Her Second Friend

When She Was A Boy

Amber was deeply immersed in her school work while waiting for her pork adobo to get cooked. She did not believe her eyes at first when she saw the empty caserole the other night. Since then, Taec has been requesting for it everyday.  *I take it back, that brat isn't choosy, just arrogant.*

She picked her phone and dialed Torrey's number.

"Hello?" a sweet voice answered.
"Hey Torrey, any news?" Amber asked.
"A few told me that you can apply for next semester Ambie. but don't worry! I'll still look for available spots!" she said.
"Thanks a million Torrey... I don't know what will I do without you." Amber answered, rubbing her forehead. "I'm hanging up." then she ended her call.

A week passed by and she still can't find an extra work in school. 

"Library assistant.... No. Dean's secretary... No. Helper in photocopying... No. Maybe I should try janitress as well, perhaps it's available. Right, Number 4, janitress." she wrote the word on her list and rubbed her forehead again. Then she went to the kitchen and turned the gas stove off.

"Oi sir! Lunch is ready!" she called Taec but no answer came.

*Pssh. Do I always have to pick him up?*. She knocked at his door. "Sir, your pork adobo is ready." she repeated. She slightly pushed the door open and took a peek inside. "Huh? Where did he go?" she asked herself.

Amber entered the room and looked around; a 32 inch flat screen t.v is at the center of the room. his bed is wide which seems to be good for 4 people. There was a bathroom door to her right; and everything is still and peaceful, with no sign of Taec's demonic presence. She looked to her left and saw the same picture she found last time at the spare bedroom. That too, is missing its half.

Just then, the door to her right opened and she turned around. 

A pair of balls appeared in front of her,


Amber and Taec's eyes both rounded in shock, their mouths were slowly hanging wide open. Then --



They yelled in bewilderment, their fingers both pointed at each other. Taec immediately grabbed the rug below him and frantically covered it to his front. "W-WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!!" he shouted.

Amber stood speechless in front of him, her eyes were still round and wide open. "I... I..." she stammered.

"GET OUT! GET OUT!!!!" Taec shouted again.

Amber doesn't need telling twice. She hastily turned around and snapped the door behind, her hands in front of her chest, her face flushed in red.

"D-did I just see his ---" she shut her eyes.

*It's big.*

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" she screamed again. She went to the sink and splashed her face with water several times. *I saw his... I saw his... I saw his...*. SHE CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!

She sat and took deep, calming breaths. She shut her eyes but opened them immediately. "I can't shut my eyes. The image keeps on coming back". she moaned.

Amber looked at the door apprehensively. She tapped her fingers and waited for Taec to go outside his room. After several minutes, Taec appeared, his face contorted with rage.

"YOU!!" he shouted.

Amber gulped. "Y-yes?"
"Don't you 'yes' me, WHAT ARE YOU DOING INSIDE MY ROOM EARLIER?!" he yelled.
"I.. well, lunch is ready.. hehe." she smiled apologetically.
"Let me tell you this lesbie," he pointed his finger to her. "I... I know you have no interest in my balls, but. but. but...." Taec struggled for words. Even he doesn't know what to say. 

Knock! Knock!

*Saved by the bell!*. Amber sighed in relief and immediately opened the door.

"Hi!!!" Chance greeted enthusiastically. Amber attempted to smile. She lets Chance inside.
"Just in time for lunch aren't I?" Chance went straight for the table. "Mmm. Adobo again. Oh, I have an idea! Let's add some boiled eggs and hotdogs, I brought some." he gestured to his pack.

Amber and Taec flushed deeper at the sound of "boiled eggs and hotdogs". They met eyes and looked away awkwardly.

"Eh? What's with the heavy atmosphere..?" Chance asked looking from Amber to Taec.
"What atmosphere? The only atmosphere I feel here is your annoying presence Chansung. Why are you here again???" Taec asked annoyingly.
"Don't you want me in here?" he asked, smiling cutely at him.
"No." Taec answered flatly.


Chance chuckled. He placed his boiled eggs and hotdogs on the table and sat. "It's Saturday man, relax a bit! Tell you what, let's play DOTA (witchcraft) later. Sounds good right?" 
"I have no appetite for today." he glared at Amber. "Let's get going with DOTA." then he placed himself in front of the computer.
"AJ?" Chance looked at Amber expectantly.

Amber sat and stared at her plate with two pieces of boiled eggs and one piece of hotdog in it. She groaned.

"Sorry Chance. I can't eat too. Um, school work." then she proceeded to her heavy pile of books she's reading earlier.

"Whoa. What's with these books? Are you trying to read them all?" he asked, touching the thick, leather-bound books in front of him.
"I'm not trying to read it, I will read it." she answered. "It's my punishment for ditching my class twice and ignoring my supposed-to-be meeting with my professor."
"Harsh. But what are all these for?" he showed pieces of paper with 4 tables and numbers in it. "I thought your course is journalism? What's with these figures?"


Amber looked away, her ears went pink. "Um.. those are not school work. Those are... debts." she answered.
"Yeah... The first column is my debt with my landlady. The second is with Taec. And third is for my balance in tuition fee." she explained.
"And the last table?"
"Uhm... The money left in my account." Amber answered tonelessly. She would look anywhere but Chance, and her ears went bright red.

