Carry Everything Alone

Twelve Wolves and A Black Pearl

", you walk fast," Kai complained.

5 AM in the morning, he had knocked on Dasom's door. He'd told her that he has to show her something important and for her to get dressed in sport appropriate clothing. She was pissed, but also curious. The way that Kai acted, it seemed as if he was being dead serious for the first time in pretty much ever.

Besides, she doubts that he would bother dragging her around outside at 5 AM, breaking his rules, not that it's the first time they break them— unless it's something important. Therefore, she had made the hard decision to go through with his madness.

"Maybe it's not me who's walking fast. Maybe it's you who's walking slowly," Dasom countered.

"You're so defensive. One minute you're all smiles and rainbows, the next one you're stuck in this little bubble of yours, and then, out of nowhere, you start yelling," he grumbled.

She stopped in her tracks and pointed her finger at him. "So what? How am I supposed to not be defensive when you're treating me like I'm a worthless piece of nothing all the  time? You're weak and scared, so you pick on others. I can't imagine what an awful leader you would have been," she spat.

Kai pushed her against a tree, trapping her by holding both of his hands on each side of her. "Who told you that?" He asked.

"Chanyeol did. I almost forgot though."

"I-I don't know what to do with you," Kai sighed. "I could kill you right now, here on the spot and flee. I'll have a few hours to escape before the other members come, I could make it. I could do that."

"But you're not going though," she pointed out.

He laughed. "And what makes you think that I won't? Thing about all the positive things, from my side, if I get rid of you. I won't have to marry you, I won't have to put up with you anymore, I won't have to watch you giving birth to my child and I won't have to see your annoying face anymore. And those are just a few."

"Yet, you're not going to kill me. There are more pros than cons in this situation and I am very well informed about that, thank you. I know that you have reasons and the motivation to kill me, but do you have the guts?" She questioned.

"What are you talking about? Are you trying to mind-trick me so that you can have a few more minutes alive?" Kai asked.

"You're underestimating me, though," she warned. "Tell me, why did you bring me out into the woods?"

"To kill you."

"You're lying. You don't have the guts to kill me, so why did you bring me out into the woods? In the middle of the night?" She interrogated. She knew that he was obviously nervous due to the drops of sweat that had formed on his forehead. "Why, why, why?"

Her questions confused him further. However, instead of becoming more confused, his sightlessly look and his knitted eyebrows disappeared. The confusion he had built up inside turned into anger. He could feel his blood pounding in his ears.

"Stop! You're exactly like my father! If you don't stop, I will hurt you!" He warned.

"I believe that you're very capable of hurting me in your wolf form, but would your human form really do that?" She continued.

He could clearly see what she was doing. She's trying to test his limits, how far she can push his buttons until he explodes. As if he were a bomb, as if he were a experiment. She's exactly like his father, and he can't stand people like that. They make his blood boil.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" 

"Kai, if you want to kill me, then why haven't you done so yet?"

He grabbed ahold of her jaw and harshly pulled her face closer to him. "How are you going to protect yourself against 12 wolves? I'm starting to doubt that you're even the black pearl. You haven't transformed yet, and you are indeed 20."

"Like this," she spit in his face.

Kai staggered backwards and wiped the spit of his face. He growled in irritation when he glared at Dasom who's still there, alive. He's hungry now. He doesn't care who his prey is. He's going too.

"Stay there," she demanded. "If you come any closer, you will regret it."

"You're the one who's been annoying me and pestering me. Maybe if you hadn't, your death would have been less painful. Because you're right. I brought you out here to kill you, however, I didn't have the guts. Now that you've made me mad, things might take an interesting turn." He pushed her against the tree again. "I can't wait to see how you taste."

"You're not going too, Kai," she continued with her mind-logic. "You didn't bring me out here to kill me. You're lying."

He grabbed ahold of her jaw again, this time a little gentler. "Where's your proof?" 

Her eyes turned worried for a second, but quickly returned too fierce. Her lips curled upwards into a daring, challenging, smirk. And judging the look on her face, Kai assumed that she's definitely an idiot, arguing with a man who's capable of killing her at any minute.

"Hit me, and don't hold back. I know you won't do it. If you'd like to prove me wrong, then smack me," she dared.

Kai smirked and pulled his fist backwards, preparing himself to make it collide with her face. His self-confidence was beaming, until he saw how unaffected she looked. Dasom looked a lot more confident than he did, and he couldn't sense any fear radiating from her.

She still strongly believes that Kai isn't going to hurt her. His hand fell down by his side for a minute, and Dasom opened to speak. But she resisted from doing so because Kai pulled up his fist again. This time, she couldn't hide her fear anymore. She accidentally let out a little whimper, and he was satisfied that he managed to get some kind of reaction out of her.

"Goodnight, Dasom." She closed her eyes and prepared for the worst.

