Seventeenth Chill

Hero of Ice

                        I kicked a small rock that was resting on the large boulders of the rock pool. The stone rolled jumpily off the rock pool and into the beach waters. I tried to look for it in the cold waters but the sea spray and the deep blue colour made it impossible to find it.

            “Minni.” Kimmi began. “Come with me.” She took my hand before I could answer. I was being dragged away from the rock pools into a secluded area in the forest. Wandering deeper and further away from the group of students and teachers, I was starting to feel uncomfortable with the idea of being lost in the woods.

            Kimmi’s expression however noted that she seemed to know exactly where she was going. We reached an opening that was surrounded with thick trees. In the middle was a large beige tent, the size of a gazebo. What lay inside was hidden but Kimmi ushered me towards the tent. “I want you to stay here for the night.” Her words were more like a demand rather than an opinion.

            “But what about the teachers? Do they know about this?” I asked.

            “Yeah. I got permission from Ms. Oh with the help of someone.” Kimmi gestured for me to enter the tent. I slowly lifted the door like a curtain and peeped inside.

            “SURPRISE!!!” I heard a chorus of familiar voices shout altogether. Inside the tent were Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin and Hana. I walked in feeling astounded, but at the same time I felt safe. I was with my friends and family.

            Yunho took a step towards me and clasped both my shoulders. “Happy birthday Minni.” He beamed at me. The others repeated what he said in unison. I had almost forgot that Junsu had taken my birthday as the day I took my first step into his house, which was this day 8 years ago. He must’ve told Yunho and the others.

            “Is this supposed to be my surprise birthday party?” I questioned. It had definitely caught me by surprise. A few heads nodded. I smiled with happiness. I was really touched by their actions. “Thank you.” I said at last. And then I looked at the three juniors. “How did you guys get here?”

            “Well, I asked mum if we could take a couple of days off as well seeing that you were on camp and she let.” Junsu explained. “Mum brought Hana along so we could have some family time and I asked if I could bring a friend.” He pointed to Changmin who seemed to be pretending to not pay attention to his friend at all.

            “Okay Minni should blow her cake first.” Yoochun bellowed. “The candles are melting!”

            They sang a rushed birthday song. Yunho, Junsu, Yoochun and Kimmi clapped lively along whilst Changmin and Hana sang inaudibly but obviously monotonously. They looked at me intently after the ‘hip hip hoorays’. “Make a wish.” Kimmi ordered, giving me a winning smile that I hadn’t seen in ages. What should I wish for?

            There was only one thing that came to mind and though it was greedy of me to ask for so much, I felt that I should ask for it no matter what. I wrapped my hands together and pressed it close to my nose. My wish for my birthday this year was for everyone that I love to be happy. There was no way that they won’t suffer in their lifetime but at least I hoped that my prayers would be answered and they would be more happy than sad. I hoped that with all my heart.

            The flame turned to smoke when I blew at it. My friends finished the ceremony with a loud applause. I smiled at everyone before I grabbed a knife and started sharing the cake. Junsu, Hana and Changmin had brought the cake here along with the tent and many of the party foods. They were all street foods that were never found back at home in the pantry. I grabbed some chicken and headed outside to eat. I think it was perfect to eat hot things outside in the winter air.

            But before I could even take a bite, I felt a strong pair of arms around me. I panicked at first remembering the distraught event last night but the voice was so familiar that my fear disappeared in less than a second. “How I’ve missed you!” Kimmi squealed. “I’m so sorry that I have been ignoring you for the past week. It was so hard to but Yunho thought it would be good if we surprised you like this on your birthday.”

            “So you weren’t angry at me at all?” I was startled.

            Kimmi pulled at my cheeks. “No silly. Why would I be?” She released me and looked me in the eye. “I trust you. You’re just being a Good Samaritan again. It’s Jaejoong who I don’t trust.”

            “He’s not that bad once you get to know him.” I commented. “Really.”

            Kimmi shook her head vigorously. “You think the whole world is just as nice as you but it doesn’t work that way, Minni.” She elaborated on. “There wouldn’t be such things as criminals in this world if everyone was like you.”

            “That’s true in one sense.” I thought of my parents’ unjust death and suddenly I wasn’t craving my chicken wing anymore.

            “But don’t worry, you have all of us.” Kimmi sounded encouraging. “We will always be there for you, if only you just give a shout.” She gave me a small parcel and nudged me. “Open it.”

            I did so and gasped at the sight. Inside was a snow globe the size of a fist. Within the globe was a castle that glittered of white walls and golden turret tops. I shook it softly and awed as the snow fell on the bottom or on the roof of the castle. “Thank you so much.” My voice was so soft but it was full of thankfulness.

            “I thought that you would like it.” Kimmi patted my shoulder. “Read what it says on the rim.”

            I looked closely and saw it in very small gold writing. “Purity.” I read aloud.

            “Suits you.” Kimmi added.

            “Yeah, your purity outshines someone else around here.” Yoochun took a seat next to Kimmi who was now glaring at him.

            “I hope you’re referring to yourself.” She spat at him.

            “Why would I be talking about me when there’s someone else to talk about, sitting right next to me?” He teased.

            “No one is as pure as Minni.” Kimmi pouted. She seemed to be muttering to herself rather than to anyone at all. Somehow I sensed a loss of self-esteem in her.

            “I’m only joking.” Yoochun smiled. “Of course you’re pure, considering how adorably chubby you are. You don’t even have a boyfriend.”

            “Are you trying to call me fat?” Kimmi questioned him with a glare.

            Yoochun shrugged and gave her a smug grin. “Who knows.”

            “Minni’s not that pure anyways.” Hana was walking towards us accompanied by Changmin. “She’s with Jaejoong, remember?” She searched her surroundings. “Where is he by the way? Aren’t you guys supposed to be glued together?”

            “I think that Minni should a take a break from him, considering that they are not even actually dating.” Kimmi sneered at my sister.

            “Don’t worry about it too much Hana.” Changmin told her. “It’s not like Jaejoong is worried about her anyways. They’re a fake couple, remember?”

            “But they are still friends.” Hana rebutted. “Am I right, Minni?”

            I looked at her who was demanding for some support. “Of course Jaejoong and I are friends.”

            “Well he’ll probably come soon and join the party.” Kimmi suggested but it didn’t look like she liked the idea of it. “He should know where we are because Ms. Oh knows our specific location.”

            Hana gave Kimmi a suspicious look but turned back to me. “Minni, I would like to have a private conversation with you?”

            “Sure.” I got up and hurriedly ate the chicken in my hand. Hana turned around and led the way to secretive area. She took one step and slipped a little. Panicking, she clung to Changmin, who was also offering his support. Realising that she was being reliant, she detached herself from him and beckoned me again to follow her.

            We were hidden from the others by a few trees but we could still see the camp in site. “Are you and Jaejoong okay?”

            I nodded honestly. “Jaejoong isn’t as bad as he looks. I guess I know why you like him so much.”

            “Don’t fall in love with him!” Hana blurted out straight away.

            I couldn’t help but laugh at such a silly proclamation. “I don’t love him, Hana. We’re just friends. He saved my life and I’m trying to keep his fan girls tame. There’s nothing else.”

            “I mean it.” Hana was dead serious. “Don’t consider loving him at all because you will only get hurt.” She looked down, avoiding eye contact. “Like me.”

            I took a step towards her. “Did Jaejoong hurt you?” I asked.

            Hana shook her head that was still looking to the ground. “It wasn’t his fault. I fell for him.”

            I cupped her shoulder and she looked up. Her eyes were glistening but she wasn’t crying. She was a very strong girl. “One day, Jaejoong will realise how strong your love is and maybe one day, he’ll fall for that charm of yours.”

            “You really haven’t fallen for him?” She asked.

            I nodded. Hana really deserved to be with the one she loves and maybe she will be. The only thing that she could do now was to keep waiting. “If there was anyone who were to be with Jaejoong, it would be you. Don’t worry.”

            Hana forced a smile. “I didn’t mean it like that.” I heard her say quietly.

            I didn’t take her last words to heart. “Let’s return to the party, shall we?” Hana nodded and we began to walk back. “What is your relationship with Jaejoong anyways?” I asked out of curiosity.

            Hana took a deep breath in and then she exhaled. “We used to date.” She confessed. “But now we’re just friends. Really.”

            We walked back to join everyone who was feasting on the food. Yunho and Junsu who had left for a while to gather some firewood, were back eating as well.

            I watched my friends eat with content as they shared conversations that I could only just hear.

            “I told Yunho to tell her not to tell him.” Kimmi had told Changmin.

            “We got the best present for Minni ever.” Junsu boasted to Yunho.

            “Stop staring and start eating. It’s your birthday dufus.” Hana interrupted my concentration.

            “Yes Hana.” I said and grabbed some pastries.

            “We’re going to have a bonfire tonight!” Yunho announced, sending everyone into excitement. “And I brought marshmallows to roast.” That just made the crowd howl louder with joy.

            The sky was now a bright orange as we sat in a circle inside the large tent telling and listening to stories of what I had missed out on during the week. There wasn’t much besides my party planning. Junsu then approached me holding something strangely recognizable. “Minni, Minni.” He exclaimed excitedly. “Hana and I got you the best birthday present ever but we couldn’t bring it with us.” He gave me the bag of choc chip cookies. “But I spotted this in the kitchen pantry. Mum would be furious if she knew you made these so I thought it would be a good idea if we ate it here tonight.”

            I examined the cookies and felt a small happiness spread within me. Jaejoong hadn’t eaten all the cookies from the other day. He had kept them in the kitchen instead. “Thank you Junsu.” I beamed at him. I didn’t know why but I didn’t tell him that it was actually Jaejoong who had made them. “I really like these cookies.”

            The bonfire was up before I knew it. Yunho kept the fire ablaze by adding more firewood or by blowing hot breath into it when necessary. Junsu, Changmin and Yoochun had moved a large log nearby for all us to sit on since the floor was quite damp. There were also large boulders nearby that some of us used as seats. The fire was warm in the cold winter night and the marshmallows were soft and sweet. 

            I'd say that I was back to my old peaceful days where I only sat with my friends and enjoyed just being as a group. I had my friends who definitely cared for me; and my family who despite all the trouble, still managed to show up on my birthday. It was a good night but it was an ordinary night as well. I couldn't help but wonder at how normal things were becoming again.

            Looking at the sky, I saw something beautiful but it wasn't so distinct. Something as wondrous as what lit up the night sky could only be seen in darkness where it could shine to its fullest potential. I found myself tearing from my clan once again and going around to the side of the tent where no one was situated. While all that, I still kept my eyes locked onto the sky that was purely clear with no clouds and no moon, only a set of stars. And there was one thing that just beautified the view. The aurora.

            I awed at the blue green fluorescence that seemed to spill across the sky span. I planted myself on a small rock and took a bite of my marshmallow but still I didn't break my glance. How could I when this was an opportunity of a lifetime? When will I be able to see something so brightening in a night sky every again? I really wished I had a camera at the moment to snap shot this and cherish it forever. 

            A pair of hands clasped over my eyes. I began to panic when no light was in sight but the voice from someone that I was comfortable with. I just smiled again, feeling secured. "Guess who?" He had said. 




                        Jaejoong had returned to the rock pools only to see Minni nowhere in sight. He had demanded some information from Ms. Oh and was unsuccessful for she couldn't give him a satisfactory response. She however, didn't seem to be concerned at all about Minni's disappearance which Jaejoong found quite odd considering that Minni was one of the students Ms. Oh was very fond of (probably after Yunho). 

            That wasn't the only thing peculiar. Among the group, there seemed to be less students. Jaejoong soon discovered that Yunho, Yoochun and Kimmi were missing as well. Maybe Minni was alright. Maybe she was with her friends. But Jaejoong couldn't take any chances since there was a suspicious man on the loose. And who knows whether that man came alone or in a group? Who knows what tricks were up his sleeve? He had already attempted to kill Minni once.

            It was only at night time that Jaejoong spotted something that would eventually lead him deep into the forest. And that was smoke. The smoke seemed to come from a specific area in the forest and Jaejoong went to find its exact whereabouts. Minni could be there. Trudging along, he could smell something sweet in the air. And just in the darkness, he saw a yellow-orange light. There was also the sound of cackling fire and joyous laughter in the distance. As Jaejoong neared the area, he was sure that the voices sound familiar. His footsteps quieted down and he disguised himself within the trees while he observed.

            There was Kimmi and Yoochun bickering again as if they were in the middle of a lover's quarrel. There was Junsu mucking about, trying to swallow five roasted marshmallows all at once. But why was Junsu here and where was Yunho? Where was Minni?

            And then he heard it. A small laughter that was light but it had in it, the most sincerest gratitude. Jaejoong darted through the trees towards the sweet sound. His hearing took over him as he was drawn to a quiet conversation. From that, he was guided to scurry as quietly as possible and to watch his steps. He no longer could feel the coldness of the night as he drew nearer and nearer to the one thing that he had been searching for half a day.

            At the target, he broke through a shrub and between two slim tree trunks, creating a glistening rustling sound. Jaejoong stopped abruptly when he saw Minni sitting right in front of him with a startled expression at his sudden emergence. Right beside her was the one thing that had stopped him from locking her in a deep embrace. Yunho gave him the same expression that Minni had given him but what Jaejoong stared at was his hand, which was clasped over Minni’s hand. No matter how many signals his brain was sending to his head and neck to turn away, he couldn’t. He was glued to the sight. It wasn’t something euphoric for him either so why was he still eyeing the hands?

            Suddenly, Jaejoong felt cold.




Sorry for the very short update.

I thought I should update since I haven't been doing that in a while. 

I still need to edit this chapter so sorry everyone.

I will write a longer chapter next week. I promise.

I made a promise so I must keep it.


Many apologies, whitedreamm

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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2030 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2030 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