Under The Bonfire

When She Was A Boy

This was it - the night Amber had been dreading the most.  It seemed that it was just only yesterday since Chance asked her to "accompany" him on their inter-college night, and now, she found herself standing in front of her mirror and table, wearing a white bath robe and a towel wrapped around her head.

"You don't have to give me these Chance" she said. She was looking glumly at the pile of make-ups, bags, shoes, accessories and cocktail dresses that were all piled in front of her. Yes, Chance gave it all to her the other day, saying that Amber needed a "variety of choices" and that he was afraid as well that Amber will wear a tuxedo on that special night. She picked one of the foundations and opened it. Then she picked a concealer too. She tilted her head. Now here was another dilemma!

"How am I supposed to use these?!!" she demanded.

Knock! Knock!

"Who the hell's that at this time of the night?!" Taec growled. He was in front of his computer, wearing his casual clothes when someone knocked at his door. He opened the door irritably and saw Torrey outside his condo, wearing a big, sweet smile at him.

"Hiiiii!!!!" Torrey greeted happily.
"Who are you?" he snapped.
"I'm Torrey! Ambie's best friend??" Torrey answered, sounding like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"So, I need to go inside and help Amber!" she answered, flashing her white, gleaming teeth.
"What are you talking about? Get out!" then he slammed the door shut.

Torrey looked surprised and offended. She knocked at the door loudly.

"Open up!" she said.
Taec opened his door again. "WHAT?!" he shouted.
"Can you please let me in? Ambie needs my help right now."
"She's not even in danger, what would your help be then?"
"Yes, but she's a danger to herself! Oh... I'm really worried what she would look like at her night, she doesn't even know how to use a simple lip gloss!" Torrey said hysterically. "And she also has an awful taste on clothes, she'll be a disaster!" she moaned.
"I don't care!" Taec aimed to close the door again but Torrey stuck her foot in.
"Please let me in. Please please please..." she batted her long eyelashes and smiled sweetly at Taec. However, he looked unmoved by Torrey's aegyo.
"Out." he said coldly.
"OH COME ON! Just for this night... pleaseeeee.." 
"I don't let girls inside my house!" Taec said.
"It's just for two hours, what's the big deal?! Come on...." Torrey pleaded. "Let me in please.. in two hours it'll be 07:00 p.m already. You don't want Chance to look like an idiot waiting for his date that looks like a horrible dummy don't you?"


Taec paused. He clearly did not care if Amber looked like a dummy, but he cared for Chance. Reluctantly, he stepped aside and let Torrey in. She ran immediately towards Amber's door.

"Ambie! Ambie I'm here!!" she said frantically.

Amber opened the door slightly. "Don't panic Torrey, I'm still alive." she said exasperatedly. She opened the door wider and let Torrey inside her room.

"WOAAAHHH." Torrey's mouth hang open at the sight of the numerous gifts Chance had given Amber. "All of these are yours??" she asked in awe.
"Suit yourself, I'm not interested." Amber said unconcernedly. She slumped back on her chair. "Torrey I don't think I can do this." she groaned.
"What are you talking about? You already gave your yes to Chance, stick with your promise. Besides, it's just only for a night." she said. She picked a foundation and winked at her. "Don't worry, I'll make you the most beautiful girl tonight." she promised. And she started painting Amber's face.

"I heard that the midnight dance was the most popular tradition of St. Evangeline's" Torrey said.
"What's that?" 
"Apparently, it's dancing at midnight." Torrey said sarcastically.
"Geez, that was helpful." Amber retorted.
"They also said that the midnight dance was their most magical event." Torrey paused and looked at Amber. "They said that when the clock ticked at midnight, you will fall for the person you're dancing with."
"That's talk Torrey. It was just some silly rumors girls kept on saying just to live with their fantasies. That's not true." Amber said flatly.
"But... what if it's true Ambie? What if you actually happened to feel it -" 
"Nonsense." Amber cut. "Are you going to continue torturing my face or you'll continue talking about those lies?" she asked her sterny.


