Series of Bad Luck

When She Was A Boy

"Faster! Faster!" Amber impatiently gripped the throttle and accelerated with the fastest speed she can get. The Porsche was fascinatingly fast, and she lost sight of it seconds ago.

She searched left and right and overtook several vehicles until she spotted the shiny red car entering Plus Street straight down the road. She knew that any minute now he'll soon reach Chowking so instead of following the car behind, she turned to her right and entered an alleyway that served as a shortcut between the intersection of Plus Street and Chowking.

Then suddenly, she appeared right in front of the Porsche, blocking his way.


An ear-splitting screech came from the car's tires. The Porsche is coming nearer and nearer and nearer to her... *Why isn't he stopping??!* She desperately asked herself. *Don't tell me we'll crash again ---?!* In desperation, she shut her eyes and waited for the car to bump her.




*I'm still alive!* relief swept over her.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" the man got out from his car and angrily asked her. "Are you trying to make me a murderer?!"
"No! I want you to talk to me!" she answered.
"So are you paying me now?" he asked.
"No. But I'm pleading you sir, please don't tell my boss! I'll get sacked when he hears it, and that's my only work.." 
"You should've thought about that before you crashed into Betty!" he shot back pointing his finger on his car. "Besides, I don't need to hear your drama, I'm not here to listen on your excuses! Now, if you don't have anything else to say besides pleading, get out of my way!"
"I'LL PAY YOU! I'll pay you okay? Just.. Just don't go.. please..." she desperately begged.

The man raised his eyebrow and looked at the person in front of him. "How?" he asked haughtily. "How are you going to pay me?"

"I'll do extra work.." Amber answered uncertainly.
"With your salary?" he sneered. "I doubt your salary is enough to pay even half of the damage you've done."

Amber's ears went pink. He's right. She can't pay him with her salary. "T-then I'll work extra hard..." she said quietly. She's starting to sound dumber every second.

"I have an idea" he interjected, clearly not listening on what she's saying. "Would you like to hear it?" he asked, sneering again.

She doesn't like the tone of his voice but decided against it. If it were the only way to stop him from going to her boss, she has to do it.
"Yes, what is it?" she answered.
"Hmm, let's see.." he put his fingers under his chin and looked mockingly at her. "I'm a busy man so I think I need a personal assistant and a maid. How about that?" 

Amber's mouth fell. ASSISTANT? MAID? She has work to do and night classes to fill in and now she needs to do this as well?! What the hell is going on her life?!

"It seems you don't want my offer. Huh," the man sadly sighed. "I guess I'll have to go to your boss after all..." 
"NO! W-wait! I'll... I'LL DO IT! I'll be your P.A and maid, HAPPY?!" 
"Hah! yes I'm happy, because I'll give you hell." the man threatened. "Here's my calling card." he throwed a bunch of calling cards in front of her. "If you did not contact me within 24 hours, I'll tell it to your boss. Now we don't want that to happen don't we?" the man evily smiled.

Amber balled her fists and stared at the man full of deep hatred. *I hated everything about you! From your stupid Betty to your evil smile! I hate you!!!*

She can't retort anything so she bit her lip instead.

The man smiled triumphantly. *Now here's a good boy!* he told himself.

"Don't forget, you only have 24 hours." he said, and he went back to his car. Seconds later, he was gone.

Amber looked down at the thrown cards. *You don't have to give me so many!* and picked one.

"Huh, so you're name's Taec Lee." Amber commented. Then she looked down below his name.. "No way! The Lee Firms & Designs is theirs?!" she can't believe her eyes. Lee Firms & Designs. Co was the leading design company in their country. "No wonder he's riding a Porsche..." then she shifted her attention on his picture. He's wearing a formal, black attire. His arms were crossed and his lips were slightly curved into a smile. His eyes were shining and she stared at it longer than necessary.

Dugsh. Dugsh. Dugsh. Dugsh.

Her heart started reacting violently. 

"No no no no no!" she said, shaking her head. "This devil in front of you will make your life hell so you'd better watch out Amber!"

She sighed deeply and drove her way back to Chowking. She glumly entered the restaurant, remembering the accident that happened earlier.

"Hey Amber! Where have you been? What's wrong with you?" her co-worker asked her.
"I'm fine....Nevermind it..." she said lifelessly.
"Oh... Well, boss is looking for you by the way."

With that her soul came back to life. She gulped nervously. *Why is he asking for me???*.

"Are you sure you're okay Amber?" her co-worker asked her again.

She did not respond and went upstairs, her heart beating so loudly. She knocked a few times at the office's door and cautiously entered the room.

"S-sir? They said that you're looking for me.." she said nervously.
"Yes Miss Mallari, please sit down." her boss pointed at the chair in front of him

Amber sat down and stared at his boss. *Whyyyy????*.

"How was you delivery Miss Mallari?" her boss asked her.
"Oh, that, well I.... *GASP* I FORGOT ABOUT MY DELIVERY!" she shouted and stood up.
"Yes Miss Mallari, you did forgot your delivery. Of course, the customer was not pleased."
"Sir, I'm sorry, it slipped out of my mind..." Amber started explaining but her boss lifted his hand to signal her that she should stop.
"Now tell me, how was the Porsche?" he asked her again.
"The--- the what sir..?" Amber's voice cracked.
"The Porsche Miss Mallari, the Porsche." her boss emphasized his last word.


She stood there open-mouthed. "Sir, how did you...?"

"Your commotion was not an absolute secret Miss Mallari. That's how." her boss answered her coldly. "We do not tolerate forgetful and clumsy employees." 
"Sir.. I can explain.." she started.
"I'm sorry Miss Mallari, but you're not here for your explanation, but to hear my decision. You're fired."

If only thunder and lightning would struck her down right now, she would be the most grateful person today. It feels like air was from her and she can't think properly. *I'm fired... I'm fired... Now I'm jobless....*

"You can leave my office now". her boss concluded.

Amber slowly walked away from his office. She removed her jacket and left it at the counter.

"Hey Amber! You forgot your jacket!" her co-worker said.
"No, from now on, it's not mine anymore." she answered sadly. 


She rode a bus on her way home. *Maybe I need some good night's sleep. Maybe these were all a dream. Tomorrow, I'll wake up with my new delivery and I don't have to think about a Porsche named Betty or a man named Taec Lee or that from now on I'm his assisstant and his maid. This is just a nightmare!* The bus stopped and she walked her way home.


She reached her apartment and saw that all of her belongings - from her books to toiletries and her undies - were outside her apartment. 

Amber knocked loudly at her door.

"Dang! Dang! Open the door!" she called her landlady. 

No response.

"DANG OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!!!" she knocked more loudly now.

Still, no response.

She keeps on knocking and knocking, and punching then started kicking, venting all her anger at the door.

"DANG! DANG! DANG! DANG!" she called out loud.


Finally, a fat, wrestler-sized woman came out from the door and stared piercingly at Amber.

"Why are you doing this to me?!!" Amber asked.
"Your debt is getting higher and higher young woman! You haven't paid me for 4 months!" she boomed once again.
"I can explain.." she started. SHE'S SO SICK OF EXPLAINING TO PEOPLE!
"Save your explanations! You can either go out of this apartment for good or I'll call the police. You choose!" and she snapped the door right in front of her face.
"This is a nightmare... this is a nightmare..." she said to herself. Tears were starting to build at the corner of her eyes and she's fighting it. "I'm not a loser. I won't cry". she said strongly.

Amber started collecting her things and rode another bus. There's only one place she can go....

Knock! Knock!

A middle-aged woman opened the door and brightly smiled.

"Ohhh.. Torrey, your boyfriend's here!" she said.

*UGHHH*. Amber said to herself. 

"What? I don't have a boyfriend Mom, silly you!" said a sweet voice from behind said. A lady appeared behind her mom. She was cute *okay, an understatement*, she has long brown hair with full bangs, she wore a blue headband and a checkered dress. She was like an angel sent from above.
"AMBER!!!!" she squealed when she saw who their visitor was and embraced Amber tightly. "Why didn't you go to school earlier? You missed our long test! You know Sir V's not giving special exams! And WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ALL OF YOUR BAGS?! O__________O"
"Uh.. it's slightlly complicated.." Amber would look anywhere but Torrey. She puts her hand on her head and scratched her hair. "But can I atleast stay here just for a night....?" she asked shyly. She's so embarassed for asking Torrey for a shelter but she has nowhere else to go. "Don't worry... I'll pay, as soon as I found a job, that is.." she continued. She's still looking away from Torrey.

But Torrey cupped her face and stared intently at Amber's eyes. "Amber.... What happened?" she asked, her eyes full of concern.

That did it. 

"Torrey.." sniffed Amber and hugged her friend. "Toreeeeeeeyyyyy!!!" she said her name again.

Shocked, Torrey led Amber inside her house and lets her sit. The commotion inside was UNBELIEVABLE. 4 kids were all playing, running around the house, while a baby on the crib was crying out loud; In front of the television sat Torrey's grandparents arguing on what channel they should watch; meanwhile, her father was silently drinking his coffee at the table and her mom's cooking dinner. All 10 people + Amber inside a cramped, noisy house.

"Hehe, sorry but you know how noisy my siblings are.." Torrey said shyly.
"I-it's okay," Amber gets more embarassed. Torrey is having a hard time inside their small house and now she added herself with her pain. "I think I shoul go --"
"What?! NO! Stay here! And what happened to you? Why are you crying??"

Reluctantly, Amber sat down once again and started on narrating the series of bad lucks she had for the day.

".........In conclusion, I am a very unlucky woman. First, I crashed myself on a Porsche; Second; I became someone's personal assistant and maid; Third; I got myself fired from work; Fourth; I forgot our long test and Fifth; I was chucked out of my apartment." she ended and sulked.
"Well, you can stay here for a while Amber.." Torrey's mom butted in. "But I'm sad to say you can't sleep beside our daughter." she smiled jokingly. "We've already accepted her relationship preference and we have nothing against you, but still, our Torrey will still sleep with us, okay?"
"Mom... How many times do we have to tell you? Amber is my best friend not my girl friend or boy friend  whatever you want to call it. Amber is a girl." Torrey stressed the word "girl".

But her Mom just nodded knowingly looking like she understood everything and walked away. Torrey rolled her eyes.

After dinner, they were all camped out for bed. Amber, who was sleeping on the sofa, sighed deeply. *Maybe it's just a dream.*, and dozed off.

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel