Home Run

Winner Takes All



Once you heard your name called you took your cap off and wore the baseball helmet and grabbed a bat. You made your way to the field and it suddenly got noisy with the crowd cheering loudly for you. Most of them were girls. You went in position and found a comfortable spot for you to stand on and made your stance.

The pitcher looked at you from his spot feeling very nervous. You had an eye to eye contact with him for a while and gave him a smirk which made him much more nervous. 

It was time for him to pitch so he got ready. He wind up and he threw the ball using a lot of strength and you kept your eye on the ball. Once it got close, at the right time and at the right angle, you swung your bat and hit it hard and the ball flew up. Before moving you watched the ball go all the way up and right over the fence.

"HOME RUN!!!!!" the announcer shouted. Everyone got up of their seats and jumped, squealed and screamed for joy. You ran around the baseball field until reached the last run. Your team mates ran after you giving you high fives and hugs. "Alright!! Go ~~~~~~! Woo!!" they cheered and you gave them smiles in return.


After the game there was an after party in the school gym. Sudden, but it was planned beforehand by Nicole and your friends. You changed into your jeans and flashy top matching it with a leather jacket. You went up to your friends holding a soda in your hand. "You planned a party before hand?" you raised a brow at Nicole.

"Just in case you win, and you did!" Nicole giggled and you shook your head giving a chuckle. "So, now that you won. Ready for the bet?" Nicole eyed you. 

"Do I seriously have to go through this?" 

"Hey, you made deal unnie!" Jiyoung said. You looked at her and grinned. "Did, you just call me unnie? For the first time?" you asked and Jiyoung looked away while drinking her soda. You chuckled and shook your head again. 


"Sulli, you keep doing this!" Minwoo yelled from a distance. You and your friends heard him yell. "What's going on?" Gyuri came and asked. "Who knows..." Jiyoung said. "It's probably the girlfriend's fault again." Seungyeon rolled her eyes. Nicole had another idea and pushed you away from them.

You turned back and gave her a look. "Go on." Nicole motioned her hands saying to go towards them and you had no choice but to go.


"When will you stop flirting with other guys huh?!" Minwoo yelled and you could hear it a bit closer. You hid behind a wall and just stayed there. 

"I wasn't flirting!" Sulli yelled back.

"Oh really? Then what would you call it? Huh?"

"I was just being friendly..."

"Being friendly to a senior?! Who has a girlfriend! You wrapped your arms around him!" 

"So what?! It doesn't mean anything!"

"Oh really? Then why were you about to kiss him? Huh?" 

"Minwoo, are we gonna have another talk about this?" Sulli sighed but not in sadness. 

"No." Minwoo replied and Sulli looked up. 

"You know what we're going to have? A break up." Minwoo said as he looked at her. Sulli looked at him with a shocked and angry expression.


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nellarodriguez #1
Chapter 59: So good
is that Bora on the poster?
14 streak #3
Kyyyyyyaaa that was awesome!!!!! I cried when minwoo and ~~~~~~ fought. Screw you sulli!!!!
When minwoo and sulli had a fight during the senior party(?) and how minwoo said that she was flirting with some senior, i was picturing taemin from SHINee......
I was listening to music on my itouch while reading this, every song that i was listening to fits the chapter.... It was weird....
But im glad that minwoo and ~~~~~ got back together with the help of kara and boyfriend ^^
Your story is so awesome!!! I even cried!
Sequel ~~~