Helping The Exo Tribe

Twelve Wolves and A Black Pearl

Dasom had rised and shined before anyone else in the cottage the following morning. She scurried to the kitchen and began her cooking, even though she was not in the mood to cook for these 'predators', it's a part of her plan and it will only succeed if they fully believe she's willing to do this sick-marriage-baby thing.  Luckily, she's the best actress in South Korea, note the sarcasm. 

"I thought you had left."

Dasom nearly suffered from a heart attack, Sehun really startled her! She turned around and glanced at the younger boy, not knowing if she should scold him or respond. "Why would I leave?" She laughed awkwardly and shook her head.

"Because I told you things, that you're not supposed to know, and you didn't believe me, so why didn't you run away? Why come back?" Sehun asked.

"I'm tired, okay? I'm tired of hiding and running away from my problems just because a certain situation doesn't fit my likings. Most of my life I had to be obedient and pretend that I am somebody who I'm not. And I'm tired of pretending to be that perfect girl, because I'm not perfect. I'm far away from perfect," she ranted while fixing the food, tears threatened to fall but she managed to stop them.

Sehun heaved a breath. "Pathetic. Is that the word you're looking for?" He asked. Dasom nodded.

"I'm very pathetic, I used to be trapped in my own home. The place I'm supposed to trust the most turned into the place I hate the worst— and that sounded super lame because it rhymed." Dasom stopped her endless ranting and complaining, only to be greeted by Sehun's laughter. "What, why are you laughing?" She glared at him.

"Here you're standing, complaining and ranting about your own life, saying you're not perfect. So what? I think you're faraway from pathetic. Someone pathetic is un intelligent and you are the most clever person I ever met." Sehun came closer to her with every single step he took. "You didn't leave, because you know that if you did, we would get you. You're playing a plan, so we won't suspect anything and give you complete trust. And when we expect it the least, you will flee," he smirked. 

The shocked expression on her face confirmed that Sehun was right. He could either tell s about her plans, or he could let her go. He placed both of his arms on both sides of her, meanwhile Dasom pressed herself against the refridgerator that she was trapped against. She only had one question.

"Yesterday, what happened? Why did you tell me to run?" She asked.

"Remember what I told you?" He asked, and his voice dropped lower. "....about us transforming when we can't control our tempers? I still don't got a good hang of myself. I often mess up, and transform when I can't controll myself," he explained. "I'm sorry," his almond eyes flickered their attention to her lips.

Sehun was blushing from how close they were, maybe this is the right moment for him to tell her how he feels about her? The worst thing that could happen is rejection and humiliation, but it's not like any typical teenage things like that really matters to him.

"I--I like yo--" he stuttered.

"W-what?" Dasom couldn't really understand what he said.

"Are you afraid of me?" He asked, his eyes suddenly turned sad instead of fierce and scary.

Dasom nodded. "You are predators, and I am human. It's only normal for me to be afraid," she admitted. Sehun caressed her left cheek with his hand. 

"How can you be so sure of that?" He questioned. 

"I'm not, I just know." She sighed. Sehun chuckled darkly and leaned closer to her lips.

"Then trust me," his eyes closed and he leaned even closer while Dasom was leaning backwards. Their lips were just about to lock when someone interupted them.

"I see you've already started cooking! Sehun, why don't you set the table?" Suho requested. He could obviously see what was going on, he's not blind, but he ignored the event. Sehun nodded and let go of Dasom.

Sehun nodded, he has to obey, and grabbed some plates before he went to the table. Even though he was pissed he knew better than to start a fight with the co-leader. Suho and Dasom stared at eachother for awhile, not saying a word. Dasom was still shocked by Sehun's actions, and Suho had difficulties searching for the right words to express himself.

"Was Sehun confessing to you?" He asked.

Dasom cocked an eyebrow. "What? No. He was just helping me in the kitchen," Dasom lied. Honestly she's not sure what the heck just happened. She returned to cooking, but Suho just leaned against the wall and stared at her. Occasionally, Sehun came in to the kitchen to get things before he returned to the table. "So, oppa. When are we doing that marriage thing?" She asked.

"Soon, are you already excited?" 

'You wish,' she wanted to snap, but she kept her self-control and gently shook her head. "No. I just realized that the quicker I finish this the quicker I'll be able to get out of her," she smiled. Suho returned the smile.

"Great," was all he could say.


The beginning of the day was quite boring. Breakfast was lively, and talkative, and Kai just entered the kitchen, grabbed his plate with food and locked himself up at his room. Dasom wondered how long this would be going on. Him ignoring her, and she pretending she doesn't mind. But she does mind. If the reason he dislikes her is because they have to get married, he can't blame her— she never asked for this terrible fate to be cast upon her. 

After breakfast, and cleaning up after thirteen people all alone, she realized that everyone else had left the house. Dasom didn't really have anywhere to go so she stayed inside the house and examined only the open doors to rooms. Most were just slobby bathrooms with clothes all over, and Dasom is happy she's only there to cook, not to clean.

Only one of the rooms caught her interest. A small room, and the only thing inside was one giant bookshelf, and a desk with a chair. She didn't have anything else to do and examined the books on the shelf. "Two moons, astrological signs, zodiacs, blah blah." All of the books seemed fairly boring, until she stumbled upon a red thick book. "The Two Wolf Tribes," she read out loud. She smirked.

Pang. This was the book she had been looking for. She grabbed it and sneaked back into her room, even though the house was empty she's not planning on risking that someone might see her. Better safe then sorry. She locked the door and laid down on her bed, when she was lying in a comfortable position she started reading.

'Every page, every sentence, every word had hidden meanings. The whole book contained information about the two tribes, the Exo tribe and the BAP tribe. The Exo tribe had always been the most powerful, they had much more wolves in their clan than BAP did. However, during the 40 century, the leader of the Exo tribe wanted to take over BAP's grounds as well, so they investigated on old tribe legends when they stumbled upon the black pearl.

The black pearl is a mythological creature, she's not human, but just like a normal human being she has blood running through her veins. The personality of the black pearl isn't something you can predict— she could be insecure and sensitive, but also the most stubborn girl you've ever met. The black pearl is reborn every 80th year, as she dies on her 80th birthday. Up until her 20th birthday she grows exactly like a normal human being, but after the age of 20 her apperance will change.

For example, her skin will grow cold as ice, and her eyes can take the color of dark blue or dark violet. She'll stay at the age of 20 for the rest of her life. The black pearl has nothing with family connections or supernatural things. Who the black pearl will be is purely coincidential.'

After endless hours of reading Dasom finally finished the book. *I can't be the black pearl, this is sick!* She sighed. Apperantely the Exo tribe leader tried to charm the black pearl, but the BAP leader stole her away and forced her to become his. Dasom knows this is wrong, but she feels bad for Exo, and that's why she has decided to help them. Hopefully, these BAP wolves don't know she has been reborn yet. The book didn't mention anything about her powers though, but she'll figure out about them herself.

She's a little anxious about the future, but this might be a good things, right?

Cause what is better than having two wolf pack leaders fighting over you like you were a toy?



Boriiiiiiiing update. However, this information is important so keep in mind! ;)

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Wahh, I'm excited to start reading this story. (I can't right now 'cause I have homework) Author-nim, fighting!
amanda_exoforever #2
Chapter 17: Really love this story!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG LUHAN.
qarisha #4
Chapter 17: Omg this is one ing hella good ff !!!!
michellehappy123 #5
Chapter 17: Updateee pleaseeeee
michellehappy123 #6
Update please author
Plz do update! Im subbing to it haha xo
is this story currently on hiatus? I miss this story :(
michellesnsd123 #9
Chapter 1: Please update cuz its been 2 long now its not fair!!
when will you update? :) I miss this story so much :)