My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel

To the next morning ...

"Nghhh ..", Krystal wake up from her  sleep. Slowly she get up from her bed and rushed to the bathroom. After cleaning the body, the phone suddenly ring. My Chanyeol?  Huh.  Looks like she forgot to change his name in her cell phone. She ignored the call, take a casual shirt and pants hotpants. Once dressed, she go downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning Noona", greeted the houseboy.

"Morning ..", Krystal responded with gracious. She sit at the long dining table chair family, looks deserted. She’s bizarre, "Where's dad?", she asked the waiter.

"Minho-gun does not tell you Noona? Mr Choi’s out of town, because there are important things that must be resolved-", the waitress could not explain, Krystal gives a sign to stop that explanation. Because of  Krystal heard it was very tedious, classic.

Then, Krystal  continued her breakfast. Back to real life, a busy father, and plus she had lost Chanyeol, the traitor. Ah, also with Tiffany, a friend who stabbed her  from behind.

"Noona Excuse me,  Chanyeol  are awaiting at the gate ..", said one bodyguard.

"MWO??? What for  he-", remembered what happened yesterday, Krystal understand Chanyeol arrival, apologize to her.

"Tell him, I do not feel like being disturbed ..", said Krystal.

"Minho-gun left a message like that to us, Noona .. But it seems Chanyeol host will stand out there if Noona not see .. ", the bodyguard said.

"What??? Minho told like that?? What is he right???!! ", Like Krystal still annoyed with the attitude that is so indifferent Minho yesterday after Minho .....kiss.

With the upset, Krystal walked out of the house, she give a sign to follow her  bodygurads enough to the door of her mansion. Then walked over Chanyeol.

"Annyeong chagi ..", Chanyeol with friendly greetings, secant nothing happened yesterday.

"What is it? Fast. I do not have much time .. ", Krystal replied curtly.

"Hm are you still mad at me? "

"You think??"

"I think it was."

"Good if you know .."

"I want to take dating. Please, you have to accept it .. ", Chanyeol hand grabbed Krystal’s hand. Krystal looked at handheld soft hands by Chanyeol.

"I still love you ..", continued Chanyeol with tears in his eyes. Then, Krystal looked Chanyeol with a puzzled look. Love her? Really? But why he would do that today? It happened when they celebrate it together?

"You have the heart Chanyeol .."

"Mianhae ... Jeongmal  ~ mian ... "


Krystal forcibly pull her hand from Chanyeol. Chanyeol startled look Krystal attitude. Again he win that hand, holding that dang little hold not be separated fromher hold.

"Yak! Loose! ", Krystal little rebel. But Chanyeol still hold Krystal’s hand.

"Not. I won’t let you go. "

"Chanyeol ..! Let go! I said I do not want to! "

This rejection Chanyeol upset, it slowly become firmer grip, and very fast.

"Akhh! Chanyeol  loose!! "


"Akhh! Sick!! Chanyeol hurts! Loose! "


Suddenly someone from the side and hit someone Chanyeol come pipiChanyeol hard. Chanyeol dangling to the floor due to the hard knocks.

"Akh!M-Minho? ", Krystal covered with both hands, pleasantly surprised by what he is done, Minho,  just now.


"Do not ever rude to women. If she says no, it will be! Never force it. Understand? ", Minho tried to hold back his emotions. Casually he holds palms before he used to hit Chanyeol face. Krystal is restrained to speak, she had never seen Minho injuring someone.

"Arkkhh …..", Chanyeol groaned, clutching his left cheek bruised induced Minho. Looks fresh blood flowing in the corner of his thick lips. Krystal do not flinch, she is too shocked premises in the event that  just saw. Chanyeol gently touched the corner of his lips, check his own condition. Then laughed sarcastically when knowing the result of anger Minho to make victims of violence like this. With a few unsteady steps, he approached and looked at Minho with a tough outlook interpreted.

"You're so rude,  Minho-gun ..", said Chanyeol with casual, glancing Minho.

"I think I’m  not, I'm just protecting Krystal. And that's my job .. ", Minho answered with a casual black suit as he cleared a bit messy because uniform vent his anger earlier.

