
Not again a younger one

Your POV

„It’s 5:45pm, I am 15min. too early…” I mumbled. “ SIGH. “I hope Zelo will like my outfit.” I thought. I mean…I spend the whole day Yesterday to find the perfect outfit. I don’t even know why, I mean, it’s not like I like him, but I just had the urge to dress myself up than I usually do. Maybe because it’s a boy I’m meeting soon? I don’t know.

Sohee said it’s because I have a date. Well .. Hm.


“Arrgh! I have nothing to wear for tomorrow!” I screamed out loud in frustration. “What should I do? WHAT SHOULD I FREAKING DO?!” I rolled on my bed like sushi.

“...RIGHT! Sohee!” I said to myself and dialed her number to call her.

A few moments later she answered me finally. “Yeoboseyo?” she asked. “SOHEE! I need your help! Please~” I said, pouting even though she can’t see it. “Wow chill girl , what’s going on?” she asked, chuckling. “I have nothing to wear for tomorrow for the date with Zelo.” I whined. “Did you just say – Date-? OMO You finally realized it.” She laughed.


“Anyway, how about going shopping then? I need to buy some things for myself anyway.” she requested. “Hm…but I don’t like to go shopping though..” I mumbled. Yes Yes, Girls normally like going shopping but I don’t like it, it’s just too tiring.

“Then go .” She said, maybe while rolling her eyes. “Ha.ha…really funny. Shopping it is. Where will we meet?” I  asked her. “Let’s meet in 30min. in front of the Mall, ok?” she said. “Ok, bye~” I answered and hang up.

30min. later at the Mall.

“Hey, let’s go and find a nice outfit. My mom said to hurry because she needs my help later.” Sohee said when I arrived. “Okay~ and thanks again.” I beamed happily. When we went to different shops, I tried some dresses on but none of them really fit me or I didn’t like them. After 3 hours constantly trying dresses on, I found an outfit which is cute and casual but not too casual and not too fancy. Just perfect. It’s a bluish-black dress with little dots and a bluish grey bolero. LIKE HIS HAIR.

(ignore the Woman. :D)

End of Flashback

Breathe in. Breathe out. It’s easy, right?

NO! Not when you have a date after 6 Months again and barely know the person! “Ok I have to calm down or he will think I’m weird” or I’ll freak out.  I said to myself while I was standing at our meeting point, the park. “No I wouldn’t think that.” I heard someone chuckle. Don’t tell me…

”Zelo?!...” I said shocked. OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD? I’m screwed. It’s over.

“Hello to you too.” he said smiling. Smiling…smiling…OH MY GOSH! How can a guy look so perfect with just one smile?! “H-hello.” I said stuttering. “I didn’t see you coming.”  I said and hoped he wouldn’t say anything more to what just happened. “I just arrived.” he said. Puh! He didn’t mention anything more. “I arrived and heard how you talked to yourself and tried to calm you down.” he said as if it’s the most normal thing in the world, but I could see his lips twitching, maybe because he tried not to laugh. Oh boy…why do I have to embarrass myself always? But.. I can see his dimple so I guess it’s ok.

( Imagine him with his Bluish grey hair :D)

“So…where are we going?” I tried to change the topic. Luckily he didn’t say anything further and answered my question. “I thought we could go to a Bistro I go to sometimes.” he said. “Ok.” I said and we started walking.

It was a little awkward, because  of us said something and just walked in silence. “You look nice. I like the color of your dress.” Zelo said after a few minutes, maybe because he didn’t know what to say either. “Thank you.” I said and looked to the other side to hide my blushing face.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the bistro, which wasn’t so far away anyway. It was a nice little place with not so many customers but just as I stepped in, I felt comfortable already.  Zelo pulled the chair out for me and I sat down, blushing slightly. How nice of him.  

He quickly went to the opposite of the table and sat down, smiling at me when the waiter came and gave us the menu. Before he went back I thought I saw him wink to Zelo…weird, I must have imagined it.

“You know, You didn’t have to thank me this way.” I said to him. “I know.” he said smiling. “I really thank you for helping me, but…I wanted to invite you to get to know you.” he said and I could see him blush a little. “Oh…and may I ask you why?” I asked him.

“You were so pretty.” He said and I could see he was being honest. “Oh..Thanks.”

“So…tell me about you.” he said smiling. “Ok.. So, my name is Yoo _____ and I’m 20 years old. I go to ‘Korea National University of Arts’ with the Major of Visual arts. I have an older Brother and I live with him and my parents here in Seoul since I’m 10 years old. We moved here from Gwangju.”  I said while he listened to me and nodded. “What about you?” I asked him. “Ok, So.. As you know my name is Choi Junhong but I prefer to be called Zelo. I’m –“ He began but got interrupted by the waiter.

“Hello, did you decide what you want to order?”

“Yes, I would like to order the Tortellini ala panna and just water.” I said to the waiter. “I would like the same.” Zelo ordered. The waiter wrote everything down and went back to the kitchen.

“How is your University?  If you got accepted there you must be really good! I have friend who goes there too, but in another department.” Zelo said and didn’t continue to talk about himself but it was ok because we have time and I’m sure I will have the chance later too to know more about him. “It’s really nice. My Professors are all nice and since I love what I do it makes fun to learn everything.” I answered truthfully.  “In which University are you?” I asked him. “Actually I’m –“ Again, when he wanted to say something we got interrupted by the waiter who brought us our meals and drinks.


As we ate our food and talked about random stuff, he never got to tell me more about himself.  Every time when he wanted to say something about himself, he got interrupted. It was a little strange, but it didn’t bother that much because I was too mesmerized by his looks and the way he smiled made me forget to ask him. Through our conversation we found out that we have so much in common like music and  that we both like it to have some alone time sometimes and think about random things. He also likes to skateboard which I think is really cool.

After we finished our meal and paid, we went out and wanted to walk a little through the busy Streets of Seoul. There were many people at the food stands and near the market square. We went to the big fountain at the center and watched the water while talking.

“Hahaha and then haha I slipped and fell haha on my in front of all.” Zelo said laughing.  We talked about who embarrassed himself more in front of people. “So what is your Story?” he asked after he calmed down. “You heard how I talked to myself today….this was embarrassing.” I said to him and hung my head low. “Haha right!” he said laughing again. I blushed and tried to think of something else. “So…you like to Skateboard, right?” I asked him. “Yes! I love it. It’s one of the best feelings ever to Skate on the board and I feel the wind.” He said smiling. “Wow, sounds nice. Maybe I should try it too.” I said chuckling. “Sure, I can teach you how to ride.” he said smiling.

After an hour of walking, it got a little chilly outside and we decided to go home. Of course Zelo, as the Gentleman he is, walked me home.

“So…it was a nice Day with you.” he said smiling to me. “Yes it was.” I beamed. “I hope we can meet again?” he looked at me. “Yes of course.” I said happily. “Just write me if you have time.” I said to him. We exchanged our phone numbers when we were walking. “Ok then. Good Night _____. ” Zelo said and smiled softly. “Good Night Zelo.” I said and turned to go in.

I laid on my bed and thought about tonight. “KYAAAAAAA~~~~~ It was perfect!” I squealed. “Oh! But I still don’t know how old he is…” I thought out loud. “Nya, I will just ask him the next time we meet.” with that, I stood up and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

As I was ready to fall asleep, I heard my phone buzz. I groaned and looked at the ID to see who it was. A new message: “It’s nice to know you more now ____, I hope we will see each other soon. Good night again and sleep tight.^^ ” Zelo wrote me. I smiled and wrote back “I think so too, Good night and you too. (: ” Just when I wanted to put my phone on the table it received a message again “Dream of me.” I chuckled and closed my eyes to sleep. And you know what? I dreamed of him. 



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abcd20 #1
Chapter 25: This story it soooo cuuuuteeee
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 5: So young!!
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 4: You guys~
Banghimlo #4
Chapter 3: Cool bro Youngjae ^.^
Banghimlo #5
Chapter 2: Cute!!!
Banghimlo #6
Chapter 1: First meeting <3
Chapter 25: so cute story. a little short but cute
heart_surgery #8
Chapter 25: I just reread this xD and loved it again xD
Chapter 25: Jajsjdudjsusjajsusj love the ending.
Chapter 25: asdfghjkl navi to hunhan omg