Part 3

We Were Meant To Me


At lunch time, Jongup ran to the canteen, his Umma's traits coming out strong at the smell of food. He knew his Appa always tried hard when it came to food, knowing that his two boys had the appetite of dragons. Youngjae also had to be careful where he put the food after coming home from shopping as he knew from experience, as soon as he put something down, it would already be stuffed into either Daehyun's or Jongup's mouth. Daehyun wasn't allowed to go shopping.
He grabbed a tray and loaded it with food before going to his usual table and dumping it down. He plopped down into the chair, grabbed the chicken and bacon mayo sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth. 
"Jeez, Oppa. Slow down. It won't run away you know," a female voice said beside him. Jongup looked up to see Sumin sat down next to him with her own plate. "You are so like your Umma," she said.
"Why, thank you," he replied, mouth full of food. He heard Sumin sigh.
"Don't you ever stop eating?' Sumin asked, humour in her voice as she stabbed the chicken she had got with her fork.
"I do," Jongup said defensively. "Umma doesn't."
Sumin laughed. "How on earth does your Appa manage? My Appa would go crazy if Umma ate everything." She paused. "But then again, I don't think he would mind since Umma does the shopping," she said thoughtfully. Jongup laughed and smiled. "Your smile is so cute," Sumin said, leaning over to pinch his cheeks.
Jongup looked up again to see Junhong sit across from him and Sumin.
"Hey Junnie," Jongup greeted the younger.
Sumin simply smiled at the boy and tapped her cheek and Junhong leaned across the table to kiss her cheek, just like he did every day. Her smile filled her face, just like Jongup's normal smile did. That was, until they heard the loud gossip from the girls on the next table.
"She is such a ," one of them said. "I mean, look at her. She throws herself all over Jongup Oppa and Zelo Oppa."
"I bet she's just trying to get in both their pants," a second girl said.
"She's not even pretty," one said. "She looks like the rear end of a pig."
"Yeah," another said. "And she's always following Zelo Oppa everywhere. Can't she tell that no-one wants her?"
Sumin looked like she was going to scream, but instead stood up, slamming her tray down and storming out of the canteen. Junhong nodded at Jongup and then ran after her and Jongup picked up the remainder of his food and went to sit at the girls' table. 
"J-Jongup Op-pa," one stuttered, who had said that Sumin looked like the rear end if pig. "What can we do for you?"
Jongup stopped smiling and pulled out his 'Daehyun glare' card, which in all honesty, really hurt his face since he was so used to smiling. He had no idea how his Umma could glare like that, or how his Appa could put up with it, but at least it did it's job.
"I want you to stop talking about Sumin like that," Jongup said, speaking slowly and calmly like his Umma did. "You have no idea what she's been through." Jongup stood up, shoved some more food in his mouth and left the canteen, heading for the roof where he knew Junhong and Sumin were.
Sorry it's late!! I was hanging out with my friends in our apartment! <3
Thank you for reading and enjoy! <3
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*sigh* I'm a bit stressed at the moment so my next update will have to be either Saturday or Sunday... I'm so sorry! I'll make sure it's a good update! thank yo


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Chapter 17: AWWWWWW so cute!!!! this story was so beautiful!! good job hehe ^_^
Chapter 17: even more beautiful! End wonderful! compliments, Jonglo are so cute * ^ * and of course also daejae and banghim lol <3
Chapter 18: Omg, omg, omg omg.. Can't wait, dsfklhsj. *-*
Chapter 17: Aaaaaaawie so cute !!!!! :3 *melting*
Chapter 18: Omgomgomgomgomg i havent comment on the prev chap tho /cries/ i am so happy they are having their own kids omggg yoo jongup and now... yoo junhong omfg so many yoo here :"""") its cute junhong is pregnant again after having a one years old baby.... and jongup......forever happy daddy :D
I cant wait the prequeeeeel aaaaaaa hope it will be up sooner :))) take ur time authornim i will waittt :))))
Chapter 18: YAY... "Goodbye" totally looking forward to it =]
blueberry_muffin #8
Chapter 18: I CAN'T WAIT!! XD
Chapter 17: I can't I imagines zelo's baby is so cute zhdkjxnfiudnfkjjsdknfjkdnkfnkxcfnjksdnfkj! I LOVE HIMCHAN UMMA!