"Tch!  .. Don’t you like my girlfriend?? "

Minho is silent for a moment, then smiled sarcastically.

"Your work with you to make an excuse for. Accompanied her, protecting her. Tch!  Indeed hypocritical man! ".

"Your words  really did not enter into my mind, young-man .."

" Mworagu??! "

"Tsk, you draw the conclusion that is beyond in my mind. Even far from the truth. Do not like to exaggerate about something, Chanyeol .."


Her heart is broken, the earth has collapsed with the ceiling. There is no sun, wind, and all her life now. Sick, very sick hearing that phrase from the lips of sweetness. That lips who touch her lips, and became the first. It’s too painful, too much? Do not Minho loves Krystal? Then why Minho said ......

"You really do not understand manners Minho-gun! Your parents seem to have a really sad have kid like you! "


Apparently Chanyeol’s  actually wake of a lion that is resting and asleep this morning.


He returned boxing Chanyeol cheek, now Minho blow harder and stronger than before. The proof, drop to the ground Chanyeol porch Mr. Choi. Minho visible face flushed with rage greeting from Chanyeol, he prepares to punch Chanyeol again, but .............

"STOOPP!!!!", Shouted Krystal.

Minho stopped. The screams wake him, he has his own emotions going crazy. Indeed he is very emotional the commission inviting Chanyeol temper very quickly, so that he had lost control of himself. After they recovered from the of anger, he turned and looked at Krystal and shocked. His heart was as great shock when he saw Krystal was swollen with water to her eyes.

God, did I hurt her??, Minho whispered.

"Is it true you say??", Krystal tried to speak normally, but still a bit hoarse sounding voice from crying. Minho was silent. Trying to digest the question and sentence recall what he spend for his emotions. 15 seconds elapsed, Krystal was tired of waiting for an answer from Minho. Too tired to the fact that very slicing her heart, hurt, because the sentence Minho is so painful and imprint on her  heart.

"That's true .. You're a jerk!! TOTALLY JERK!! ", Now Krystal who lose control of herself, she run into the house crying. A cavalcade of disappointment she had, and it’s really painful and suffocating.

Minho could only see Krystal who had left him. He had never seen Krystal tears he wept greatly exceed Chanyeol sobbing. Do Minho aware of what she was doing?

"Take him away!", Minho command without looking Chanyeol, and Bodyguard also obey Minho. But in both hands bodyguard was in badminton by Chanyeol.

"No need, I can walk with my own feet ..", Chanyeol answered curtly. Chanyeol stared Minho filled with hatred, he clench his own right hand to muffle emotions are heightened.

"YOU'LL BE SORRY, MINHO-GUN!",Chanyeol go out of the house with a spacious yard feeling very upset.

Minho disregard Chanyeol speech, he was busy thinking about how Krystal feeling today? Hurt because of him? Wait, this is not a deliberate by  Minho, and Minho did not mean to say like that. His eyes begin to heat up, ready to hold something will come out and become unbearable emotion in him.

Krystal, mianhe ..
Jeongmal .. Mianhae .. I do not mean to say it..
Do you still have not seen my sincerity to you?
This love, just for you ..
This heart, just yours ..
Physically and mentally, to be one and would like to have you ..
Can not you see it all?


@ ... @ ... @


"Hyung, can we talk?", Minho standing in front of the open door Tao, Tao looks were getting ready break. Tao smiled calmly, walked up to Minho is waiting for him.

"What?  eum?", Staring Minho with an expression that was really calm, very opposite to date Minho's face.

"I want to let go of feeling tired, Hyung ..", the sentence is perfect, almost perfect is the perfect excuse to get permission from his Hyung. Tao stared startled, Minho never asked for anything like this if there is not an incident that made him weak, and be very down. For the first time Minho asked permission to go for a while and with a sentence that is almost similar,  when he  knew that Minho ....  Okay, Tao become curious about what actually happened by Minho.

"What are you doing something wrong?", With very carefully asked  to Minho.

"I can not explain now hyung ..Sorry .. ", Minho said briefly.

Tao understand and try to understand what Minho wanted, a calmness. Yes, to be honest ... Minho's face was obvious that he was angry, upset, disappointed. Either with whom, of course he needs a calmness to reverse the situation as it was before he become upset like this.

