Suspicious Maknae

Twelve Wolves and A Black Pearl

AUTHORS NOTE: Before you start reading this chapter, I apologize in advance for being a lazy author. I tried my best with this chapter, and woke up extra early to write it, so I would REALLY appreciate if you left an encouraging comment, thank you! P.S, I also have over 150 subscribers now. Super happy! Thanks!

Dasom was surprised when she was greeted by yelling the moment she and Zelo came back to the house. She recognized the two voices as Kris and Kai. Mostly Kris, since Kai didn't get to speak a word or defend himself. She figured Kris must be scolding the younger male for doing something wrong, but what? 

"Your friend, Kai, told me that you live here with him and eleven other guys?" Zelo said questiongly, as if he's convinced that he should believe that. "It must have been hard on you, noona. But I'm here now, so you won't have to feel lonely."

Dasom smiled at him and nodded. The guys, excluding Kai, have treated her extremely well. She's bored to death most of the time though. And when she came here, she thought she could rest. But it turns out she's living with a pack of wolves (which she's still un sure if it's a joke or true) and she has to 'mate' with one of them. 

The yelling stopped the mintue Dasom and Zelo stepped their feet inside the living room. Dasom had guessed correctly. The voices belonged to the leader of the pack, and one of their youngest wolves.

Kris gave her an embarrassed smile, like a little child who had been caught stealing candy, but he managed to glare at Kai at the same time. Kai didn't even fake a smile or anything. He looked scared because he's scared, no exceptions. Dasom actually felt sympathy for him. If she was him in this situation, she would have peed in her pants by now. She believes that Kris is a softie on the inside, but on the outside he's a intimidating giant.

"I'm sorry, did we interrupt anything?" Dasom asked, acting innocent, because hopefully this situation will be less awkward then.

"Nope! I was just telling Kris hyung that Zelo can share rooms with me since I have an extra matress in there. If you don't mind, I'll show Zelo to his room now!" Kai answered before Kris could reply. He started walking away, and Zelo followed him like a lost puppy.

The only ones left in the room were Dasom and Kris. She felt anxious, her body trembling a little. She wondered if Kris was planning on taking out his anger on her now. She can stand retorting and insulting Kai. But she can't stand when someone yells at her.

"Uh. So... Is D.O in the kitchen? I should probably help him! Sorry for interrupting your conversation with Kai. I'll go now," she excused herself. But before she could scurry off and hide from the giant in the kitchen, he grabbed her wrist and twirled her around so their faces were extremely near eachothers.

"That ring you're wearing..., did your blonde friend give that to you?"

"His name is Zelo, for your information." Dasom yanked her hand away from his grasp with her newfound courageousness, "And yes, yes he gave me this ring." She showed of the ring Zelo had left for her in the letter.

"I read the letter. What a cute way to confess his feelings.., hmm. Perhaps you accepted his feelings by wearing this ring?" Kris guessed.

Dasom glared right back into Kris' eyes. She didn't care that he's a lot bigger, taller and more muscular than herself. She didn't care about his intimidating aura. What she cared about is that Kris had been inside her room, touching her private, personal stuff that no one is supposed to touch. And he read the love letter she recieved from Zelo.

"Listen, jerk," Dasom spat. "If I ever find out about you lurking around in my room again, I will poison your food, strangle you, and kick you between the legs multiple times. I hate when people enter my room. It's my private resting place and it doesn't matter if you're the one who owns this home. IT IS MY ROOM."

Kris staggered backwards, shocked over how rough and tough the pretty girl could be. Still, he was relieved that she's not a little wussy who's afraid of everything. If she's going to be Kai's partner, she's going to have to be pretty brave to manage it.

"I'm just telling you to be more careful. Not for our sake, but for your own. If you marry Kai and give birth to his child, how will Zelo feel after thinking that you accepted his feelings?" Kris cocked an eyebrow.


Dasom could only be silent. Kris' words were as true as they were sad, and she can't deny that.

"I don't need your sympathy, Kris," she clenched her fists and continued looking at him with fierce eyes. "I can take perfectly care of myself. I'm an adult, and I can make my own decisions without having to worry about what others think I should do. Now if you excuse me, I am going to the kitchen. I don't think we have to further dicuss this. End of conversation."

"Dasom," Kris called. "Just be careful."

Kim Jongin. No one has adressed him by his real name, Jongin, for two years. During his childhood he was always, Jongin. The guy who would charm himself a meal of dinner almost every evening. Jongin was a good kid. Jongin wasn't rich, no not at all, he had to struggle to survive and not starve to death. Jongin had to fight. But he died.

Kai. He was the re-birth of Jongin. He had a broken past, and a broken future. Kai lives because he has too. Kai can't describe how much he hates his father. His father is the reason Jongin died. His father had left him on the streets to tend for himself. His father had became the leader of the Exo pack, and was so proud of himself. Never did he ever go back to the streets, searching for his son.

He says he took care of him from a far. But Kai knows his father was just lying. If his father took care of him, he should have been able to get a proper education. If it hadn't been for a nice family he met, who offered him shelter and education (even though it was nothing special) he would have really died.

"My son, I will die soon. I know that you don't like me. But I did it for our pack. I made a sacrifice. And you must do the same. You must sacrifice yourself for our pack. I want you to become our new leader, and lead us into the light."

Jongin wouldn't have hesitated to say yes. Even if his father had betrayed him, Jongin was a good and loyal son. Kai's not like that. He's the opposite of Jongin. He let his father pass away with empty promises, and he didn't even go to the funeral. Kai passed on his role as the leader to Kris, and reqeusted for Suho to be the co-leader. That was the only decison Kai made, before fading off into the shadows.

Today, Kai felt happiness though. He felt satisifed with himself after finding Zelo and bringing him to their hideout. It was a courageous, obnoxious decision that could also be considered as a death wish, but Kai doesn't cherish his life anyway.

Kris was mad, yes, he was furious. Asking how I could bring my love rival here. But I'm not even fighting for Dasom's love. The Black Pearl is such a stupid tradition or whatever you will name it. The whole thing is bull. I actually feel bad for Dasom. At first I thought she was one of those girls who only rely on their looks, but she's stronger than that. She's a decent human being who's being forced into something she doesn't want to do.

Still, it would take a miracle for Kai to have any sort of romantic feelings for her. He prefers mating with her rather than some snobby highschooler, but if he could choose for himself, he wouldn't want to mate with anyone at all. 

"Here is my room. I've already laid out the matress for you, you're welcome," Kai gestured for Zelo to enter the room. "I borrowed some clothes from the others that you can try and see if they fit. If you need anything, D.O will be happy to help you out. He's in the kitchen."

Zelo nodded. "Thank you," he mumbled and Kai closed the door behind him.

Zelo's a good kid too. Kai can see why Dasom is so fond of him. Kai knows that it's wrong to bring someone here like this, but he thinks that things will be solved eventually. As time passes, everything will blow over, simple as that.

Sehun was innocently heading towards the kitchen when his plans were ruined. Kris and Kai were yelling in the living room, and he didn't want to involve himself. That is why he hid behind one of the couches and waited for the two males to finish their arguement. 

The yelling stopped, and Sehun thought it was safe to walk out and reveal himself. But then he heard Dasom's voice. He eavesdropped on the whole conversation, hearing every little word about this 'blonde' Zelo guy. Sehun shifted un comfortably in his seat. Where has he heard this name before? 

"I won't betray you, I promise, Hyung!"

"Okay, Zelo. I will follow you if you think it's safe. I trust you."

"Trust me, Hyung! My friends have been waiting for you!"

Sehun clutched his hair and took deep breaths. He waited, and made sure that the whole living room was evacuated before he escaped from his hiding place and darted towards the door. He went outside, inhaling the air outside made him feel much more calmer and serene. He assembled his thoughts once again, thinking harder, trying to remember about this Zelo.

"I thought that I could trust you?"

"I swear. I didn't know! I'm sorry! They forced me!"

"I don't understand. This is all your fault, Zelo. You made me into this monster. What if I hurt someone I care about?"

"You're not a monster, Hyung! You're the same person deep inside!"

No! I am a monster. He sat down on the ground, pulled his legs towards his body, and swiftly rocked himself side-to-side. He doesn't trust this Zelo guy. He has a feeling that Zelo is bad news. He might be possesive, or perhaps jealous that he has to share Dasom's attention with someone else now. But even if that is the reason he doesn't trust Zelo, Sehun is sure that this 'suspiciousness' isn't in vain.

A/N: Last time I updated with a new chapter was sometime around July? I think it might have been a month since the last chapter, sorry. I want to update at least once a week, but I have many fanfictions on-going, and I also have a life outside the computer. Also, I am very lazy. I've been a bad author not updating for so long, but if you're reading my other fics, you will know that I have been updating, just not this one in particular.

I'm sorry for the long Author's Note, I will stop now. I also wanted to thank you for making me reach 150+ subscribers, hurray! I already thanked you earlier but I want to thank you again. 

If you had the time to read through this long message, I hope you have the time to leave a comment. Thank you! c:

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When I reach 200 subs, I'll release the first special chappie~~


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Wahh, I'm excited to start reading this story. (I can't right now 'cause I have homework) Author-nim, fighting!
amanda_exoforever #2
Chapter 17: Really love this story!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG LUHAN.
qarisha #4
Chapter 17: Omg this is one ing hella good ff !!!!
michellehappy123 #5
Chapter 17: Updateee pleaseeeee
michellehappy123 #6
Update please author
Plz do update! Im subbing to it haha xo
is this story currently on hiatus? I miss this story :(
michellesnsd123 #9
Chapter 1: Please update cuz its been 2 long now its not fair!!
when will you update? :) I miss this story so much :)