His flaming fist never came down on her face. "That's enough. I think you've had enough alone time with eachother."

She opened her eyes and saw who her rescuer had been, Luhan. Her heart fluttered at the sight of how he calmly scolded Kai and the latter looked scared as hell to see the older. She barely heard what they talked about as two minutes passed. She woke up to reality when Kai apologized, bowed, and ran away into the woods.

She sighed and let go off her courage and pride, almost fainting. However, Luhan swiftly caught her in his arms and the next minute he was carrying her back to the cottage. Her arms hung around his neck, and she had buried her face into the warmth of his chest.

"I'm sorry, for all the trouble I caused. I-I was trying to protect myself, but my pride took over, and I don't know what happen. Please, don't hurt Kai. I really despise that guy, but I'm sure he has his reasons. I just wish that someone would tell me," she ranted.

"I will tell you," he assured.  He put her down on the ground, assuring that she could stand by herself and sat down on the ground. "It's easier if I carry you on my back. Then I can go faster."

She nodded and jumped on his back. He secured her position and began walking again. She's almost as light as Seohyun. Luhan smiled at the thought of his beautiful girlfriend. But his smile quickly vanished as he saw a picture of her with two men, assulting her. Then he remembered how he had done nothing at all to help her.

"Luhan, are you okay?" Dasom asked.

"I-I am fine," he smiled and continued walking. He hadn't realized he had stopped in the middle of everything. "What were you saying?"

"I asked you why you saved me. We haven't spoke much, yet, you're always the one saving me," she murmured. "The first time was that night when you found me, you were the wolf that fought with the other one, Kai, right?" He nodded his head. Lying is useless.

He'd only saved her because he had a feeling she was the one, and besides, he didn't want an innocent human to get hurt. Kai had gone crazy for no reason at all after smelling human blood. He could have resisted, but he didn't want too. When Luhan saw the bracelet, he knew that he had to protect her with his own life. And a part of him felt extra cautious, because she reminds him of her.

"The second time, you were the one who ran off into the woods to take care of Sehun, once again saving me. And this time, you protected me from getting hit by Kai. Why?" She asked.

"I don't know what you're hoping for, and my answer will probably disappoint you. I'm only protecting you since it is my duty to do so."

"I wasn't expecting anything more than a solid answer," she lied. A part of her actually hoped that it was something deeper. Her cheeks flushed at the thought. *Why is Luhan out of all people making me blush?* She wondered. *Curse him and his dazzling smile.*

"The second day you spent at the house. Kai was smiling at you and he seemed nice at first. I was the one who forced him to act good, otherwise the chances that he would have sneaked into your room and eaten you in your sleep were pretty big. So technically, I saved your 4 times," he grinned, shamelessly.

Her cheeks flushed even redder. "I must be such a burden. You can put me down if you'd like. I can walk by myself you know."

"Stop acting like you're so brave," Luhan demanded. "You're scared, yet you act brave. You're sad, yet you smile. Why can't you show your true feelings once in awhile?" He suggested.

"Because my true feelings will only burden others."

"But it's going to hurt you, you're not selfish cause you rely on others a little. That's why you shouldn't carry everything by yourself!"

He picked up his walking pace, moving quicker. They're nearing their destination and Dasom is so caught up in their intrigued conversation that she hasn't even noticed where they're going. He's bringing her to a place where they can be alone, where she can rest from everything else for a little while.

He wants her to take a deep breath, and escape the whole black pearl thing for awhile. Everyone needs a break now and then.

Dasom had also stopped talking out of the blue. He knew that he had shocked her, because Dasom didn't dare to say anything more. She was flabbergasted and speechless, therefore, not even a word could escape her lips.

"Besides, I don't mind saving your , it's pretty cute," he teased.

Author's Note:

I hope this chapter wasn't disappointing! >.<

Dasom's been having a lot of interaction with Kai lately, don't you think? So I squeezed Luhan a little into it.

Anyway, I'm planning on writing a chapter about either Luhan's, Sehun's or Suho's past soon. Which one are you the most curious about?

Leave a comment, and thank you for reading! ;)




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When I reach 200 subs, I'll release the first special chappie~~


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Wahh, I'm excited to start reading this story. (I can't right now 'cause I have homework) Author-nim, fighting!
amanda_exoforever #2
Chapter 17: Really love this story!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG LUHAN.
qarisha #4
Chapter 17: Omg this is one ing hella good ff !!!!
michellehappy123 #5
Chapter 17: Updateee pleaseeeee
michellehappy123 #6
Update please author
Plz do update! Im subbing to it haha xo
is this story currently on hiatus? I miss this story :(
michellesnsd123 #9
Chapter 1: Please update cuz its been 2 long now its not fair!!
when will you update? :) I miss this story so much :)