Against the whole world

Fate? Yeah, right...

Sungmin's POV

I am so getting the maknae when I go home. He was being absolutely irrational. Hello... we can all see Niya is in love with him, not this Dongmin guy.


So that's it.

Kyu is jealous.


Of course!

I felt a huge smile spread on my face. As I was plotting my revenge for all of his pranks I heard a scream from one of the storage rooms.

I ran there as fast as I could and rushed in to see Niya being beaten by a man. I turned him to me by force and punced him as hard as I could.


He collapsed on the ground, his face all bloody.

Niya remained on the floor. Her eyes fluttered a little in my direction as if she recognised me and then she passed out.



By the time we got to the hospital I had informed our managers and tried to call Kyuhyun, but he wasn't picking up. As we were waiting in the ER, Niya's manager received a call and cursed angrily.

Then she showed me an article. Someone had posted a picture of Dongmin kissing Niya and the scandal was rising, while doctors were fighting for her life.

I felt like killing the person who did it.

A few hours later a doctor came to us.

"She is concious now. She has three broken ribs and many bruises. She also had internal bleeding, but we got hold of that. You may visit her one by one for now."

Her manager came in first. I asked her to keep the scandal a secret from her for now and she agreed. Then it was my turn.

I entered the small room and saw her lying on the bed, wires attached to her frail body. It must have felt terrible to wake up in the hospital again less that an year after her accident.

"Hey!" I tried to sound as cheerful as possible.

"Hey..." she barely said.

It was awkward and I offered to call Kyuhyun for her.

She nodded, a sudden hapiness in her eyes.

After long wait he finally picked up. I put it on loudspeaker. 

"Kyu, do you want to talk to Niya~?"

What we heard next made me regret calling him.

"NO!!! Tell that y I have nothing to do with her!"

He hung up.

I looked at her and felt my blood freeze.

She was pale and tears were streaming down her face.

It was like she was loosing herself. Then she looked at me and asked what was going on.

I had no choice but tell her everything.



Niya's POV

Have you ever felt betrayed? Against the whole world? Alone? Abonded?

Well, that's how I felt.

It hurt.

It hurt so much.

The one I trusted the most...


I openedmy eyes with a sudden decision.


No one would be taking care of this, but me.

I took my phone and dialed my manager's number.

I was alone in this and it was time to fix it by myself.



Sungmin received a call and after a talk with Kangin and Heechul forced Kyuhyun out of his room and in front of the TV.

Heechul turned it on and took his seat next to the glaring maknae.

"This is Lee Mi Ra and you are with the six o'clock news on KBS. The hot news that stirred the entertainment world today..."

As soon as the picture of Niya was shown Kyuhyun got up, but Heechul and Kangin held him back.

The diva stared at him with his ice cold eyes and said silently.

"You ARE watching it... or... you will see your games and your computer after you retire. Got that?"

The maknae sat down reluctantly.

"Our reporter Kim Da Na is in the hospital now, where she took an interview from Niya. Hello, Da Na-ssi."

"Hello Mi Ra-ssi, ladies and gentlemen. We were called today by Niya's manager for an interview and we learned some shocking things. See what we got for you now."

A video of the interview was shown. Kyuhyun felt the blood drain out of his body when he saw Niya in a hospital bed, terrible bruises over all of her body. She was sitting and though in pain, the look in her eye was determined and strong.

"I want to clear this scandal myself." Her voice rang through the TV's speakers.

"I didn't kiss this excise of a man. And I've never had intention to. I asked for permition from the police, here is the video of what happened this morning. You are allowed to play it on air, however after that I am not answering any more questions concerning this matter. It is clear enough."

The picture changed to the familiar for Sungmin storage room - a CCTV recording.

Kyuhyun grinded his teeth when he saw Niya entering the room with Dongmin. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and she was trying to keep her distance.

Dongmin looked around a little and positioned himself before grabbing Niya in his arms and kissing her. Kangin cursed and they saw suddenly a flash from one of the corners. A set up.

They watched with rising anger as she pushed him away and slapped him so strongly his head turned. Then it was a mess.

Dongmin obviously didn't expect it and was furious.

He sent her to the ground with one hit and started kicking her.

Then Sungmin burst in and laid him flat on the ground.

With his eyes blurred by tears, Kyuhyun watched as his friend tried to revive the woman he loved.

What have I done?

He covered his face with his hands and started sobbing.



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the last chapter is out!!!!


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Chapter 16: OMG~ I love this story. Great job author-nim! <3
Chapter 17: WHYYYYY? ANIYAAA! well congrtas you did a anonymous fanfic ♥ LOVE EET!

i hope you will do another FF for kyuhyun ^^, jebal? Mwehehe.
Chapter 17: This is a lovely story! Thank you for writing!
Finally,Niya and Kyu are happy. :))
lulu88 #4
Chapter 16: "We made our own fate" I like this line and believe in it .
Anyway thanks for sharing this amazing story :D
Chapter 17: ahhhhhh nice one!!!!!!!!! longer than other story!! =p
Chapter 16: awww ohmygoddddddddddddd she is safe but nvm niya u have kyu!!! and the last part omoooo her diaryyy awesomeeeeee they r getting married!!
Chapter 15: oh god..niya managed to escape!!!
Chapter 17: Aw.. I like niya's diary. Thank you for this wonderful story.
Chapter 14: OMG OMG OMG!!!! She's torturing niya while kyuhyun think she must be dying!! oh god please save niya!!!!! where is the police?!!!!!!!! do something!!!!! don't just stay in the dorm!!
Chapter 13: Oh gosh how this could happen????? Her manager was killed oh come on hyojin!!!