meeting the dudes PART 3

...I'm Heechul's Email-order Bride?! o.O...

If you think, meeting the dudes is already done, there's more left xD PLEASE READ xDDD




Angel's POV

The topic shifted and they were talking about their album and awards. At last, I will have the chance to respond to the nature’s call. I should stop the madness BEFORE IT EXPLODES. Wait, that’s a song right? xD I’ve been holding back my urine for I think 10 minutes already. I asked Shindong oppa, who’s sitting beside me to direct me where to go.

“Just go straight then you’ll see a door then...” I didn’t let him finish the statement since I really waited to go to the CR perhaps I was able to comprehend his instructions.

I stood up and came rushing to the CR.

I followed oppa’s direction and luckily, I saw a door. This might be the one he’s referring to. As a sign of respect, like what my etiquette teacher always says before, I knocked first to ensure if there’s someone inside. Since no one replied, I quickly went inside.  I was walking like a ninja since I’m new to this place. OH MY GOODNESS! ACK! I bumped into somekind of post. When I shifted my gaze, I wasn’t expecting to see this half- body standing infront of me. I glanced over him from TOE to head. YEAH, everytime I scan a person’ s feature, I always start from the toe then to the head to have a thrilling effect :D Goodness, too much hotness in this house, my ovaries gonna explode! Kyaaaaaaaaa

When I tilted my head to see his face i felt like my bodies frozen, I mean not literally frozen since I’m not in a freezer xDD . I can see clearly this guy. Correct me if I’m wrong but... but... but... it’s HYUKJAE! Right? It’s him. What am I gonna do?!

Eunhyuk’s POV

I just woke up and I feel my cracking up. This is what you get when yu have hangover nevertheless, I hadfun last night so it doesn’t really matter. I got up from bed and went directly to the bathroom. I suddenly felt sticky. From outside, I can hear others giggling. Ahh, yes. Heechul-hyung will bring his girlfriend today maybe they’ve finally arrived. It will be a shame if I go there looking like tthis right? My image’s gonna crash. So it will be best if I take a bath first. I have to go fast for now, maybe 10 minutes will do. As I the shower, the water splashed directly to my Y body. Yes! I’m confident that my body’s Y only if not compared to  Siwon’s T.T

After I bathe, I went to my closet and looked for a clothes. I only have my towel on. Suddenly, I heard a knock. I was kinda suspicious about this knock, you know why? In this dorm, everyone is not used to knocking doors. Wonder what had gotten to my co-members this time.

I made my way to the door but when I’m about to grab the knob, it opened by itself, I mean not literally opened ITSELF, someone opened is the right term I guess. A girl wearing a tank top and a short shorts appeared infront of me. She was walking like a prayer mantis. Kinda weird and she accidentally bumped on me. Kyaaaa.. Wonder how she’ll look like. She slowly tilted her face. This is kinda exciting huh?! (a/n see? Angel’s right when you scan from toe to head, it will send thrill to your nerves xD) I got of my feet when I saw that the girl is Jung Angel. You may wonder how I knew her right? The author tells you to read chapter 3 :D back to business! Yes, it’s her. I’m 99.99 % sure. So if we’ll round-up it, it will be 100. So basically, I’m 100% sure! What is she doing here? Is she haunting me?

“Jung Angel? Angel Jung? Is that you?” I asked curiously even though I’m sure it’s her.  xD

“yes, it’s me. Long time no see Hyuk. How’s your life?” My God, she’s still the same. She talks calmly and with grace.

“You’re right. Good to see you back. I’m good though” I replied back. Actually I’m not good as of now, I wish to go to the CR and wear clothes.

“Good for you then. I’m so happy that you already got your dreams.” She smiled at me. It’s her best asset.

“Yes. I’m so happy too. Thank you for inspiring me way back ages ago.  Wait, I’ll just wear some clothes.” I rushed to the closet then to the CR. I hurried and went back. I asked her what she’s doing here. There’s no harm in asking right? Especially if you don’t know what’s a person up to you. Like what I said, maybe she’s haunting me. Prevention is better than cure. My thoughts were shut when she said something that rang the hell out of my eardrums.

“I’m Heechul’s girlfriend.” She said softly. What? Hyung’s girlfriend?xbdgcgksdfhvfddghd. Few years ago you were mine and now that we’ve finally seen each other, you are already in some other mans arm and to think that it’s Heechul, it’s even more breaking my heart. OMOOO, too much drama, I can’t take this T.T anyways, I don’t know why I’m acting like this. Maybe because she was my last ex-girlfriend ever since debut or maybe because I still care for her? or simply because I still LOVE her?

“Hello? Still there?” she waved her hand to me and I got my sense back.

“uhmm. Wait. Where are we? Ahh” oh my gosh, I’m stuttering “So, you’re Hyung’s girlfriend. I actually can’t believe this. Does he know about us? I mean our past?” I said frankly.

“Noooo. I mainly forgot that your part of this group.” Her face looked sorry. But what the F, is she trying to piss me? She just said she forgot I’m into this group. I know that I seldom have screen shots during live shows but she should have watched FANCAMS right ELFs? Tsk3. I’m FAMOUS too. Grrr. But anyways, time to be serious.

“It’s okay. It’s the past though. No big deal, I guess. Right?” She just nodded then smiled.

“Hyukjae, where’s the bathroom?”

“Outside, after you get out of here, there’s two corner out there turn left then straight.”

“Okay. Thanks” she went out already



Angels’ POV

“So, it wasn’t a big deal for you anymore Hyukjae? Tch”



I'm wondering if any of you still remember Eunhyuk and Angel's romance before xD if you haven't, you can read chapter 2-3 


hope you like all the 3 chapters talking about " MEETING THE DUDES" 


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yoojaesukkie #1
I actually thought this was a story about heechul and sohee, i guess not
heavenzabdiel #2
can you update soon? haha. i'm so much into your stories :) Thank you :)
weerainbow #3
A KISS!! Woohoo ^^
But oh dear, Sohee...that girl has got things all back to front. If she'd accepted Heechul when she had her chance then it would be ok but trying to figure out how to "get him back"?? Grrrr get away girl!
Ahh Heechul is still blinded a bit by her too so he doesn't realise he's being played for a fool. But I wish he would stop running to the girl now. I mean, he can just concentrate on Angel *knocks his head hard* At least he's payng more attention to Angel now and even volunteering kisses ;)
Thanks for the new updates!!! ♥♥♥
Woo a kiss for a gift from the almighty Kim Heechul?! @-@ paranoid much
Cshinmi #5
I really want to get Sohee's not so sorry . If Angel knows about it, she'll be very sad. Heechul, why oh why are you taking care of that crazy girl???? Seriously, you and Angel are meant to be!!!!! Ö
weerainbow #6
Waaa such a cute date!! No wonder Angel is starting to get more confused about how she feels and wanting her relationship with Heechul to be real, that kiss on the head was adorable ^^ And I see Heechul changing's tough when Sohee just kissed him and he responded (*slaps Heechul for being stupid*) but the fact he left her to go buy that keychain Angel had been admiring says a lot about where his heart is going. He just needs a little push in the right direction ;o) I volunteer to poke him in the side if necessary hehehe.
Aww I hope they'll get some more cute date time in future, and also that Heechul won't be running off to Sohee any more because poor Angel is waiting for him. Aigoo it's so sweet though even with that. Thanks so much for updating again soon sweetie. Oh and I hope you enjoyed the movie ^^
Love is in the air. >_< theyre starting to fall in love with each other...
Believe me this is a cute but great story ^^ update soon~~
@milky_hee thank you! i think angel is starting to get curious but not yet to the point of jealousy
@weerainbow the surprise will be a SURPRISE. acually i'm thinking of what surprise could it be. nyahahhaha.. thank you for the rescommendation. i'll definitely watch that and i'll tell you my feedbacks :DD
@fxander and @panda170 we all know that Heechul is really weird. i mean in real life. the way how we see him in our screeen. i was trying to imply it here. :DDDD but don't worry guys. i'll find a way to explain it to you :DD

thanks for reading and for commenting.. love love love ~~~