Remembering Her

Twelve Wolves and A Black Pearl

Their conversation had stopped after Luhan's remark. Dasom pondered over if she should either thank him, yell at him, or just ignore him and not take his words seriously. Luhan's grin still lingered on his lips, cause he finds it a little cute when she's deep in thought. That's not going to help her protect herself though. He has to try to force her powers out of her so she can defend herself in the future.

"So, after you and Kai mate, what are you going to name the child?" Luhan started a new conversation.

"I don't know," she confessed. "I mean, how can I love something that's related to that monster. I know that it's going to be my own child and it will have my own blood running through it's veins, but it's going to be hard."

"I don't think so. I'm sure you'll fall in love with your baby the minute you see her or him," he said. "The moment you see your baby, it's going to be your hope, your sunshine, your light. I've never had a child myself, but my mother said that when I was born, she felt like the first time she fell in love. And I know the feeling of falling in love."

"Me too," Dasom confessed. "It's great until your heart gets broken, isn't it? That's why I don't believe in such a vunerable thing."

"You should name her Lin," Luhan ignored her words. "It's a chinese name."

"You're from China, aren't you? After hearing you talk so much, I realize you have an accent! Nonetheless, it's not very noticeable." She let the name Lin run through her mind for a little while, she likes the name Lin, a lot! "I suppose Lin is good, what's the meaning behind the name?" 

"Beautiful jade," Luhan replied.

It was as if he had memorized the name and it's meaning in his head. She was surprised, but she didn't want to ask about since it might be a touchy subject. "I'll name the baby Junhong if it's a boy then."

"Why Junhong?" Luhan asked.

"No special reason, I just like that name," Dasom lied. Actually, Junhong is Zelo's real name. She's been pestering him to let her call him Junhong, but he would go mad and pouty whenever she did not call him by his nickname. Sometimes, he's like a big baby.

Their conversation seemed to have hit a dead end and neither of them had any intentions to come up with a new subject. Dasom felt safe, being this close to Luhan. He's so much nicer than the others at the house, well, everyone's pretty nice excluding Kai, Suho and super annoying Kris. Apparently, you have to be a jerk these days to be the boss.

According to Dasom's own personal opinion, Luhan would have been a much more suitable leader than the three others. 

"Hey, I'm curious about something," she announced. "Why did Kai pass his title to Kris?"

"Because Kris is a very strong and mature person. His decisions are never selfish and he always picks whatever is best for the whole team. He might seem like a blockhead on the outside, and sometimes he is on the inside too, but he's not as tough as he looks. He's only truly tough or harsh when he's trying to protect someone," Luhan explained.

"That's interesting, but it's not what I meant. I meant to ask, why did Kai want to give up his title as the pack leader?" She asked.

"Nobody really knows that. I mean, what idiot would turn down such a oppurtunity? Anyhow, I am not sure whether Kai would have been a good leader or not, so a part of me is relieved that he turned down the offer," Luhan laughed.

Dasom clucked her tongue. There's something weird about this. Kai is such a demanding, very arrogant person. If he'd been the leader, he could have bossed everyone around and she's pretty sure that he would have been happier like that. Kai could have had it his way and he wouldn't have to listen to anyone, but he turned the offer down, why? Doesn't he have the guts for that either?

She glanced at were they were, and then she realized, that they've been walking far too long. Ahead of them, she could spot a beach. This can't be a short cut either. If their destination had been the house, they would have arrived like an eternity ago.

"It seems our sleeping beauty has awaken and realized where I'm taking her, hm? You're making me really worried about you, Dasom. I distracted you with talking, and just as easily as that, you didn't pay attention to your surrondings." She could hear how disappointed he sounded in his voice.

Quiet. I am trying to save your life! I want to protect you. She remembered that night, not so long ago, when they had first met. It can't be more than two weeks ago. Please, trust me...

"Isn't this want you wanted?" 

"Huh?" Luhan's eyes widened, he put her down on the ground, swiftly turned around and stared into her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"The night that we first met, you told me that you wanted to protect me and that you wanted me to trust you. And now, when I am trusting you, you're complaining," she frowned.

Luhan's cheeks flushed pink. "I-I thought you had forgotten that. Look, I was just trying to act like a hero so that you would shut up and follow my instructions, but no, you didn't and you ended up getting hurt. I had to carry you to the house and get Lay to help me with you. It was a mess, and if you had just trusted me that wouldn't have happened."

"But I'm trusting you now. That's why I didn't worry about were you're taking me. I simply figured that wherever we're going, you'll be taking me somewhere safe," Dasom smiled.

"How do you know that I wouldn't kill you? My self-control is the worst after Sehun's and Kai's," Luhan said.

"I wasn't sure, unlike Kai, I highly doubt that you don't got the guts to finish me off with one bite," she said. "I just took a risk. I just hoped that I could allow myself to trust you, after everything you've said."

"Don't be so careless again, though," Luhan murmured. 

She smiled at him and nodded. The way she acted like a little child, it reminds him so much of Seohyun. Everytime he sees Dasom he sees Seohyun. Their apperances might not be the same, but they're actions are very alike. They're always smiling, pretending to be happy so the people they care about won't worry. 

"The thing I told you earlier, I wasn't joking," he referred to the -thing.

"W-wait, you think my behind is.... cute?" Dasom blushed.

Luhan cleared his throat and gave her a curt nod. I've seen better, you're not that impressive. You're not bad, though."

To avoid having to look into her eyes during this embarrasing moment, Luhan started walking again, closer to the beach. Dasom massaged her burning cheeks and took a few deep breaths before she followed after the blonde male. "I bet Kai had a hard time! He didn't have any choice, he had to become a wolf. It was his destiny, but the rest of you didn't have a choice either."

*I had one* Luhan didn't say anything. He didn't confirm that what she said was true, nor did he deny it. Most of them didn't have a choice, but he did. 

"Why are you bringing me to the beach?" Dasom continued talking even though no one answered.

Luhan would never have thought she's this talkative. But it seems she likes to talk when she's in a good mood, another thing she has in common with Seohyun. "I'm bringing you to the beach so that we can swim. The other's come here when they're irritated or stressed so that they can release all of their stress. I brought Sehun here after his minor rage and he immediately calmed down. It's very relaxing."

"But, what about other people? A beach is a public place, you know? How can you go into wolf mode here where people can openly see you and kids could get hurt?" She gave him a disapproving look.

"We're not dimwits. It's a private beach that only we can access, no worries. Besides, what idiotic human being comes to the beach before 7 AM?" He ceased a brow. Dasom blushed, remembering that one time when she and Suho went to the beach around 6 because the beach gets crowded already around 9. "Well, we're here.."

Dasom looked down at the white, beautiful, sand. The water looked so refreshing, but she had to hold back. She can't go jumping in there with her clothes on that would be a pretty stupid move. She looked down at her clothes, and then she realized that she can't go inside the water. She didn't bring a swimsuit!

She felt sad and looked up at Luhan to tell him, but she was surprised that she was met by a very interesting sight. Luhan had taken off his clothes in record speed time, and the only clothing covering his body was his boxers. Luhan smiled sheepishly as he noticed her surprised expression.

"Usually I swim , but I figured that might make you a little un comfortable.. So now, dress down, and we'll go in. I'll wait for you."

"I can't un dress myself when you're staring at me like that!" She scoffed.

"Right, sorry!" He apologized and turned around.

"I promise I won't peek!"

Dasom felt better and removed the dress she was wearing, revealing her underwear underneath. She checked herself to see that she didn't look weird and when she felt satisfied, she called Luhan's name so that he could turn around. *There's probably nothing much to see.* He smirked and turned around. But nu-uh, he had wrong. His jaw fell down to the ground as he stared at her.

She self-conciously covered up her body with her hands, but he grabbed them and pulled them away. "I don't like you doing that. Stop."

"I'm sorry, I think I'll stay on the beach and just sit while watching you have fun. My body isn't ugly or anything, nor is yours, it's just that I don't think this is very appropriate." She desperately tried to get herself out of this situation with excuses, but Luhan didn't reply to them. He grabbed the sides of her stomach, lifted her over his shoulder and ran into the water.

The minute her almost body hit the cold water, she had already forgotten about the inappropriateness of this. Luhan, as well, had forgotten the hell that would break loose if someone found them here. All that mattered was the way Dasom reminded him of Seohyun. Playing with her like this, holding her in his arms, he feels as if Seohyun had come back to play with him one last time. A time he wishes would last forever.


Luhan inhaled the fresh air, and exhaled. He couldn't be more happier in this moment. His eyes were closed, and his back laid on the golden sand. A head was lying on his bare chest, a female head. Luhan opened his eyes and looked down at the sweet girl. She must be tired. After playing around in the water for maybe two hours, they had gotten up from the water and played around with seashells. 

Dasom had been very tired, and Luhan had offered to be her pillow. He expected the independent girl to reject his offer, but she was so tired that she fell asleep the minute her head laid down on his chest. He's not sure that it's a good thing that she trusts him. The last time a girl trusted him, he'd blown it. He promised himself to never repeat his mistake.

Until Dasom came along. He's been watching over her all the time in secret to make sure she's fine. Not because he loves her. Not because she's the black pearl. Not because their leaders instructed him to. He's doing this, because he's hopelessly in love with the person Dasom reminds him of.

"Sorry, have I been sleeping for long?" Dasom's tired eyes shot open. He shook his head and smiled at her. "Okay then, good."

"This is out of sudden, Dasom. I know you really don't want to marry Kai, but as long as you're living under the same roof as the wolves, you have no say. But I can change things. You and I could run away. I have the money. I could buy you new clothes so you don't have to worry about that. We can move to China. I'll buy us a house next to the beach and we could do this everyday."

"I don't know," she murmured. His offer is tempting. She assumes, that if he's willing to run away with her, then he must like her, right? She's not sure about her own feelings. She didn't believe in love at first sight. But after spending just one day with Luhan, she's sure that being with him is better than staying here.. There's one problem though. "What about Zelo?"

"I'll make sure that no harm comes to him, okay? You know what? The sooner the better, so let's leave right now! We'll leave, without any second thoughts!" Luhan smiled at her.

"No, I have to think about this," she muttered. "I'll tell you my answer as soon as possible."

Luhan's smile vanished, but quickly re-appeared. He nodded his head and acted like the whole thing is okay. But actually, it isn't. Seohyun wouldn't have rejected him. She would have followed him without hesitating like Dasom is doing. It's not her fault. It's his. He has to remember that no matter how much she reminds him of Seohyun, they're not the same person.

"We'll go back now, and if they ask where we went, tell them to talk with me instead. Okay?" She nodded. "Great, let's go then!"

They got dressed and fixed themselves as good as possible so the other's wouldn't suspect anything. "Oh, and one more thing!"

Luhan grabbed her hand and pulled her against his chest. "I'd like to ask you to be my girlfriend." 


Omg. I just wrote the worst cliffhanger ever. 

So, Luhan is suddenly all crazy about Dasom— but not because of her, no, he likes her cause she reminds him of his previous girlfriend. Burn.

As long as Dasom does not know that, everything will be fine, right? :D

Pffft, we'll see, no? Bye for now! ;)




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Wahh, I'm excited to start reading this story. (I can't right now 'cause I have homework) Author-nim, fighting!
amanda_exoforever #2
Chapter 17: Really love this story!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG LUHAN.
qarisha #4
Chapter 17: Omg this is one ing hella good ff !!!!
michellehappy123 #5
Chapter 17: Updateee pleaseeeee
michellehappy123 #6
Update please author
Plz do update! Im subbing to it haha xo
is this story currently on hiatus? I miss this story :(
michellesnsd123 #9
Chapter 1: Please update cuz its been 2 long now its not fair!!
when will you update? :) I miss this story so much :)