Special Chapter: Luhan

Twelve Wolves and A Black Pearl

A/N: I have 204 subscribers, thank you everyone! Sorry for the delay, I know I said I'd update as soon as I got 200 subs, but I had a hard time writing this! I hope you like it, and yes, this special chapter is necessary to read, but if you'd like to skip, you can. You might get a little confused tho :)

Luhan smiled and waved goodbye to his friends. They had suggested that they should go hang out, Luhan, however, had no such interests and kindly turned them down. He has friends, admirers, riches, good looks, what more could you ask for? Love. There is no such thing as love in his world though. Although he knows the poor live a life with hardships and difficulties, he envies them, because they have someone by their side who loves them for who they truly are. Together, they can accomplish anything.

Luhan might have friends, admirers, riches and good looks but his loneliness is painful for him. He wishes that he had someone who could depend on him, someone he could depend on. Someone who could hold him, and love him, and tell him he's beautiful, not only on the outside, but on the inside too. And then, he'd tell that person the same thing back.

He sighed and quickened his pace, the sooner he gets home, the sooner he can lay down on his bed and relax. He decided to try a shortcut his friends had been talking about, although he's going to have to pass through the poorer areas. He doubts anyone will try and steal from him, and even if they do, he can defend himself. He walked along the sidewalk, people stared at him, gushing at his fancy school uniform.

He smiled and waved at them, pretending that he likes the attention like he always does. I shouldn't have taken this shortcut, too many people can see me. "Help!" Luhan stopped for a second, who was that? Then he heard the scream again and he quickly ran towards the direction of the girlish voice. 

The voice lead him to an alley where he found a girl, pushed up against the wall. Standing in front of her were two boys. He recognized the school uniform, so they must attend the same school as him. They turned around, recognizing him too, and waved for him to come closer. "This little cutie tried to steal from us, such a shame that a pretty face like hers is dirty and disgusting." 

The one who had spoke, spit right at her face. The girl covered her face in shame, trying to silence her sobs at the same time. Luhan stared at them in shock, trying to come up with a way to help the girl. Should he just aim right at the two guys? "She's a disgusting, little, ty ," the other one bent down and gave her a slap across the face.

That was enough to fill Luhan with fuming anger. "That's enough, you two better ing leave or I'll send both of your father's businesses to the ground!" He yelled. The two students stopped laughing, their eyes full of fright. "Are you both deaf? If you don't leave right now this neighborhood will be your home in less than a month!" 

The boys didn't hesitate to run for their lives. Luhan can't actually ruin their business, maybe he could, but it'd be hard work. Either way, if he finds them hurting someone else, he's not going to be nice, he'll beat them both up without being reluctant.

Luhan turned to the girl who laid lifelessly on the ground. The only things moving were her eyes, who waited for his next move. "I'm not going to hurt you like those two douches, so you can relax," he assured. She didn't loosen up, still afraid that he'd hurt her. "You don't trust me? I suppose it's acceptable considering the circumstances. What's your name?"

"S-Seohyun," she stuttered. 

He smiled at her. "Seohyun?" She nodded. "That's a pretty name you've got there, Seohyun. You can trust me, okay? I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Luhan, may I help you?"

She nodded again, returning his smile. He pulled out a handkerchief that he used to wipe away the spit. She looked embarrassed. Perhaps she was embarrassed because a handsome, rich male as himself saw her in such a bad state, or maybe it's because their faces are really close. Either way, Luhan found her red cheeks adorable.

"Seohyun, you don't have to if you don't like to, but if you'd let me I'd love to you home," he offered. 

"Yes, I'd appreciate that, Luhan!" She beamed.

He laughed at her eagerness and helped her stand home. Following her instructions, he brought her home to safety. Her house wasn't the worst that he had seen, at least she had a roof covering her head. "I live here, with my best friend Yoona. She should be home from work soon, so you can go home, no need to worry over me." Seohyun laughed, half-heartedly.

"Okay, make sure to treat your bruises. If it's okay, I'll bring something for you tomorrow, all right?" She nodded, accepting his offer.


Luhan would come by Seohyun's house everyday, bringing her and Yoona flowers, clothes, delicious food, you name it. After only two weeks, Luhan found himself falling in love with the poor girl. Her innocence, her blushing cheeks, everything about her was like a drug to him. A dangerous drug. Although the two had a very lovely relationship together, they live in two completely different worlds.

Their worlds aren't supposed to cross, but love does crazy things to you. One day, Luhan had dolled his girlfriend up and brought her to a cafe. Not one of those super fancy, luxurious ones, it was more cute and average, which would be more comfortable for both of them. Luhan could relax, and Seohyun wouldn't feel too out of place.

However, their date was slightly ruined by their waitress. A long-legged brunette who's skirt was too short for her own good. Of course, Luhan didn't even give the girl a second look, being the loyal boyfriend he is. The waitress, on the other hand, was all over Luhan making Seohyun misinterpret that they had some deeper connection.

The two left the cafe, and when Luhan opened the door for her, she didn't even thank him. He frowned, he must have made her mad but he had no reason why. "Why are you being all pouty and grumpy?" Luhan asked his girlfriend, who had been mad during their whole date. She frowned even deeper, thinking that Luhan should know himself why she's angry. "Seohyun, quit ignoring me!"

"You're the one who's ignoring me for that skimpy waitress!" She sneered. Luhan chuckled, shaking his head. "Stop lying," she spat.

"I'm not! It's hilarious how you thought that I was actually looking at that girl!" He laughed. "I'd never be interested in someone like her, all right? You're my princess Seohyun, and the only other woman I will ever look at is my mother and our future daughter."


"Fine, I won't look at my mother either! Just for you!" He joked, trying to lift the mood. Seohyun was still pissed though. "Aw come on, what do you want me to do? It's not my fault she was flirting with me! There are boys staring at you all the time and I don't complain."

"No, guys don't stare at me, they're staring at you. Because you're Luhan, you're perfect, you're rich and you're everything that everyone wants and needs. I'm Seohyun, a poor girl who can't even buy afford coffee at that cafe we just ate at!" She yelled.

People began staring at them, and to get away from everyone's eyes, Luhan pulled Seohyun with him to a more private place. "So? I can buy you everything you need so you don't have to worry about that Princess. It doesn't matter if you're rich or not, I'd spoil my girlfriend to death anyway. But only if I love her, and I love you, end of story."

"That isn't the issue here, Luhan. The problem is that we can never be together because you belong with girls like that waitress, or the girls that go to your school. I know that you'd never cheat on me, we'll still end up hurt in the end though." She murmured.

"Then we'll run away, and I'll hire professional assassins who kills everyone who tries to come close to us and harm us. I don't care what or how, all I care about is you and I being together. Without you, Seohyun, I had no reason to live anymore. Now when I have you, I finally feel like I have a home." He tried to embrace her, but she pushed him away.

"It doesn't matter how I feel, or how you feel. We live in two different worlds that collided, and you know what happens when two things collide? Crash, then boom." Seohyun sighed. "I don't know if we should continue this Luhan. I love you, and I love all of the things you've done for me and Yoona, but we can survive without you." With that said, she her heel and walked away.

Luhan fell to his knees and watched her walk away. He knows she'll come back, he's going to give her sometime, and she'll return.


Luhan woke up the next day in his bed with the worst headache you could ever imagine. He had obviously gotten a hangover from last night. His memory was blurry, but he remember going out partying with his friends after fighting with Seohyun. He wanted to use his phone and call her, when he remembered that Seohyun prohibit him from buying her a phone.

"I'll skip school and go by their house instead." He decided and got out of bed. After dressing himself up in casual clothes, he took a walk to Seohyun and Yoona's neighborhood. He's quite familiar with the area by now, and he arrived at Seohyun's house faster than lightning. He knocked on the door, but nobody opened. "Anyone home?" He knocked again and a puffy-eyed Yoona opened. 

"You, all of this is your fault!" Yoona yelled. Tears streamed down her face while she yelled and yelled, about things that Luhan didn't even understand.

"Woah, Yoona can you lower your voice and talk slower so I can understand?" He asked.

"Because of you, Seohyun has died. She would have been fine without you, but no, you just had to enter our lives and give us false hopes!" His body turned limp. "While you were away, doing whatever you did, Seohyun got attacked by a couple of jealous girls and some boys from your school! They attacked her, and left her on the street. I-I don't know where her body is, but they told me she was to death."

"Who told you that?" He demanded, his voice shaking.

"T-the police, and you weren't here to protect Seohyun like you promised you would. You betrayed her, you betrayed me, y-you liar!" Seohyun had been right, when two things collide they first go crash, then they go boom. 


Luhan sat by the bar, drinking his worries away. He ignored the desperate pleas from his broken heart to stop, warning him that he might get hurt if he drinks too much, which is his goal. He deserves to feel pain after huring Seohyun, although it wasn't with his intention, he felt the need to blame someone, and the only one he could accuse was himself.

A blonde college kid who sat next to the half-drunk male smiled at him. "You're here because of a broken heart, correct?" Luhan didn't hide his feelings, he nodded, confirming the college kid's assumption. "Did she cheat on you, or were you the one who cheated on her and now you regret it? Maybe you had a fight? Or is she a childhood friend who has a new guy and never not—"

"— my girlfriend was and now she's dead," Luhan revealed. "She was killed by while I was out partying, and today I came by her house with a hangover, only to find out the news from her best friend." He bit down on his bottom lip, resisting to let out a small whimper.

The college kid tapped his back, soothingly. "My name is Wu Fan, but you shall call me Kris. I know something that could help you, it's not drugs or something so don't get worried. All you have to do is follow me, and I'll show you a place where you can let your wrath go."

"What's the catch?" Luhan asked. Actually, he doesn't care about the catch, but it could always be good to know.

"You have to let your past go and forget about everyone you've known. You look like a rich kid, all that money, you have to say goodbye to all that money if you come with me. It'll be like starting over, and when we're done, you'll be a new person," Kris assured. Luhan nodded, agreeing. "Great, now what do you think about wolves?"




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When I reach 200 subs, I'll release the first special chappie~~


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Wahh, I'm excited to start reading this story. (I can't right now 'cause I have homework) Author-nim, fighting!
amanda_exoforever #2
Chapter 17: Really love this story!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG LUHAN.
qarisha #4
Chapter 17: Omg this is one ing hella good ff !!!!
michellehappy123 #5
Chapter 17: Updateee pleaseeeee
michellehappy123 #6
Update please author
Plz do update! Im subbing to it haha xo
is this story currently on hiatus? I miss this story :(
michellesnsd123 #9
Chapter 1: Please update cuz its been 2 long now its not fair!!
when will you update? :) I miss this story so much :)