Part 13

We Were Meant To Me


Jongup was, once again, running. He was tired of it, but it was the only thing he could do. He found himself near the lake where his Umma always used to take him. He sat down on the grass and placed a hand over the cheek his Appa had struck.
His parents had never lifted a hand against him before, but he knew it didn't hurt as much as it could have. His Appa had made sure not to hurt him and guilt crashed over Jongup. He had said such terrible things to his Umma even though Jongup knew that his Umma didn't deserve it.
Tears flowed down the boy's face, heart wrenching sobs pulled out from him as he curled into a ball on the grass.
It began to rain, soaking him to the bone. He didn't move though. He guessed that it was heaven's way of telling him that his Umma was crying too.
He lay there, crying and angry at everything that had happened in one short day. Junhong. Daehyun. Youngjae. He couldn't hold it in, he was splitting at the seams and he could only sit there and watch it happen. He wanted it all to be a dream. To be able to wake up and have it all as something that happened in his mind. But no.
A hand on his shoulder and the stopping rain brought him out of his inner turmoil. Jongup looked up to see an umbrella over him and Junhong by his side holding it over the two of them.
"Hyung," Junhong said quietly, not liking the state the older was in. He was wet, shaking, still in his uniform, and his eyes were red and puffy. It broke Junhong's heart. Junhong took off his coat and wrapped it round the older's shoulders and then crouched down next to him. "Come on, hyung. Let's get you home." 
Junhong tried to pull Jongup to his feet, but he wouldn't stand. He just cried.
"Come on, hyung," Junhong begged.
"Why?" Jongup asked, so quietly that Junhong cold hardly hear him over the sound of the rain.
"Why?" Jongup repeated a little louder.
"Because Daehyun Umma rang my Umma and told him to find you. He sounded desperate, so I ran out... and found you," Junhong explained. 
The rain was getting heavier. The umbrella couldn't keep them dry any longer and the sound of water hitting the ground filled their ears. At least tears were no longer visible.
"Umma," Jongup said, more tears running down his face.
"Please hyung," Junhong begged. "You're going to get sick." Junhong tried to pull Jongup to his feet again, but failed and watched the boy plummet back down onto the wet ground. "Hyung!" Junhong cried, grabbing the unmoving boy, umbrella thrown to the side. "Hyung please!" he begged again, tears of his own falling amongst the raindrops.
Jongup's red eyes stared off into the distance, glazed over. "Go home, Junnie," he whispered. "Go home."
"If I go home, you're coming with me!" Junhong cried, burying his head in Jongup's side. "I won't leave you hyung!"
"No," Jongup whispered, no emotion left, dead. His seams had ripped, and everything had run out of him, leaving him an empty shell. "Umma... What I said to Umma. He'll never forgive me. I hurt him, Junnie. The things I said.... I can never go back." 
Junhong cried. His smiley hyung should never be like this. He was crying, his life out of him. He shouldn't be like this. He should be happy, smiling at Junhong as they stuffed their faces. He should be laughing at a lame joke. He should be pouting cutely as he lost yet another game. He should be ringing him, voice full of worry about something else he couldn't find. He should be smiling.
But he wasn't.
"Hyung," Junhong said sadly.
Junhong looked around and saw his Appa running towards him through the rain, soaked.
"Appa!" Junhong cried as Yongguk took the boy into his embrace.
"It's alright, Jelly," Yongguk said softly. "Everything's alright." Yongguk looked down at the now unconscious Jongup. "Come on, Jelly. We better get Jongup to the hospital."
Yongguk let go of his son and picked up Jongup, taking in his fevered complexion. Junhong grabbed the umbrella.
"Will hyung be OK, Appa?" the boy asked, worried as they set off home.
"I hope so, Jelly. I hope so."
Wow long~~~
*sigh* looks like another hospital scene....
I hoped you enjoyed this~
Thank you for reading!<3<3<3
And next update will be Thursday!<3
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*sigh* I'm a bit stressed at the moment so my next update will have to be either Saturday or Sunday... I'm so sorry! I'll make sure it's a good update! thank yo


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Chapter 17: AWWWWWW so cute!!!! this story was so beautiful!! good job hehe ^_^
Chapter 17: even more beautiful! End wonderful! compliments, Jonglo are so cute * ^ * and of course also daejae and banghim lol <3
Chapter 18: Omg, omg, omg omg.. Can't wait, dsfklhsj. *-*
Chapter 17: Aaaaaaawie so cute !!!!! :3 *melting*
Chapter 18: Omgomgomgomgomg i havent comment on the prev chap tho /cries/ i am so happy they are having their own kids omggg yoo jongup and now... yoo junhong omfg so many yoo here :"""") its cute junhong is pregnant again after having a one years old baby.... and jongup......forever happy daddy :D
I cant wait the prequeeeeel aaaaaaa hope it will be up sooner :))) take ur time authornim i will waittt :))))
Chapter 18: YAY... "Goodbye" totally looking forward to it =]
blueberry_muffin #8
Chapter 18: I CAN'T WAIT!! XD
Chapter 17: I can't I imagines zelo's baby is so cute zhdkjxnfiudnfkjjsdknfjkdnkfnkxcfnjksdnfkj! I LOVE HIMCHAN UMMA!