"Well, do not be too long. Mr Choi will return this weekend. And I wish you were back here. understand? ", Tao smiled, trying to cheer Minho. Minho just nodded slowly, then go away from the room Tao. Tao continued to watch step by step as Minho walked away from his room. 'What’s,exactly happened?', Whispered Tao.


And at the same time ..

Krystal sobbed, hugging bolsters and pillow belonged to her father. Every now and then she looked at the big picture showing the figure of a handsome man in front of the bed that she sleep with now. Yes, Krystal is in the room the room of Mr. choi, her  father. Tired, she felt very tired and feels endless. Currently, she wants her father to be on her side. Hold her, comfort her like yesterday. Somehow Minho sentence really made her sick. Exceed the pain that Chanyeol give her.

"Appa ..hiksss ... hikkss ... ", she hugs her pillow tighten. She could feel her  father's residual scent all over the bed. Almost 5 minutes she was crying, exhausted, she rise from the position in bed, and started walking toward the office of Mr. Choi. She touch each end of the belongings of her father, with her  father's feeling homesick. And sitting in a chair that make a great couple to work her desk.

"I miss my father ..", she whispered softly. She  looked at the row of small pictures frames are arranged neatly on the desk. Display images of a father and daughter  together,  sweet little girl hair tied into two. Smiling happily, a good atmosphere at the time. Without realizing it,s he felt a little better when she  saw this scene. And realizes that her  father always remember  herself, even old photographs and still he keeps framed on his desk tidy.

She looked at one by one each of the photographs displayed on the desk of her  father, without realizing it, the sweet smile was back. "Mom, I miss you ..", she said softly.


Sounds like a pretty heavy falling objects. Krystal suddenly startled, she immediately run towards the direction of the sound that made her gasp of a beautiful daydream. She saw from the top of his room, was clearing Minho size bag that he lays on the floor. Minho looks very messy, like not having the destination where it will go, and quite alarming.

"PABO!! WHY JUST CAN tote bag FALLING LIKE THIS?!! ", Minho angry, upset because the bag is dropped accidentally. His voice was hoarse and somewhat hoarse. Clothes a bit rumpled, his face ....can not be seen clearly because Krystal was in the position, while Minho on the 1st floor of his house.


"Min ..Minho ..", Minho quietly it makes to see her, slightly looked up to find out who was calling.

Krystal is caught watching him, spontaneous covered with both hands. Minho quickly turned away from her, and walked out of the house, regardless of the current situation. Krystal quickly down the stairs, "Minho!", call Krystal to run after it.



"Don’t.", An instant step stopped because the handle of a hand to her. She looked at him with stares and confused.

"Why? What's wrong with him?? He ..he going?? “, Haltingly Krystal asked, curiosity begin to want answered perfectly possessed.

"Let him soothe himself .."

"Is there something bothering him?? Is there someone who hurt him?? "


"Answer me Tao-gun!", Krystal become panic, emotion.

"Come with me ..",Tao quickly  leads Krystal to a room, a hallway past the house that she had previously passed. That night, in which she heard a humming song Minho, yes, for the first time she heard the song by Minho. Could this space .....


Dark. The room is very dark. Carefully she stepped. Strange, this room smells like perfume used by Minho. And it seems there is no one in this room of dust. Certainly,  the room was very well maintained and is not abandoned by their owners. But whether he was Minho? Since when did he have a private room? For what? Is not a private room provided was more than enough for him? Is there a secret stored in this room so that anyone does not know even aware of the existence of this small room?


Lights illuminate every corner of the room before dark to light, and they can clearly see what kind of room they are into now. Krystal stunned to see beautiful paintings that hung neatly on the wall right in front of her. Painted some faces whom she knew, none other than her  own. Yes, face painting Krystal was giving her  a warm welcome as guests of this room. Slowly, she approached the painting. With roaring breath, heart beating fast endlessly, she stepped with certainty.

"It's all work, Minho. He made it all. ", Said Tao broke the silence between them. Krystal as reluctant to listen to Tao, and keep moving forward to the paintings. She gently touch, and carefully observe every face painting, perfect. Every he made, making it very look perfect.

"It's ... what?", Krystal accidentally touching a small tape recorder next to the paintings. Silent. Sculpting. Without spending a single word from her  mouth.

"Listen it ..", Tao said that without realizing it had been behind him. There is little doubt as to grab the tape recorder, but she could not stem the curiosity of the attack. One of her fingers pressed the play button, a cassette in it was spinning.

Saengil Chukka hamnida , Saengil chukka hamnida ..saengil Chukka hamnida .. saengil Chukka hamnida ..

Happy birthday to ya, and this has been to so many times I sang a birthday song for you through this tape recorder. Sorry, I have not dared to sing it directly to you. Because you'd make fun of me, which might be a bodyguard to sing? Hahaha. Crazy. But really I sing to you sincerely, and from the deepest bottom of my heart.

His voice was very familiar, yes, none other than Minho. Minho recording his voice because it does not have the courage to sing directly to………. Krystal? Really? Cassette continues to spin, but no sound came out. Anxiously, she waited next recording sound.

But this time, I will give you a song for you .. Yes, I want to sing this song special on your birthday the 20th. This song means so much to me ..A description of my feelings for you. I want you to hear ...

This recording makes Krystal doubtful, because of the early recordings Minho did not name the person who he meant. Feeling not want to be disappointed, and definitely will not be able to withstand the pain, it's keep the tape out of her ears.


"I beg you, don’t  stop Krystal-shii ..", Tao hold hands Krystal who want to put the tape back on a small table. Krystal bowed weak, indeed she did not dare take the risk to be disappointed again when she hear a different name in this recording. With a heavy heart she returned the tape to hold her  ears. Sighed deeply, slowly removing it, like trying to find the power of the bad things that will happen. A prefix accompaniment music sounds into a song ..

Even if I can only live for one day
Do you know how much I miss you and how much my heart aches
I miss you so much, through the ravages of the passage of time
My tired footsteps bring me to your side, unknowingly
Even though I know there's nothing I can do for you.
"I love you" - words I keep shouting in my heart
"I love you" - words I can only whisper behind your back
"I love you" - words that I can not speak for fear they will disappear
I love you so much it scares me
Like the galaxy of stars in the night
Within my sight but out of my reach and touch
Watching over you is my duty
Waiting every day till it Becomes an obsession
Expectations of you rising above my height
"I love you" - words I keep shouting in my heart
"I love you" - words I can only whisper behind your back
"I love you" - words that I can not speak for fear they will disappear
I love you so much it scares me
I have to confess my love for you today
Even if I can only live for one day
Now I'm going to confess, I'm going to say "I love you"

The song gives the effect of vibration to the body Krsytal, so in the sense of the Minho sing. Indeed if she felt unable to listen to the name of the woman who had loved by  Minho. Because she understood, if a man sing a love song for the woman he loves, at the end of a sentence he will declare who the woman on purpose, she must believe that she is not a woman that Minho love, so thought Krystal.

Eotte? Was that bad?? I did not deserve to sing ..hehe ..but I really want you to hear me sing this song. Just so you know, how much I love you, love you, and want you to stay by my side ..I. .. I. .. Could not help but think this turmoil again .. I do not care about fate would, even if we can not come together, I'll still love you, with all my heart and soul. Really, I'm serious about this. And I ... want you to know it.

Krystal took a deep breath, holding her hand trembled a little tape recorder. Very nervous and anxious waiting for the next sentence Minho.

Saranghaeyo ... Krystal ..

Such as air disappeared and she numbed with all five senses in her body. Could not utter a word, silent, motionless, and still float with the last sentence she heard.


Not feel the tears fall smooth cheeks, her  lips trembled violently. Be gasping for breath still in shock with surprise Minho give to her, through this mini tape recorder. But why ... why Minho did not dare reveal to her  directly?

"T-Tao ajhushii ..", Krystal finally able to speak. With all her remaining strength, she looked at Tao with melancholy. Tao smiling, and holding the body of Krystal who had faltered because of fatigue, shocked.

"I'm glad if finally the woman he loved very much to know the true feelings of Minho ..", said Tao, staring at the tape recorder is still on the handheld by Krystal.

"Since when?", Krystal looked at Tao with great curiosity.

"Since he knew you, and that's when he realized you were the only woman who can change his life .."


"Krystal, almost 7 years he's with you, keep you, keep you company. But underneath it all he did because ... he loves you very much. Although .... "

"Although I along with Chanyeol???"


"Where is he??"

"He? Who do you mean Krystal-shii? "

"Minho .. Where is he now??! "

"Maybe looking back to his home town .."

"We’ll  go there now ..!"

"But Krystal-shii-"

"THIS MY COMMAND!", Krystal raise her  voice because she wanted her  wish this time should be done. Yes, MUST. Was in her  mind was Minho, she wanted to see him now. Either way, she had to find it. Hearing the last sentence by Krystal’s speech, Tao immediately bending half his body, and run out of the room, prepare some bodyguards to accompany them for Minho.

"Wait for me Minho .. Wait for me .. ", Krystal whispered in the silence of the room.


@ ... @ ... @


"Nil ..", said one bodyguard who reported quest panting.

"Are you sure??", Tao ensure that his men did not pass through every alley and places here, yes, where the usual Minho go if he wants to calm himself when feeling tired with the problems.

"Yes, we've check all over the place here .. But there was no sign of him here .. ", was re-assured Tao bodyguard.
"Well, we continue tomorrow ..", Tao immediately provide the code to his men, after which he got into the car, sitting next to Mr. Choi family personal driver. "Sorry, we continue the search tomorrow Krystal-shii ..", said Tao. But there is no answer from Krystal. Tao little car glanced in the mirror, to see Krystal is silent.  Asleep? Krystal seemed too tired to search Minho today. It's been almost  6 hours they seek Minho, but to no avail. Tao quickly reopen the car door and took a thick blanket in the trunk, then enveloped to  Krystal  body. He accidentally touched her hand and made a startled Krystal. Krystal's body temperature is very hot, with a panic he patted her cheek Krystal, hope she realized.

"Nghh ..Minh ..o ... ", only her  slowly coming out of her  mouth. Tao pulled himself out and closed the door again, after sitting back as in early position, he ordered their personal driver to quickly get to the house.

"Minho ..where are you?? ", whispered Tao with extreme anxiety.


To Be Continued...


Okay, really complicated. Minho somehow go anywhere, Krystal seemed very happy and sorry to have hurt Minho for almost 7 years. And now she is sick! What will happen next? Well, what about minho song? Was that touching, right? Okay, I love to know if anyone curious about the song sung by minho on the tape. The title song "Even if I live just one day" that popularized by Jo Hyun Jae in the drama korea 49 days. I swear, that song is really romantic and really touching .. You should listen to this song, the guarantee, when you read this story , going to cry. * just help to feels in this part* kekekek ~ thank you really you've read and do not forget to give your comment in the section this chapter .. See yaa in the next chapter chinguuu ~ ^^ /bowed/

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EikaZulaikha #1
Chapter 20: So loving it... ^^
florance #2
Chapter 20: I love this story.It's so amazing!! DAEBAKKKK!! You should keep making awesome story and this story is very touching as well. And Keep calm and Write DAEBAK story like this. kekekekk :D Fighting!! <3
ChocolateMinho #3
Chapter 20: Omg my dear author nim... This story is very touch <3~

i hope u'll write another minstal fanfic dear... I'll support u kkkk~
riajoxx #4
Chapter 20: Great Ending... I LOVE IT! HUAAAH *Crying*
Chapter 20: Happy ending! I love it!
You're a great author.. Make another Minstal fanfic please ^-^
Romellete #6
Chapter 20: humh.. happy ending /pretend dissapoint kekekek xD
so thrilled >_<,,
thx for writing minstal story to us,, for 2 months #clap hands..:))
keep writing dear ~ waiting another minstal story of course ^^
Chapter 20: Yeay......HAPPY ENDING!!!!
I love u and this fanfic :)
YunixLazy #8
Chapter 20: Love it <3
Make more minstal fanfic dear !~!!
Chapter 20: Greatest story, Greatest author !!!!!
I love it/
Keep writing minstal fanfic.
Yayacute #10
Chapter 20: AhAhhhh Cute familly :))
I love this story.