The Past

Twelve Wolves and A Black Pearl

Two days passed, and Kai had still not returned. According to the boys it's no big deal. Kai can disappear one day and come back a week later, apperantley it's usual behavior, but Dasom is worried. What if something happened too not only Kai, but Zelo as well? She tried to act like she didn't care, and the members of the pack didn't seem to notice, except for one of them.

"Need any help?" Suho had approached Dasom after dinner that day. The rest of the pack, excluding Kai and Suho himself, were having one of their secret meetings in the garden, but Suho wanted to talk with Dasom and see what's been bothering her.

"Not really, I can take care of the dishes by myself," she smiled. Suho nodded, but instead of leaving he stayed. "Aren't you supposed to be outside?" Dasom cocked an eyebrow. 

"Well, I sort of made it my duty to take care of you and for the time being I seem to have done a bad job," Suho frowned. Dasom giggled, he's like the brother I never had. "Whaaat? Why are you laughing at me?" His lips formed into a pout. He doesn't act 'cute' often but he'll do anything to cheer her up.

"Ahaha, you know what's funny?" Dasom sighed. "My first boyfriend would always ask me that and do aegyo when I was sad. It always cheered me up," she smiled. "You know, you remind me of him, Suho. Always very caring, and protective, and you have the same looks... I would think you were the same person, but I'm probably just being delusional."

"Yeah," Suho chuckled. "Well, if you insist that you don't need any help, goodnight." He patted her shoulder like he always does before he went outside and joined the rest of the boys.


A teenaged Dasom looked around the dimlighted room. She's all alone, without anyone by her side. "Joonmyun? Joonmyun?" she called, but no response. "I don't like this game!" She protested. "If you don't come out now I'm going home!"

The lights again and Joonmyun stepped out of his hiding place in the closet. "Sorry," he smiled sheepishly. "I didn't mean to scare you, are you okay? You're not hurt, right?" She shook her head. "Good. Let's go do something else, okay baby?" Joonmyun interlaced their hands and Dasom returned his smile.

Joonmyun's smile widened and he closed his eyes. Dasom closed her eyes as well and leaned closer too his lips for a kiss, but they were interupted.

"Dasom! What are you doing?" Her mother shouted.

Dasom opened her eyes and found herself in her father's office. Her father sat on his deskchair, looking so almighty, meanwhile her mother stood loyally by his side. Dasom and Joonmyun's hands were still interlaced, she looked over at her partner and found his happy smile wiped of his face and replaced with a serious face.

"I love your daugther. I know you might see me as a bad example, but I can promise you that I will need her everything she needs!" he assured. Dasom started shaking, she knows what's going to happen next. "The only thing she needs to live is love, and I can give her love, whenever, wherever."

"Do you think we care about this silly romance you have going on!? It's going to end eventually anyway, and you're going to bring a bad reputation to our family name!" Dasom's mother yelled.

"Yeobo, calm down." Her father said before turning his attention to the kids. "No. What my daugther needs is a rich succesful man with a famous name that can be the father of her son who's going to take over our company. She needs someone in her own status, it doesn't matter what you think is best for her, because we know."

"Please, sir. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I know that Dasom will be happier with me." Joonmyun's voice was shaking. Dasom has never seen him cry. "P-please.." tears rolled down his cheeks. 

"Leave, or do we have to make someone you out?" Her father threatened. 

Joonmyun let go off her hand. "No, Joonmyun oppa please don't leave me.. They don't know what's the best for us! Don't listen to them!" Dasom begged. Joonmyun cupped his hands around her face. "Joonmyun, please.."

"You are beautiful," he chuckled sadly. "Goodbye."

One of the mansion's guards grabbed Joonmyun's arm and escorted him out. Dasom was yelling, shouting at him, accusing him of being a liar. He told her he would love her forever, and now he's leaving her without a fight! Dasom was crying so hard, she tried running after him but her mother grabbed her from behind and forced her to stay in place.

"This is not they way a lady should act!" Her mother scolded her.

"I hate you!" Tears brimmed in her eyes, her mother gave her a violent slap.

"Go to your room!"

"No! I love Joonmyun! Don't take him away from me! Please!" 


"I love him! You can't do this to us! It's not fair!" Dasom let out a high-pitch scream, a scream so powerful it woke up everyone in the house. Dasom kept yelling in agony, yelling out in pain. It's not only a dream, but also a memory. Tears streamed down her face, she thought she would never have to think about this.. but the dream was so realistic it felt like she experienced the whole thing over again.

And she knows why. She was still trembling a little but she managed to calm herself down. She hoped she didn't disturb anyone and grabbed a bathrobe to wear. I hope I don't wake him up. Dasom left her own room and went towards Suho's room. They need to speak urgently and have a serious talk about what's going on. She's really confused, but if she has things right, Joonmyun and Suho are the same person. It would explain their similar apperance and personality.

"Suho?" She knocked on his door. No response. "Joonmyun?" She tried calling again. She heard rumbling inside the room, and three minutes later she stood infront of a shirtless Suho.

"How did you find out?" He asked, tears b in his eyes.

"I had a dream, and I guess it made me realize all the similarities." She explained. Suho stared at his feet, he didn't have anything to say.

"I'm sorry, at first I didn't recognize you with your new apperance, but after a day or two I knew it was you. I didn't tell you about who I really was, cause I was afraid that you would want to get back together.." he explained. "I care for you, but we cannot be together. Kai and you were destined for eachother, and I know you will get along in the future." Suho assured. Dasom cried silently.

"I still love you. I never loved anyone else, Joonmyun. I waited for you so long, but you never came back, and now you're telling me I'm destined with that jerk?" Dasom trembled. She might pretend to be strong on the outside, but on the inside she's just a tiny fragile little girl. She has feelings as well, she can hurt and cry, she's not just sunshine 24 hours a day 365 days a year. 

"Dasom, I know this is hard, but I'm setting you free for your best. I always think about you, you always come first."

"No!" Dasom protested. "If you always thought about me you would choose the best for both of us and this isn't it!"

Suho tried grabbing her hand, but she backed away from him. "I'm going back to my room. Sorry for disturbing you, I won't be stealing anymore precious time from you," she sniffled and ran back to her room. Suho glared at the floor.

I'm doing the right thing, that's what he has been convincing himself, but he's not as sure about it as he used to be. But sometimes people need to sacrifice things and people they love for greater good. He just wishes he could hold her one last time.


"I'm back!" Kai's shout filled the whole cottage. Everyone were scattered all over the house, but no one bothered to come and check up on him, this is normal behavior as they've mentioned earlier. The only one who bothered to check was Dasom.

She jumped out of bed and got dressed in less than five minutes, she ran to the hallway but he had left already. *Yuck. Now I have to go to his room!* Dasom wasn't sure about which room belonged to Kai, so she carefully peaked through the small peakholes. The only rooms she found was Xiumin's and Chen's, which equals failure.

"Searching for Kai?" Dasom was startled. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Luhan apologized.

Dasom faced the blond boy and forced a sheepish smile. "It's okay, and yes, I'm looking for Kai..., have you seen him?" She asked. 

"He went outside, I'll show you where he is," Luhan offered his hand.

Dasom stared at it for awhile before walking past him. Luhan was slightly offended but ignored her rude gestured and walked beside her. Dasom put on her old sneakers and went outside together with the male. Dasom really felt bad, she didn't mean to come off as rude, but right now her main focus is Zelo and she can't think about anything else.

"Huh, weird... He was here a second ago.." Luhan muttered.

Dasom sighed, and so he's gone again. "We'll probably see him by dinner time," she sighed. "I'm going out for a walk, okay?"

"No breakfast?" Luhan asked and she shook her head in response. "Okay, I bet D.O misses the kitchen anyway," he laughed. 

Dasom giggled, "Thanks!" And walked off into the woods. 

Luhan climbed up in his usual tree and watched Dasom from afar, she's so interesting, he really wants to get to know her better. She reminds him of his ex-girlfriend in some aspects, and even though it slightly hurts a little, he still finds her interesting. She's humble and fun to be around, but other some extents she can also be tough, and she always speaks from her heart. 

He sighed, but he can't do this to himself. Everything he loves and adores is destructed in one way or another, and that's why he packed his things and left everything behind. His family, his friends, his aqquaintances, his memories, and her death.


Don't think about that jerk, don't think about him. Dasom stopped for a second, inhaled, and exhaled. She can't stop thinking about what Joonmyun Suho told her. She's so confused, if he loves her and knows that she loves him back, then how can he say that she's destined with Kai? The person she hates the most.

"Aish," she leaned against a tree and let her bangs fall over her face. She silently cried, knowing no one could see or hear her right now. She clutched a handful of her and ran her hands through it. "I'm so frustrated..." she wailed. All these years she has locked herself up in a box, all these years she's been trapped, saving her love for him and now he rejects her.

Rejection isn't a word in her vocabulary. 

"How is it possible for a person to feel so alone, yet have so many people around her?" Dasom heard rustling from the bushes and snapped her head up. "Calm down, it's just me...," Zelo raised his hands and carefully made it through the bushes.

Dasom smiled and ran into his arms. Zelo's chuckle vibrated through her body. "Stop laughing you sound like a seal having ."

"Well that would be a rather unpleasant sight," Zelo wrinkled his forehead.

Dasom giggled and hit his shoulder, making him groan. "Oh sorry! I guess I'm stronger than I thought I was," she apologized.

"Nah, it's not that." He held his sore shoulder. "I was involved in a small accident, nothing to worry about though."

"Okay," she flashed an innocent smile and Zelo was happy she easily had believed his lie. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Your friend Kai brought me here," he explained. "And I thought I would stay and give you some company."

Dasom nodded, but he doesn't know about the black pearl and all those things, right? She shook away her thoughts and grabbed his hand. "I'm glad you came, so please don't go anytime soon."

"I promise, besides it is my duty to watch over you," he laughed half-heartedly. "Anyway, let's go, shall we?"

"Yes." Dasom beamed.

She was thankful that Zelo didn't ask her about what she was doing out here in the first place, he's a good person. All the earlier occurences were forgotten. She was satisfied knowing that Zelo is safe, and all she could focus on was the smile lingering on his lips. However, Zelo was focusing on the ring she had put on her finger, had his token of affection been accepted?

I will do my best to not betray you, noona.


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When I reach 200 subs, I'll release the first special chappie~~


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Wahh, I'm excited to start reading this story. (I can't right now 'cause I have homework) Author-nim, fighting!
amanda_exoforever #2
Chapter 17: Really love this story!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG LUHAN.
qarisha #4
Chapter 17: Omg this is one ing hella good ff !!!!
michellehappy123 #5
Chapter 17: Updateee pleaseeeee
michellehappy123 #6
Update please author
Plz do update! Im subbing to it haha xo
is this story currently on hiatus? I miss this story :(
michellesnsd123 #9
Chapter 1: Please update cuz its been 2 long now its not fair!!
when will you update? :) I miss this story so much :)