Twentyfirst Chill

Hero of Ice

                        “How is Haeyoung now?” I asked Jungwoo.

            “He’s fine, Minji.” Jungwoo told me. “It was just a really bad asthma attack.”

            I know but I couldn’t help but worry. After my father had entered Haeyoung’s room and told me to leave, I told myself not to see him again. I had to keep my word. But the fact that I couldn’t see him just made me uncertain of whether he was really alright or not.

            “Why don’t you just go see him?” Jungwoo asked.

            I shook my head. “He doesn’t want to see me so I won’t see him anymore.” I pouted. “That’s why I just need a full report.”

            “Well they said that Haeyoung would need to do regular exercising so his asthma attacks won’t be as severe.” Jungwoo commented. “Other than that, he needs to be more stress-free.”

            “Haeyoung does look angry all the time.” I added.

            Jungwoo nodded in agreement. “I think the poor boy has a lot on his mind.”

            “But isn’t he our age? Why does he think so much?” I never remember having to think so much ever in my life. I was eight years of age.

            “Well you must be lucky.” Jungwoo pinched my nose. “Are you sure you don’t want to see him. I’ll let you know when he’s sleeping.”

            “No.” I replied. “I’m happy that I have you beside me. You’re going to be my friend forever right?” I clung to his arm.

            “Always.” He grinned at me. I squeezed his arm tighter, feeling ecstatic. “You have the arms of a fully grown man, you know that?” Jungwoo said.

            “I do not.” I was now pressing my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and taking in his scent. I still wanted to marry him when I grow up.


                        “How are you feeling Hana?” was the first thing I said when I arrived home after our camp.

            “Don’t say such things. Mum’s in the house at the moment.” Hana hissed at me.

            I bowed low at the mistress.

            “You’re back.” She muttered, unaware of what I had said earlier . It was true that she was being more lenient to me but she still struck me hard with her words. “I hope you didn’t do anything despicable during your trip.”

            “I’ll help you unpack.” Hana offered and walked to my room, wanting me to follow her.

            I bowed again to the mistress. “Don’t worry. I won’t bring any shame to you and your family.” I loved Hana and Junsu so much. There was no way I was going to let them down.

            “What’s taking you so long?” Hana shouted from my room.

            I quickly scurried to the door and unlatched it, opening it.

            “Surprise!” Junsu bellowed at the top of his lungs.

            I glowered at my room with my mouth wide open. The transformation was so admirable, it brought tears to my eyes. The room was fully furnished with a new white bed and white desk. The bed rails and table legs were tied with red ribbons making it look so adorable.

            Junsu clung unto my arm. I saw that he had tied a red ribbon around his neck as well. “Do you like your birthday present? Hana and I were practically begging mother to give your bedroom a makeover.”

            “That was just you.” Hana commented. “I only asked her once.” She leaned against the bed also admiring the ribbon work the two of them must have done.

            “I love it!” I gasped, still awed by the sight before me. “Thank you.”

            “If you don’t like the ribbons, you can take them off. I can help you if you want.” Junsu offered.

            I beamed at his eagerness. “It’s okay. I’ll keep the ribbons on.”

            “Yay!!!” Junsu seemed to be even happier. “We got you the best present ever!”

            “At least take the ribbons off your desk.” Hana suggested. “You suit the simple style Minni, nothing too fancy.”

            “Sounds just about right.” I admitted and the three of us untied the ribbons on the table legs.

            After some time, Junsu began to shiver. “It’s pretty cold in your room, Minni.” He said. “Since you don’t have any heating in here, I’ll grab some warm drinks for us.”

            “Thank you Junsu.” I beamed at Junsu’s generosity.

            Hana was mumbling beside me.

            “Sorry, I didn’t hear you earlier.” I began. “What did you say?”

            Hana cleared and started again. “I wanted to say sorry for kissing Jaejoong, sort of.”

            I shook my head. “It couldn’t be helped. It was stupid of me to be so caught up about it in the first place. You could’ve died there if it wasn’t for Jaejoong. I’m happy he helped you.”

            “You were caught up about it?” Hana asked. I blushed all of a sudden. I just said something that I should’ve said.

            “Guess who came over?” Junsu bursted back into the room.

            Changmin let himself in and examined the two of us on the floor.  “Hey.” He greeted us simply.

            “Hello. What brings you here today, Changmin?” I asked.

            Hana gave him a glare. “You don’t just barge into a girl’s bedroom!” She told him off. In a split second she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out. “Normal people wait in the living room.”

            “I’m not normal, remember?” Changmin rhetorically asked. “I’m your partner.” I heard it from my room and thought it would be fun to join them for a chat.

            Junsu hit himself on the forehead. “I forgot to bring the hot drinks.”

            “I’ll go help you. We’ll need an extra cup for our guest.”


            In moments, Junsu and I accompanied the partners in the sitting room. “So why are you here?” I asked him again.

            “He’s here to work on the assignment together.” Hana blurted a response before he could utter a word.

            “Oh.” I nodded remembering that they were working together.

            “Changmin also chipped in for your bedroom as well.” Junsu added.

            I beamed at him. “Thank you so much.”

            “I didn’t know what to get you and then they said they were doing this for you so I thought that I’d help them a little, money wise.”

            “You sound rich.” Junsu awed.

            Changmin shook his head. “Not rich, just working.”

            “You’re working?” Hana asked.

            Changmin shrugged. “It doesn’t hurt to start saving for the future.”

            “So ambitious.” Was all Hana could say after that.

            The chat lasted only about fifteen minutes and the assignment couple went upstairs to get started on their schoolwork.

            “Don’t you have an assignment partner as well?” I asked Junsu when the two had left.

            Junsu nodded. “I’m meeting him at the library tomorrow.” He watched Hana and Changmin walk up the stairs. “Is it me or is there something strange going on between the two of them?”

            “Who knows.” I shrugged. “Only time will tell.”




                        “Are you smiling inside?” Changmin asked Hana.

            “Smiling about what?”

            “Getting kissed by your dream guy.”

            Hana turned sour at the thought. She didn’t want anyone to touch her lips if they didn’t love her. She had too much of that experience, especially with Jaejoong. Now it’s just like history was repeating itself. “He wasn’t kissing me. He was saving my life.” She turned back to her computer screen and jotted down some notes.

            Changmin sat on a chair nearby, just watching her work. “But I bet you’re over the moon about it.” He grabbed a pen and twisted it in his hands. “Kimmi’s told me all about your love for him.”

            “Just shut it, Changmin.” Hana hissed at him.

            Changmin sighed at Hana’s hot temper. “It’s not a big deal. We’re partners right? I can tell you who I like.”

            “And who’s that?” Hana asked, suddenly sounding interested.


            Hana dropped her pen. “Minni? As in my sister, Minni?”

            “Yeah. I like your sister.”

            “You’ve only known her for about a fortnight?” She was utterly shocked.

            Changmin sighed again. “She got me when she smiled. It wasn’t just beautiful. It was… pure.”

            “Love at first sight? Seriously?” She eyed him.

            “Hana, are you okay?” Changmin put a hand to her forehead. “You’re shaking.” She wasn’t even aware of the fact that she was shaking until Changmin had said so. Changmin then opened his bag and took out the scarf that she had given him last night. “Fancy way of returning it, don’t you think?” As if imitating Hana’s actions from earlier, Changmin spread the scarf out and blanketed it around her. “I don’t want you to get sick, Hana. Minni told me to look after you.” He winked.

            “Do you really like my sister?”

            Changmin only nodded.

            Now she sighed. “I shouldn’t have asked. Everyone loves Minni.”

            Changmin heard a hint of sadness in her words. “You know what, partner?” His eyes gleamed at her. “If you smiled more often, you would look a lot like Minni.” Honestly, Changmin was starting to see a lot of resemblances between the two sisters. It wasn’t just the way they looked but it was also their hearts that were similar. They were both pure, just in different ways.

            Hana suddenly jolted and stood up, the scarf falling onto her chair. “Sorry.” She muttered and whisked her phone out of her pocket. She walked to her bed, far from Changmin’s eyes and opened her text message.

            “Take care of Minni for me, will you?” It was from Jaejoong.

            Hana could feel a diabolical sensation. It was irritation. She didn’t want to be grumpy but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t help but envy Minni. Everyone was looking out for her. Everyone talked about her. Everyone loved her. Even Hana cared for her. Despite her jealousy, she couldn’t bring herself to hate her foster sister. Because she knew that it wouldn’t be fair for Minni. Because Minni will never hate her.

            But she was still frustrated. “Watch over her yourself.” She punched back a response for Jaejoong. Then she turned to look at Changmin who was casually reading over the notes she had written down earlier. “You’re supposed to be my partner.” I muttered very very quietly to herself. “And now you’re on her side too.”

            Changmin looked up at her. “What did you say?”

            Hana’s lips thinned. “Why are you just reading my notes? You’re supposed to be helping me with the assignment too!” She bellowed.

            Changmin’s eyes widened at her angry voice. Then he began to study her. “Are you by any chance…” He examined her face that was now turned away a little. Hana was too stubborn to openly admit that she was jealous so she tried to hide it instead. Changmin bit his bottom lip, trying to use his psychology skills to interpret Hana’s sudden change in character. “Are you on PMS?” He finally asked.

            Shocked for a second, Hana twisted her head to look at him. She could tell that he was asking a serious question and then a high-pitched laughter escaped her lips.

            “Okay…” Changmin said slowly. First she was sad, then she was angry and now she was laughing like she depended on it. “I got nothing.”

            Hana put the back of her hand to her eyes and shook her head. “Don’t worry about me.” She huffed. “You thought I was on…” Another breath in and out and she looked at him, trying to suppress her giggles, showing just a smile.

            Changmin lips pulled up into a smirk too. Right before him was that pure smile that he wanted to see.




                        Hana was working on her assignment so I couldn’t disturb her even if she had offered to help me unpack. I finished putting my things away by 7 pm. Within my luggage was the dress I had tried on earlier during the day. “It must have been Kimmi.” I told myself. “I must thank her on Monday.”

            I heard a whizzing sound on my desk and went to grab my new phone. The caller ID was the snowflake again. I picked it up. “Hello Minni.” Jaejoong spoke through the phone.

            “Hey. What’s up?”

            “The starry night sky.” He said. “I’m missing camp already.”

            “Are you by any chance outside at this time?”

            “And what if I am?”

            I felt a little disappointed. “Have you at least returned home to your parents? They must be so worried about you.”

            “Don’t worry. A boyfriend mustn’t worry their girlfriend.” Jaejoong chanted cheerily. “But I have condition.”

            “And what’s that?”

            “Send me a picture please.”

            “What?” I exclaimed instinctively. “No!”

            “Please. At least send one in your undergarments.”

            “Goodnight Jaejoong.”

            “Okay, I’m joking.” He added before I could hang up. “Just…”

            He broke off and that concerned me. “Jaejoong, is something the matter?”

            “Nothing’s wrong.” He responded after some time. “Just dream of me tonight. Goodnight.” His final words were so rushed that I felt my heart start to race after he hung up. I let the end of the line beep for a while before I pressed the red button on the touch screen.

            I looked into my closet that was still wide open. The white dress hung elegantly in sight. Somehow I really wanted to wear it. I wanted to feel beautiful for the first time ever in eight years.




                        “Wow you got here quick? How did you know where she lived?” Jaejoong asked the familiar stranger.

            “I’ve got my resources.” The man answered in his deep voice. “And I’ve got my skills.”

            Jaejoong looked at Minni’s house. At least the man didn’t enter her house, yet. He had to take extra precautions though. “You should have taken the money when you had the chance.”

            “It isn’t about money, little boy.” He said. “It’s about revenge.”

            “Your vengeance will be the death of you.” Jaejoong warned. His act of revenge many years ago was something that he regretted to this very day.

            “It’s all worth it, little boy, because I’m not just doing this for myself.” He sneered.

            “So you’re being used by Han Haeyoung.”

            “I volunteered.” The criminal stammered. “That girl deserves to die.”

            “How so? Because she did something to your precious Haeyoung?” Jaejoong retorted.

            “No.” He hissed. “It’s because half of her blood comes from vermin.”

            “So you hate her parents?”

            “One of them yes. Her death will torture that piece of scum, even if they’re dead.”

            Jaejoong chuckled with satire. “There’s no need to get rid of her. Minni’s heart will cleanse out that dirty blood within her. Your heart on the other hand, will only contaminate yours.” This was more than Jaejoong could take. He aimed a fist at the perpetrator’s face. The stranger leaned back and dodged it neatly then he began to run again.

            Jaejoong wasn’t going to let him off this easily this time. He charged towards the culprit and caught him by the neck of his shirt. “What’s the worth of hurting someone like her? You’ll only stain your own hands for no good reason.”

            “At the very least, I know who she really is.” He tried to tug himself off. He aimed to kick Jaejoong in the abdomen whilst breaking free but Jaejoong twisted his body to avoid the impact.

            Jaejoong, tired of wasting time, pulled the collar down and hit the back of his neck, knocking the man unconscious. Whether his father was home or not, he had to go home now.

            The passcode for the front gates was left unchanged. The bricked driveway seemed never ending, but it still ended at that white rendered mansion with two large polished oak doors. The doors had stained glass pictures of red tulips that seemed to twinkle from the warm lights from indoors.

            Jaejoong knocked in a rhythm on the door. It was how he knocked when he was little. Whenever his father locked him out of the house, Jaejoong would go tapping on the windows, on the doors around the massive house, in the same pattern. And after some time, the same person would open up and let him in.

            A silhouetted figure appeared on the other side of the door and unlocked the door revealing the interior to him. The lady looked a little older but that didn’t hide her soft familiar eyes. “Jaejoong, is that you?” She put a hand to her trembling lips and forced herself not to cry. “What am I saying? Of course it’s you. You’ve grown so much. You look just like your mother.” Then she eyed the slouching body on his shoulder. “Who’s that? What happened?”

            “I’m back, Narin.” Jaejoong stated. “I’m here to see father.”

            “He’s not-“

            “I know he’s not back yet.” Jaejoong interrupted. “I’m still going to stay here until he returns. I need to keep this guy contained.” Jaejoong looked to Narin with pleading eyes. “Do you have an empty room that I can keep him locked in?”

            Narin sighed and gave in. “There’s that basement that has a small window, only an arm can squeeze through, remember?” Jaejoong shuddered a little but he agreed to follow as she led the way. “I’m trusting that you won’t act recklessly Jaejoong.”

            “Don’t worry. I’m just trying to keep this guy from hurting others.” Jaejoong assured her. Narin was the head maid in a normal household. She was probably the only person he trusted in his house. Although there were a lot of other staff members such as the chefs and the security, it was Narin who tended to his wounds, who witnessed every time he cried, who told him how to behave. His father had expectations but one of them was to learn what those expectations were. Narin knew that he was only a child and tried to explain to him, how he should act to keep his father happy.

            His hands touched the white wall as Narin led him to the basement. His father always hated it when he did that, because his fingerprints would stain it. And every time he was discovered, Jaejoong had always had to wash the walls all around the house.

            This time it was going to be different; he wasn’t going to let his father trample on him again. Jaejoong had to be stronger than this, so his father wouldn’t harm other people because of him, especially Minni. No matter what sins her parents have committed, Minni didn’t deserve to die. Jaejoong was curious as to what secrets she had but he knew better than to pry into someone’s personal life. He was certain though, that Minni more than anyone else, should be living prosperously. She shouldn’t be with him. He knew that as well. She should be with someone she loves, he admitted.   

            Narin unlocked the door to the basement. It was pitch black for a moment and then the maid switched the light on. Sometimes, his father confined him in here as well. Since the light switch was on the outside, Jaejoong was left to sulk in there with only a ray of light from the small square window. In the middle of the basement was a wooden pole, which acted like a scaffolding. Jaejoong got some rope from the boxes nearby and tied the man’s wrists together looping it around the pole. He did the same with the legs, then blindfolded the eyes and covered his mouth from shrieking. They exited the room after he had triple checked that everything was completed satisfactorily and Jaejoong bowed at Narin. “As always, thank you so much for your assistance.” He looked at her and asked for another favour. “I need some chloroform to keep this guy knocked out. I know father keeps some.”

            “Jaejoong, who is he?”

            “That’s why I’m here. I want to know who he is as well. So far I haven’t got much from him.”

            “What are you going to do then?”

            Jaejoong bit his lip and thought about it. “I’m just going to make sure he is placed under tight observation. There’s a video camera in there so just make sure that it’s kept on from now on.” He knew that the culprit wasn’t going to spill the beans any time soon. Waiting for his father to return was the best option. Even if he had to wait for week, he was willing to. It was only one week after all. He had been waiting for his father to love him back for fifteen years.

            “Your father has been searching far and wide for you, you know that?” She interrupted his thoughts.

            He nodded remembering the large scratch on his arm. “I bumped into his henchmen about a week ago.”

            “He wants you to come back. He needs you back.”

            “I can see his desperation.” If his father had sent someone to traumatise those he cared about, it meant that his father was serious about getting him back. What was going to happen when he returned to his old world; a world full of work and loneliness? Jaejoong’s heart tightened at the thought of losing Minni’s company. But he had already accepted the fact that he was meant to be alone in this world. 







Yay... I am finally spilling the beans of Jaejoong's past. It pains me to put him in such a horrible situation :(

But honestly, he wouldn't be this great if he didn't have a traumatic childhood.

I really want Minni to be as awesome as Jaejoong so the love for them is balanced.. what shall i do?

And who out there is loving the chemistry between Hana and Changmin?


I'm sorry that my chapters are getting pretty short again.. I've been so busy lately. 

But I'll still promise to finish this story.. just as long as there's at least one reader who's willing to wait patiently for it.

I'll update soon ^^


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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2028 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2028 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