Running Away

Twelve Wolves and A Black Pearl

Today's that special day, when Dasom happens to turn 20. This is a day that Dasom should treasure, and enjoy. But all she wanted to do was stay in her room all day long and die in lonliness. Then again, she wants to do that everyday and she never will. So what's the use of dreaming? Dasom dressed herself up in one of her cutest dresses, applied some makeup and brushed her teeth. It all took about an hour, and left was her hair. That somehow never wants to stay in one place. Dasom sighed and started brushing the bird's nest living on her head, by the time she was done she had transformed from shrek in to Fiona. You know, when she used to be pretty.

Dasom faked a smile before walking out of her room. She checked her phone while walking down the stairs, she had over 30 new messages. All wishing her happy birthday. Some were from her relatives, others were from former classmates, and some from random numbers she didn't even recognize. Dasom had an automatic text message responder, that wrote 'thank you' to every single person who had written a text message to her. She slipped her phone in to her gucci bag and started walking to the kitchen to make som breakfast. Her high heels were killing her feet, as always, but she pretended that she didn't notice the pain.

"Are you trying to sneak in to the kitchen again?" A familiar voice asked and blocked the entrance to the mansion's kitchen. Dasom's gaze met with the new kid, D.O, who's working as one of their trainee servants. He's only had this job for barely a week and had one mission, to make sure Dasom never enters the kitchen to cook food by herself. And he does a pretty damn good job. "How many times do I have to catch you until you give up? You really are stubborn." he chuckled.

"Come on, please let me in! It's my birthday, it'll be like your gift to me," Dasom begged. But D.O was as persistent as her, if he let her in to the kitchen he would be fired, and he needs this job. "I'm sorry, miss. But your parents told me that the kitchen is strict off limits for you," D.O apologized. Dasom groaned and rolled her eyes. She's told him a thousand times to just call her Dasom, but at least miss is better than princess, which he called her the first time they met.

"Okay, well can you tell them to make me an omellette then?" Dasom asked.

D.O nodded and bowed. "Your command is my wish, miss Dasom." He flashed a smile and entered the kitchen. Dasom didn't smile back and stumbled her way into the dining room. Neither of her parents were there, but it's usual. They're always working and are barely ever home. Not that Dasom wants them at home, when they're in the house all they do is annoy her, scold her or talk about how pretty and proud they are of her. She doesn't want her parents to be proud of the fake version of her.

While waiting for breakfast she played some stupid game on her phone, a maid came with juice, and shortly after a boy from the kitchen staff came out with an omellette. "Here you go, Dasom noona!" He smiled and served her the food. Dasom looked at him, puzzled. Why is he calling her noona? But she loosened up when she recognized the familiar face.

"Zelo! Why are you here? I thought you were on vacation," she exclaimed. Zelo is her favorite servant, he's like her little brother, her dongsaeng that she always wants to protect. He's very young and Dasom always makes sure he's comfortable and doesn't overwork himself. He needs to focus on studies, so he can have a better future. Her parents of course dissapprove of their friendship, but since they're never home she doesn't have to worry about being exposed. But if they were, Zelo would most definitley be fired and have nowhere to go, meanwhile Dasom would be scolded to death for being nice to someone who has ha lower status.

But honestly, Zelo is the only one she can be herself with, at least a little bit. "I've missed you to, noona." He laughed. "I came home earlier for your birthday of course! Besides, school break is nearly over in just two weeks and I have to start preparing." He explained.

"You shouldn't have, but if you need help with studies don't hesistate to tell me," Dasom smiled.

"I won't, but you're probably moving out soon. You're already 20 years old, and that's very old." Zelo scratched his neck nervously. Dasom would be offended if someone else said it, but with Zelo she knows he means no harm. He's always been like this, and Dasom wouldn't do anything else but giggle.

"Noona's not that old, right? Noona's only 20, but maybe compared to you, only 16 years old right?" She grinned. 

Zelo nodded before bowing. "I have to go now, Dasom. But happy birthday!" He congratulated her before leaving the dining room. Outside the room he leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths. He needs to calm down his heart, it's beating so fast! Inside his pocket, the ring was still lying. He spent every single penny he has on the ring; and tonight he's giving it to her. And he'll confess his feelings.

Dasom took a bite of her omelette, she shook her head and laughed. *He seems a little nervous today, I wonder why..*

Dasom's parents actually came home earlier that day, for her sake as they say. They demanded her to stay in her room and meet them in the office in an hour. Dasom was confused why her parents wanted to meet her in the office, on her birthday's they would usually sit in the living room and discuss whatever needed to be discussed. But since she's spending her birthday in the office, there are two things that could have happened; either Dasom is in trouble, or her parents are in trouble and are blaming it on her.

An hour passed quickly, she sat by her desk and drew. Dasom has never been good in expressing herself in words or writing, but she's an magnificent artist. She draws beautiful drawings, but she shows them to no one. Everyone believes her true talent is dance and piano, but balett  is something she hates and has been forced to do by her parents. Piano on the other hand, she does like playing. But only for her own enjoyment, which her parents always have been upset about.

Dasom had switched from high heels into flats before she skipped over to her dad's office. She knocked on the door. "Welcome in, Dasom." Her dad gave her permission to enter. She stepped in to the room and bowed politely at her parents. "You're wearing that pretty dress again. The one we bought for you last year," her father smiled. Dasom returned his smile and nodded.

"Good, that means you haven't gained to much weight." Her mother scoffed before pointing on the chair. "You should sit down when we tell you the news," her mom stated. Dasom obeyed and sat on the chair, in front of her loving mother and father. "We have something to give you before we tell you the news," her mother admitted and handed her a box wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper. "Happy 20th birthday, our daugther."

Dasom opened it carefully, and inside was a beautiful bracelet with 12 different signs. "What do these signs represent?" She asked, curiously. Her mother shrugged. "We saw it at a store, it was very expensive and popular according to the saleswoman- so we bought it."

Dasom nodded, she should have known her parents didn't put any thought in to the gift, they never do. But this gift is better than others, she really likes this bracelet. It's mystery filled, somehow. Her parents and Dasom shared an awkward moment of silence. Dasom's father was the first one to break it by clearing his throath. *Now they're telling me the news.. I wonder if I really want to hear them.*

"You're 20 years of age as you know, and you're not staying young forever. That's why we decided to arrange marriage you," her father explained. "Don't worry, he's as wealthy as us if not even richer. He's 25 years old, and lives in a mansion in Japan. He doesn't speak Korean, and that's why we decided to make you take Japanese classes in half a year until your wedding." Her father continued.

Dasom laughed nervously. "Very funny, mommy, daddy.. What are the real news?" Dasom asked, not wanting to believe her ears.

"Stop joking around, Dasom. You really are getting married whether you like it or not," her mother scolded.

Dasom rised from her seat and clenched her fist. "I don't want to get married! I'm to young! I don't even know this guy! We can't even speak the same language, you must be idiots if you think I'll agree to this!" Dasom shouted.

"Sit down." Her father ordered her but Dasom didn't obey this time.

"No! I'm not getting married!" She yelled before running to her room, and locking herself in. 

Dasom skipped dinner, she wasn't in the mood for food and her parents didn't bother. Everyone knew her room is off limits. No one touches it, no one enters it, and some servants are so intimidated by the room that they don't even dare pass by it. They take different staircases and run around finding other hallways where they can walk freely. So Dasom could just cry her heart out. Her friends would be really happy know, knowing they're getting married off to some rich dude and would never have to worry about money and business.

But Dasom rather be poor and happy, than rich and miserable. This life doesn't fit her. She rubbed her puffy red eyes and washed away all of the make up. Her blonde colored hair, she wants to color it back naturally and perhaps get a new haircut. She wants to throw out all of her high heels and never wear ballet shoes again. Dasom grabbed a big black bag from her closet. She started stuffing jeans, T-Shirts and other clothes into it. Clothes her parents don't know she owns.

She packed her wallet, with lots of credit cards, she'll need the money to buy food and maybe she would use the money to rent a hotelroom for the night. The time was 11:09, and she knows her mom always goes to sleep 11:25, sharp. Dasom packed all the necessary stuff she had left before hiding her bag under her bed. Also, she was wearing a dark blue stylish cape now, with a black shirt under and a pair of light blue jeans. She jogged downstairs, she needs to say goodbye to Zelo before leaving. She'll hate herself otherwise.

"Zelo?" she knocked on his door. 

Hopefully he hasn't fell asleep yet, and luckily he hadn't. He opened the door and widened his eyes in surprise. "N-noona, what are you wearing?" He asked.

"Jeans!" She smiled. "Do you like them?"

"I love them; they fit you better than those dresses," he complimented. Zelo was happy that Dasom came to talk to him, otherwise he would have to disturb her in her room and that is a danger zone. If someone found him doing so, he would be beaten up and thrown out with the trash. "I need to give you something, Dasom."

"I'm sorry, Zelo.. I'm in a hurry and need to leave," she apologized. "But remember that noona will come back for you, just now now but when it's safe noona will come back and take care of you, alright? Give me a hug." Dasom pulled him in to embrace. Zelo smiled and wrapped his arms around her, letting her nuzzle her face in to his neck. He wants to stay with her here, forever and never let her go.

"I need to leave now." She said.

"Wait! Take this, but don't open it yet." He handed her a small package and a card. She nodded and hugged him again. "And when you say you're coming back for me, what do you mean exactly?" He asked.

"I'm coming back to get you. And we'll move away somewhere faraway, just the two of us~ If you'd like that of course," she smiled. Zelo nodded eagerly. There's nothing he'd rather do. "I have to go now, please take care of yourself and ask D.O if you need help with studies. He's smart, or so I've heard." Dasom giggled before she skipped away. Zelo will treasure this moment. He knows this is the last time he'll see her in a very long time. But when she comes back, he'll never have to leave her side again.

The safest way for Dasom to escape was the window. She lives on the third floor, but there's a balcony right under her. Dasom prayed that she wouldn't hurt herself badly. She threw her bag first, before jumping herself. For a few second she felt like she was flying. Before she landed on the ground with her feet. She felt relieved that she didn't get seriously hurt or something like that. Dasom looked down, and saw that she would have to jump much longer this time. Or she could climb the windows but she would risk gettinc caught.

Dasom threw down her bag all the way, before she started climbing the windows. She was extra careful, it would be painful is she fell and hurt herself. Suddenly, one of the window lights were turned out and someone shouted; "She's running away! She's running away! Go get Mr and Mrs.Lee!!" The man yelled. He was about to yell again when someone hit him right in the face. D.O's smiling face popped out of the window. "Run, Dasom! And happy birthday!" 

Dasom was surprised that he called her by her name instead of miss, she raised her hand to wave at him but this was her biggest mistake. She lost her grip on the railing and fell. "Ouch.." She looked at her bleeding knee, "Ahh, it hurts so bad.." she whined. But she knew she had no time to waste and threw her bag over her shoulder. She halted over to one of her two cars, a Toyota that she's named Totoro after one of her favorite Studio Ghibli movies. "Let's roll, Totoro!" She grinned and went inside the car and drove away, towards freedom.


Hope you liked the first chapter! It took awhile to write, but it was worth it because I'm really satisfied with it! :)

Please, no plagarizing by the way. I've worked very hard on coming up with this plot and it's my own.

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When I reach 200 subs, I'll release the first special chappie~~


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Wahh, I'm excited to start reading this story. (I can't right now 'cause I have homework) Author-nim, fighting!
amanda_exoforever #2
Chapter 17: Really love this story!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG LUHAN.
qarisha #4
Chapter 17: Omg this is one ing hella good ff !!!!
michellehappy123 #5
Chapter 17: Updateee pleaseeeee
michellehappy123 #6
Update please author
Plz do update! Im subbing to it haha xo
is this story currently on hiatus? I miss this story :(
michellesnsd123 #9
Chapter 1: Please update cuz its been 2 long now its not fair!!
when will you update? :) I miss this story so much :)