Torrey pouted and continued her work. Meanwhile, unknown by the two girls inside the room, Taec has been listening to their conversation from the start. He was leaning on Amber's door, his right ear on its surface.
"....What is that?! I don't like that!" he heard Amber complained.
"Shut up, I'm the artist here...."
"....Aaagghh!! Don't cut my eyelashes!" 
"I'm not going to cut your eyelashes you idiot! This is just a curler!"
"....I don't like this! My back's exposed!"
"It's supposed to be exposed, it's backless!"

The two of hem continued bickering for two hours while Taec kept on giving snide comments secretly.

*I bet she looked the same.*
*Maybe she's even fat*
*Maybe her leg's too porky*


Just then, the door opened and Taec was caught off guard.
"OH! Why are you standing outside here eh?" Torrey asked, surprised.

Taec cleared his throat and raised his chin. "I'm not standing here. I... I just... happened to pass by." he said. "You're too assuming. Psshh." then he turned around.
"Wait! Don't go yet! Look at Amber first!" she said. She walked inside the room again and struggled on pulling a resisting Amber out of the room.
"Come.. on... Amber!!" Torrey kept on tugging Amber's arms

Taec can only see Amber's hand visible from his view. "Stop pulling me Torrey! Fine! I'll go out! Happy?" he heard Amber's annoyed voice. Torrey stopped pulling her out and crossed her arms. "We're waiting." she said.

Then slowly, just like a scared kid who peeked on someone's door, Amber put her hands on the wall. Then she moved her body cautiously and avoid looking at anybody's eyes. She kept on walking until half of her body was visible from Taec, and because of embarassment, she just looked down at the floor.

Taec, who was not really expecting much improvement from her, dropped his jaw literally.

The lesbian girl he first met on Hottest street... the lesbian girl with a jet black hair who wore polos, jeans and sneakers...the lesbian girl he never saw as a girl... definitely did not look like a lesbian anymore.

Amber's hair was, instead of color black, became blonde; her face looked plain, but when he stared at her longer, she noticed that she was sparkling... sparkingly beau--...; she wore a classical, beaded silver necklace, and a white, cocktail dress that exposed her lean shoulders. Her lips were neither too reddish nor too pinkish - she even looked like she did not have a lipstick at all - but it completed her image. She was a plain princess in a dazzling beauty.


"I know. I'm a genius, am I?" Torrey said proudly.

Taec stood speechless for a few more seconds and snapped out of his reverie. He cleared his throat many times and ruffled his hair.

"You... you look horrible." he said, feigning a tone of disgust, his neck getting red.

Amber glared at her. *Of course. I should've known!*. she thought. Just then, a knock came again.

"I'll get it!" Torrey volunteered enthusiastically. "ooohhh!! Chance, you're here!" she exclaimed.

Torrey and Chance both went inside the house. He was wearing a simple, black suit, with his hair styled in a fashionable way, but he still looked breath-taking.


He never missed Amber's stunning face. Just like Taec, his jaw fell, and his eyes fell at her... definitely awestruck by Amber's undefined beauty.

"You... you look beautiful." he breathed.

Finally, Amber looked into someone's eyes. She looked at Chance with a smile on her face. At least someone appreciated her.

"Thanks." she shortly answered.
"Psshh. You even dyed your hair for that.?" Taec commented somewhat bitterly.
"It doesn't matter. It suits you." Chance said. Then he offered his arms to her. "Shall we go now?" he asked.

Amber looked at Torrey's approving nod.
"I hope you find your midnight dance!" she whispered excitedly. Amber rolled her eyes and slid her arm on Chance's outstretched one. Then she looked at Taec. "Bye." she said.

Torrey and Taec watched them leave. When the door closed, Torrey clapped her hands together.

"Right! My work's done here! Thank you for letting me in Taec Lee!" she bowed at Taec and get her things. Moments later, she too was gone. Taec was left alone in his condo, looking very sour. Then he remembered Torrey's words earlier.

"They said that when the clock ticked at midnight, you will fall for the person you're dancing with.".

He too, did not believe on those things. But still, he glanced at his two invitations which were left untouched since the day it arrived here. Who should he ask...???


They were already late when Betty arrived in front of St. Evangeline's. Together they entered the school and headed towards the central space, the huge square found at the back of the school were large, outdoor events took place such as cheering, sports, and etc. A dance group was already performing on stage when they arrived.

The open space was filled with luminous bulbs, with elegant laces and decorations around, and numerous candlelit tables. At the center of the lot, was a large, 10-feet bonfire that stood as the center of the attraction of the party.

"Thank you for inviting me Taec", Taec's companion, said.
"Whatever." Taec answered irritably.
"Hi girls!" he winked at the passing girls in front of them. - it was Nichkhun. "I wish that we'll have an awesome date Taec," Nichkhun cooed.
"Shut up!" he shouted.
"Hahaha! I'm just kidding! Please man. Well anyway, I appreciate your offer. I really do. Now all of us are here!" he said. "Oh! There's  a nice chic over there, bye!"

Taec shrugged his head. And now he was left alone again. He's starting to regret his decision to attend here big time. He wandered his eyes around and found Wooyoung with a cute girl with her. He too, spotted him and they went towards him.

"Taec!" Wooyoung waved. Taec just looked at them expressionlessly.
"What?" he said.
"I thought you wouldn't come. Haha! By the way, this is IU, my date." he introduced the cute girl with him. The girl smiled at her shyly.
"I-it's nice meeting you... T-taec..."
"We're not close." Taec snapped, then he turned around from them. Wooyoung and IU were shocked. 
"Forget about him, maybe he was just having his period..." Wooyoung muttered.
"I heard that!" Wooyoung stuck his tounge out in response.

He walked around the lot and saw Junho with his girlfriend, Suzy. They were together for three years now, and they're getting stronger. He thought that it would be a better idea to just leave them behind and so he strolled more, and saw Minjun with a girl he did not recognized. Minjun saw him and waved, but he did not come closer to him. It seemed that they were all busy with their own dates. Yes, even Chansung, who was found with that lesbie, laughing together.

Another intermission number was done, then their professors started the awarding program for best thesis, best performer, best painting, and other "bests" that exist. It was a boring part for the students who were not personally involved with the awarding. After that boring program, it was finally time to put their hands up and party.

The party music was too loud and it did not improve Taec's mood. Neither with Amber's.

Chance and her were sitting at their table, both unwilling to join the energetic dance of the hormonal teenagers.

"Ahhh too noisy!" Amber said as she clapped her hands over her ears. Chance chuckled.
"You'll just have to wait for two hours and it would be 11:00 now." he said.
"What's with 11:00?" 
"It's time for slow dancing. Then I can dance you." he smiled at her.
"You already did Chance." Amber reminded him.
"That thing with the rooftop doesn't count." he said.

And so they waited for two more hours. Finally, much to the student's dismay, the deejay stopped the pop, party music and the emcee stood up again.

"Good evening students and guests! Are you having fun so far??" he called the audience. There were boos and cheers around but the emcee seemed contented with the response. "Good! But the fun doesn't end with your booty-poppin' dance! Now. It was a common knowledge for students here on how our tradition works inside. For our guests, here's the deal: at 11pm, slow dancing starts. Everyone is free to rest or to dance even more, but at 11:30, everyone MUST all have their partners and dance at the center. Everytime I say 'Change partners', you will all turn clockwise and change your partners. You'll keep on doing it until it's midnight. No sneaky attempts to ran from these! We have our eyes on you.." he jokingly theatened. "Then we will have our countdown, and the moment the clock ticked 12:00 a.m., we will switch off every lights and burn the bonfire at the center." he pointed at the large bonfire. "The ending ceremony would be a surprise." he said. 

"....So! Everything's clear? No questions? Then let the slow dance start!" he went down from the stage, and when the deejay hit a slow song, a number of couples started to dance at the center.

"So, shall we?" Chance offered his hands to Amber. Amber took it, just like last time, with the same reason, just like last time. It doesn't have any meaning because they're friends.

Chance led her to the center and slid his hands around her waist. He pulled her closer to him... much closer than last time. He closed his eyes as he delicately leaned his head on Amber's head. He sniffed her hair... It smelled alluring. They swayed, left and right, listening to the song which Chance felt that was the song he would sing for Amber..

(Now playing: Let me be the one, SS501. Translation)

LET ME BE THE ONE, the only one for you. I want it to be me (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, the entire day, I only think of you (OH LOVE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, I’ll promise you, that I’ll live for you (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, for eternity, I’ll love only you (OH LOVE) *

They kept on dancing and dancing and dancing... then, Chance hugged Amber. An action that surprised her.

"Ssshhh.. the song's good. Let's just dance.." he softly whispered. He did not want to end this. He wanted Amber alone - this beautiful woman in front of him - he did not want to share her to anyone else. Darn this stupid tradition. Soon, they'll have to change partners...


The emcee stood up, and Chance knew that this would be his last chance. He hugged Amber tighter.

"Okay! It's 11:30 now folks! Everyone drag yourselves here!.... that's it!" When everyone was settled, he nodded at the deejay who nodded in return, and started a new song. Amber and Chance continued on dancing. 
"At the count of three!" the emcee said. "One... Two... Three... CHANGE PARTNERS!"

Everyone turned clockwise and changed partners. Chance looked back at Amber who was facing a thin, tall, man with big round eyeglasses. He smiled at her.
"Hello!" he said in a squeaky voice. Amber nodded at him.

"Change partners!" the emcee repeated.

Once again, they turned clockwise and now Amber was dancing with a man smaller than her. 

"Change partners!"

She was now dancing with a man named Chanyeol, he immediately introduced himself the moment they strated dancing.

"Change partners!"

And they turned again..

"Change partners!"

And again..

"AJ?!" a shocked voice said. It was Minjun. He was looking at Amber in disbelief. "Is-- Is that really you?!" he said.
"Yes, it's me." she answered timidly.
"Wow. I didn't recognize you.."

"Change partners!"

"AJ is that you?!!" Wooyoung shouted.
"Aish! Don't shout Wooyoung!" and they turned again.

"Hey, you look. Um. Like a girl." Junho commented.
"Thanks, Junho." Amber said while they swayed awkwardly.

"If only you're not a lesbian, I'll date you." Nichkhun winked at her.
"Shut up or I'll punch your face. I didn't know you have an invitation" she growled.

"Change partners!"

They continued dancing, and changing partners, and dancing again.

"OKAY FOLkS! LAST 10 SECONDS!" the emcee announced.

Amber's heart contracted. This was it. The last ten seconds of dancing... her feet hurt, but she did not mind it. She suddenly remembered Torrey's words.

"They also said that the midnight dance was their most magical event. They said that when the clock ticked at midnight, you will fall for the person you're dancing with."

"TEN! Change partners!"

...*That' not true! She refused to believe it!* she told herself.

"NINE!" they turned clockwise again.

...*But what if it is..?!*


...*She did not know who she was dancing with right now...*


...*She's getting really nervous*...


...*and she'd never fell in love*....


...*She wondered where Chance and the others were?*...


...*She's getting really dizzy*...


...*Their rumors are just talk!*...


...*She wondered what Taec's doing at his house right now*... 

"ONE!!!!" And for the last time, they changed partners. All the lights - from the candles to disco balls to bulbs - went off. The only source of light were the full moon and stars above, A pair of warm, soft hands slid around Amber's waist. She smelled baby cologne from her partner.... She knew that smell... But no. There are more men who wore the same cologne like his!

It was plainly dark around, while the background music kept on playing. Amber and her partner continued dancing, her heart was beating unevenly. Then, a burst of red flames shone at the center of the central space, lighting up the whole area. Amber looked slowly at his partner's eyes.... Those tiny, black, shining eyes....

Fireworks erupted from the bottom of Amber's heart the moment she set her eyes on Taec's; butterflies flew from her stomach as her heart beated so furiously and she was scared that Taec might hear it. Her thorat dried and she gazed at him speechlessly... 

Slowly, Taec smiled at him - the first smile he gave to her. It was not a sneer, or a smirk, or a frown, or an angry look... but a smile. A smile that curved on his kissable lips. And with this... Amber thought...

*This is just like magic....*.

Fireworks erupted from the sky, with many "oooh!"s and "aaah!"s from the students. But Amber and Taec continued on staring at each other, not caring with anyone around them.

Not even from someone who stood alone, looking at their direction, with a jealous and pained expression on his face.

Note: This chapter was inspired by HYSTG's story, "Diary ng Panget". :)

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel