Choices only

Fate? Yeah, right...

Detective Park Min Soo was siiting at his desk, rubbing his temples. His shift was over long ago, but with this last case, how could he just go to sleep. 

The car of the manager, that CCTV's proved to have been the one Niya was taken in was last noticed in his area and he was sure Niya was hidden somewhere in this rural area, just a little out of Seoul.

Sometimes he hated his job, and it was such a moment. A murder and a kidnap in the same day.

His life .

The ringbell of the department rang frantically. It was left from the old times when not all people had phones and since thier village was small, they left it there, but no one really used it.

Confused Min Soo and two other detectives went to the door and opened it, revealling an exhausted looking version of Niya, who at the sight of them - allies at last, colapsed with no strenght left.

They quickly caught her and called for reinforcements. 

Niya woke up for a fem moments - enough to tell them an address and a name.



Kyuhyun and his hyungs were running towards the ER, his heart almost expoiding from all the emotions he had within - hope, fear, love, hatered, anger, relief.

A nurse greeted them and told them to sit down and wait for results.


He found himself barely able to stay and not barge in the surgery room.

Heechul held him firmly and forced him to sit.

"Now you get some idea how we felt when you were there in that very same room."

Kyuhyun looked up surprised and saw tears in his hyung's eyes.

He hadn't even realised it was the same hospital he spent so much time in.

The same hospital he fought for his life.

And now his love was fighting for her life.

If there is fate, then she is a .

He grabbed his hair in frustration.

They had only a few weeks of happiness.

Was that all they would ever have?



Afrer hours and hours of waiting the door opened. A tired looking surgeon went out and headed towards them

Kyuhyun got up, feeling his heart in his throat.












He tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry. 


The doctor looked at him first and smiled.


A small smile.


But a smile.


Kyuhyun felt a wave of relief washing over him and found himself crying in the doctor's embrace.


It was the same doctor who saved him and now he saved Niya, too.



"She will recover." the doctor started explaining them after they went to see her in her room. She was on ventilator.

"However she will not be able to sing."

Kyuhyun looked up from her in horror. He knew how important this was for her.

"It is the third time her ribs are severly broken and this time her lungs were damaged pretty badly. She will still be able to sing, but doing it on daily basis... It is dangerous and might even make her lungs collapse."

They remained there, waiting for her to wake up and wondering how were they supposed to tell her the news.



The next day a detective came to inform them who performed and made up the plan for the crime.

It appeared that HyoJin's father, a rich business man was long suspected to have connections with criminals and the last case proved it. 

Together with his daughter he was now facing charges for multiple crimes.

Everybody was shocked. Well, except for Victoria.

Every time someone mentioned something about the case, she just shrugged.

"I told you she's no good." and went on.



Niya woke up a week later. 

Kyuhyun needed another week to tell her she would not be able to foolow her dream anymore. For his surpirse she didn't take it that bad at all.

When he asked her why was that, she replied smiling.

"Oppa, if this had happened six months ago, it would have killed me. But now I have one more reason to live. I have you. And if you don't leave me, I have no reason to be desperate."

Kyuhyun felt his eyes sting and his voice tremble when he kissed her forhead.

"I am not leaving you, ever."





Niya's diary


Is there fate? I don't think so. 

Things happed, but it is our choice what to do with them.

We can take advantage of a tragedy or... miss a great oportunity.

It's all our choice.

I chose to forgive and forget about the past.

I chose to live and fight for what I love.

Kyuhyun chose to keep loving me even when I kept rejecting him.

HyoJin chose to ruin her great life and career with her own hands.

Choices... choices only.

We are getting married today.

But not because this is our fate, but because we made this decision, we chose each other.

We are not Fated... boy, it sounds so stupid... we are Chosen.

I chose to love him and he chose to love me.

We made our own fate.





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the last chapter is out!!!!


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Chapter 16: OMG~ I love this story. Great job author-nim! <3
Chapter 17: WHYYYYY? ANIYAAA! well congrtas you did a anonymous fanfic ♥ LOVE EET!

i hope you will do another FF for kyuhyun ^^, jebal? Mwehehe.
Chapter 17: This is a lovely story! Thank you for writing!
Finally,Niya and Kyu are happy. :))
lulu88 #4
Chapter 16: "We made our own fate" I like this line and believe in it .
Anyway thanks for sharing this amazing story :D
Chapter 17: ahhhhhh nice one!!!!!!!!! longer than other story!! =p
Chapter 16: awww ohmygoddddddddddddd she is safe but nvm niya u have kyu!!! and the last part omoooo her diaryyy awesomeeeeee they r getting married!!
Chapter 15: oh god..niya managed to escape!!!
Chapter 17: Aw.. I like niya's diary. Thank you for this wonderful story.
Chapter 14: OMG OMG OMG!!!! She's torturing niya while kyuhyun think she must be dying!! oh god please save niya!!!!! where is the police?!!!!!!!! do something!!!!! don't just stay in the dorm!!
Chapter 13: Oh gosh how this could happen????? Her manager was killed oh come on hyojin!!!