Tenth Chill

Hero of Ice

                        Jaejoong grabbed the covers on my bed and draped it over my shoulder and took out my arm only. He unscrewed the jar and gently smothered the ointment on my bruises. It suddenly felt like déjà vu, remembering that it was Jaejoong in the blanket and I treating his wounds just two days ago.

            But then again, he was always helping me. At least, I had a hunch that he was. It could just be a pure coincidence that he was in the same chemistry cupboard when he also knew that Sohee had planned to lock me up but there was also a chance it wasn’t. Jaejoong had saved me from a car accident after all. I could still see the good in him even though it was well hidden to others.

            “I was a good boy today, wasn’t I?” He said out of the blue.

            “What?” I stammered snapping out of my thoughts.

            “I attended class today. Didn’t skip a single one.” He boasted, closing the ointment jar. “And I looked after my girlfriend really well too.”

            I smiled meekly at him. “Yes you did.”

            He leaned forward and I backed away a little, staring at him, feeling a little uneasy as his usual grin appeared on his face. “Where’s my reward?”

            I stuttered, trying to improvise. “You can take the day off as my boyfriend.” I blurted.


            “Well.” I began uncomfortably. “Being with the person you hate must be very annoying for you. So you can take the rest of the day off so you can relax for a bit.”

            “That is a ridiculous reward.” He spoke monotonously. “I can just relax when I leave you and I get that most of the time anyways. Plus, I love being your boyfriend. It gives me more chances to see you suffer.” He inched in closer and I began to think critically about what I could do. What was a suitable reward for this?

            Unconsciously after some time, I found my hand reaching out for his hair, ruffling it softly. His hair was so silky, it had a nice feel in my grasps. “You did well.” I crooned encouragingly. “Keep up the good work.” I smiled sadly, reminiscing the times I have done this to Junsu when he achieved something great, wondering when I would be able to do it again. He shouldn’t be too disappointed in me, right?

            I then looked from his hair to Jaejoong, who quickly snapped out of his daze. He cleared his throat and diverted his eyes away. “Are you saying I should still be your fake boyfriend who wants you to be miserable?” He mocked.

            “I’m saying you should attend class more often and do your work to the best of your abilities.”

            He brightened at the thought. “Then I can defeat you.”

            I pouted at the thought. He still was trying to find a way to make my life hell. I thought about it grimly for a while but then realized that this was a great opportunity for him to improve educationally. “Yes.” I tried to fake sadness but my insides warmed up at the idea that I had concocted a remedy at the very least.

            Jaejoong laughed at the thought. “Then I will do it.”

            “It’s not going to be easy though.” I told him.

            “But if I succeed, it will be embarrassing for you.” He seemed so arrogant about it but I was quite confident that he couldn’t win over me. Lost in thought, Jaejoong leaned in and kissed my lips quickly. “Your lips are so inviting.” His voice gave me shivers.

            My bedroom clicked open and the mistress walked in. I saw the shocked expression on her face that disappeared as quickly as it came.  “Jaejoong, what are you doing here?” She asked emotionlessly.

            Jaejoong shrugged and smiled. “Just looking at my girlfriend’s room. It’s not as fancy as Hana’s, isn’t it?”

            “No.” The mistress faked a smile. “Minni likes her room plain and simple.”

            “I see.” He said. “Well, I was only accompanying Minni because she was home alone. I should be on my way now.” He waved at me and darted out the door. The mistress and I exchanged glances while we listened to Jaejoong from outside. “Oh, Hana, you’re home.” He said. “That’s great. Look after Minni for me, okay?” A few footsteps and a door slam were heard and then the mistress strutted to me, hand at the ready.

            I didn’t know what to do but hide under the blanket still around my shoulders, shuddering in fear. She slapped me consecutively, jolting the bruises I already had, then tugged at the blanket exposing me to the cold.

            “Mum!” Hana ran into the room. “Don’t do this.”

            “She is a , leading a man into her room like that!” Her mother bellowed. “I must teach her a lesson.”

            “You already did that yesterday.” Hana tried to pull away the hands that clawed at me.

            “But she did wrong again.” The mistress grunted through clenched teeth.

            “No she didn’t!” A man’s voice boomed nearby. Astounded, the mistress released me and after that, all of us turned to see Jaejoong looking angrily at Hana’s mother. I was too frail to move even my fingertips but my mind was telling me to do two very different things; smile that Jaejoong was here for me again and hide away now that he has seen me in such a vulnerable state. I did neither. My vision slowly blurred and diminished.


                        “Why did you suddenly want to make cookies, Minji?” My mother asked as I watched the cookies bake in the oven.

            “I want to give it to the patients at daddy’s hospital.” I exclaimed. “They need to be happy to get better and I have a friend there who I need to thank.”

            “Who’s this little friend of yours?” She continued with her questions.

            “His name’s Jungwoo.” I told her. “He helped me when I fell down and hurt my knee. He took me to see dad.”

            “He’s not a sick person?”

            “No, his father is sick and Jungwoo visits him everyday.” I blabbed on and on.

            “Well he’s a sweet boy for helping my little princess.” Mother said and I nodded at her in agreement. At that moment, the timer rang and I excitedly opened the oven door.

            “I’ll bring it out for you.” Mum wore the oven mittens and pulled out the tray, cautiously avoiding it from touching me. “Tada!” She placed the tray on the stove.

            My smile turned into a frown when I saw my first ever choc chip cookies. There was a thin black layer on each of them. “They’re all burnt.” I pouted, wondering how I didn’t see it burning through the oven window. “I at cooking.”

            “No.” My mother shook her head but her smile was still perfectly there on her face. “It just means you have to try even harder.” She explained. “You can’t make everything perfect but you can make things better. As long as you keep trying your best, one day you can make the best cookies in the world, Minji.”

            I thought about her words and slowly felt hopeful again. “You’re right mum. I have to keep working harder.” But I turned sullen again when I just remembered something. “We’re out of eggs and butter though.”

            My mother laughed joyously. “Then let’s go buy some more.” She held out her hand and I grabbed it tightly, brightening up again.


                        “I never knew you could act so differently to your two daughters.”

            I wanted to stay in that memory of my mum and I when I was but nine years old, baking cookies; but there were familiar voices mingling with it.

            “She’s not my daughter.” I heard the mistress confess. “I took her in when she became an orphan.”

            “Well, the more that you shouldn’t abuse her.” Jaejoong retorted as I was slowly opening my eyes.

            “Aren’t you curious about where she came from?” The mistress’s voice was expressionless but I could hear a hint of anxiety in her voice. She was trying to change the subject.

            Jaejoong wasn’t going to let that happen. “I don’t care about where she came from. I don’t care about what she did before.” Jaejoong spoke harshly towards my ‘mother’. “I love her for who she is now, a kind and gentle person who cares for everyone. She cares for you and your family and her friends and even those who despises her.” His tone pierced her like ice shards. “And if you hurt her again, I’ll hurt you.”

            I twisted my body towards the sound of the conversation and saw the mistress laugh with satire. “If she really cared about everyone, she wouldn’t be your girlfriend.” Those words were biting at me again.

            “She cares about me to be with me.” Jaejoong announced.

            “Then she only cares for you and herself. What about the others?” The mistress sneered.

            Jaejoong shook his head. “That’s where you’re wrong. She doesn’t care about herself at all.”

            The mistress was silenced. I saw her eyes widened at Jaejoong’s words but I couldn’t see Jaejoong’s face at all.

            “If she really cared about herself,” Jaejoong continued. “She wouldn’t be with me.”

            “Don’t say that.” I heard myself croak. I struggled to get up, feeling my bruises with every muscle movement. Jaejoong turned to look at me, astonishment was written all over his face; it was as if he didn’t want me to hear what was just said in my room.

            Quickly, he rushed to my side. “Don’t move.” He instructed but I tried to sit up. “Move and I’ll do something distasteful in front of your ‘mother’.” He threatened, inching uncomfortably closer. I halted in position, then sunk back onto the bed, giving in. Jaejoong smiled victoriously, putting a strand behind my ear and placing his lips on my forehead.

            The mistress could only glare at me and I just wanted to hide under my blankets. Jaejoong seemed to have eyes at the back of his head. “If you ever hurt her again, I will kill you.” There was no mercy in his words. I believed it with all my heart that Jaejoong was capable of it, just by hearing those words. He turned to look at the mistress who slightly trembled. “I’ll take it that we’ve come to a compromise.” The mistress looked at Jaejoong helplessly then decided to exit the room and leave us alone.

            “Jaejoong.” My voice was but a whisper. “Thank you.”

            Jaejoong beamed at me. “Where’s my reward?” This guy. Even when the situation was so serious, he would try to act lightly about it.

            I smiled meekly and slowly reached for his hair, patting it softly. “You’ve saved me once again. You’ve done well.”

            “A boyfriend must protect his girlfriend no matter what.” He seemed to be reciting the commandments of ‘how to be perfect boyfriend material’.

            “But aren’t you curious about who I am?” I randomly asked.

            Jaejoong shrugged. “I won’t force you into telling me your past. Not until you’re ready to.”

            I scoffed at his words. It was so ironic considering that he would do other things to me against my will.

            “I’m staying over.” He declared all of a sudden.

            “What?” He did even get any permission from the mistress.

            As if he read my mind, he answered, “I don’t need to get an approval from your ‘mother’ since she isn’t your mother anyway.” He spoke rashly.

            “She gave me shelter and food and education.” I couldn’t help but remember that.

            “Yet, she abuses you and torments you as well.” Jaejoong muttered under his breath. I almost couldn’t hear it.

            At that very moment, Junsu busted into the room without bothering to knock; his face expressing concern that rapidly transformed into utter shock.

            “Ah,” Jaejoong seemed unusually bright, “Perfect timing. Would you mind finding something decent for your sister here to eat? She had just got viciously attacked by your mother again.”

            Junsu rushed up to me, ignoring Jaejoong’s request. “Are you okay, Minni?” He asked. “I knew something was wrong as soon as I stepped in.” By this time, I was usually in the kitchen preparing dinner.

            “I’m fine.” I managed to say. “It was just the usual things I got. Just a light whacking.”

            Jaejoong coughed purposely. “I forgot to tell you that I called up the school and told them that you are unwell and cannot go to school tomorrow.”

            I looked at him, surprised but Jaejoong only snuck out of the room, leaving me with Junsu who was now interrogating me, disallowing me to respond. “You’re hurt that bad? Why did you lie to me? How could mum do this to you? Minni, I’m so sorry mum did this to you.” And on it went.

            After Junsu finished, I said simply, “It was just a misunderstanding.”

            “Jaejoong doesn’t treat you like how mum does, does he?” Junsu blurted. “I still don’t understand why you two are together.”

            “No, he doesn’t.” Although he wanted to crush my life so bad, so much more than the mistress herself. “I just owe him, that’s why I’m his girlfriend.” I told Junsu.

            “So you don’t love him?” He asked.

            I shook my head. “Love is such a big thing. It doesn’t come so easily and even if it does, it’s not easy to see that it is there.”

            “But you kissed him.” Junsu remarked. I swear sometimes he acts like a ten year old.

            I laughed weakly. “Kisses are meaningless if there is no love behind it.” I explained. “You can love someone with all your heart without the need to kiss them. Like you Junsu, I love you as a brother and I do not need to kiss you to show it, now do I?”

            Junsu had an epiphany. “Just like how Yunho loves you so much but doesn’t have to show it by kissing you. You can just see it in his eyes.”

            I nodded a response, feeling a little saddened by his words. There was a knock at the door and Jaejoong walked in, holding a tray with two steaming bowls. I took in the smell of corn but soon enough, I saw that each bowl was filled to the rim with chicken and corn soup. Jaejoong placed the tray on the bedside table and turned to Junsu. “Thanks for keeping Minni company. I left enough soup for your family. Now you can leave us.” Jaejoong had a monotone.

            Junsu’s mouth gaped open. “Did you just cook?”

            “No. I called out and asked for takeaway with express delivery.” Jaejoong said sarcastically.

            It took Junsu some time to realise that Jaejoong had actually made the soup. Awkwardly, Junsu muttered a “Thank you.” And dashed out of the room leaving us.

            “Now it’s just the two of us.” Jaejoong winked with his mischievous grin, scaring me a little. He ended up not doing anything inappropriate. The things he did were actually very sweet. He fed me, taking care to blow the contents before putting it in my mouth. He grabbed my textbook and read it to me, declaring that he would defeat me someday and that I should explain everything to him so that he would understand. I did so happily, because I would be pleased if his grades accumulated.

            When 9pm came, Jaejoong had removed his school shirt revealing the same black tank that he had worn on the boat. I couldn’t help but notice that his wound was now a scar on his arm. He shut the light and came back to the bed and the lamp. He then opened the blanket and let himself in.

            “Jaejoong.” I stammered. My voice was now much stronger but my injuries still hurt after any slight movements. “You can sleep on the sofa in the living room. I’ll get you a blanket and a pillow.” I offered.

            “Too troublesome for you.” Jaejoong turned to me with a glint in his eyes. “And plus, it’s not like we haven’t shared the same bed before.”

            “I’ve always thought that to hate someone would mean you would constantly want to distance yourself from them as much as possible.” I stated. “How can you stand to sleep by me when you hate me so much?”

            “To hate someone is to make their life miserable. I’ve already told you that.” Jaejoong reminded me. “If I’m not next to you, how can I make you suffer?”

            “You must really hate me then.” I looked up at the ceiling. I didn’t want to look at his eyes.

            “Of course.” Jaejoong confirmed. “Now go to sleep, before I make you stay awake all night.”

            I didn’t need to be told twice. To know that someone hates you is very heart crushing. Sure Jaejoong hates me but it’s not his hate that hurts me. His hate towards me, only reminds me of those you could potentially hate me as well.

            I closed my eyes hoping that those who I cared about the most, that those who cared about me the most, wouldn’t change their love for me to hate.


                        I found myself crawling to the bed where both my parents were sprawled on lifelessly. I shook them to wake up but they only moved when I moved them. My uncle was at my side right after he had knocked the two criminals unconscious. He tried to pull me away from the corpses that I had once housed the most precious people in the world to me but I clung to them and refused to let go.

            I could smell smoke in the air. “The house is on fire.” My uncle had said. “We have to get out now!”

            “No.” I cried, I could feel oxygen returning to all areas on my body after the two men had tried to strangle me earlier. “I’m going to stay with mum and dad.”

            My uncle however, succeeded in prying me away, while I had managed to tear a piece of cotton fabric from my father’s shirt in the process. He slung me on his shoulders and rushed down the stairs and out of the house.

            From outside, the house was a large fireball, eating and crushing my home from the inside out. I wanted to run back in and drag my parents out but uncle was very strong. He kept me in one place despite the amount of energy I used to escape.

            “You’re dad would want you to be alive.” He cried out that night bringing me back to my senses. “Don’t do anything reckless and stay out of trouble so your parents can at least rest in peace.”

            That was when I stopped fighting and flung my arms around my uncle instead. I cried so badly that night. I probably cried myself to sleep.


                        My eyes sprang open. I could feel the sweat drench my forehead making my hair stick to my skin. Tears were mixed with the sweat and the pillow beneath me felt wetter. I looked around my bedroom and saw that I was all alone. My uniform was still lying on the floor near my school bag but other than that, everything seemed in place. I got up and felt the familiar pain from yesterday.

            Feeling orientated now, I searched for Jaejoong but there was no sign that he was ever in my room at all last night. Maybe he left when I fell asleep? I took this opportunity to go to my desk slowly and carefully. I opened the top drawer and pulled out a scrap of white fabric, a little bloodied. Other than the necklace, this was all that I had of my parents. It was a painful reminder of them.

            I looked out the window and saw, very discreetly in the early dawn sky, snow falling down. This was the first snow this winter.







hi everyone! i'm just posting this chapter before i enter university again. it's going to be quite busy next month for me but i will try to update during that period.

just to opinionate on some of the story comments for this story, i would just like to add that Jaejoong isn't in love with Minni yet. he simply just finds her interesting and very different to other people. 

this story revolves around the past of Minni, yes, but Jaejoong and the others have their own pasts as well that i will try to include in the story. unfortunately, this story is from Minni's point of view so i can't really reveal much. what Minni knows is what the reader's know. ^^

i won't spoil anything for you guys. i'll let the story unfold for itself and hopefully you will stick with me until the end.

anyways, i hope that you enjoyed this chapter and the story. please subscribe and comment if you are interested in this story. i thank you and love you all who have taken the time to read up to this part so far


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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2028 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2028 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