When Rain Falls and Thunder Rumbles

When She Was A Boy

"AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LESBIE?!" an angry Taec demanded the moment he spotted Chance and Amber running towards him.

Amber opened but Chance cut her. "I ask her to accompany me at the coffee shop Taec. Nothing to worry about." he said.

"I'm not worried!" Taec answered crossly. "Besides, why didn't you just go by yourself Chansung?"

Chance shrugged. He looked outside the window and gazed at the dark and murky clouds above. "The weather doesn't look nice. I think we should all go home now before the rain falls." he said.

Amber followed his gaze. "I guess you're right. Uh, I'll go get your things." she addressed Taec. She entered the studio and picked his heavy pile of clothes. Taec and Chance were already waiting for her in front of the elevator.

They quickly entered as soon as the elevator opened and took a short trip downstairs in silence.

"I'll go ahead. Bye bro," Taec said to Chance. Then he rounded at Amber. "And you.... I'm not done with you yet." he whispered slently. He turned his back from her and walked his way towards his car. 

Amber grimaced at him first before she looked at Chance. "Well... I'll see you soon," she said.

Chance smiled at her. "Very soon. You can start working tomorrow Amber, and if Taec doesn't let you to do so, tell me rightaway." he said.
"Thank you for your offer, but I think I can handle him" Amber answered confidently. Then she called for a taxi. Chance opened the car door for her again.

"Seriously dude. Stop doing that." Amber said disconcertly.
"You've got nothing to be embarrassed of, this is how you should treat a lady - OW!" he cried.
"Stop calling me that. It irks me." she commented but she smiled while Chance laughed. They waved at each other until the taxi turned around the corner.

Rain started to fall. "Oh shoot, I don't have an umbrella with me." Amber said. She looked at the sky again. "It seems it will be a heavy rainfall. Wow, great timing." she told herself sarcastically. She slouched at her seat and waited until they reached Solar Homes.She paid the cab driver and uneasily carried Taec's clothes outside. "Taec Lee, you're such a pain in the !"

When at last she reached his condominium, a cold voice welcomed her.

"So." It's all the he said.

Amber looked at him coldly as well. "So what?" she said.

Taec slowly walked towards her. "It seems you ran out of luck lesbie. No Chansung and no photoshoot to save you now..." he said dangerously, his eyes shining with malice. "So what should I do with you??" he cornered Amber and put both of his arms at either side of her face, trapping her. "You have seen my balls already... it doesn't hurt to get even, don't you think??" a smirk formed at his lips.

*Do something stupid, and I'll punch your face!* Amber thought.

Taec slowly leaned at her. Amber nervously looked away and balled her fists, ready to strike ---


The power supply were cut and the whole building of Solar Homes went dark.

"What the-?!"

Amber seized her chance to escape from Taec. She ducked behind him and ran blindly around the room, not knowing where to go--

"OW!" she squealed as she hit something hard and she heard a crash of breaking china in front of her. She flapped her hands around and felt the sharp edges of glass shards on her hands. "Ow..." she said again.

"What are you doing?! Don't go around running like a monkey, it's too dark!" Taec shouted angrily. Amber felt that he too, is finding his way around blindly. "What the f*** is going on here, why is it so dark---"


A quick flash of lightning and thunderous rumble of thunder came as heavy rain the size of bullets started to fall. The wind blew fiercely  at the window as another frightening thunder came.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!" Taec shouted.
"T-taec?" Amber asked uncertainly.

There's no answer.

So she felt her away blindly again, searching her way for Taec. "Where are you? Tell me where you are--"
"i'm... I'm here..." Taec whispered weakly.

Amber went from the sound of his voice until he touched Taec's head. "What are you doing there-?"


"Ahhhh!!!" Taec cried again and this time, he put his arms around his head, cowering in fright. "Stop. Stop. stop." he repeated frantically.


"Mommy!!" he grabbed Amber and embraced her tightly. He was shivering from head to toe.
"I'm.... not.... your... mommy!" Amber said furiously as she fought her way out of Taec's tight embrace. "Geroff me Lee brat!" she said. But Taec wouldn't budge. "Stop.... embracing me....." she continued. "Your.... EMBRACING MY S YOU ERT!!!" she shouted.

Taec immediately released Amber although he still continues to tremble. "So now I'm the ert?!" he shouted. "Who comes inside a men's bedroom unannounced and peek into someone's balls?!"
"I did not peek! I accidentally saw it!! Besides, it's your fault for not wrapping yourself up after shower!" Amber retorted.
"Aha! So now it's also my fault?!" Taec challenged. "Listen les-"


Another lightning came and Taec stiffened once again. Amber looked victorious. "Scared kitty kitty cat???" she cooed.

He put his arms around his head again and shut his eyes. Amber can see his scared face trembling in fear.

*What kind of grown man is scared of thunder and lightning??!* she asks herself. Together they sat in silence, listening to the heavy pound of rain.

Finally, Amber broke the silence.

"Hey. Taec." she said.

Taec did not respond but she assumes that he's listening, so she continued. "I'm sorry." she said.

Still, no response. She cleared and felt her face getting red. It's lucky that it's a blackout or it will be more embarrassing for her. "I really didn't mean what happened earlier."


Amber has nothing left to say. She continues on listening to the rain instead.

"Forget about it." Taec answered finally. Amber rounded her eyes in shock. Not only did she not expect a response from him, but also he said to "forget about it"... *Is this the side effect of lightning and thunder?? It's not like the usual devil* she thought. She felt Taec lies on the floor. "Get your bedspread and comforter. I don't think I'll be able to sleep on my room." he said hoarsely.

So she blindly felt her way to the empty cupboard and bump on random things. Then she went back to where Taec was and gave him her breadspread. 

"Give me your comforter too." he ordered.
"And what am I suppose to use???" she asked her.
"Nothing." then he grabbed her comforter and wrapped it around him.

*I take it back. He's still the same!*.

Amber leaned on the wall then curled and embraced herself. She's starting shiver, but then her eyelids were beginning to drop as well. *The rain is heavyyy...*, she told herself sleepily. *Hmm... I want to sleep....*. Then slowly, her head falls down and she slid sideways.

After some minutes, Taec got up and felt his way towards Amber. When he reached her, he puts her comforter around her and went back to sleep, hoping that the night of thunder and lightning will come to an end. Soon.

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel