The Day She Turned 19

When She Was A Boy

The next day Amber and her friends flew back to the city. She was seated on the window seat, gazing back to her hometown.

"I'll see you again, Mom, Dad, Kuya Luhan, Yuhan... soon." she whispered.
"Aahhh I'll miss the Underground river!" Wooyoung said from their left.
"You were the first one who urged us to fly back soon. Quit whining." Wooyoung's seatmate, Junho, said.
"That's because my Dad needs the plane asap." he answered.
Hours after their flight, Amber was once again inside Taec's condominium, but this time, it felt like she was not a stranger here anymore. She opened her arms wide and smiled happily. She inhaled and exhaled. It felt like this was her home now too.
"Drop your things and cook my lunch." Taec ordered. Then he gave his bag to her. "And start my laundry." He walked towards his room and shut the door.
Normally, when Taec ordered her like this, Amber felt irked. But at some point, today she didn't mind. She just obeyed his orders cheerfully.
After their usual silent lunch together, Amber stood up and cleaned the table.
"Give me those." Taec said. He grabbed the dishes from her and went towards the sink.
"Do you even know how to wash the dishes??" Amber asked, surprised by his sudden volunteering.
Taec snorted. "Pfft. Of course." then he picked a sponge and rubbed the dishes.
"No, you should remove the left overs first before you start soaping." she said. She moved closer to him and grabbed the sponge. 
Taec looked down at her, and Amber looked up at him. They locked their gazes with each other. Amber's heart fluttered as she stared at his face. Slowly, she moved her gaze down to his lips, and he too, moved his eyes towards Amber's lips.
Taec's lips in Amber's POV:
Amber's lips in Taec's POV:
Knock! Knock!
A loud knock distracted their gazes and they immediately looked away from each other. Amber's ears went pink.
"I'll... I'll go get the door." she said. Taec nodded, staring anywhere but her.
A tall, strict-looking, middle-aged man, with white mustache was in front of Amber when she opened the door. She stared at the stranger.
"May I help you sir?" she asked.
The man looked down at her.
"Yes, I need to talk to my son." he answered.
*His son?!*. Amber asked herself.
"I'll call him. Please, enter." she stepped aside and walked towards Taec. "Hey, your father's here." she whispered from the kitchen. Taec looked at her immediately. 
"Why?" he asked, frowning. Amber shrugged.
Taec went to the living room and true enough, his father was sitting at the couch.
"What are you doing here old man?" he asked irritably.
"My dear Taecyeon, you haven't change. Is that how you should welcome your father?" he asked.
"Just tell me what you're doing here then get out." he said.
Mr. Lee looked meaningfully at Amber.
"Wha-? Oh! Yes, of course, I'll leave you two here. Um... yeah." she said, embarrassed. She left them alone and waited outside.
After almost half an hour, Mr. Lee finally went outside and he nodded curtly at Amber.
"What does your father want?" she asked when she entered the room. Taec was sitting at the couch, his arms were crossed and his face looked clearly annoyed.
"Never mind that." he snapped.
Amber shrugged. She expected this response anyway.
"On second thought..." Taec started. She looked at him and raised her eyebrow.
"What?" she asked.
Taec looked directly on her. "I have a proposal lesbie."
"Oh yeah? Let me hear it."
"My father asked me to do an important job for our company. This would be Lee Firms and Design's biggest project so far."
Amber waited.
"It requires both the inside and outside designs of a new club and resort building."
Still, Amber remained silent.
"Here's the deal." he walked towards her and stood in front. "You help me design the interior of my project, and I will return your payment for your last month's rent here." he said.
"That's all?" 
"Then I'll not let you pay for this month's and next month's." 
Amber pondered for a while. Taec reached his hand to her. "What do you say?"
After a moment of hesitation, Amber took his hands.
"Deal." she said, grasping his hand. "Partner."
A month passed by since they made another deal. With Amber's night classes, maid duties, work on the coffee shop, and now, Taec's biggest project, Amber spent a whole, exhausting month finishing her jobs. Then the cold month of December came, and now, Amber's maid and assistant duties were close to the end.
One day, when the two of them were supposed to finalize their project, Amber was found on the couch, crumbling in pain.
"What's wrong with you? Get your here so we can finish this!" Taec said.
But Amber continued to clutch her abdomen. 
"Can't..." she said weakly.
"Why?" he snapped.
"It's... a girl thing..." she answered. "Can I ask a favor?" 
Taec looked at her suspiciously. After a while, he answered.
"Can you please buy me a pack of napkin... I don't think I have the strength to go..." she said and she clutched her abdomen more.
"Are you kidding me?! NO!" 
"Pleaseeee..." she pleaded.
He gave her a long, hard look. He looked like he was resisting something but then he felt something when he looked at Amber's pained face.
"Fine. You owe me lesbie." he growled. He went downstairs and searched for a convenience store.
When he found one, he hurriedly went inside and cleared his throat loudly.
"Yes sir what can I help you?" the woman said kindly.
"Nap-napkin please." Taec said, his neck turning red. This was the first time he did this. 
"Ahh, for your girl friend sir?" the woman asked.
"Shut your fat mouth and get what I want!" he snapped at her, flashing his eyes dangerously.
The woman looked scared. "Y-yes sir! What brand?"
"Eh?" Taec looked at the rows of napkins in front of him. He didn't ask Amber for the brand. "Give me that, that, that, and that." he said, pointing at Brand A, Brand B, Brand C, and Brand D. "And give me pills for constipation." he added.
The woman looked more surprised but nonetheless, she obeyed him. Moments later, Taec was back to his condo and threw the napkins at Amber.
"Suit yourself." he said,
"Why did you buy a lot?" Amber demanded.
"You can just say thank you. Again. Here, in case you need one" he threw the pills to her too.
"Thank you." Amber walked towards the rest room and closed the door. Just then, her phone rang. Taec went over to see it and saw that Torrey sent her a voice mail. He tapped it open.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBIIIEEEE!!!" Torrey's sweet voice said.
*It's her birthday?* Taec asked himself. He put the phone back to its place and thought for a while.
Amber went outside the rest room after she finished doing her girl things. She found Taec leaning at the wall beside it.
"What are you doing there?! Are you peeking?!" she asked furiously.
"As if I would want to peek on a lesbian." he scoffed. "Follow me." He walked outside the door and left her.
"Where??" Amber followed him immediately and asked.
"Don't ask questions!"
They walked down to the parking lot and went straight towards Betty,
"Get in." Taec ordered.
Amber bulged her eyes in surprise. "Do my ears deceive me? Did you just say that I can ride her? Your Porsche???" she asked in disbelief.
"Get in or I'll change my mind." he growled at her.
And so she obeyed him once again. She looked at him in confusion... the last time she attempted to ride his car, he just sneered at her and commanded that she should take a taxi instead. So what was going on right now?
"Where are we going?" she asked after a while.
"I thought I made myself clear not to ask questions?" he snapped at her.
Amber zipped and pouted slightly. Then she felt her pockets.
"Oh shoot I forgot my phone! And I forgot my money too!" she said suddenly.
"You don't need a phone today. Nor money because we have my Betty and we have my money." Taec said pompously.
*He was getting weirder. I swear.*. Amber thought.
After two hours of ride, they found themselves in front of the largest amusement park in the country - The Enchanted Kingdom.
"What are we doing here???" Amber asked, clearly lost. "Why did you take me here? What's the occasion? Did you knock yourself out or something?" she asked him continuously. 
"I told you, DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!" Taec shouted. "Let's go." he led Amber towards the entrance gate.
"Aish! Stop shouting! This is my first time here..." she said, looking around. After they bought their tickets, they started walking aimlessly.
They spotted the Space Shuttle, and Amber's heart rose excitedly at once. She wanted fast and speedy things, just like her old motorcycle. "Can we start on that one?" she asked Taec.
Taec looked at the roller coaster and gulped. This ride will slowly get upwards first then it would stay for a while at the highest peak . Then, without a warning, it would bullet downwards, turned to the right, then to the left, looped along, and the most dreading part was, returning backwards. He did not want fast and speedy things, that was why he prefer cars than motorcycles. But then, his choice wouldn't matter for today. Just for today.
"Fine." he answered reluctantly.
They filed at the end of an awfully long line. It took them an hour or so before they reached the front.
"Perfect!" Amber exclaimed excitedly when it was their turn. She sat at the back of the shuttle and settled herself comfortably. She can feel the adrenaline rushed on her. She looked at Taec and she saw the he was getting paler. She chuckled. So now she discovered another fear of his - speedy things, or heights.
Slowly, they started to move upwards... Taec and Amber were placed at the highest position... they can see the whole Enchanted Kingdom from their position. Taec felt that he was going to vomit soon but he fighted against it. They stayed at the top  for a while then seconds later, they were bulleting downwards. Amber whooped happily while the girls and Taec screeched loudly.
After two minutes, the shuttle stopped and Amber hopped down energetically. "Let's ride again!" she said.
However, Taec was leaning to the bar for support, his face pale and large beads of sweat were running down his face.
"C-can't..." he said weakly.
Amber stiffled her laughter and led Taec outside the space shuttle. "What's next?" she looked around and saw Jungle Log. "Ohh! I want that one!" Amber said excitedly.
Taec looked to where she was pointing and groaned. It was another death-defying ride just like Space Shuttle's but this time, there was water around them. They walked towards the line and thankfully, it was not that long so they just waited for a while.
The same thing happened to the Jungle Log. Amber whooped, Taec screamed... there's nothing new really.
They tried on different rides, everything - even the carousel. So far, the carousel was Taec's favorite. He was able to breathe properly while they sat on the white and black horse, going round and round.
"This is boring." Amber said.
A few hours later, they entered the Shake, Rattle and Roll : Experience!!, but neither were thrilled nor scared. They were just plainly bored as they strolled at the not-so scary 'haunted house'; they also slurped ice cream while they watched the mascots dance on the stage; they entered the souvenir shop but did not buy anything; then they tried the remaining rides again. It was late in the afternoon already when they decided to take a rest for a while.
"That was fun! Let's try the Wheel of Fate last, I haven't ride a Ferris Wheel before.." Amber said. Taec nodded. This is just for today anyway.
"Wait here." he said. He left Amber and was gone for almost an hour.
"Where have you been??" Amber demanded when he returned.
Taec gave her a violet Enchanted Kingdom paper bag.
"It's your birthday isn't?" he said.
"H-how did you...."
"Never mind that. Here." he dropped the bag in front of her.
Amber opened it with shaking hands. Now she knew why he was acting weird today.., Her heart leaped a few beats... she was happy.
She opened a box and found a pair of red sneakers in front of her. She sat speechless at her gift.
"Wow," she said softly. She smiled at Taec sweetly. "This is great." she said. Then she removed her old shoes and wore the new ones. The size was perfect on her feet. "Thank you.... Taec" she said.
Taec remained expressionless. Yet, Amber understood. He was not really much of an expressive guy anyways.
"Let's get going." he said.
They started walking again. Just then, Taec's phone vibrated.
"We haven't tried Rio Grande yet, shall we ride it first before Wheel of Fate? What do you think...?" Amber's voice trailed when she realized that Taec was not beside her anymore.
"Why did you stop? Anything wrong?"
"I.... I need to go." he said.
"What?" Amber asked confusedly.
"I need to go," his voice was getting stronger now. He looked at Amber. "Wait for me outside the entrance gate.Can you do that?" he asked her.
Amber nodded slowly. "Yeah.."
Then without further ado, he ran outside the amusement park, leaving Amber alone. She watched his back trailed away from her. She did not know why, but she felt sad when she lost sight of him..
Amber strolled the park without much spirit than earlier. She realized that it was now useless being here without Taec. She sighed sadly and went outside Enchanted Kingdom. She stood outside the entrance gate, waiting....
"Quick Betty! Faster!" Taec honked impatiently. He needed to go there soon.
Amber looked at her wrist watch. "1 hour. Lee brat, where the heck are you??" she asked herself.
It was already nighttime when Taec reached Ninoy Aquino International Airport. He ran towards the arrival place and searched wildly. 
After two years... finally.
"Taec?" a soft voice called from behind.
Slowly, Taec turned his head.
"J.... Jessica...." he said softly. Then, he ran towards her and hugged her tightly. "Jessica...." he repeated, hugging her tighter.
Jessica embraced him too. "I missed you.. my Taecat." she whispered.
"Taec..." Amber said... 
"I miss you more Jess. I miss you. I love you...." Taec answered back.
"Taec Lee. It's four hours now. Where are you??" Amber asked desperately. People were starting to leave the amusement park. Soon, the front gate will close. "Where??" she asked softly.
Taec and Jessica were at the bay, gazing at the stars together. Taec held Jessica's hand. She looked at him and squeezed his hand gently. "I miss holding your hands too.." she said.
"Taec." Amber's eyes grew hot. Five hours....
She jerked her head in happiness. "Taec - !"
But her face fell. It was not Taec that she expected.
"Chance..." she said disappointedly.
"What are you doing here alone?" he asked her concernedly. "Hey, are you okay?" he looked at her slightly wet eyes.
"I'm fine. I just... sneezed. That's all." she said. "What are you doing here?" 
"I visited my grand mother, then I saw you here... What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I..." Amber hesitated. She looked at Chance. He was her friend after all. "I'm with Taec."
Chance felt the familiar pang of pain and jealousy, but he retained his calm voice. "Yeah? Where is he?"
"He, um... Said he needs to go somewhere..." Amber looked down.
Chance studied her. "Get in Amber." he said, pointing at his car.
"But Taec.."
"I know Taec. Let's go. I'll ride you home Amber." he said.
Amber looked back at the park. Reluctantly, she went inside Chance's car.
Taec was sitting alone in his living room, a big smile in his face. She was back... She left her, but she was back, and the past did not matter to him anymore.
However, something in his heart felt empty. It was as tough he forgot about something.
Just then, the door opened and Amber walked in. He rounded his eyes in surprise. He forgot about her.
Amber slowly looked at his shocked face. "I waited." she said.
Taec stared at her speechlessly. "I..."
"You forgot." Amber finished his sentence. "I know. I must have known better." she said, her face dead in expression. She went towards her room and paused. "Thanks for this day though. It was.... interesting." She closed the door softly, and leaned on her door... fighting the tears that were starting to flow on her cheeks.
This was her worst birthday.
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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel