My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel

In a café, a sweet girl is sitting on a chair with her mini dress. Her hair beautifully decorated with small clamps. Sitting restlessly, occasionally looking at her watch around her arm.

"Why not come??", she said irritably. Glance she saw the man standing next to her, hm, already 1 hour over the man standing next to her. Not tired?, she thought.

"You're not tired Minho-gun??", She said while playing a hot chocolate with a straw.

"It has become my duty, Krystal-shii ..", he replied flatly.

"Never mind, you’ll better sit on the bench", as she shows empty bench in front of her. Then he obeyed her, sitting in last place in the intent. Position they face now.

"Are you not tired, Minho-gun?? Almost 6 years you do like this to me ", she said quietly, not wanting to stare at the man in front of her now.

"It is the duty..", he replied with a cold face. Very efficient in speech, does he has no a lot of vocabulary in his life? Too silent, and stiff in the mix. How could he live like that.

"Tsk, always answer like that .. Are you not tired eoh? ", Krystal looked at him sarcastically. There is no response from the man.

"Please Minho-gun, I'm not a kid anymore .. Or teenagers who still have to guard you as it used to ", Krystal protest. Back Minho Krystal ignore words, everyday he heard sayings like that from her. Well, what can we do? It has become a job. And that's all he had to do.

"Do you hear me??!", It looks like Krystal begin emotions.

"Yes of course .. I have ears, "he said with certainty.

"You .. What you do not know how to talk to women?? It was very cold and cruel! ", She muttered.

But Minho just looked at the cold, no smile lines on his lips.

"Remember, you have a deadline date until 05:00 PM krystal-shii," he replied casually.

"Tsk! Do not start to be like my dad! I am an adult, I can arrange my schedule alone! ", she replied curtly.

Suddenly a circular hand on her shoulder, and a lip kissed her cheek tenderly.

"Hi my love, sorry I'm late. In my office was in a meeting to exhibit the works of the author. So, I don’t have time to call you if I'm late coming today ", said the man, and Krystal smiled.

"Well, my love has come. You can go home now .. ", Krystal command.

Minho stand up from his chair.

"Remember, Krystal should already have around the house at 05.00 PM, do not be late. Because there will be a family gathering at a hotel later that night.”, said Minho to Chanyeol.

"I understand Mr. Minho ..", said Chanyeol relaxed.

Then Minho stand up and bowed his body to say goodbye. And with an athletic body, he walked out to the family-owned luxury cars Choi. And drive quickly to a place he had visited.

"Why he keep do that for us? ", ask Chanyeol to Krystal when he sit on the bench where Minho before.

"I do not know, you know He’s very worried about me ..", she answered weakly.

"But you're old enough dear .. Is this not redundant? ", Chanyeol trying to get a definitive answer from his girlfriend.

"Yeah, I know .. But, what can we do? Father, so over to me ", Krystal bowed her head.

Slowly, Chanyeol bring arms into Krystal hands, and holding the tiny hand gently.

"Gwenchanayo .. It's just that I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable with the behavior that your bodyguard. ", Chanyeol smile. It's the smile that makes Krystal so crazy, and melt. Smile that made her fall in love with a man in front of her this time.

"I think so .. But-"

"Kajja! We go to that place ..! ", Chanyeol pulled the tiny hand, carefully set the pace Krystal is shocked when his hand in appeal by her lover. They enter a car, yes, the car belongs to Chanyeol.


The car sped off. Heading into place Chanyeol intent. Krsytal smiling happy, because the plan today will definitely run with the fun, she hope.

From a distance, a car follow the direction where the Chanyeol car go.

"Yes, I’m watching them from a distance .. Take it easy. I assure you they do not know .. ", said one of the cars.


@ ... @ ... @


"Wow! Nice movie! I like I like! Hehe ", said Krystal when they both came out of a cinema.

"Yes, of course. You know, in the real world it could happen .. ",said  Chanyeol as he opened the passenger door for Krystal. Krystal still stand up, and looked Chanyeol quizzically.

Chu ~

Chanyeol kissing his girlfriend who is pensive nose, and ...


"Chanyeol-ah! You! ", Lightly slapping her boyfriend's shoulder, so cute. Chanyeol really very clever in making herself into, dead style.

"Hahahahaha ... instead of ending you get in, even looking at me weird like that. Hurry up .. traveling we have done dear .. ", he put a smile back makes Krystal can not say anything, and then get into the car, after closing the door for his girlfriend, he immediately run into the driver's seat of the car.

"Are you ready for the next place?", ask Chanyeol while entering his  keys to the engine start.

"W-wait .. What do you mean by saying that? ", Krystal still curious.

Chanyeol paused a moment, then looked at Krystal with a strange look.

"In the battle, the enemy will target anyone people closest to us. Not even hesitate to kill him or her. That's how they avenge someone, "said Chanyeol with a serious face. Can be seen from the Krystal eyes begin to fear.

"Boo!! Hahaha ...! ", Deliberately, Chanyeol shocking Krystal.

"Yak!! Enough! You do frightened me ..! Huhh ", said Krystal.

"I'm just kidding dear .. not whether it's fun, so you do not need to take seriously ", he said as he the beautiful hair that hung Krystal.

"Yes, but it's not-"

"You have to be careful dear .. Very easy to be fooled ckckck ", Chanyeol pinched nose Krystal with exasperation.

"Aww! Huhh .. Appo! "

"Sorry, you're really adorable my dearest .. hehehe ", said Chanyeol gently her nose lover.


Krystal fun lover's hand her nose, and guide their hands away from her face. Their eyes met now, and their faces begin to draw closer to each other, followed by their bodies. Closer and closer, they could feel the roar of a raging breath. Chanyeol started to raise his hand to his lover neck gently. Slowly they closed their eyes, and ......

"Tok! Tok! Tok! ", A knock Chanyeol car window instantly dismiss those activities will just begin.

"Sorry, would your car get out?", Asked a man half old.

"Ahem, yes, what is it?", ask Chanyeol, smoothing down his seat position, followed by Krystal.

"It seems like a very full parking lot these days, whether you can get out of this parking lot? I’m too late .. ", beg him to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol nodded wearily, and begin to turn on the ignition.

Brrmm! Ciiit! Brrrrrrrrmmmm!

The car sped off. During the trip they just silent, not saying anything. Either should start any conversation, because they feel ashamed. Yes, because until now they have never done it. Kiss, said it was a sign of the love and affection we told people we love. Believe it or not, they've never done it, for dating almost 2 years old. Yes, that fate has a girlfriend who has a very over-protective father. Dating at the limit time, because her boyfriend is busy very solid. Yes, Krystal is a young pianist who is smart enough in college, and is noted for his father a President of the company.

Almost every moment of her bodyguards are in his lover's side. Maybe when they are in college, oh no, more precisely when they are friends when school was still reasonable if Krystal in this kind of treatment. But Krystal is an adult now, no need for guards or bodyguards like in the ancient kingdom, thought Chanyeol.

20 minutes pass ...

"You want to try my ice cream?", While Krystal give her ice cream cone approached Chanyeol.

"Hm? I? ", Chanyeol confused. Then Krystal nods head quickly. Sign that wants her lover soon take her little ice cream.


"Hm, not bad .. hehe ", said Chanyeol when tasting ice cream lover it belongs.


"Tsk, like this what we are? Through the ice cream? ", Teased Chanyeol, feel funny when he saw her lover her ice cream .

"He-em .. What can we do? Always failed .. ", she said, quickly devouring her ice cream.

Really adorable behavior his boyfriend, he scrambles Krystal head gently and smiled again.

"You're so cute, innocent and good .. Please, Be patient .. ", said Chanyeol.

"Until when? Huh .. I'm tired of waiting! ", she muttered.

"There is definitely a time for love .."

"Yes, but when?"

"As soon as possible .. hehe "


It's the last words of it makes Krystal embarrassed, and quickly bowed her head. Hiding her face this time.

"I'm back briefly, ok ..", said Chanyeol, like he is not aware of the changing face of Krystal, thank goodness.

Krystal back devouring her ice cream. Not long after Chanyeol gone, suddenly the visitors in the vicinity ran to the back side. Krystal seems confused, what is this?

She quickly turned around. Omo! This place has a lot of visitors gathered around something. There seems to be a fight. She go in break from the crowd, eager to see who is causing a ruckus in a place this crowded. And she choked up when I saw ...

"STOOOP!!", She shouted, Krystal is surprised by the sight in front of her. The two men stop beating each other, yes, Chanyeol being beaten him. Then the man stop his punches, and stood up from the previous position Chanyeol body to rest.

"What’s that!", Krystal snapped.

Then he rise, clutching his bruised face due to their fights are pretty strong.

"Arrghh .. Chagiya .... ", calling it Chanyeol weakly.

"Mr. Hwang Zi Tao! What are you doing here? ", Krystal really upset.

"Do you know him?", aks Chanyeol with confused and a little shocked.

"He .. he's one of the trust's father .. ", said Krystal.

"Oh, sorry .. sorry I do not know .. I'm just a little worried because you’re following us the whole time. ", said Chanyeol while bending his over and over again.

"Gwenchanayo .. It does not matter. You reasonable do it .. ", he said with a smile.

"And why are you dressed like a teenagers Tao Ahjushii?? Ck! ", Krystal said curtly.

"It's just to-", have not had time to talk Tao ...

"Dad told you??", Interrupted Krystal.

"But this-Hey Krystal-shii!", Calling Tao panic that started when Krystal ran left.

He quickly run after Krystal, Krystal begin can run fast, Tao lose her now. Tao glanced over the place, to look for Krystal. And Gotcha! Seen a girl sat crying on a bench near a small pond.

Slowly he walked toward him. And sit down beside her.

"Sorry, I'm just following his command ..", said Tao without looking at the Krystal's face into her  hands still covered it.

"Hikss! You're evil! Same with Minho! Always interfere with my private affairs ", he said hoarsely.

"You do not know what is currently going on .. then he command to me to keep an eye on while he’s gone for a week ", said Tao, looking at Krystal.

Krystal slowly lowered her hands. Invisible to the eye, and her face flushed.

"Who do you mean?", Ask Krystal.

"Minho. He’s assigned to catch up to Brazil's father. So for the time being, I will take care of Krystal-shii .. "

What? He go?
Why did not you tell me?
Why go?
It's that easy he leave me alone?
No, don’t do this Minho
I. .. I do not want to be lonely ..

"Krystal-shii .. Hey are you okay? ", Tao tried to resuscitate Krystal is daydreaming.

"A-ahh yes, gwenchanayo .. So you ... ", Krystal looked at Tao with a puzzled look.

"Yes, Mr. Choi had ordered me to go back to Seoul."

"What is it?"

"No, this is not very important for you to know."

"Yak! I am an adult! Until when will you all treat me like a teenage girl who plain and does not understand anything?! "

"It is the reality as it is .."

"Aisssh! You're just like Minho, never thought I’m an adult. Yes, a grown woman! "

"You're talking about Minho continued from earlier, do you like him??"

Mwo?? Ige mwoya??

"What? No way! Do not carelessly you talk! "

"You are, are not conscious? You'd been just discussing Minho, Minho and Minho .. "

"I, I .. mm .. I'm just tired of Minho never give me freedom! "

"Obviously, that's why your father's message to him .."

"Arrghh! Anyway, you've been very successful thwarting my date with him today .. "

"Come on, we have to go to the studio. You have to practice for your concert with the Group of XXX famous .. ", then stand up and walked to his car. Krystal looked at his watch for a moment, already 2 hours apparently. Time really goes by fast.

He has not had time to satisfy the longing for her boyfriend, and it’s 2 hours it was a very short time him getting a date. With a grim face, she followed the steps to the car the same Tao. Where Chanyeol? Seems to have understood this if his girlfriend is time to do other activities. And the best alternative to telephone communication the two of them after this.


@ ... @ ... @


Blittzz! Blittzz! Blitsszz!

Radiating light camera several times in the direction of a beautiful young woman who freely express with a beautiful dress. Every now and then she changed the pose, from 1 pose, to another.

"Okay, today is enough!", Said the photographer. And she smiled with satisfaction. Then walk over to a man who is sitting on a large couch in the room.

"You've been waiting for?", Asked the young woman, looks very pretty with makeup and a y dress.

"Not too long, today you look different ..", the man replied with a mischievous gaze.

"Tsk, yes. This theme, y Lady. Hehehe .. ", replied the young woman sitting next to a man who is waiting for her from earlier.

"No need to dress like this, you have to be y," he teased back.

"Tsk, you're a very smart makes me so melt"

"I'm serious .. And of course it's only you who have .. "

"Tsk how do we plan? we will still continue? "

"Certainly, we have to do .."

The young woman paused for a momen,t she thought something.

"Hey what's up? Are you scared? "

"No, I just doubt if we are successful we plan this"

"Never mind, it might not happen. You know who I am hm? ", He said, the young woman's cheek.

"Yes, you are a trouble maker for the hearts of all the ladies hahaha"

"But not for you", then he kissed her in front of her forehead gently.

"I love you .."

"I love you even more ..", replied the young woman.

To Be Continued...


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EikaZulaikha #1
Chapter 20: So loving it... ^^
florance #2
Chapter 20: I love this story.It's so amazing!! DAEBAKKKK!! You should keep making awesome story and this story is very touching as well. And Keep calm and Write DAEBAK story like this. kekekekk :D Fighting!! <3
ChocolateMinho #3
Chapter 20: Omg my dear author nim... This story is very touch <3~

i hope u'll write another minstal fanfic dear... I'll support u kkkk~
riajoxx #4
Chapter 20: Great Ending... I LOVE IT! HUAAAH *Crying*
Chapter 20: Happy ending! I love it!
You're a great author.. Make another Minstal fanfic please ^-^
Romellete #6
Chapter 20: humh.. happy ending /pretend dissapoint kekekek xD
so thrilled >_<,,
thx for writing minstal story to us,, for 2 months #clap hands..:))
keep writing dear ~ waiting another minstal story of course ^^
Chapter 20: Yeay......HAPPY ENDING!!!!
I love u and this fanfic :)
YunixLazy #8
Chapter 20: Love it <3
Make more minstal fanfic dear !~!!
Chapter 20: Greatest story, Greatest author !!!!!
I love it/
Keep writing minstal fanfic.
Yayacute #10
Chapter 20: AhAhhhh Cute familly :))
I love this story.