Trust Me

Twelve Wolves and A Black Pearl

Dasom didn't have a care in the world the first hour, but the second hour she started freaking out. Her car's fuel is running out and she's like miles away from the closest gas station. She groaned in frustration when she had to pull over, the gas had officially ran out. Dasom started banging her head on the steering wheel. Life really hates her today. Why didn't she check the fuel before she left? She could have taken her other car, but the thought of leaving Totoro in the hands of her parents made her sick.

Dasom kissed the steering wheel. *I'm sorry Totoro, I have to go find a gas station but I promise I'll be back soon.* She grabbed her bag and got out of the car. It's even better that it's around 1 PM in the middle of the night and Dasom is stuck in the middle of nowhere. *How faraway can the next gas station possibley be? Not longer than an hour, right?* she sighed and started walking, wasting no time on complaining. Dasom isn't used to walking for long, heck. She's not used to any physical activity at all, but she's determained and does all she can to achieve the goals she have set up for herself.

The night was cold, to her disadvantage, and the fact that the street was completely empty made things worse. If someone who's capable of hurting her comes, she knows she won't survive. Just one day ago, she was sleeping peacefully in her bed at this time. And know she's running away from the only place she's ever called home. Dasom was to busy with her thoughts to notice the strange man that was following her from behind. "Huh?" Dasom turned around, and saw the strange looking stranger. 

He was wearing a red-and-blue varsity jacket, and a beanie that covered his face half-heartedly. But the shining moonlight helped Dasom see a few of his facial features, and a few strands of his light blonde hair. Dasom guessed that he is attractive, and perhaps in his early-twenties. She knew she's supposed to be afraid, but she was hypnotized by the odd figure. He has a special aura around him, Dasom can sense that he means danger but maybe not on purpouse.

"Hi, can I help you?" She asked, and raised one of her eyebrows.

The boy smirked, or atleast Dasom thinks he did. "I think you're the one who needs help.." He took a step forward.

"Back off. Or I'll call the police," Dasom was frightened by this intimidating side of his. He ignored her words and took another step forward, making Dasom automatically take a step backwards. "I'm not joking. You don't know who I am. My parents are very important people and they will find out about this if you do anything," Dasom warned, and tried not to sniff more of his odd colonge.

"Shhhh," he shushed her. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise it will go fast.." 

Dasom turned around and started running, she knew he was out to get her. She ran as fast as she could,  and mentally thanked herself that she choose sneakers instead of sandals, or high heels. Dasom could feel his desire to kill her. Now she knew that his odd smell didn't come from colonge, the smell was blood. She was panicking inside her head, this isn't a nightmare- this is reality. And she was getting closer and closer to death, for every step he gained on her.

She was struggling to breath, at first she didn't dare turn around to look if the boy was really chasing her or it was just her imagination. But after running for five minutes she knew something was off. Dasom turned around, and like she thought he was gone. He had vanished out in the thin air. "What the heck, where did he go?" She murmured.

"Looking for someone?" She turned around and found herself less than a centimiter away from the same guy from earlier.

"What? How is that possible? One second you were on that side and now you're on this one!" Dasom was confused for a second, and the boy had the chance to "attack" her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into his embrace. "What are you doing!? Let me go!" She yelled and fought against him. But he was to strong, she couldn't squiggle out of his grasp.

"Quiet. I am trying to save your life," he leaned down to her ear and whispered. "I want to protect you.."

"From what?" Dasom asked.

"I can't tell you," he glanced at her bracelet and Dasom immediately took notice. *Damn! He must be one of those thieves I've read about in newspapers. The ones who steal pepole's expensive belongings, they also kidnapped a boy who attends my old highschool. What was his name now again? Right, Oh Sehun.* "You really are the black pearl. Pretty and vunerable as a pearl, but cursed to only create destruction just like a black hole. The outside is sweet, but the inside is the opposite."

"Listen, I don't know what you are talking about. If it's money you want, you can have all the money you need." Dasom ranted endlessly . The boy sighed, and leaned his forehead on her's.

"Please, trust me.." He murmured.

Dasom shook her head before hitting him hard. She knew he probably didn't feel any pain but he was shocked and gave her the chance to run away. The bag was left with him, and all her belongings where inside of it. Her cellphone, money, clothes, and the gift she had gotten from Zelo. But she didn't turn back and ran with all the power she had, heading straight into the woods. The boy was yelling after her, but soon the yelling stopped and she assumed he had left with her bag, satisfied.

*This is a mess, I just wanted to get to the gas station..* Dasom leaned against a tree and slid down. She's going to die tonight, isn't she? Dasom ruffled her hair and took deep breaths to calm herself down. *Everything is going to be fine,* she thought. Dasom looked around the area she currentley was in. All she could spot was trees and bushes, and from one of the bushes there was two bright red eyes watching her every move. Dasom rubbed her eyes, they must be decieving her. But when she opened her eyes they were still there.

Dasom rised from the ground and started running again, whoever or whatever owns those red eyes means bussiness. She's not going to deal with it after all she's been through this far. But she couldn't run far before she tripped over a branch, "Ouch.." She fell down, and un luckily her head landed on a hard rock, the pain was unbearable and she knew she was bleeding heavily. The last thing she saw was two furry red-eyed creatures fighting, before the darkness surronded her.


Dasom woke up from the rays of sunlight that leaked through the window blinds. She squinted her eyes and pulled the blanket over her head. *I'm so tired, please let me sleep a little longer* She nuzzled in deeper between the sheets and continued enjoying the sweet fragrance from her pillow, slowly drifting away to the dreamland. *This pillow is alot more comfortable than the one I have at home..*

Her eyes shot up, and her eyes examined her room. Where is she? This is not her house. She remembered what had happened the previous day and started panicking. *I remember that wolfs were trying to attack me, and I hit my head.* She touched the back of her head and whinched. There's definetly a cut there but someone must have taken care of it, because now it's bandaged. Dasom was confused but didn't question it. She's to tired to care about anything right now.

She was still wearing her clothes from yesterday, but they didn't smell bad. She brushed her tangled hair with her fingers before leaving the room. From the sights of it, she's in a cottage. Cottage equals the woods. Someone must have saved her from the claws of those vicious wolfs, and brought her here. She doesn't know who or what saved her, but she's thankful. 

"Hello, I see the princess has awoken." A familiar voice uttered. Dasom quickly turned around and her body was pressed to D.O's. *What the heck is he doing here? I thought he was still left in the mansion!*

"Hi," Dasom weakly smiled. It doesn't matter, because D.O must have been the one who saved her. "Thank you for last night. I was so afraid, and you even bandaged my head. It was nice of you to do so much for me." Dasom thanked him and respectfully bowed.

"Hitting that servant was nothing, but you are welcome. Though, if you want to thank your real hero you should talk with Luhan." D.O smiled and bowed in return. Dasom was about to ask who this Luhan is when two handsome men walked in to the living room that she currently was located in. They were playfully laughing, the older looking one had swung his arm around the blonde.

"You," Dasom pointed at him. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I live here," the blonde rolled his eyes. "And you don't have to be hostile, I really don't mean any harm."

"Why were you chasing me yesterday?" Dasom crossed her arms. "Cause that seemed pretty damn good hostile to me!" 

The blonde awkwardly laughed and scratched his neck. "My stupid friend here," he nudged the brunette beside him, "Wanted to.. play a prank on you. His pranks are pretty harsh, and I just didn't want you to have to go through it." Dasom knew he was lying, it was written all over his face but she ignored it and nodded. *I can't tell you the truth yet,* the blonde thought. 

"Thank you then, I guess." She really didn't want to end up in more trouble than she already had. "Uhm, do you know if there's any gas station nearby? My Toyota ran out of fuel yesterday, and that's why I was walking around all alone at night." She explained. 

D.O laughed. "Nearby? There's really nothing out here, you are faraway from a gas station."

"That's great," Dasom replied sarcastically and sighed. *How am I getting out of here now then?*

"You can stay here as long as you want," the blonde offered. "As long as you're a good cook, that is."

Dasom hesistated. Not about the part of being a good cook or not, but the part about staying here. She doesn't know who these guys even are, they could be out to her or something even worse. But she really doesn't have another choice. "Fine. I'll stay here until I find another solution."

"Great," the brunette smiled. "I'm Jongin by the way, but everyone calls me Kai. Sorry about the prank, didn't know Luhan would mind so much." He laughed.

Dasom shook hands with Kai. The blonde extended his hand to and Dasom shook it. "I'm Luhan, really sorry about yesterday. Don't worry, I didn't steal any of your belongings they're all in your room." *So this is the Luhan whom D.O was speaking of.*

He smiled, making Dasom's heart flutter. *He has a really pretty smile. AISH! No! What am I saying? I must be going crazy!*

"Okay, well do you guys mind if I freshen up myself?" Dasom asked. *I could really use a shower, before I start my cooking job.*

"Not at all, you go on." D.O smiled.

"Wait, there are a few rules you should now or things might not go to well," Kai revealed. "Don't go in to any of our rooms without permission, don't run around in the woods at night especially not during the full moon, and never ever question us when we ask you to do something." Kai stated the rules. Dasom was surprised but nodded. "It's all for your safety," Luhan added.

"I won't break them." Dasom gave them thumbs up. "I'll make brunch when I'm done." She left for her room.

Kai glared at Luhan. "You can stay here as long as you want," Kai mocked him in a high-pitch voice. "Are you dumb!? You saw me yesterday, I crave for her and I won't be able to control myself that good! It hurts.." Kai scolded.

"Shut up, Kai. You'll just have to deal with it, because she's the one." Luhan clutched his chest. "I can feel it in here.. Besides she's wearing the bracelet, that's destined for her. Yesterday it activated, meaning it was her 20th birthday. She has to discover her powers, and then we can break the curse." Luhan said. He had planned this all very well.

"If someone doesn't eat her," Kai scoffed and rolled his eyes at his dreaming hyung.

"And I assume that person won't be you." D.O pointed his finger at Kai. "You've always been good at controlling yourself, you haven't ate a single human so why her?" He asked and crossed his arms.

"She's different." 

Dasom grabbed a pair of clothes and thanked herself for packing down a towel along with her. She grabbed her things and exited her room, she forgot to ask where the bathroom is. She walked around looking for one of the three boys, but they were nowhere to be seen and Dasom assumed they had entered their rooms or left the house for work. Summer break is about to end soon, but she doubts any of them still go to highschool. Maybe Luhan, he looks so young.

She heard sounds coming from one of the bedrooms, a man was singing. His voice captivated Dasom and she couldn't resist turning the door knob and entering the room. *I need to know who's singing.* The owner of the voice was a familiar man, early twenties, and good looking. He looked shocked to see her, and she was shocked to see him as well. He looked so familiar, but where could she possibly have seen him before? "Hi, sorry... I didn't know more people lived at this house. I'm Dasom." She bowed.

"I know.." He smiled. "I'm Suho, and it's okay. My room is quite neat, you can come here whenever you need something." It's actually a lie, the only reason his room is neat is thanks too Xiumin but she doesn't need to know this.

Dasom nodded, thankful that Suho isn't as rude as the others. "I was looking for the bathroom, could you give me directions?" she asked.

"Sure, follow me." He rised from his bed and exited the room with Dasom right behind him. Suho wasn't as cute as Luhan, but defintely handsomer. His smile is beautiful, and his milky white skin is perfect. She couldn't resist staring, admiring every detail of his face. He caught her staring at him and his smile widened, *She's so cute..* He stopped infront of a door. "Always use this bathroom, it's the cleanest." Suho laughed. Dasom laughed nervously and nodded.

"Thank you, Suho-issi." She thanked him.

"Don't be formal, just call me oppa." He patted her shoulder and returned to his room.

Dasom squealed quietly. *He's so handsome.. I think I trust him the most so far, he's very kind.*


A little messy, sorry. And it's not as long as the last one but it's hard to come up with something to write. :3

Atleast Suho, Kai and Luhan have now entered the story! Yeay! 

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Wahh, I'm excited to start reading this story. (I can't right now 'cause I have homework) Author-nim, fighting!
amanda_exoforever #2
Chapter 17: Really love this story!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG LUHAN.
qarisha #4
Chapter 17: Omg this is one ing hella good ff !!!!
michellehappy123 #5
Chapter 17: Updateee pleaseeeee
michellehappy123 #6
Update please author
Plz do update! Im subbing to it haha xo
is this story currently on hiatus? I miss this story :(
michellesnsd123 #9
Chapter 1: Please update cuz its been 2 long now its not fair!!
when will you update? :) I miss this story so much :)