Chance's expression softened. The last table, which is supposed to be the money left for Amber, has the lowest amount in all of the written numbers. He looked at her in pity.

"OY CHANSUNG! I thought we'll play DOTA?!" Taec called from behind.

Chance returned the pieces of paper on the table and patted Amber on her back. Then he went to join Taec in front of his computer.

Just then, Chansung's phone rang.

"Hello?" he politely answered. "Yes, I'm with him, why?..... As in now?.... Okay. Okay..... I'll tell him.... Bye." then he hung up. "Hey Taec, director wants another photoshoot with you." he said.
"AGAIN??" Taec asked annoyingly. "I can't believe that old man. He's taking us for granted."
"I'm sure that's not the case." he answered kindly. "Come on, get dressed. I'll be waiting downstairs okay.?" Chance said. Then he swiftly looked at Amber, who's still absorbed in her school work.

"OI YOU LESBIE!" Taec called.

Amber jumped. "W-what?" she nervously asked.

Taec approached her. "Just so you know, I'm not done with you yet. " he whispered dangerously. "Thanks to Chansung and my photoshoot you're saved. Just for today, that is."  then he turned his back. "Go get my things in my bedroom. And this time , you have my permission to enter." he stopped at front of the door. "Oh, and by the way, use the stairs when you go down, you understand?" he leered at her.

Amber glared at him.

"#1 way to kill boss, strangle him." she muttered to herself. She went inside his room and looked warily at the bathroom door. Then she picked his heavy pile of clothes at the closet and closed the door. "#2 way to kill boss, poison him." she keeps on muttering to herself while she took the stairs from 13th floor.


"N-number #37... way... to... kill... boss.........." she said gasping for breath. She's in 2nd floor now. "use... voodoo doll...."

"Number #40....... throw.... him..... at the river..... YES!" she reached the ground floor and collasped on the spot. She lay at the middle of the lobby, catching her breath. "I'm going to punch his face. I'm going to kick his balls....." she staggered as she let herself stand and picked his clothes again.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" Taec shouted as soon as he spotted Amber outside Solar Homes.

Amber threw a death glare at him. Then she hitched his bundle of clothes higher. "I'll go get a taxi --"

"Let me help you with that." Chance carried Taec's pile of clothes from Amber. "Oy!" he called for a taxi
"W-what are you doing?" Amber asked him.
"If only I use my car today then you can ride with me. I know Taec's selfish enough not to let you ride with him." he said.
"So damn right." she answered darkly."But give me those, that's my job..."

But Chance did not let go.

"Yo Chansung! Why are you carrying that? Leave that to him." he pointed at Amber. "Let's go."
"You go ahead Taec, I'll just call for taxi."
"What -" Taec started. "Your choice." he said dismissively. He went to his car and started his engine. Seconds later, he's gone.
"That dork. He always think of himself!" Amber said looking to the place where Taec has been seconds ago.
"Well, just try and understand him AJ." Chance said smiling at her. "I know Taec has an awful attitude, but... he's a lonely man." he continued looking at Amber's shocked face. "Here's the taxi, come in now." he opened the car door for Amber and carefully put Taec's clothes beside her. "See you later!" he said, and gave her a brief wave.

Amber furrowed her eyebrows. "What is he talking about?" she asked herself.

After 30 minutes of journey, Amber found herself on the lightly-dimmed room again. This time, watching Taec's breath-taking poses here and there.

"Here." a bottle of water appeared in front of her and she saw Chance holding it out for her, just like last time. "Aren't you thirsty?" he asked.
"As a matter of fact, I am. Thank you." Amber smiled at him.
"I have an idea, why don't you accompany me somewhere?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised in expectation.
"I can't. Remember, that demon wants me to stay behind during his photoshoot?" she said.
"Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it." he answered confidently. "So, shall we go?" he asked, holding out his hand.

Amber looked at his outstretched hand and cleared . "Gross man, I don't hold hands with boys." she said.

Chance laughed. "Oh, yes. I forgot. Let's go." he led the way outside Bench building. Amber looked back at Taec and shrugged. "I think I'll take my chances." then she followed Chance outside.

"Where are we going?" she asked him.
"To my favorite place." he answered. "Wait, I'll go get my bike."
"Woah. You're riding a bike?" Amber asked.
"Yeah, you know how to drive it?" Chance asked.
"Of course! Oh can you let me drive just for today? I really miss conquering the road.!" she said, her eyes shining in excitement.
"Sure." then Chance threw his keys to her.

"WOOOHHOOOOOO!!!!!" They are now riding Chace's bike, and Amber as the driver. She shouted as cold air rushed pass her. Her cheeks were cold and her hands were growing numb but she did not care. She never felt so alive again like this. She really missed conquering the road. She keeps on overtaking vehicles here and there.

"Woah! You're too fast, take it slow!" Chance shouted behind her. He's holding tightly at Amber's shoulder.
"Scared??!" Amber dared.
"Of course not! WOOOHOOOOO!!!" then he started shouting like crazy as well.
"WOOOHOOO!!! HAHAHA!" shouted Amber again.

After several minutes, they are now in front of a...

"Coffee shop?" Amber asked.
"Yeah." Chance hopped down from the bike and threw his arms wide. "This, is my favorite place."

Amber looked at the coffee shop in front of them. It may look like an ordinary coffee shop, but it isn't for her. The whole place was painted with murals of abstract objects and striking colors. The pathway, on the other hand, is covered with bushes and beautiful flowers that even she can't name. She smiled. "Woooow. This is beautiful..." she gasped. 

"You like it?" Chance asked. Amber nodded. "Let's go." he led the way inside and the first thing she smelled was the sweet aroma of coffee and cakes.

"Good afternoon Sir Chansung." the employees greeted.
"Wow, you must be so frequent here Chance, everyone knows you." Amber said. Chance laughed.

"Um... 2 orders of latte and chocolate cake please." Chance ordered kindly at the counter.
The employee bowed and proceeded to his order.

They settled themselves at the far end of the shop, where the windows were open and breeze enters now and then. Amber looked around the shop happily.

"I really like those murals. It's so creative!" she exclaimed. "And look, they painted the inside walls too! That's too much hard work don't you think?"

Chance nodded. "Then I'll be happy to receive your compliments AJ." he smiled.
"Mm-hmm." Chance nodded again, looking proud to himself.
"OMO! This place is yours?!" Amber asked.
"W-O-W... You like painting that much don't you.?"
"Yeah... that's why I took Fine Arts."
"What? I thought you're in Architecture man, just like that demon." said Amber.
"Well... we're classmates, but only on one subject. Architecture is not my thing." he said. "So tell me, how come you became indebted to Taec?" he asked her.
"To cut the long story short, I crashed into Betty, his Porsche. I have no money to pay the compensation so he suggested that I should work for him. For 100 days to be exact." she answered. "SInce I met that man I became an extremely unfortunate woman." she continued.
"Here's your order sir." the waitress placed their orders then bowed again.
"Then how come you live with him?" he asked.
"I-it's not like living with him, the typical living together... It's more like, renting a space... but you know, just strangers? Well. Anyway. I got chucked out of my old apartment. And I have nowhere to stay, so I asked him a favor" she said.
"How about your parents?"
"They're somewhere there." Amber shortly answered.

Chance noticed Amber's unwillingness to discuss her family. He sipped his latte then he continued. "What's your real name?"
"Eh?" Amber asked, surprised with his question. "Why?"
"Answer me first." he answered, smiling.
"Okay... well. my real name is Amber." she said.
"Amber huh? It's a beautiful name." he commented.

Amber's ears went pink. "W-what?" 
"I said, it's a beautiful name." he repeated kindly. "Then, can I call you Amber from now on?" he asked,
"Y.. yes. Of course." she answered. Then she continued hesitantly, "You... you don't judge me?" 


Chance's tilted his head in confusion. "Why?"
"Well... It's because, I'm a girl... but I act and look like a boy..." she looked at him. "You don't think I'm weird do you?"

Chance laughed. 

"No. AJ.. I mean, Amber. The truth is, I don't see you as a lesbian unlike Taec. You can try pretending but I can see the difference on how you look at men and at girls. What I see , is a girl inside that boyish appearance. Besides, why would I judge you? We're friends." he concluded.

Amber rounded her eyes. 

"Don't tell me you give a to what people say? I don't care if they think that I'm a boy, but I won't change myself for them. answered Amber flatly. In fact, because of this I found out who my true friends are - the ones who don't judge me because of what they see. And so far, it has only been you."

Amber smiled to herself. *I guess I have another friend now Torrey.* She looked at Chance, who's smiling at her as well.

"Yeah.. we're friends . But. You won't tell Taec do you? You won't tell him that I'm only pretending?" she asked Chance seriously.

Chance shook his head. "Of course not. Because it will be a hundred percent that he'll chuck you out for good. Now, let's proceed for our real purpose."
"Real purpose?" Amber asked, confused.
"Mm-hmm. Amber.... I'm offering you a job here. What do you think?"

"N-- NO WAY." Amber said in disbelief.
"Yes way." Chance answered. "You can come here during weekends, Of course, the salary will be less than the regulars, but I really want to help you." he said earnestly. "Would you accept it?"
"OF..OF COURSE!" shouted Amber in excitement. "Man, thank you so much! You don't know how much help that is to me.."
"Well, I'm glad I'm a help for you Amber." he stood up. "I think we should go now, before Taec eats you alive." he added and walked towards the door.
"Oh yeah, like he can do that to me." Amber said. She followed Chance outside and held her hand for him.

Chance stopped in his tracks and looked at Amber's outstretched hand in surprise. He looked inquiringly at her. Amber just shrugged.

"I told you earlier that I don't hold hands with boys. It's true. But, I think I'll make this day an exemption." then she sweetly smiled at him. "Shall we go?" she asked.

Chance smiled back. Slowly, he reached for her hand and gently squeezed it. Amber squeezed it in return. *So this is how it feels to hold a friend's hand.* She thought happily.

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel