A Way Back Home

When She Was A Boy

"Hey, Mom..." she closed her eyes. It has been a year since she last heard her Mom's voice. "Yes, it's already sem break, how're Yuhan and Kuya?.... I don't know when.... I'm not sure..... I'll- I'll try..... Yeah, me too....Ok, I'm hanging up... Bye" she ended her call.

Amber gazed vacantly outside the window. She did not know what made her do it, but her instinct told her that she should call her family, at least after one year of her silent treatment to them.

"Will you quit daydreaming? Your rice is burning." Taec suddenly said.

Amber immediately snapped out of musing and turned her attention back to the kitchen.

"What do you want for lunch?" she asked Taec.
"Adobo. Don't forget the tidbits." he shortly answered.

And so Amber cooked, but with not much heart in it. She was so preoccupied that she forgot the pineapple tidbits.

"Aish! I told you not to forget the tidbits!" Taec shouted.
"What? Oh, my bad." she answered.

Taec eyed her curiously.

"What the hell's wrong with you??" he demanded.
"There's nothing wrong with me..." Amber denied. However, Taec was unconvinced, and he looked at her suspiciously.
"Who are you talking to earlier?"
"Never mind that." she answered flatly.
"I order you to answer me!" he shouted again.
"Why do you always have to shout?! It's my Mom! Happy?!" she said, clearly annoyed. Taec noticed her tone of unwilllingness with the topic and so he continued eating... but he was still lost in deep thought.

Then, there was a knock at the door and Amber went over to open it.

"SURPRISE!!!" Wooyoung, Nichkhun and Minjun greeted together happily; Chance was smiling at her and Junho just looked bored and serious.
"What are you all doing here?" Amber gaped at the five boys in front of her.
"First day of sem break isn't? We thought we should all celebrate together!" Minjun said while he allowed himself inside the room.The other four followed.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Taec repeated, looking at his sudden visitors.
"Chillin' out, what else?" Nichkhun answered as he settled himself comfortably on the couch. 
"Why do you always hang out here?! Go at Minjun's bar instead! Get out!" Taec ordered.

But the men ignored his demand. Taec ruffled his hair in irritation.
"Hey! What are your plans for sem break?" Nichkhun asked his friends.
"I don't have one. My parents will be going in Paris, and I've visited that place too often. It's starting to get boriinnngg." Wooyoung said.
"Me neither." Junho answered.
"Ooohhh!! I know! Why don't we spend the sembreak together?" Wooyoung suggested excitedly.

There was a murmur of aggreement.

"But where?" Minjun asked.
"London?" Wooyoung said.
"How about Thailand?" Nichkhun suggested.
"Macao?" Junho said.

*Do rich kids always spend sem breaks on other countries??* Amber asked herself. She was listening to their conversation with interest. On the other hand, Taec was looking at Amber curiously. There was something he wanted to know about her...

"How about," Taec said. Everyone stopped talking and looked at him. "How about we stay in the country and go somewhere we've never been before?"
"Where?" Chance asked curiously.

Taec glanced at Amber. "Lesbie. Where do you live?" he asked.
"Why?" Amber asked blankly.
"Just answer me will you?" he snapped.
"Puerto Princesa, Palawan." Amber answered.

Everyone bulged their eyes in surprise.

"WHAT?!" they chorused.
"You're that far from home?!" Wooyoung said.
"Yeah..." Amber answered.
"Perfect! I've never been there, so let's go to your place instead!" Minjun said.
"What?!" now it's Amber's turn to be surprised.
"I've heard about that place before, I think it would be interesting. Count me in!" Nichkhun said.
"But... But..." Amber looked frantically from everyone's face. "But I don't have money for transportation..."
"That's not a problem! We'll use my family's private plane." Wooyoung offered.
"But I still have work to do, right? Chance?" she looked at him with hopeful eyes. Chance wouldn't betray her... 

But his smirk told her that he would.

"I think visiting your place's a nice idea." he said. "Take a leave from work Amber."

She glared at him. "But I-"
"Aisshhh so many excuses! We'll go tomorrow! Agree?" Wooyoung looked at his friends and they all nodded together.

*Oh great* Amber thought dully. Then she sighed. She was still not ready to see them yet....

And so the next morning, Amber, Taec, Wooyoung, Chance, Nichkhun, Minjun and Junho were all in front of Wooyoung's private airport. They were waiting for one more person.

"I'm hereeee!!!" a sweet voice called from afar. Everyone turned their heads and saw Torrey running towards them.
"What took you so long?" Amber asked.
"I'm sorry, my parents were fussing over minor things and it took me for a while to get rid of them." she answered and she smiled apologetically at them. She landed her eyes on Nichkhun once again and her eyes shone. He smiled at her in return.
"Hello Torrey, we meet again." he said, smiling sweetly at her.
"You... You remembered my name..." she gasped.
"Of course I do. I told you... It's a beautiful name.." he answered.

