Nineteenth Chill

Hero of Ice

Thought I should update two days in a row since it's Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas the readers of asianfanfics. This is my gift for you


                      I couldn't believe that Jaejoong's lips were on Hana's. I should be feeling happy for Hana, for at last Jaejoong was showing that he did care about her. Instead, I turned away from the scene feeling distraught and uncomfortable. My head kept forcing words of happiness for Hana but my hands were clenching into tight-balled fists. Why? Why was I behaving like this? Was it because I was seeing something unpleasant for the eyes? I mean, I know that I was always being kissed and hugged and everything, but it was a whole new experience watching it as a third party. It somehow looked inappropriate.

            I could hear the sound of a cough and spluttering of water. I looked back at Hana, feeling relieved that she was up and alive again. At the same time, I could sense her fear. Without a doubt, the same culprit was responsible for this attempt on her. And I couldn't help it but feel that I was at fault. It should have been me who fell from the cliff. At least I had the capability to swim and Hana would never have been in such a painful position.

            I took heavy steps towards her, searching for a sign that she needed any comfort. Maybe she needed a shoulder to lean on. Hana orientated herself as I kneeled before her. "Hana." I spoke gently. "Are you alright?"

            Hana directed her eyes to me and in them, I saw the fear that she had just experienced. She jumped onto me without any hesitation and broke out into a cry of despair. I her back and patted it. "There's no need to be afraid." I lulled to her. "I'm right here." Her chin was hitting against my shoulder as she tried to retain her vulnerable side. I rested my chin on her shoulder, hoping to soak up all her sadness like a sponge so no drop of fright drenched on any part of her any longer. I looked up to see Jaejoong watching me intently and I awkwardly turned away. I didn't want to look at him for some reason.

            In no time, Hana quieted down. Her breathing was soft and even again. Changmin walked around to examine her face. "I think she's asleep." He said. "I should carry her back to the tent. Junsu must be pulling his hair out at the moment."

            "I'll help you." I offered. "Hana's my sister and I haven't helped her in any way so far." I again remembered the CPR Jaejoong had given her and tried to shake it out of my mind.

            Changmin gave me a small smile. "You offered her safe arms for her to curl up in. I'm sure you have done the most for her out of anyone else." He tugged Hana off of me and rested her in his arms instead. "And plus, I'm just doing what you told me to do."

            "Thank you Changmin." I said. "But I'll still accompany you back to the others." Changmin only nodded and I trailed after him. I knew that Jaejoong was still behind me staring at us but I forced myself not to look back at him. 

            Changmin laid Hana down on a sleeping bag in the tent. She was still wet so I decided that I should get Kimmi to help me change her out of her wet clothes. Changmin agreed and started to wake the lads up. 

            "Junsu." He cried rather loudly to the friend who he had assumed, was worried sick about his sister. It turns out that Junsu was sleeping peacefully, snoring too. 

            Junsu's head emerged rapidly out of the hood of the sleeping bag. "What happened?" His eyes were half closed and a part of his hair was curled upwards.

            I shook Kimmi a little. "Kimmi, I need your help with something." I spoke soothingly. 

            Kimmi slowly but eventually sat up, rubbed her eyes and stretched. "What's the matter, Minni?" She said in a controlled tone. She was slightly annoyed and I remembered that she wasn't quite the morning person. 

            I tried to talk to her calmly. "There was a little mishap and Hana got wet and we need to change her clothes." I explained.

            Kimmi opened her eyes wider and examined me. "You're wet too! What happened?"

            "I can change my clothes later but Hana needs to change now or else she might get sick." I prioritised Hana's predicament over my own.

            Kimmi nodded, feeling more awake now, she kicked Yoochun. "Wake up and get out of the tent. We have some girl business to attend to!" She ordered. Yoochun sat up and wiped his mouth but that only made Kimmi impatient. "Hey pretty boy, you don't need anymore beauty sleep."

            "Whatever you say Kimmi." Yoochun pulled off a drowsy salute before he took an unbalanced walk out of the tent to join Junsu and Changmin who had left earlier. I went to zip up the tent door, giving Kimmi some time to become more alert. 

            She was still sleepy but she was diligent enough to start ing Hana's coat. I grabbed a blanket and got it ready because when we removed her clothes, she would be very cold. “I can’t believe we’re tending to your sister right now.” Kimmi mumbled. “She seems so independent, I thought that she would never need anyone’s help.”

            “Well I guess in the end, she asked for it when her life depended on it.” I sighed, a strand behind her ear. “I hope she discovers the blessing of how it feels when someone helps you and you help them in return. It really strengthens the connection between two people.”

            “Jaejoong.” Hana muttered in a weak voice in her unconsciousness. “Help me.” A part of me wanted to drag Jaejoong here and let him tend to her. Another part of me didn’t want him to. I chose the latter because I deemed it was highly inappropriate for him to change a woman’s clothing, although he had already done it before. Hana loved him so much and so I had to make sure that Jaejoong still respected her. I had to make Hana no different to the forbidden fruit. Yes that was what I was going to do. I was going to make Jaejoong truly love Hana.

            “We need to get her something to eat before she wakes up.” Kimmi suggested.

            I nodded in agreement. “Let’s go to town and grab something for her to eat. How did the young trios get here anyways?” I asked Kimmi.

            “Taxi. We can do the same. I’ll just steal Yoo’s wallet.”

            “Why don’t you just ask him for some cash?” I chortled at her prank.

            Kimmi shrugged and laughed a little. “Where’s the fun in that?”

            I laughed along as I opened the tent. When I looked outside, my laughter died in an instant. Jaejoong stared at us at the door of the tent. “How’s Hana?” He broke the silence.

            “Sleeping.” I reported to him in a somewhat glum tone. “Do you want to watch over her while-“

            “No you should watch over your sister.” Jaejoong interrupted.

            “But Kimmi and I have to-“ I broke through. Our conversation was starting to turn sloppy.

             Kimmi seemed to be still in a grumpy morning mood. “Okay just stop.” She silenced us and we closed our mouths and turned her way. “Minni and I have to get something for Hana to eat, so why don’t you go and tell Junsu what happened, since you seem to know what is going on, and tell her brother to keep an eye on her so her sister an grab something decent for her to eat.” Kimmi huffed and added, “I thought I should say that since you guys weren’t making sense.”

            “Yes. Let’s do that.” I looked at Kimmi and nodded. Then I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the tent with me, leaving Jaejoong without a second glance again.

            “What’s happening between you and Jaejoong?” Kimmi asked when we were quite a distance away from the tent. “You guys seemed to be on good terms last night but now…”

            “It’s nothing.” I forced a smile. It was more like I was trying to tell myself that. It shouldn’t really matter that Jaejoong was watching over Hana. I mean, I advised him to do it myself. What was worrying me was that I was beginning to see that I was acting a little strange around him. I didn’t want it to be that way.





                        Jaejoong rushed to tell Junsu to watch over his frail sister and dashed to catch up with Minni. Jaejoong couldn’t get rid of the pale expression she wore at the shoreline. There was something she was unhappy about and he wanted to find out what it was.

            He kept himself hidden when he saw the two girls. His footsteps were light but their conversation was within earshot. “So what was it like kissing Jaejoong for like a week?” Kimmi began.       

            Jaejoong made out a slight blush on Minni’s cheek and her words sounded honest. “I don’t know. It’s just a kiss. What is a kiss supposed to feel like? Are you supposed to feel something in particular?”

            Kimmi giggled and shook her head in amusement. “You really are quite clueless. I’m just happy enough that that jerk didn’t take advantage of you.”

            “I guess our friendship grew from this fake dating relationship.” Minni started. “I learned a lot about him in a week.”

            “I’m curious.” Kimmi said. “What do you now know about him?”

            Minni bit both of her lips together and played with them with her teeth. “He’s really alike to Hana.”

            “I hope you’re referring to his girly face.” Kimmi used a serious voice. Minni turned to her friend. They stared at each other for a while and then they bursted into laughter in unison.

            “Kimmi, that’s mean.”

            “Well how are they alike then?” She spluttered.

            “I guess they both look good but that’s not all. They also hide the goodness inside of them.” Minni elaborated on her ideas.

            Kimmi gave her a look. “You know that I don’t favour these two people, do you not?”

            “I’m just being honest.” Minni said. “Look deeper and you’ll see what I see.”

            “Snow!” Kimmi gasped.

            The girls looked around them as snow started to fall, making the gravel path spotty white. Jaejoong also felt the snowflakes kiss his cheek. His vision never once left Minni. He watched as she started to stare into thin air, obviously she was in deep thought. And he couldn’t help but think that they were thinking the same thing. ‘Jaejoong is snow. When will spring come?’

            Jaejoong took the newspaper from earlier out of his jacket and flipped through the pages. At last, he saw the words that were to his interest. His father was going to be back in a fortnight. He was going to meet his father in a month. A sudden sense of anxiety struck him and he remembered a painful memory when he was just 5 years of age.


                        “Dad, dad.” Jaejoong ran through the corridor, his tiny footsteps echoed against the cold tiles. In his hand, he secured a painting that flapped as he zipped to his father’s study. He opened the door without knocking and looked at his father, feeling slightly breathless. “I drew a picture of us.” Jaejoong exclaimed excitedly. It was one of the few days when his father was actually home for the entire day.

            His father’s face was stern. Nothing else. Jaejoong gave his painting a glance and saw that the oil-based paint had mixed altogether, now the painting showed two disfigured stick figures holding hands. Amongst that, there was a trail of paint on the floor.

            “How many times do I have to tell you to address me as your father?” His father glared him, which chilled him to the bone. “I want some respect here. I don’t see you as any son of mine. Call me father only.” He demanded. “No son would hurt their dads so much.”

            “I’m sorry da-, father. I didn’t want to hurt you. I’m sorry I made a mess in the house. I just wanted to show you a picture of us.” Jaejoong began to cry. His wailing was from the heart. Of all the days his father was home, he was still unable to please him. Jaejoong didn’t know what he was doing wrong.

            “Yes. Now you admit that you’ve made a mess of everything?” His father snarled at him. Jaejoong watched as he advanced on him and pushed him out of the study onto the marble floor. “Narin!” The father called the maid. “Come clean up this mess. And make sure this ‘thing’ helps you as well.”

            Jaejoong sat up, feeling the bruises on his arms and legs from the sudden impact. His father’s eyes were merciless. “You will do as I say if you wish to call me ‘father’ and live under this roof with me. Do you understand?”

            Jaejoong’s lips were trembling really badly but he managed to look his father in the eye and stated strongly, “Yes father.”

            Content, his father slammed the study room door shut on him and clicked the lock into place. And that was when Jaejoong’s heart began to lock itself as well. Just one lock.


                        Jaejoong pulled out his phone when he reached the nearby town where Ms. Gu lived. He was pretty sure that Minni and Kimmi were heading into this town because it was one of the closest ones in radius of the campsite. He also thought that the girls would want to go somewhere where they were familiar with so this town was it. 

            He zipped through the photos on his phone and found a particular one which he had been staring at a lot from time to time. It was a photo of Minni when they had built a snowman together. She was staring aimlessly at nothing. It was as if she was in a daze. In the background of the picture was just snow. Snow from the snowman, snow from the floor. Even the air seemed white. Minni seemed to be standing against a white sheet but Jaejoong knew it was snow. "It's funny how you remind me of snow as well."

            Jaejoong caught a glimpse of the two girls walking into his street and he walked into a store. He knew that Minni would only get what was important and then head back. Kimmi, on the other hand was a different matter. Discovering that he was in a girl's clothing store, he darted to hide behind a rack of sale items. 

            The two girls stood at the front of the store, admiring the clothes on the mannequin and then Kimmi dragged Minni in. "You have to try that dress on or else we are not going back to Hana." Kimmi demanded as Jaejoong ducked down and moved towards the back of the store.

            "Can I help you there?" A store lady asked him, looking at him with bright eyes.

            Jaejoong put on a smile. "Can I borrow one of your dressing rooms?" He asked and when the lady gave him a slight nod, he slipped past her and closed the curtain on a dressing room. Luckily the store was quite packed so the two girls hadn't noticed his presence yet.

            Being cooped up in a clothing store dressing room wasn’t what he had intended to do when he arrived in town. Somehow Jaejoong just had the urge to find Minni and watch over her. Maybe it was because that person was still on the loose. Who knows when he would strike again? Although she was with her best friend, he still felt like he needed to come for himself and see with his own eyes that she was alright.

            “Come on.” Jaejoong heard Kimmi enter the dressing area and shut his curtain tighter. “Just one dress and I’ll let you out.”

            “But Hana-“ Jaejoong overheard Minni’s protest.

            “Hana puts herself over you. You should be first priority for yourself.” Kimmi cut through. “At least let me get the chance to doll you up a little. I just want to see you in a pretty dress, please.”

            From this, Jaejoong snuck a peek and saw Minni enter a dressing room opposite of his. Kimmi’s head turned to his direction and he closed the curtain again. Jaejoong actually really wanted to see what Minni looked like in the dress she was about to wear. He opened the rag just slightly, so it didn’t look like he was peering out at all.

            Minni emerged from the other side of the curtain after a minute or so. Her white dress was made out of silk and almost touched her knees. It had long loose sleeves that tightened at the wrists. The dress tightened at the waist showing how slim and perfectly proportioned Minni really was. Jaejoong’s mouth hung open at the sight. His eyes widened and his heart pumped faster.

            “Can I change now?” Minni asked her friend shyly.

            “Do you want the dress?” Kimmi asked. “ You look stunning in it!”

            Minni shook her head. “I wouldn’t know where to wear this too.”

            Kimmi nodded in agreement. “Let me at least take a picture.” She pulled out her phone and snapped a few shots. “Let’s go.”

            After the two girls left the store, Jaejoong whipped out and ran for the white outfit. “I would like to buy this for my girlfriend.” He announced to the store lady whom had aided him earlier. When he exited the store was when something hit him. “How can I be so stupid? Wouldn’t she know that I was here then?” But somehow, he didn’t want to return the dress. He scurried down the street and found a store that caught his eye. He lit up at an idea. Jaejoong had the best birthday present for Minni.


                        Minni arrived back at the tent still feeling somewhat glum. The visage of Jaejoong and Hana’s lips couldn’t escape her brain. She kept quiet about it though and focused on Hana’s wellbeing first. But when she entered the tent, everyone offered to help her. Changmin took the take away congee and offered to feed Hana himself. Yoochun was off to grab some of his blankets from his cabin for Hana and Kimmi decided to start packing.

            “Minni, you can just go back to your cabins and start packing. You can leave Hana to me.” Junsu exclaimed. “We’ll see you at home tonight.”

            “Thank you.” Hana had a dry voice as she tried to sit up.

            “Don’t worry about it.” I told her. “I’ll see you at home okay?”

            Kimmi held my hand and gave me a warm smile. “Come on, let’s go.”

            I let her lead me out to the cabins, just like how she led me here to this tent just yesterday. I entered my cabin, taking in the faint pink stains on the wall. The bunk leaned against the wall and seemed to be dry enough so I put it back in position. I then opened the cupboard and took out my belongings, which weren’t much.

            A sudden vibration caught me off guard and I searched through everything to find it. It was hidden within the pocket of a black hoodie. I took it out and saw a slim phone with a caller ID of the emoticon of a snowflake.

            “Uncle.” I gasped lightly and answered the call. “Hello?”

            “Hello Minni.”

            Minni? My uncle would call me ‘Minji’. “Who is this?”

            “Open the door and you’ll know.” The voice sounded threatening but at the same, very familiar. “I said open it now!” The voice was rough but not deep. There was a banging at my cabin door and I yelped.

            “What do you want?” I asked, refusing to open up.

            There was a playful laugh on the other line and I was certain now, who the voice belonged to. “There’s only one thing that I’ve always wanted from you Minni.” It was like a husky, soothing melody to my ears.

            I approached the doorknob and hesitated for a second but managed to open the door. Jaejoong stared at me, a phone to his ear. He spoke through the phone and directly to me at the same time, as if emphasising on an important matter. “I’m sorry I didn’t know that yesterday was your birthday. But I have a present prepared for you today.”

            “What is it?” I couldn’t keep in my curiosity.

            “Can I kiss you?”




Thanks to oatlover for an amazing comment. It shows that you have read my story to every explicit detail which is great.

And yes guys, Minni and Jaejoong have developed feelings for each other in which they are not aware of quite yet. YIPPEE!!!


Enjoy CHRISTMAS with your family and friends!!

That's all for now from whitedreamm

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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2029 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2029 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