Always and Forever

We Were Meant To Me


Junhong woke up to an empty bed. He looked around, but there was no sight of Jongup anywhere. He felt the sheets, but they were cold. He sat up and shuffled to the side of the bed, holding his stomach for support. He wobbled to the mirror and stood sideways, lifting up his nightshirt, which was actually Jongup's, and rubbing his belly. He was now 5 months pregnant and had been absolutely ecstatic when he had found out that he could give birth to his own children just like Daehyun.
He shuffled out of the room and into the room across the hall, and immediately smiled at what he saw: Jongup was sat on the floor, back pressed up against the blue walls, asleep. In his arms was a sleeping one year old baby boy. The two were asleep in the nursery Jongup had decorated when Junhong had been pregnant with their baby boy. The sight was absolutely adorable, his two precious boys sleeping so peacefully.
Jongup began to stir so Junhong entered his son's room and sat down on the floor carefully. Jongup slowly opened his eyes, coming face to face with his husband.
"Morning, sleepy head," Junhong whispered.
"Morning, beautiful," Jongup whispered back, lifting one of his hands to Junhong's face tenderly. 
"How is he?" Junhong asked, taking his son into his arms, who was still fast sleep.
"Good as gold, as always," Jongup replied. "He woke up around 4 though, so I came in to sing to him. He went straight back to sleep. And how are you?"
"Feeling a lot better actually. My back is hurting less and my sickness hasn't come yet, so I'm feeling good!" Junhong said happily.
"That's great, baby," Jongup said, moving to sit behind Junhong and gently rubbing his stomach. Jongup laid his head on Junhong's shoulder, breathing in his delicious scent.
"That feels nice," Junhong said, leaning back into Jongup. 
Little babbles were suddenly heard and the couple looked down to the now awake baby in Junhong's arms. The little boy looked up with his wide eyes and put a small, chubby hand on Junhong's arm.
"Um-ma!" the baby gurgled, lifting his arms. Junhong lifted him up and gave him a quick morning kiss. "Ap-pa!" Jongup smiled and kissed his son too.
Suddenly, the phone rang. Jongup got up and sprinted back into his and Junhong's room for the phone.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Guppie?" the caller asked.
"Himchan Umma?" Jongup asked, receiving a 'yes'. "What's up?"
Himchan sighed. "Does there have to be something wrong for me to be able to call you? Can't I just say hi to my precious son-in-law?" Jongup rolled his eyes as Junhong and their son came into the room.
"Who is it?" Junhong asked.
"Your Umma," Jongup replied. Junhong only nodded before sitting on their bed and playing with their son.
"So is that all?" Jongup asked Himchan, trying not to sound rude.
"Of course not!" Himchan laughed. "Why don't we have a picnic? All 8 of us! The 3 Bangs and the 5 Yoos! Well, 6 now! Congrats once more on getting my baby pregnant again. Must be something that runs in the Yoo family that means you can get guys pregnant. I hope you're taking care of my baby and yours. If my baby's hurting I will kill you! You got that Jung Jongup?"
"Yes, Himchan Umma," Jongup said, not in the least bit scared. "Himchan Umma? When you're threatening me, why do you call me Jung Jongup, not Yoo Jongup?"
"I don't know! Just be at the lake at 11:30, OK?" Himchan said before hanging up.
Jongup put the phone down and turned to his husband. "We're meeting everyone at the lake at half eleven for a picnic," Jongup explained. "So let's get my babies ready."
Junhong pretended to act shocked. "Are you referring to me?"
Jongup laughed and pulled his two babies into a hug. "Of course, baby. You'll always be mine. I love you, Yoo Junhong."
"I love you too, Yoo Jongup."
Here you go~~~
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*sigh* I'm a bit stressed at the moment so my next update will have to be either Saturday or Sunday... I'm so sorry! I'll make sure it's a good update! thank yo


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Chapter 17: AWWWWWW so cute!!!! this story was so beautiful!! good job hehe ^_^
Chapter 17: even more beautiful! End wonderful! compliments, Jonglo are so cute * ^ * and of course also daejae and banghim lol <3
Chapter 18: Omg, omg, omg omg.. Can't wait, dsfklhsj. *-*
Chapter 17: Aaaaaaawie so cute !!!!! :3 *melting*
Chapter 18: Omgomgomgomgomg i havent comment on the prev chap tho /cries/ i am so happy they are having their own kids omggg yoo jongup and now... yoo junhong omfg so many yoo here :"""") its cute junhong is pregnant again after having a one years old baby.... and jongup......forever happy daddy :D
I cant wait the prequeeeeel aaaaaaa hope it will be up sooner :))) take ur time authornim i will waittt :))))
Chapter 18: YAY... "Goodbye" totally looking forward to it =]
blueberry_muffin #8
Chapter 18: I CAN'T WAIT!! XD
Chapter 17: I can't I imagines zelo's baby is so cute zhdkjxnfiudnfkjjsdknfjkdnkfnkxcfnjksdnfkj! I LOVE HIMCHAN UMMA!