My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel

"Kyaaaa!", Shout loud enough even heard by all occupants of the house echoed. By panting, they go to the room where the shouts come from. Panic, fear anything happens to her, yes, Krystal.



Each end of the firearms that leads to her being stood transfixed in front of her bed, startled, she become like a statue. Do not dare make a sound. Because almost all the bodyguards at the house pointing their guns to her. Really ready to protect herself.

"W-what is this??", Krystal tried to speak.

"Check around the room!", The command of their leader, Tao.

Every corner of the room at check in detail, there is not one inch is missing from them. Krystal remained motionless, afraid if there is a stalker who is in her room.

"W-what harm someone in my room?", Again she voiced.

They all looked at Krystal spontaneous, full of mystery and suspicion. Tao slowly approached. Looked at her with horror and anxiety as there was in her face.

"Do not you yell because there stranger came into your room?", Tao is silent now. Krystal round eyes, shocked. This turns out, because of the high noise beyond normal limits and make all the people in this house to panic.

With a little smile, as she scratched her hair that does not itch she replied, "I'm .. I just panic a data profile of me to gone ... Gone ... ".

They simultaneously lowering firearms, looks relieved and calm because they are worried about is not really the case. But not with the Tao, his face turned into a very .... Creepy.

"YAK!! You think this game uh??? ", A sudden burst of emotion Tao. Feels Krystal playing which should be even better at keeping a single child families Choi. Command, mandate, making it must always be alert at all times. For now, he can be relied upon only by the family.

"Mi-mianhae ..."

Tao give a sign to his men to leave the room. They came out with a neat. Now only Tao and Krystal standing, cold and stiff be atmosphere both.

"If anyone is concerned about your safety, we are under .. Ara? ", Without staring at Krystal he say he cleared his shirt. Krystal nodded in understanding. Tao prepared to walk away from the room Krystal.

"Tao", she called hesitantly. There is no answer, but he responded by halting steps he would take.

"I-I'm sorry if it is now your duty to heavy ..... To look after ....", Krystal tried to talk to him. Without turning his body, he was silent.

"Are you angry with my decision?"


"Yes, you're disappointed with the decision to stop my efforts in getting his love ..."

"That's none of my business. You are undergoing, you should be able to think of any action or choice that you will take. "


Tao turned around, she looked at Krystal with a cold. Seen in the implied sense of sadness in his eyes.

“Does  he say something to you?", Tao asked to taste a little bit suspicious.

"Hmm .. He was only a story if he was-"

"Teachers vocals?"

"Hey, did you know that? Why did not you tell me??? "

"Did not you do not want to know the progress of his life? You said to no longer discuss Minho ... "

For a moment she was given when she became emotional when someone reminded by him, Minho. And sent to anyone not discuss or say the name again. At that time she was very disappointed with the speech Minho. Hope to be together, vanished when she made her sick, broke into pieces.

"Yes, I remember.", she said simply.

"Do you still love him?", Tao trying to ensure something inside Krystal.




"That's good ... I hear he is preparing for something that is happy in his life .. "

Krystal is surprised, she almost shouted back again. But she managed to dampen the curiosity.

"Oh yeah? Marriage? "

"It looks like .."

"Good. It's like that way .. "

"You're not upset?"


"He will get married ..."

"I'm happy to hear it .."

Tao frowned, surprised, and he knows exactly when Krystal was covering up the real feeling. Yes, Krystal is quite good at this. Neatly hiding something, but can still be seen by the Tao.


"Excuse me Noona .. There is a guest is waiting below .. ", said one bodyguard.

Krystal glanced Tao sarcastically, then left without saying anything. Destroyed, the light no longer hope she sees. Dark, she felt the dark now. The light source has gone, even cease without remainder.

With her limp it down the stairs into the living room, where the guests are waiting in the mean presence. Stepping lazily. And ..... Surpise!

"Minho?", Whispered Krystal surprised. Never thought her guest is a man who had just been talking about him with Tao.

"Annyeong Krystal-ssi ...", Minho with friendly greetings. With a sincere smile. God, that smile, so in missed of him. Now she saw that smile again. Even close.

"What are you doing here?", Krystal responded with a curt, a little indifferent.

Minho looked away for a moment, understand the discomfort of his presence here. Then he looked back at Krystal, trying to remain calm and friendly. Given the important goals of the aim he go to the big house.

"I want to give you-"

"Hurry up, I do not have much time!", She cut his sentence, no matter if it is not her habit. Because it's very disrespectful.

"Ah .. Sorry if I'm disturbing .. This... Yours? ", he quickly issued a thick piece of paper, put it on the table with a polite guest.

Krystal was shocked when she saw the paper, yes, a paper which she had been searching for. One of the most important file for her when she was in Aussie later. He help being shocked while being cold to her.

"Just that you're here?"

"Yes, because I think it's very important for you when you are in Aussie .."

"Ne, gamsa."

"I admire you ... You dare to go International, quite surprised .. Hehehe ", he joked that pretty crisp. He did not respond.

"Always remember to every street you pass, so you're not lost or stray there .. "

"I'm not a kid anymore."

"Ne, araseo .."


"Well, when are you going to go?"


"Why suddenly so uh??"


"Well, at least you tell me first .."


"Hm .. Does not. "


"Okay, I guess I have to go home ... You must have been busy preparing for the departure .. "


Minho got up from his seat, walked over to the still standing without changing its position in the slightest.

"Did you throw it?"

"What do you mean?"

"That necklace .."

"Is not your business."

Minho smiled, then bowed his body saluted Krystal. He stepped quietly left the room this big. Pain, he felt quite sick with her attitude. But what can he do now? Hatred of course only for herself. Yes, Krystal definitely hate him now.

"Do not want to say anything?", Slightly raising her voice.


Minho stopped. Do not want to reverse her now, he knew it would make him more sick.

"You're leaving tomorrow, and to be honest, it's enough to make me surprised .."


"Actually, I want to invite you to performing arts events to my students .. Tomorrow. But you may not be able to attend. What can make? ".

"Do you want me?"

"Take good care of yourself .. Do not know any person. No more sloppy. It will so hard you to live there .. Ara? ", After saying that, he walked out to leave. Withstand the heightened emotions, anger, pain, inability to be disappointed.

"Minho .." Krystal whispered, clutching a bracelet around her right hand, covered by a shirt sleeve length, winged heart necklace symbol.


@ ... @ ... @


To the next morning ...

The morning sun is hiding, hiding its light to the earth, seems to be snowing. The entire population of Seoul wearing the same clothing theme, namely a thick coat to warm their bodies when outside the home, as well as for Krystal.

"Pfhhhtt ... It's freezing .. Though the snow has not gone down. ", She complained, insert both hands into a thick coat pocket deeper. She quickly stepped walked to a cafe not far from it.

Little hastily entered. Since the weather is getting cold outside, and it makes it feel like something to warm the body. After ordering, she sit in the cafe near the window, offering a view of the street that starts at garnished with snow.

"Luckily i've been in the cafe .. Sshh .... So cold .. ", she said, rubbing her hands. Trying to make warm body in this way.

When the order comes, carefully warm chocolate milk she drink it. Instantly she felt better after drinking it.

"Hm .. Feeling better .. ", she muttered happy.

Without accidentally, she saw a man passing by some small children at her side. Chatting cheerfully. No matter the snow began to fall at this time. Krystal looked away quickly, to not see him.

"Huaahh .. Cold out there Mr Minho ... ", said a young child as he breathed his hands, very funny, they are coming in the same cafe as Krystal.

"Omo ... Are you cold? We could have ordered hot drinks here .. Key,Do you want a hot milk? ", Minho slightly crouched, to make it easier to stare at the little boy.

"I want hot chocolate!", he replied with spirit.

"I also want too, Mr Minho!", Continued the other children.

"Ne, Ne ... Jonghyun and Jinki you want hot chocolate? "

"No! I want chicken! ", One of the boy snapped.

"Yak!  There’s no chickens in the store! This is cafe for drinking ..! ", Scolded child named Key.

"But ... I'm so hungry ... Hikkss .. I rush to come here because I want to start practicing before the gig ... ", a kid named Jinki began to cry.


They were all surprised when a hand with pictorial box of chicken leads to Jinki. They quickly looked at who is giving this box, Krystal?

"Uljima .. Handsome boy should not cry .. This is for you. ", she said with a sweet smile.

With fear and doubt he stared at Krystal are still holding the box, Krystal gives signals to Jinki to immediately pick up a box containing the chicken.

"Whoaa .. Gamsahamnida ... ", he fearlessly took the box, and took the hand Krystal spoiled.

"Yak .. Jinki ... You should not be like that .. ", Minho scolded.

"Ah, come on .. I love being able to share with him. Anyway I'm full. ", Krystal tried to defuse Minho behavior that looks annoyed to be one of his students.

They held to the seat Krystal, coincidentally the place chosen by him for quite a few people are on the table with him. They were eventually joined together to enjoy the hot chocolate, while waiting for the snow stopped falling.


"What are you doing here?", Minho started talking, eventually there is a time where he could be a little freer to relax. Because the children are busy playing in the children's play area in the store, except Jinki.

"I'm waiting for the client's father .. We had an appointment, he give a few files to my father .. ", said Krystal.

"Ohh so .."

"Sorry, Are you Mr. Minho’s friend?", Jinki asked while chewing on a chicken that has not finished eating.

"Jinki, first finish your meal .. Not polite when speaking at meal times .. ", Minho back scolding.

"So your name is Jinki?", Krystal ensure again, that he did not hear any of that name.

"Ne, what’s your name?"

"I'm Krystal, Choi Krystal .."

"MWO??? Choi Family?? So Ms Krystal is Mr Minho’s girlfriend??? "

They both stared at each other, awkward and confused to answer.

"Ehm! You are a kid, how can you know about things like that uh?? Who taught you?? ", Minho investigate.

"Jonghyun .. He always talked about it to me .. "

"Mwoya??", Minho is surprised, do not believe that his student be a little naughty, a little?

"Hahaha ... Minho disciple children really plain .. Then, How old are you now? "

"I was 6 years old .."

"Aigooo .. Still too small for you guys discuss that sort of thing .. ", Krystal tried to explain to Jinki.

"Waeyo?", Jinki asked very innocently.

"Because it's not yet time for you to experience. Currently you have concentrated on reaching goals that you want to accomplish. "


"Yes, what is your ambition when you become an adult later, Jinki?"

"Hmmm ....."

"You do not know?"

"Oh I know, I want to be like Mr. Minho ... Aspire to marry a woman who loves me sincerely .. "

She briefly glanced at Minho who became flustered when Jinki said that.

"Why?", Krystal asked again.

"Because I admire Mr Minho. He is handsome, kind, considerate, and also very lovig us. Well, it is suitable with you Ms Krystal .. "

"Ah-hahaha you are so adorable Jinki .."

"huh, I want you to come to our art stage show today. Can you? ", Jinki stared at Krystal with a little pleading.

"Ah, sorry dear ... I have to go, and I could not come to see you performing. Mianhae Jinki .. "

"Why??  Do not you want to see our show? "

"Ah no.... "

"Because she should be taught in otherplace, right?", Minho to try to help find the right reasons.

"Huuhh ... Too bad .. ", he pursed his thick lips.

"Mianhae ... Maybe in another day when you are performing again, i'll come watch you guys. How? "

"Okay, promise?"

"Yes, I promise Jinki"

They laughed, happily enveloped them. The warmth of togetherness makes them feel comfortable with each other. Without feel the time pass quickly. Minho excused himself to return to the building where the show will be in the title.

"You go back to the building using what? vehicle?", Krystal still very sticky Jinki took him.

"We walk away, the building is not far from here. There is just down the road there .. ", Minho tried to show the location of the building where it is located. Krystal understand.

"Hmm .. It looks like the client's father did not come because it was snowing. We recommend that you transfer to the building I was in my car. How? ", she tried to offer to them.

"Oh I'd love to ride a car Ms Krystal ..." Jinki whined. * Excessive Jinki -_-*

"No need, we used to walk ..", Minho refused politely and smooth.

"Minho, Look at Taemin.. Reddened nose, and his face was a little pale, not good if in let it run at the time was still snowing like this. ", Krystal tries to give meaning to him. Looking at Taemin who just said nothing had been, Minho realized if he could not impose his will in conditions just as it is.

"Ne, you can take us ..", the decision was made. Jonghyun, Key, Taemin and Jinki cheer. Soon she pressed the release button lock her car door, and quickly they get into the car. Feels weird, first Minho who drove for her, but now?



Her body while she lay on the big bed room, tired, for some reason today she felt very tired with her activities. Since 2 weeks ago she was busy taking care fro move files out of the country. She felt tired with the city, bored, and tired. Hm, only reason for formality for her. But there is one very strong reason for her to leave this city.

Drrt! Drrt!

Phone vibrates, the mark incoming messages. She lazily read.

From: 027 *****
Annyeong, I want to say something that I should explain to you. Sorry for my attitude when in the hospital 3 weeks ago. I really do not know about the fact we, yes, we are not siblings. I'm really sorry. Tao has explained it all to me. I really really feel sorry for you. I understand if you hate me, even wanted to go away from me. I'm sorry ... That’s why I don’t brave to come to you for a moment. And, sorry if I can not take you to get to the airport. Because I still have to take care of my students staging the event this afternoon. Key, Jonghyun and Jinki really hope if you can attend this event. But still, I'd give them a sense of lack of your presence at our event. Be careful. Have a save flight. Success always for you, Krystal. ^^ -Minho-

Suddenly there is a vibration that makes it sad. With a limp she looked at all the bags and stuff she would later bring to the airport. Neatly arranged. There is no doubt in her. For a moment she stared at a paper in her hand.


"Are you ready? Should we look for a bite to eat before the flight you come .. ", The Tao quickly entered her room, and ordered the bodyguards to lift and move things to the car that would take them to the airport.

"Tao ..", call Krystal gently. Tao looked, but he does not look too focus with Krystal. He was busy arranging the items will be taken.

"Can you substitute me to meet my father to Aussie?".

Tao flabbergasted, he was very surprised by Krystal speech just now. Instantly the bodyguards stop their current activity, because hearing the words of Krystal.

"You? Say what? ", He tried to ensure that his ears still work correctly.

"Replace me on a flight to Aussie .."

To be continued ....


What?? Krystal will cancel her flight?? Tao replace her she want to go to the Aussie?? What her plan now?? What exactly it happen?? * being dramatic * kekekek ~ gimme your comments chingudeul ^ ^

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happy reading an hope you like it guys! :)


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EikaZulaikha #1
Chapter 20: So loving it... ^^
florance #2
Chapter 20: I love this story.It's so amazing!! DAEBAKKKK!! You should keep making awesome story and this story is very touching as well. And Keep calm and Write DAEBAK story like this. kekekekk :D Fighting!! <3
ChocolateMinho #3
Chapter 20: Omg my dear author nim... This story is very touch <3~

i hope u'll write another minstal fanfic dear... I'll support u kkkk~
riajoxx #4
Chapter 20: Great Ending... I LOVE IT! HUAAAH *Crying*
Chapter 20: Happy ending! I love it!
You're a great author.. Make another Minstal fanfic please ^-^
Romellete #6
Chapter 20: humh.. happy ending /pretend dissapoint kekekek xD
so thrilled >_<,,
thx for writing minstal story to us,, for 2 months #clap hands..:))
keep writing dear ~ waiting another minstal story of course ^^
Chapter 20: Yeay......HAPPY ENDING!!!!
I love u and this fanfic :)
YunixLazy #8
Chapter 20: Love it <3
Make more minstal fanfic dear !~!!
Chapter 20: Greatest story, Greatest author !!!!!
I love it/
Keep writing minstal fanfic.
Yayacute #10
Chapter 20: AhAhhhh Cute familly :))
I love this story.