by none other than Kimmi herself.

            "I dare you to say that again." Kimmi challenged. Yoochun looked up at her with a deathly glare. Changmin burst into a fit of laughter and Yoochun's expressionless lips melted into a smile. All the boys laughed along and Kimmi eventually put a hand to her forehead chuckling lightly as well.

            "This makes me want to pee." Junsu spoke between his laughs. The others laughed louder but Junsu tried to stop them. "I'm serious guys. I came to tell Minni to wait for me because I needed to go to the bathroom. She ran off this morning without me. I know that you didn't sleep the rest of the night because of your nightmare." Junsu was trying to be a scolding older brother.

            "No wonder you look so tired." Yoochun commented.

            "Don't worry," Yunho inserted, "after a nightmare comes a pleasant dream."

            I nodded shyly, feeling a hint of guilt. "I'm sorry to make you worry Junsu. I'll wait for you then." Junsu smiled and hurriedly left.

            "So are you and Changmin related?" Yunho asked Kimmi.

            "Well." Kimmi began shyly.

            "They're siblings man." Yoochun answered immediately.

            Kimmi hit him again, softer this time. "That's my secret to tell."

            "It's a secret now sis?" Changmin interrupted. "Is it embarrassing to have the school know that the new transfer student is a half sibling of yours?"

            "Half sibling?" Yunho was confused.

            "We share the same mother but different fathers." Changmin answered simply.

            "Oh I see." Yunho exclaimed. His phone beeped and he looked at his screen. "That's my que to leave. See you later." Yunho dashed out of the classroom.

            "I better go too." I began. "Hana's probably already there." I remembered how fair Junsu was, of course he would tell Hana as well that he would be a little later than usual. He loved the both of us equally despite the very fact that I wasn't even actually related to him in any way.

            "We'll walk with you." Yoochun decided. "Then we'll part our ways at the front gates."

            "Sounds like a great idea." Kimmi agreed with Yoochun for once. Changmin just nodded. 

            "I know that I am the greatest." Yoochun boasted. "No need to tell me twice, Kimmi."

            "Do you want me to bruise your pretty boy face?"

            "You just said that I'm pretty."

            "Yeah, but your attitude stinks."

            "Hey, I'm not the one who's being violent."

            "Well, I'm not the one who's being a cocky bastard."

            "It's not my fault I'm so good looking. You should try to follow my example." Yoochun opened the door to the courtyard. "You can start off by shredding a few pounds." Kimmi had her fists ready but Yoochun ducked behind Changmin. Changmin rolled his eyes. I got the feeling that he was more mature than the arguing couple. Even when we were at the school gates they were still fighting.

            "And who buns up their hair nowadays?" Yoochun complained. "Wear it down."

            "Don't order me around!" Kimmi turned away and tried to control her anger. "Bye Minni, see you tomorrow." She hugged me.

            "Bye." Changmin said simply.

            "See you." Yoochun farewelled then started bickering at Kimmi again.

            "You're finally here." Hana walked up to me with Jaemi, her best friend, behind her. Jaemi gave me a cold glare and I quickly looked to the road. "Now we just have to wait for Junsu." Hana said. 

            I heard Jaemi leaving but nothing else because I just spotted someone familiar in a shiny new black car. Through the tinted windows was a man that resembled my uncle. I wasn't sure if I was imagining things but my legs just ran on their own, towards the moving vehicle. Although the car was almost out of sight, I still chased after it. A loud honk was heard behind me and I turned around to see another car driving towards me, I was suddenly aside and everything went dark.




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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2029 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2029 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