Twentyseventh Chill

Hero of Ice

                        My phone buzzed on Saturday, the next day, in the late afternoon. I hastily picked it up and felt butterflies when I saw that it really was a text message from Jaejoong. I got up from my study desk and went to lay down on my bed. Then with sweaty fingers, I opened the message.

            Hi sweet pea. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been doing well. There's a lot of beautiful girls at my school, but no one as beautiful as you. The night here is always alive. If you come over, I'll show you around some time. I'll hug you by the Han river and kiss you at Namsam tower. And then I'll book a five star hotel just for us. You keen? ;)

            My heart raced and I felt a smile spread across my face. He still is the Jaejoong that I know. Don't be so erted. No way am I going to Seoul just to see you. I replied.

            My phone beeped instantly after I sent the text. Of course, you're too sweet an angel to defy your 'mother' and come here. But at the very least I know that you haven't forgotten about me. You miss me, don't you?

            Yes I do. Are you happy now?

            His response could only be one thing. Very.


            I miss you too.

            My heart skipped a beat. I didn't know what to say to that and so I just stared into the phone screen. He shortly sent another message after that. I have to go now but I'll talk to you later. Don't cry because you miss me so much, sweet pea.

            "I really really miss you, Jaejoong." A strange emptiness became present in my heart. 

            "Minni! Hana!" I heard Junsu bellow from outside my bedroom door. "Yunho's here. We're going out for dinner tonight."

            I got up off my bed and went to greet him. "Hi Yunho." 

            "Hi Minni." Yunho eyed me. "Are you alright?"

            I smiled at him. "Of course, what's wrong?"

            "Yunho, Minni just had a bad dream last night." Junsu explained. "That's why she has eye bags."

            "It wasn't just a bad dream." Hana was walking downstairs. "She woke everyone up last night because she was screaming at the top of her lungs."

            I saw Yunho's worried expression and grew nervous. "I'm really okay, Yunho. I get bad dreams all the time." 

            Yunho advanced towards me and Hana got to me first. "We're going out for dinner, right?" Hana made him stop in his tracks. "I'd like to excuse Minni and myself whilst we get ready."


                        Yunho watched as Hana grabbed Minni's hand and led her upstairs. He was extremely worried for her. In a week's time, she had grown weaker and her complexion was much paler than before. 

            "It's very strange." Junsu muttered to himself. 

            "What is?" Yunho asked.

            "I completely forgot that Minni had been having bad dreams until last night." Junsu said. "For the past month or so, I don't think she had a single nightmare. Why is it that when Jaejoong leaves, she's getting them again?"

            "Why is it?" Yunho couldn't help but question as well. At that moment, his phone vibrated. He scanned the screen and noticed that it was Jaejoong. "I'm going to take this." Yunho said and walked into a vacant room. 

            "Yunho, you're a calm and cool person. Help me out here."

            "What's the problem?"

            "You know the guy I locked up in my basement?"


            "He's very tight lipped. Is there anything that I can do to get him on my side at all?"

            "What have you gotten from him?"

            "Nothing at all. I even have to call him 'Lanky' because he won't even tell me his name." Jaejoong complained. 

            "Well." Yunho began. "You can just force it out of him."

            "You're absolutely right." Jaejoong exclaimed. "I should search his body for some tattoos and maybe grab a strand of his hair for DNA sampling."

            Yunho smiled. "Sounds like a plan." He heard Junsu calling him from the outside. "I have to go, I'm taking Minni and her siblings out to eat tonight."

            Jaejoong faltered on the line. "O-okay. Have fun."

            "And Jaejoong." Yunho started. "The only way to get a person on your side is to get to their heart."

            "Right." And Jaejoong hung up. 

            Yunho sighed heavily. His heart seemed to swell in his chest. "You'll be fine, Kim Jaejoong."

            The door creaked open and in walked Minni in a long-sleeved burgundy dress. Yunho stared at the girl he loved. 

            "Yunho, what are you doing in my room?" Minni asked curiously.

            Yunho was taken by surpised and observed the room. It was a simple girl's bedroom. "Sorry." He smiled it off. "I was taking a phone call and just rushed into the closest room."

            "It's okay." Minni said. She walked up to her desk and placed something shiny in a small box. 

            Yunho watched her from behind. She really was perfect in every way. Beautiful with a heart with gold. There was no one else who could take her place. He turned away, feeling embarassed. "I'm going to wait for you outside with Junsu."

            Minni nodded. She grabbed her phone and headed back to Hana's room. 

            "What takes them so long?" Yunho asked Junsu, feeling a little impatient. "It's already been an hour."

            "When it's time to go out, Hana is always working on Minni." Junsu explained. "She likes to make her up and dress her up like a barbie doll."

            Yunho nodded and understood. 

            "I guess that's why she gets so worked up when everyone compliments that Minni is really pretty. No one appreciates what she has done. It really ruins her ego." Junsu said and smiled ear to ear. "I find that part of Hana very cute. She's quite humble but she gets quite annoyed when no one acknowledges her."

            "Well, I'll remember to give her my praises as well."

            Yunho heard light footsteps and looked up. Minni came down in the same dress except now she wore a pair of thick black stockings. Her hair was elegantly curled and had twinkling ornaments in it. Hana walked out with a black coat and wrapped it around her shoulders. 

            What was most apparent about Minni was the change in her facial complexion. It had a glow to it. The eye bags were completely hidden and her eyes were more defined. Even with the make up she still looked soft.

            Hana on the other hand looked fierce with her cat eye. She wore a skin-tight grey sweater dress and thigh high socks accompanied by a navy coat. "I'll grab some boots for you, Minni." Hana said and reached the end of the stairs first but stopped when she saw the guys. "What?'

            "Both of you look spectacular tonight." Junsu complimented.

            Hana eyed Yunho who couldn't take his eyes off of Minni. "You did a wonderful job, Hana." He said without breaking a glance. "Thank you. Minni looks enchanting tonight."

            "Of course I did." Hana couldn't help but smile. She whipped out her phone and took a picture of her sister. Hana thought. Jaejoong doesn't know what he's missing out on


                        "I can't believe we dressed ourselves up just to go eat Korean barbeque." Hana pouted in the back seat. 

            I couldn't care less. I stared at my phone hoping that a message would appear on the screen. But there was nothing. 

            "Do you like Korean barbeque?" I heard Yunho ask me.

            I turned to him and nodded. "I love it a lot." The truth was that I did. I just wasn't in the mood for it. Only two thoughts were occupying my mind at the moment: I loved Jaejoong and I had to tell Yunho. 

            We reached the place in about twenty minutes. The place wasn't too shabby. I offered to cook and serve but Yunho said he would help me out. 

            "It feels like you're the parents and we're your children, right Hana?" Junsu nudged his little sister.

            "More like it feels like you're the cooks and we're your masters." Hana objected, tossing her hair behind her shoulders coolly.

            "At your service, Miss Hana!" Yunho played along. 

            "Would you like some pork belly ma'am?" I laughed because I knew she was going to flip.

            "No way!" Hana exclaimed. "Do you know how hard it is to lose belly fat."

            "Alright! More for me." Junsu lifted his bowl up towards the searing meat.

            "Yes sir!" Yunho saluted and filled the boy's bowl with the meat I had just cut up.

            "I'll have the beef." Hana interjected.

            "Yes ma'am." I mimicked Yunho and gave her some. "I'll give you some kimchi as well." I knew she liked kimchi.

            "Yunho, I want soju!" Hana ordered. 

            "What?" Yunho looked stunned. "But you're not of age yet."

            "But you are." Hana pointed out.

            Yunho shook his head disapprovingly. "I'm sorry. I can't do it."

            Hana bit her lip. I smiled at my sister. "Drinking is bad for you. If you can withstand pork belly then you can withstand alcohol as well." Hana appeared to be listening to me.

            "How about we get some roasted sweet potatoes for dessert?" Junsu suggested.

            Hana smiled a little. She loved sweet potato as well. "I love sweet potato!" Yunho also exclaimed. 

            We found a small stall nearby selling the potatoes. My siblings crowded around the fire warming their hands as Yunho and I ordered. It didn't take long to get our batch. That just made me more nervous. It was the first time we were alone one on one that night and I was hoping to tell him tonight no matter what. 

            "Yunho." My voice started to quiver as I grabbed the back of his coat. He had started to walk back to Junsu and Hana. "I have something to tell you."

            Yunho turned around, a little shocked. "What is it?" Yunho gave me a warm smile.

            I bit my bottom lip. Yunho eyed me with concern. He grabbed my hand and made me follow after him. He handed the potatoes to the youngsters and told them that we were going on a walk. 

            When we reached a fountain with loud gushing water, he let me sit down. His two hands held on tight to mine. "What did you want to tell me, Minni?" He asked again.

            "I-" I began. I knew I was going to break his heart but I couldn't lie to him. It will just hurt him more in the end. I gathered up my courage. "I love Jaejoong."

            Yunho looked at me sadly. The misery in his eyes was so evident that I turned away. I didn't want to see it. "I'm sorry Yunho but I can't give you a chance."

            I said nothing else after that and waited patiently for him to say something. When I summoned up some courage, I glanced at him again. He was staring out into the distance. I felt his hands release me and looked at them. 

            "Can I ask why it's him and not me?" He suddenly asked in a hoarse tone.

            I looked up to see his eyes glistening in the moonlight. I took a deep breath in and out. "It's just like the two of you said. Actions speak louder than words." I quoted both Jaejoong and Yunho. "I love Jaejoong for what he has done for me."

            "What about me? Haven't I always been there for you?" Yunho asked.

            "I know that you're worried about me Yunho. You always ask me if I'm okay." I explained. "But Jaejoong doesn't do that. He always disrupts the class. He has a tongue that cuts you like a knife. He talks and acts erted sometimes." I started to smile thinking about Jaejoong. "But whenever I was in predicament, he was always there for me. Until now, it has become a habit for me to call out to him when I feel troubled even if he is too far now to hear me. He always makes sure that I am okay. That's why I love him."   

            I turned to look at Yunho who was staring at the floor underneath him with his hands clasped tightly together.

            "So I'm sorry Yunho, but I can't love you."


                        "Morning father." Jaejoong entered the dining room feeling a little tired. 

            "Morning." His father greeted him sternly. "I have received the hair sample from 'Lanky'. I will bring it to the forensic centre for DNA sampling."

            "Thank you very much father." Jaejoong bowed low before taking a seat down.

            "I heard you stripped the man . Did you find anything unusual?" His father asked suppressing a small smile. He found it quite funny that his son was so determined to interrogate 'Lanky'.

            "I apologize if I did something inappropriate but I did find a unique tattoo on the back of his neck." Jaejoong reported unveiling his napkin and putting it on his lap. "I think I've seen it from somewhere before but I will look into it just to be sure." 

            His father had finished his plate. "I have also decided to investigate Lee Minni's past just so we can find a link between the two people. We shall further discuss our findings on next Sunday night. Keep that time slot available."

            "Yes sir. Thank you father for keeping your word." Jaejoong rose and bowed again as his father stood up to leave.

            "And remember that there is a meeting to attend to tonight and tomorrow night. I won't be home for a few days so I have instructed Narin to put a copy of my schedule on your desk. Attend to what you think is important." 

            "Yes father." Jaejoong replied monotonously. "I'll give you a full report of that on the Sunday as well."

            "Aren't you going to ask where I'm going?" His father asked, a bit annoyed.

            "I have no right to ask." Jaejoong stated. "But if I have anything important, I shall contact you through your phone. Please come home safely."

            His father left without another word. Jaejoong's tensed shoulders relaxed a little. He pulled out his phone and decided to check the message Hana had sent him on Saturday night. It was a photo message of Minni, all dressed up. It must have been when they went out with Yunho. He thought. His finger pressed on the screen where her hair was. "My, you've grown thin Minni." He said to himself. "I better tell her." 

            He forwarded the photo to her with a caption. Congratulations. You have now become a toothpick.

            Where did you get that photo from? She sent an immediate reply.

            I have my resources. What are you doing at 6:30 in the morning? Cleaning? Again?

            It's Hana isn't it? She was the only person who took a photo of me that day. Jaejoong scoffed. She had completely ignored his question. Before he could text back, she had sent another text. Well, what are you doing so early in the morning? Thinking about me?

            Jaejoong chuckled at her humour. Of course, I am. I always think about you. He was secretly hoping that she was flushing at the moment. He grabbed his cup of water and took a sip. 

            "Jaejoong, who are you talking to?" Narin walked into the room, looking perplexed at the boy.

            Jaejoong instantly choked and put his cup down. 

            She had never seen him smile like that before. "You have to go to your father's workplace and get some documents before you go to school."

            He relaxed a little and tried to look professional. "Yes. I will take the car today Narin."

            "As you wish." Narin said and smiled sheepishly at him. 

            "What is it Narin?" Jaejoong asked picking up his spoon.

            "I'm just wondering who you were talking to on the phone." Narin said. "I'm happy that there is someone out there who could make Jaejoong smile so lightheartedly."

            "Narin." Jaejoong spoke strictly, almost like his father. "I would like to eat my breakfast in peace."

            Narin giggled but complied and left.

            Jaejoong sneaked a glance at his phone. 

            Jaejoong, when will spring come?


                        “Haeyoung, you need to eat something or else you’re not going to get better.” It was Dr. Song again. Haeyoung looked at him with an expressionless face. “I don’t want to have to force feed you like I did when you first got here.” Haeyoung’s lips twitched a little and he picked up his spoon. “When will you leave me alone?”

            “When I know who you are and why you hate me.” The doctor answered honestly.

            Haeyoung looked at him with hollow eyes. “Do you want me to tell you then?” His voice sounded lifeless.

            The doctor smiled softly to add some light into the room. “You don’t want to kill me anymore?”

            “I still want to kill you.” Haeyoung reassured him. “I just want to leave this hospital more.”

            “Please don’t leave me, Haeyoung.” Minji walked into the room looking more sullen than usual. Haeyoung thought he had already witnessed her sad side but today, she was undoubtly miserable.

            “Looks like Minji wants to talk to you, Haeyoung.” Dr. Song said. He turned to his daughter. “I’ll be in the bathroom darling.” He patted her head.

            “You too!” Haeyoung sneered at the little girl. “You should leave me alone too.”

            “But Haeyoung.” Minji’s lip quivered. “You’re the only friend I have left.”

            Haeyoung’s eyes widened with shock. “You’re not my friend.”

            “But I see you as my friend.” Minji crept closer and closer and scrutinised him. He could see the defiance in her eyes. “And I know you don’t hate me Haeyoung. Why are you trying to hate me?”

            “I do hate you!” Haeyoung bellowed at the top of his lungs.

            “No you don’t!” Minji shouted back.

            “Well, how would you know? You’re just a stupid little girl.”

            Minji glared at him. “I know because I listened to my heart. My heart says that you’re a good person and that I want to be your friend.” Her voice was soft but she spoke like an adult. Haeyoung was quite mesmerised. “And my heart told me that I don’t want you to leave, Haeyoung, because you are one of the people I love.”

            Haeyoung was at a lost of words.

            “Jungwoo already left me. Please don’t leave me too.” Minji pleaded.

            Haeyoung coughed awkwardly and looked away. After some time, he gave a reply. “I’ll think about it.”

            Minji’s eyes started to sparkle a little.

            “You can leave for now.” Haeyoung added. “I can’t think with you here.

            Minji frowned for a bit but then forced a smile. “Okay.” And she left.

            Dr. Song exited the bathroom and approached the patient. “It looks like my little girl is growing up.” He said to the boy who seemed to be in a world of his own. “She comes to me for advice but I think she is now learning to handle matters on her own.” He couldn’t help but smile.

            “How do you know if you love someone?” Haeyoung asked randomly. These questions were normally forwarded to Jungwoo but since he was gone, Haeyoung had no choice but to ask someone he hated. At least, he was a guy.

            “What?” The doctor couldn’t believe what had escaped from the boy’s mouth.

            “How do you know if you love someone?” Haeyoung didn’t mind repeating himself.

            Dr. Song was still astounded but decided to answer Haeyoung. “Well when you like someone, you tend to think about them all the time. You want to be with them. You want to see them happy. You want to see them become a good person. You want to protect them. You want what’s best for them.” The doctor gave Haeyoung a curious look. “Do you think you like someone?”

            “Shut up!” Haeyoung hissed. He hated it that Dr. Song could see through him so easily. He then settled because there was one more question he wanted to ask. “And how do you listen to your heart?”

           "Well." Doctor Song removed the stethoscope around his neck and placed the ear buds in Haeyoung’s ears. He tapped softly at the end of it. “Can you hear that?” Haeyoung nodded in response and Mr. Song continued, putting the stethoscope onto Haeyoung’s chest through his collar. “Can you hear your heart beating?”

            Haeyoung nodded, intrigued to hear something so novel. “But I can’t hear it saying anything.”

            “Hearts don’t talk.” Dr. Song exclaimed, puzzled.

            “Yes they do!” Haeyoung protested. “Your daughter said that she listens to her heart.”

            Dr. Song thought for a moment while he took his stethoscope back and then it hit him. “In that case, you put your hands on your chest and close your eyes.” The doctor did as he had instructed the boy and Haeyoung followed him. “Empty your mind and ask one question. The first answer that you hear in your mind is what your heart is truly saying.”

            There was a moment of silence. When the doctor thought that the boy had finished listening to his heart, he opened his eyes. In front of him was a boy staring back at him. Haeyoung looked so pure and innocent hence the doctor smiled. “You had the chance to kill me but you didn’t.” He said to the boy. “You’re a good boy, Haeyoung.” He his hair softly.

            Haeyoung gaped at the once in a lifetime opportunity that he had missed. Strangely the man’s hands were very comforting. “Is this what you do to people you like, doctor?”

            The doctor nodded. “Did you get your heart’s reply, Haeyoung?”

            “Yes." He said. "I will tell you the truth, Doctor Song.”


                        "Yunho open up!" Kimmi banged on his apartment door. 

            "That isn't going to work sis." Changmin interjected.

            "Then what do you suggest we do?" Kimmi asked her half brother in a frustrated tone. "He hasn't been at school all week!"

            "Relax Kimmi." Yoochun cupped her shoulders. "We'll get in there no matter what."            

            "How?" Kimmi cried.

            Changmin ignored his sister's cries and grabbed two bobby pins from her hair. He played around with them in the lock until he heard a click.

            "Don't underestimate your brother." Yoochun commented.

            "Wow, you're so cool!" Junsu exclaimed to Changmin.

            Changmin twisted the doorknob open and they entered the dark apartment. It was still twilight outside but the curtains were closed. The group of students searched for Yunho. After opening the curtains, it wasn't hard to find him. 

            "Has he been drinking?" Changmin was amazed when he witnessed a couple of bottles on the coffee table near the sofa where Yunho was sprawled with a blanket. 

            Kimmi went up to him and placed a hand to his forehead. "He has a fever."

            The unconscious Yunho quickly grabbed her hand before she could take it back. "Don't go. I thought that you loved me." 

            Yoochun approached his friend and tried to detach the hands. 

            "No!" Yunho cried. "I thought you were going to wait for me, Minni."

            "It's okay, Yoochun." Kimmi knelt down beside Yunho. "We need to look after him anyway. Changmin, can you bring a clean cloth and warm water?"

            Changmin searched around. He loves Minni? He thought. 

            In a matter of hours, Junsu had already left for home and Changmin had to get to his part time job. Yoochun and Kimmi sat at the counter in the kitchen waiting for Yunho to wake up. 

            "I wonder what's gotten into him." Yoochun broke the silence.

            "You mean, what's wrong with Minni." Kimmi muttered a bit annoyed.

            Yoochun sighed. "We knew that Yunho liked Minni but we weren't sure whether she loved him back."

            "This is not what's supposed to happen!" Kimmi forked her hair with both of her hands. "She is supposed to be with Yunho. Everyone thought that that was how it should be."

            "You can't get everything your way Kimmi." Yoochun started.

            "How am I getting everything my way?" Kimmi stuttered. "If I wanted things my way, I would want Yunho to look my way. But he doesn't." 

            "You want Yunho to be with Minni, that's still something you want."

            "Yunho and Minni deserve each other." Kimmi stated. "They are both role models in school. They ace their classes and care for one another."

            "It's not about compatibility, Kimmi." Yoochun inserted. "It's about love. Everyone deserves to be with someone who loves them back." Yoochun gave her an understanding look. "If they don't love you then you shouldn't be with them, no matter how much you want them to look your way."

            Kimmi eyed Yoochun's soft gaze. Her thoughts were ringing in her head. It can't be true. "Do you actually like me?"

            "Of course not." Yoochun didn't break away.

            Kimmi didn't trust his words. Why does he look so serious?

            Yunho stirred in his sleep and Yoochun quickly rose. "Your unreciprocated love is the same as his for Minni." Yoochun explained. "Yunho needs to understand that loving someone is more than having them by your side."

            Kimmi stood up as well and Yoochun walked up to her, her hair. "It's giving them everything you have without asking for anything back. A girl that I love is doing this everyday."

            Kimmi was left utterly speechless. She wanted to say something but nothing was coming out of .

            "Well, I have to head back." Yoochun smiled. "Mum wants me to help her pack. We need to send more stuff to my uncle's this weekend." And then Yoochun left her there in the apartment with Yunho. She turned to the man she had loved for so long. My heart is racing.



            I dropped my pencil when I heard someone call me. I was deep in thought. It has been over a week since I have told Yunho that I liked Jaejoong and he hasn't shown up at school since. Yoochun, Kimmi, Changmin and Junsu went to visit him on Friday. Junsu came home and said that Yunho was sick with a fever. On the next school day, Kimmi and Yoochun both said that Yunho needed a few days to rest. Changmin was probably the most confronting.

            "Did you reject him?" Changmin asked me in psychology class the other day. 

            "No." I said. "I just told him the truth."

            "Well, he's heartbroken as well as sick." Changmin told me. "And we all heard who he called for when he was running high with a fever."

            I was wondering why everyone wasn't hating my guts at the moment. I felt horrible at the moment and was really contemplating whether I should visit him. 

            "Minni!" Hana was now shouting in front of my face. "Geesh! What were you thinking about?"

            "Nothing." I said. "Was there something you wanted?"

            "I just wanted you to check on my assignment. It's due before the term ends."

            "That's this Friday!" I stammered.

            "Yeah." Hana started to explain. "Basically, we were told to grab some family photos and analyse some traits that is common in our family."

            We walked towards her room together. "Sounds like a fun assignment."

            Hana opened her room door. "I tried to choose older photos so that they wouldn't be suspicious about you. The other day Changmin was even asking me why he couldn't find photos of you."

            "It must have been hard on you."

            "It's okay. At the very least we look alike so I told him it was hard to tell our childhood photos apart."

            "Let's see this assignment of yours." I started to open the book. It basically contained a collage of ancient photos with notes to point our the similarities. I decided to read the annotations rather than look at the pictures. Everything sounded very coherent and I complimented her writing. She seemed to incorporate a lot of biological terms into her assignment as well so that was a plus. 

            And then a photograph caught my attention. I examined it carefully, making sure that my first glance wasn't a trick of the light. Once I was certain, I grabbed the whole book and ran towards a corner of the house I never enter. 

            "Minni, what are you doing?" Hana called from the other end of the hallway.

            I opened the double doors and saw the middle-aged women sitting at her desk, reading her paperwork under the lamp light. The spectacles she wore made her look more strict but for the first time, I was not afraid.

            "What do you want?"

            I walked up to her desk and slammed the book on top of her paperwork on the page of my interest. "This is my mum." I pointed to the family portrait with two young girls. "Are you by any chance, my mum's sister?"

            The mistress gaped at the photo and then turned to me, utterly shocked. Her face said enough.

            "When will you learn to protect yourself?" I heard Jaejoong's words ring in my ear. 

            "My mum told me that the only family she had here was her sister so even if you say no, I won't believe you." I said bluntly. "Why didn't you tell me this from the very beginning?"

            "Why should I? I hate your mother."

            I inhaled angrily. "Why does everyone do that? They hate my parents for some reason that I do not know and then they lash it out on me." I could feel my words running like a dripping tap. "I don't know anything at all and I try to love everyone around me and yet, I get treated like trash." 

            "Didn't you ever feel sorry for me?" I asked the mistress that I now knew as my auntie. "You knew that my parents were murdered in my own house. You knew that I should be joining them but narrowly escaped. You knew that I was a part of your family in flesh and blood. And yet you treat me like a stain that you can't wash away."

            "Mother." Hana was at the open door. "Is this true?"

            The aged women turned to her daughter anxiously. "Yes." She decided to be honest with her daughter. "Song Minji is your cousin." Then she turned to me "I hated your mother because she took everything I wanted from me."

            "Well then, if that's the case I apologise on her behalf." I bowed low and mentally told myself not to cry. "But that doesn't mean that you can use me as your punching bag. I have suffered a lot of physical pain from you but all of it put together doesn't hurt as much as you hiding such an important matter from me."

            "Minji!" My auntie was trying to get some control over the situation but I was too hot-headed.

            "I was living with a blood-stained rag as a link to my parents for 8 years, unaware that there was something much closer to them, something alive and sharing the same roof as me. I feel ashamed that I had not noticed sooner." I scoffed at my ignorance. "You know what? You can keep inflicting all your hatred for my mum to me if you want, but I will not do what you do." I told her boldly. "I was taught to give love and love only, even if it is to an auntie who has completely shattered my heart."





My fingers were itching to write this chapter.

But yet again, I was not able to include the parts I wanted in this chapter.

Instead I incorporated some other parts so the plot doesn't seem too rushed. 

I hope I met your expectations. 

Now I have to take a short break due to exams. 

But I would probably be back with another chapter before we enter December.

Wait for me,


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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2028 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2028 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