It Started With a Crash

When She Was A Boy

"Amber! #200 Hottest Street, Q.C. Two orders of beef-wanton mami + 2 regular-sized pineapple juice and 2 asado siopao."


It was lunchtime and another busy day for the employees of Chowking.

A girl in her teenage years approached the man at the kitchen who held their customer's order. She was tall, has small, black eyes, curvy lips and even a curvy body. She's a teenage girl at its finest except for one thing: she has a short, jet-black hair fashioned just like a male's and wear shirts and large jeans just like what a man wears. She looked exactly like a boy.

"Thanks brad." she said at the man on the kitchen. Now she even sounded like a boy. She wore her jacket, puts her helmet on and walked out of Chowking. After putting her delivery inside the delivery box, she quickly drove her motor and went for #200 Hottest Street.

She's doing the same things everyday. She'll wake up early in the morning for her  work, then after her part-time job, she'll go straight for school for her night classes. After class, she'll have to do her household chores and it doesn't end there~! She has to study for their upcoming tests the next morning. Talk about extra work!


"Ethics is a basic principle of right action. The five human values of journalism are, truth-telling, freedom, stewardship, humaness, and.... and....." Amber loudly recited while riding her bike. *Arrgh! I forgot the fifth one!* she said to herself. They will have their first long test on their Press Law and Ethics class later and she puts a 100% extra effort last night to review. 




A loud honking came behind her and she saw a shiny, velvety red Porsche overtook her. *Pssh! Show off!*. Amber accelerated her engine until she overtook that red car. *Hah! That'll show you!*. She smiled contentedly to herself, satisfied to beat a show-off car like that.


*WHAT THE--?!*

She saw the car once again behind her back which seemed to be putting a lot of effort to overtake her once again. She accelerated her bike even more until she passed a large truck of Coke. Now the red car was out of her view. She hated drivers like that. The road is not for them to conquer. It's for hers.


"#200, Hottest street.." *Where is it????* she asked herself. She changed lanes and parked near a telephone booth for a while.

"I think, I'm in VIP street now," she noted. She's not familiar with Hottest Street because VIP Street was the farthest place she reached so far.

"Uh, excuse me Miss," she called the lady who got out from the telephone booth. "may I ask what street are we on?"
"VIP street". the lady shortly answered. *Hah! I'm right!*
"So, where is Hottest street?" Amber asked her again.
"Just go straight that way". she pointed the road in front of them "Then turn right". she added.


The sun is sizzling hot. Her outfit makes her feel hotter. Amber removed her helmet to cool down and to breathe some fresh air but...




"Kyaaaahhhhh!! Oppa you're so hot!" the lady exclaimed with shining eyes (*____*)
"What's your name?" she asked her.
"Uh, Miss, look, I'm not--"
"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked again.
"I don't have a girlfriend---"


Amber stood there, open-mouthed. The lady was smiling at her with the widest smile she had ever seen and eyes brighter than the sun's. Then she lightly chuckled.

"I'm sorry Miss, but we're not compatible." said Amber while shaking her head. She puts on her helmet again. "Thank you for your directions by the way." and went off.


The lady remained rooted on the spot. "He's gay???" she asked herself sadly.


"I'M A GIRL!" she said to herself. "Why does everyone think of me that way?" "What was I reciting again? Oh yeah.! Ethics is a chosen response. Law is enacted by the law..." she started reciting again when.......




Amber looked behind her and bulged her eyes. A massive ten-wheeler truck was behind her and was attempting to pass her. Pissed, she rode faster than ever and when she shifted her attention to the road, she almost collided with the white van in front of her.


"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" she quickly turned left and pressed hard on the brake...
"No No No No No No No NOO!!!" she passed the lampost behind her but then crashed on the red car beside it.



"AYYYYY!" the witnessess squealed in fright.
"Sir! Are you alright?" a tricycle driver quickly approached and asked her.


She lets go of the "Sir" part and answered: "Yes, I'm fine..." *Thank Lord I pressed the brake earlier!*



Every head spun around and now all eyes were upon this man, a tall, hunky and handsome man. He open-mouthedly gazed at his damaged car and dropped his Slurpee and hotdog. He slowly made his way while the crowd parted as he passed by.  

"My car... my car..." he whispered.. "YOU!" he pointed his finger at Amber's chest, who backed away immediately. "YOU DID THIS! YOU PAY MY CAR RIGHT NOW!" the man ordered angrily.
"S-sir.. Can we just talk..?" Amber started
"NO! This Porsche is brand new! BRAND NEW, you heard that Mister?! Look what you've done to my poor Betty!" the man is starting to get hysterical.
"Sir, look..." Amber started again
"ARGGGGHHH! For the last time!..." she removed her helmet and stared vehemently at the man in front of her, "I'M A GIRL!!!!! STOP SAYING MAN DUDE!"



Everyone's reaction: ........................................................


The man blinked several times. "W-well, I don't care if you're gay or not, but you have to START PAYING THIS S*** YOU'VE DONE!" he said on top of his voice
"I CAN'T PAY YOU! I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY!!" Amber retorted loudly as well.


"Very well! If you can't take any responsibility..." he said and walked towards his car door, "I'll go straight to your employer. Chowking huh?" he added, looking at her jacket, then drove on.

"W-what? WAIT!" Amber called. Then she quickly wore her helmet once again and started the engine. "SIR!" then she's gone.


Witnesses' reaction: What just happened ????????????


Meanwhile, on #200 Hottest Street..


Customer: "WHERE'S MY CHOWKING?!" o_O

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel