Letting Go

When She Was A Boy

Chance put Amber carefully on the bed and placed a comfortable blanket around her. She rolled over and continued to sleep. He smiled affectionately at her. He lightly her hair, traced her eyebrows, her eyes, eyelashes, nose, then his fingers rested on her soft lips. 

*Such soft lips... I wonder if...??* He looked warily around the room. There was no one inside Minjun's bar besides him and Amber. He gulped nervously.

*She will never know anyway...*

He slowly leaned at Amber's face and looked at her lips. Chance moved closer to her, and his heart shouted in huge excitement and nervousness. He closed his eyes....


... and kissed her on the cheek.

He will never steal someone's first kiss. He wanted it to be something memorable if the day will ever come that they have to lock their lips together. He wished badly that that day will really come.

"Good night Amber". he softly whispered.


"U.S.?" Taec frowned at his father. Mr. Lee visited him early in the morning and gave him plane tickets. 
"Yes. Take Jessica with you if you want to." he answered.
"Why?? You're ashamed of your son aren't you?" Taec asked his father coldly.
"It's not like that. It's -"
"No. It is like that." Taec spat. "Don't act like you're concerned for me. I know you're just concerned of the company. I'm such a disgrace after that project incident aren't I?"

Mr. Lee gave his son a long, cold look.

"Yes. I am ashamed of you. You disgraced me."

Taec gritted his teeth in anger. He balled his fists and restrained himself from punching his own father. He had done it in his friend and he regretted it. He didn't want it to happen again.

Fine!" he grabbed the plane tickets and glared at his father. "If you want me to leave then I'll leave. If that what makes my dear father happy."


"Ambie." a sweet, sad voice said.

Amber looked up to see who her visitor was.

"Torrey... What are you doing here?" Amber asked.
"Nichkhun told me what happened." Torrey sat beside her and hold her hands. She stared at Amber's eyes intently. "How are you feeling right now?"
"I'm fine." she answered, but she did not meet Torrey's eyes.
"Amber, look at me." she touched Amber's face and turned it in her way. "You're the strongest girl I know. You've been through so many difficult times already, and you still survived. I know that you can get through this."
"Thank you." Amber said, but her eyes looked sad.
"What do you want to do now?"

Amber thought.

"I... I don't know."

*I want to talk to him so badly*

As if Torrey read Amber's mind, she straightened up.

"Go and talk to him Amber." 

Amber looked up.

"I'm not yet forgiving Taec for what he did to you, but if talking to him will ease your heart, then go. If that's what will make you happy.
"AJ!!!!!!" the bed room door slammed open and a flustered-looking Wooyoung came in. "AJ! Have you heard??"
"What?" Amber asked confusedly.
"Taec's going to America! Tonight!"

Amber's heart dropped. "Wh- what..."

She couldn't believe her ears.

"Go Amber. Follow your heart." Torrey said. She pushed Amber outside the room.
"Go! Do you want to lose him?"

They looked at each other's eyes. Then Amber gave her a small smile. She nodded at Torrey, and ran outside Minjun's bar. She met Chance on the driveway.

"Amber, where are you going..?"

But Amber ignored him and continued to run. Chance looked back. He has an idea where she will go, and his heart dropped sadly.

"TAXI!" she urgently called for one and hurried inside. "Solar Homes. And please drive faster." She closed her eyes and prayed.


...."I'll... I'll do it! I'll be your P.A and maid, HAPPY?!"

....I'm....not...your...mommy! Your... EMBRACING MY S YOU ERT!"

...."YAH! Get off me Lee brat!" but Taec embraced her tightly and he sniffed her neck.

....Amber crawled to him and hugged Taec behind his back. "W-what a-are y-y-yooou d-doing!?! Y-y-you p-p-ert!!!"

...."I guess, we're friends now, right?"

She doesn't want him to leave. Never.

"I'm not letting you go Taec." she whispered.

The taxi finally stopped. She paid him hurriedly and ran inside. When she reached 13th floor, she knocked loudly at his door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Taec opened the door. For a minute, he and Amber stared at each other's eyes.

"Taec..." she said softly.
"Go away." he said coldly and slammed the door shut.
"Taec!" Amber leaned her face on the door like her life depended on it. "If you're still there... please listen to me..."

"Don't go." she closed her eyes sadly. "Don't leave me. You said we're friends, you said you trusted me... then please believe me, I did not betray you. I... I love you" she whispered the last three words to herself. "Please..." she continued her plea.

There was silence. Amber did not know if he was listening or not, but she continued.

"Do you remember the place where we first met? I'll be waiting you there. I'll continue to wait and I will not leave that place until you come." she moved away from the door and turned back.

*Please open the door*

She took a couple of steps. The door's still closed.

Three steps.

Four steps.



She reached the elevator and looked back sadly. She entered inside and punched the 1st floor button. At the end of the ride the door opened and she came face-to-face with Jessica.

The two of them stared at each other coldly.

Then Jessica smirked.

"I'll bet my Hermes bag he didn't talk to you." she said slyly.

Amber ignored her and walked outside the elevator.

"This is the worst thing you've done in your life AJ." Jessica said softly. Amber turned around and looked at her malicious eyes.
"What are you talking about?"
"You've done the wrong thing to enter Taec's life." she gave Amber one last sneer and went inside the elevator. Amber frowned in confusion.

She walked outside the building aimlessly. She was not paying attention to her surroundings when she bumped hard into someone.

Amber looked up. He saw a tall man with large piercings on his nose, ears, and lips. He was puffing a cigarette. When he saw her, the man gave Amber a sly smile.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a deep voice.

Amber grunted. "Sorry 'bout that."

The man stared at her. Then he gave her a malicious grin. Amber shuddered and looked away uncomfortably.

"I'll get going."

She walked pass the man and looked back. He was leaning outside Solar Homes's wall while puffing his cigarette. What was more creepy was that he continued to stare at her.

*I think I've seen him before.*

Amber pushed the thought away and went towards the place she and Taec first met. She remembered the lampost she passed before crashing into Betty. She smiled.

She leaned on the lampost and waited. "I'm waiting Taec.."

Three hours passed.


"Taec, let's go." Jessica held her hand for him. The two of them were inside the airport. Their flight is 7:15 p.m., 30 minutes to go before departure.

Taec reached for her hand and hold it, but he looked back.

"Do you remember the place where we first met? I'll be waiting you there. I'll continue to wait and I will not leave that place until you come."

Then he let go of her hand. Jessica looked at him curiously.

"What's wrong Taec?"

Taec looked at her. There was a mixture of different emotions on his eyes. Confusion, sadness, doubt. Name it all.

"I'm... I'm sorry Jess." he closed his eyes for a moment and looked back again.

"I'm sorry, let's go." he hold her hand again and led the way.


Amber didn't know how much longer she stayed on that spot. Her feet was getting cold and she was growing numb from standing. She felt stupid as well for not eating her breakfast and lunch first. Now all that's left for her was the hope of meeting Taec. She closed her eyes.


"Amber?" Amber jerked her head happily. For the second time around, she was disappointed to see Chance.

Chance walked towards her and looked at her eyes sadly.

"He's gone. He left." 

Amber continued to stare at him. Fresh tears were starting to fall. She walked passed Chance without another word, but he grasped her arm. Amber stopped walking and looked at him.

"What Chance?"
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going after him. Please let go of my arm."
"Don't." Chance looked at her eyes determinedly. "Don't leave." he pleaded. *Don't leave me Amber. Because I will never do that to you. Please stay with me.*

Amber looked at her friend. She attempted to free her arm from him, but Chance continued to hold on.

"Let go of my arm Chance. Please." 

Chance looked at her with pleading eyes. After a long minute of silence, he slowly and reluctantly let her go. Amber turned her back from him and ran way.

Drifting.... away from him....

*I'll give her to you this time Taec. Hurt her, and I promise I will never let her go anymore.*

Amber was out of breath already but she continued to run. Just then, a black van stopped in front of her. She halted and looked at the van. Then a man covered in back bonnet went outside and punch her on the stomach. He covered with a handkerchief and Amber felt sleepy instantly.


"Taec, I'll just use the rest room first okay? I'll be back in a sec". Taec nodded. He walked towards the waiting seats. Jessica entered the rest room. After long minutes, she went outside.



"What's taking her so long?" Taec muttered impatiently. They only have 20 minutes left before departure and Jessica was still not here. He decided to go to the girl's rest room.

"Jessica? Are you still there?" he called outside the rest room. No answer. 


He cleared his throat loudly and looked around. There were no people outside the rest room and so he pushed the door open. 

He entered and looked around inside. The cubicles were empty. The whole rest room was empty.

His phone vibrated. He picked it up and frowned at the screen. It was an unregistered number. He opened the text message. His eyes grew wider and wider with every word he read.


8 p.m at the abandoned Shruti gymnasium, pool area.
Go alone if you still want your girlfriend and the lesbian alive.

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel