
Fate? Yeah, right...

(A/N Sorry for making you wait. My finals ended yesterday and I was drained... BUT... I aced them ALL!!!! Yeah, yeah... self-praising here, I know, but I'm just too happy to keep it for myself.)


Fated was a big success. The new team took the first place in the first two weeks. The viewers loved them - they had it all - chemistry, talent, looks and... a story. KBS used the story of their similar accidents a lot and Niya was very frustrated.

Several articles had popped up, searching for deeper connection between the two singers. Netizens had bashed her, blaming her for using Kyuhyun to make herself popular.

One beautiful day she just broke down.

Her twitter account was hacked, ELFs mobbed her in the morning while she was shopping, some of the staffs even sent her dirty looks. Huh? After all THEY did to spread the story?

The rehearsal went terrible.

More than terrible.

Not that they made mistakes or anything - they both sang perfectly, but Niya seemed to be... soulless. Usually she sang as if she ment every word, her whole being was into the song - the melody, the lyrics were flowing in her blood, in every fibre of her body.

Not today.

She sang.

Her voice skillfully took every tone, but it was lifeless.

The director was present at the rehearsal and was unpleasantly surprised by her performance. He interrupted them and shouted:

"Niya-ssi, put some life in this, please!!! If I call my grandmother here, she will sing it with more passion!"

Several writers and make-up artists chuckeled and eyed her.

Niya replied simply without any emotion.

"Yes, sir."

Kyuhyun looked at her, worried and a little angry at the insensitive director. However he was in no position to argue with him, so he asked for a break. He took her hand and led her to their waiting room, surprised that she didn't oppose him at all. She just followed.

When the door behind them was closed, he faced her and took her shoulders.

"Niya-ah... what's wrong?"

She didn't react at all. Her eyes fixed on the floor. After waiting for two painfully long minutes for an answer Kyuhyun shook her slightly.


Just then she lifted her eyes and he saw tears welling up.

"Niya-ah, I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean to..."

"They..." her voice was shaking. "I... I want to forget... but they keep reminding me..."

He knew right away.

There was no need of explanations.

No need of words.

That's why he didn't say anything, he just embraced her, offering her the only thing he had to give in that moment - the secure warmth of someone who has been there.


At the broadcast that day Kyuhyun took the microphone before their performance.

"Ladies and gentleman, I would like to ask all of you to show some consideration and stop talking about our accidents. As anyone who has been in one knows, this is the last thing one would want to remember. During the last weeks different people stated that my partner is using her accident as PR. This is the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Instead of judging, please pay attention to her personality first and you will see she is not capable of something like that." He took her hand and looked in her eyes. "Niya-ssi is a strong and very talented person and I am honoured to be in one team with her. Please, let us show what we can do now and forget about the past. Thank you!"

Kyuhyun and Niya bowed and went on with their song. A tight squeeze on his hand showed him he made the right choice to speak up. Niya seemed to have recovered and took the stage like a hurricane. The joyful song they had picked for that day made the people give a standing ovation and vote them to the first place for the third time.


Later Kyuhyun went to ask Niya whether she wanted a ride home. As usual she refused. Unlike other times though he stopped at the door and turned back to her.

"Have you been in a car since then?" 

Niyam who was facing the mirror, freezed for a moment and then shook her head. He sighed. Just like I thought. 

"You know you will have to ride in a car, sooner or later."

She lowered her head.

"I know." Niya looked up and met his eyes. "But I can't do it yet. I am not strong enough."

Kyuhyun went and hugged her for the second time today. Boy, it felt so natural with her.

"You know you can always talk to me about it, right?"

"I don't want to burden you, oppa. And... I... I haven't really talked to anyone about it yet."

"Then talk to me. And forget this bull. You are not a burden for me." He made her look at him. "I've been there, Niya-ah. I know how it feels and I know how to deal with it now. There is no need for you to fight this alone, OK?"

She nodded.

"Hey, why don't you try to get in the car with us now, huh?"

Fear filled her eyes and she tried to protest, but words didn't come out.

"Come on."

For a second time today Kyuhyun dragged her out. On the way to the parking lot he explained the situation to his manager. He was with Super Junior from the very beginning and was with Kyuhyun when he was dealing with his trauma, so he agreed immediately with his plan.

When they reached the car and the manager unlocked it, Niya started hyperventilating. Kyuhyun cupped her face and started speaking to her with soft, but firm voice, leading her slowly to steady breaths. She kept her eyes set on his, as if they were her only hope, the only thing that kept her from slipping away.

"Now" she was breathing normally again. "We will come in. Don't worry. I am here with you."

He entered the car and dragged her in as well, placing her ice cold hands in one of his hands and putting his other arm around her.

Niya shut her eyes fast and held her breath.

Images flashed in her mind and she didn't even register the manager taking his seat and starting the engine.


The crossroad was packed, as usual. Her taxi had stopped at the trafic lights and she looked around. It was just a week before the competition and yet today she wasn't thinking about it at all. 

Eversince she became an ELF, April 19th had been a special day for her. At that day she called all her relatives and friends to tell them she loves them and all those she had conflicts with to apologize or give forgiveness. On April 19th she had learnt nothing is eternal and you never know when you would die. And she wanted to make sure she had said everything she wanted to.

She smiled at the memory of her conversation with her mom today and then she heard it...

The screetching sound of brakes and the loud shout of the taxi driver. She turned just in time to see a huge truck hitting the car she was in and then everything went black.


Back to reality, Kyuhyun was holding firmly the shaking girl. He could see she was trying to control herself and not scream. Her whole body was shaking so much.

The car stopped in front of the SJ dorms, since they didn't know her address and she was in no state to tell them anything. The manager looked to them and pressed his lips tight. If the media found out about it, the scandal was as sure as the dawn tomorrow. However, they couldn't leave her alone.

With a sigh he told Kyuhyun to carry the now sleeping Niya upstairs. 







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the last chapter is out!!!!


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Chapter 16: OMG~ I love this story. Great job author-nim! <3
Chapter 17: WHYYYYY? ANIYAAA! well congrtas you did a anonymous fanfic ♥ LOVE EET!

i hope you will do another FF for kyuhyun ^^, jebal? Mwehehe.
Chapter 17: This is a lovely story! Thank you for writing!
Finally,Niya and Kyu are happy. :))
lulu88 #4
Chapter 16: "We made our own fate" I like this line and believe in it .
Anyway thanks for sharing this amazing story :D
Chapter 17: ahhhhhh nice one!!!!!!!!! longer than other story!! =p
Chapter 16: awww ohmygoddddddddddddd she is safe but nvm niya u have kyu!!! and the last part omoooo her diaryyy awesomeeeeee they r getting married!!
Chapter 15: oh god..niya managed to escape!!!
Chapter 17: Aw.. I like niya's diary. Thank you for this wonderful story.
Chapter 14: OMG OMG OMG!!!! She's torturing niya while kyuhyun think she must be dying!! oh god please save niya!!!!! where is the police?!!!!!!!! do something!!!!! don't just stay in the dorm!!
Chapter 13: Oh gosh how this could happen????? Her manager was killed oh come on hyojin!!!