if we fall in love

...I'm Heechul's Email-order Bride?! o.O...


Hi everyone! It’s Angel here! 7 hours already passed since my birthday. I didn’t have any grand celebration.  Suju’s busy with their individual activities but they greeted me that morning. I celebrated my birthday with ahjumma and heebum. Well at least I have them though.


Uhmmmm.. What else?

AH.. I had a movie marathon. And of course! I can’t forget telling you this! Heechul did arrive. Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Ding dong...

Uh.. Who might it be? I was sitting comfortably on the couch so I started standing when ahjumma said she’ll take the door so I sat back and enjoyed the movie.

“Heechul-ah, you’re here!” I heard ahjumma said. Jinja? A bell rang my ear. He came! I suddenly felt excited. It’s already 10:00 pm so it means it’s still my day. Kyaaaaaaaa!

I ran towards the door  and welcomed him happily...


“You ...came!” I said. I even stuttered. @_@

“Of course! I happened to sneak out from my busy sched.”


“yeah!” oh my gosh. Did he really do it for me? I’m overwhelmed.

“Come on! Let’s leave!”


“Somewhere down the road” then he winked. Is he trying to annoy me?






He brought me to a tent club. YES! You read me right, in a Tent club. It’s a public place but he seems to don’t care. He has some kind of disguise though. Hope this will work.

We ordered some seafood soup since it’s my birthday. And of course, some bottle of soju but we made sure not to drown ourselves.


We decided to go home after an hour of drinking and eating. Yeah! So full today!

But I was wrong! He headed to the other direction. Wonder where he’ll bring me to?! O.O




Silence all over. He seems very serious! Here goes his mood swings again T.T


It’s already 11:35 when we got here in Han River. He drove me all over here!

“what are we doing here Heechul?”

“I don’tknow! Just wanted to bring you here!” and he looked at me “and have some breath of fresh air.” Then he looked away.

Is he experiencing something I don’t know?

We’re just here doing nothing. Keke kinda awkward

“Heechul-ah, aren’t we going home?”

“Did you get my gift for you?” oh, that wasn’t what I’m expecting as a reply T.T

“Uhmm.. Yes! Thank you for that!. It’s really really cute.” I just replied.

“Good! I bought it myself. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to wake you up. I went back to my...work as fast as I can”

“It’s okay! At least you made an effort to do so. Keke” kyaaaa.. Thank you for making my day Heechul!


Uhmmm actually, I’m expecting something. REMEMBER? He told me he’ll give me something special right? Does he still plan in giving me some? There’s no harm in asking so I’ll ask him. =_=

“Uhmmm. Heechul, I want to ask something. If you don’t mind, do you still remember your promise to me?” I may sound desperate but well, the HECK I care!

“Which one?” oh NO! he really did forget! T.T

“You don’t remember already?”

“Just tell me bluntly!”

“Uhmm. You said you have something special for me. Uhmm. Maybe a gift or something?”

“Ahhhhhhh. I remember now. I’m sorry but I forgot all about it!”

“Ah, it’s okay! You know, you don’t really need to do so. Nevermind about it!” ehehehehe. I sound so stupid T.T I am honestly expecting something! But it’s okay though. Don’t mind at all!

I can see him glancing at his watch. I glanced at mine too. Uh, it’s 11:51 already. my birthday’s gonna end soon.

“I guess I have to do this than nothing.” What did he say? He’s doing something? Jinja?!

He cupped my face and then... he kissed me...on the lips

I was like O.O  -> o.O -> =.= -> -.-

It was a soft kiss yet seems intimate! God, save me from this madness.



So if you’re curious about how things are going between Heechul and I, well I want you to know that he is BACK TO NORMAL. He’s the same again! Do you know what I mean? The same arrogant-ish Heechul.. WTF!!!!!!!



2 chapters for you :DDD

Thanks to my subscribers!





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yoojaesukkie #1
I actually thought this was a story about heechul and sohee, i guess not
heavenzabdiel #2
can you update soon? haha. i'm so much into your stories :) Thank you :)
weerainbow #3
A KISS!! Woohoo ^^
But oh dear, Sohee...that girl has got things all back to front. If she'd accepted Heechul when she had her chance then it would be ok but trying to figure out how to "get him back"?? Grrrr get away girl!
Ahh Heechul is still blinded a bit by her too so he doesn't realise he's being played for a fool. But I wish he would stop running to the girl now. I mean, he can just concentrate on Angel *knocks his head hard* At least he's payng more attention to Angel now and even volunteering kisses ;)
Thanks for the new updates!!! ♥♥♥
Woo a kiss for a gift from the almighty Kim Heechul?! @-@ paranoid much
Cshinmi #5
I really want to get Sohee's not so sorry . If Angel knows about it, she'll be very sad. Heechul, why oh why are you taking care of that crazy girl???? Seriously, you and Angel are meant to be!!!!! Ö
weerainbow #6
Waaa such a cute date!! No wonder Angel is starting to get more confused about how she feels and wanting her relationship with Heechul to be real, that kiss on the head was adorable ^^ And I see Heechul changing too...it's tough when Sohee just kissed him and he responded (*slaps Heechul for being stupid*) but the fact he left her to go buy that keychain Angel had been admiring says a lot about where his heart is going. He just needs a little push in the right direction ;o) I volunteer to poke him in the side if necessary hehehe.
Aww I hope they'll get some more cute date time in future, and also that Heechul won't be running off to Sohee any more because poor Angel is waiting for him. Aigoo it's so sweet though even with that. Thanks so much for updating again soon sweetie. Oh and I hope you enjoyed the movie ^^
Love is in the air. >_< theyre starting to fall in love with each other...
Believe me this is a cute but great story ^^ update soon~~
@milky_hee thank you! i think angel is starting to get curious but not yet to the point of jealousy
@weerainbow the surprise will be a SURPRISE. acually i'm thinking of what surprise could it be. nyahahhaha.. thank you for the rescommendation. i'll definitely watch that and i'll tell you my feedbacks :DD
@fxander and @panda170 we all know that Heechul is really weird. i mean in real life. the way how we see him in our screeen. i was trying to imply it here. :DDDD but don't worry guys. i'll find a way to explain it to you :DD

thanks for reading and for commenting.. love love love ~~~