Torrey's heart fluttered and before she started daydreaming, Amber cut her out of her reverie.
"Let's go." she pulled Torrey away from Nichkhun.

They all walked towards their private plane - something both Torrey and Amber experienced for the first time.

"Woooahhh" they gasped. The plane was smaller, but they did not missed the elegant and first-class seats, with a large, flat screen television in front. They divided into four groups as they all took their seats. Then champagnes were immediately prepared for them by the stewards.

"This is what I call service." Minjun commented.
"Of course. We wouldn't hire anyone without passing our standards. You know my Mom." Wooyoung said proudly.

Moments later, the plane started and Amber found herself breathing nervously. In no time she'll meet her family again, and up until this point, the fact that she's going home was still not processed in her mind. Just then, Torrey's soft, comforting hand touched hers and she looked at her friend.

"You'll be fine." she said soothingly. Amber nodded in response. She needed to look fine. 

They decided to take a nap first since it would be hours before they reached their destination. The plane was quiet except for Wooyoung's snore when a calming voice rang around the plane.

"The plane will be landing soon. Please wear your seat belts. Have a nice day. Thank you."

They all obeyed the steward and minutes later, the plane landed softly at the airport. Amber recalled the familiar, green scenery of her hometown. They all stood up and went outside the plane. The moment she landed her feet on the soft ground, Amber breathed the same, fresh air that she would not find in the city. She inhaled and exhaled happily. There's no place like home.

"So! Where to go now AJ?" Minjun asked.
"Why? Go and check yourselves on a hotel. You won't go with me. Except for Torrey." Amber said.
"But that's not fair!!!" Wooyoung whined.
"It is fair. In fact, it's a favor to you all because you wouldn't be able to sleep properly in our house. It's too small to accomodate all eight of us."
"We can sleep outside! Right? Right?" Wooyoung looked at his friends. Their faces were unreadable, hesitant.

Amber smirked. "See Wooyoung? Even your friends think the same way like I do. Of course they don't want to sleep outside." she said triumphantly.
"I can." Chance answered. Amber's mouth fell. This is the second time Chance betrayed her in two consecutive days!
"But our house is too small.." Amber started.
"It's okay. If I need to sleep on the floor then I will." Chance answered kindly. Amber searched for another excuse.
"And the food! You rich brats won't be able to digest our foods..." 
"We'll be fine!!" Wooyoung interjected.

*I'm not*. Taec thought secretly.

"Well, since Wooyoung and Chance will go to your house, then I'll go too." MInjun said. Nichkhun and Junho nodded.
"Taec?" he asked.

Taec looked away. He's not really in favor in eating things he did not like and sleeping on the floor or outside the house, but nevertheless, he grunted in approval.

"All right! Let's all visit AJ's house then!" Nichkhun said happily. They led the way and Amber was left with Chance behind.
"Thanks." she growled at him. Chance chuckled in amusement.
"Don't be mad, I really want to meet your parents Amber. You don't have a problem with that right?" he said to her. They followed their friends.

They all rode a jeepney towards the main town. They went to the dirty market first to buy food and ingredients which is much to Taec's disgust.

"UGGGHH. I think I'm going to throw up." he said, clutching his stomach with his right hand and pinching his nose with his left. He watched the butcherer on a stand who sliced the pig's belly.
"Then go home Lee brat." Amber said irritably. This was one of the reasons why she did not want them to come. She was worried that they will be too picky.

After buying ingedients, they separated into two groups and rode a tricycle on the way to the farthest barrio. After 30 minutes of ride, they were in front of a small town with dilapidated houses and an air of poverty which was located in front of a mountain. 

"Is this where you live AJ?" Wooyoung asked.
"No. Over there." she pointed at the mountain.
"What??!" they asked increduously.
"What's with your surprised looks? If you can't handle climbing a mountain, then go back home. I don't really mind." she said. She and Torrey started walking towards the mountain, Chance behind their heels.

Reluctantly, the other boys followed them.

"How come you live in a mountain?" Junho asked. They were starting to climb upwards.
"We don't necessarily live in the mountain. We live beside it, but we have to climb up then climb down before we reach my house."
"Climb up? Then climb down?" Wooyoung asked dreadfully. Nichkhun sniggered.
"Don't tell me you're giving up Wooyoung? This is your idea after all." he said.
"I'm not giving up! I'm telling you, I'll be the first one to climb down here!" he said, and he started running forward.
"Be careful Wooyoung! There are a number of shallow cliffs here!" Amber called. "Uh, never mind. Let's start moving." she led the other boys and they climbed upwards for an hour.
"I'm...... I'm.... I'M THIRSTYYYYYY!!" Wooyoung whined. Junho gave him a bottle of water.
"Next time, be prepared." he said. Wooyoung gratefully accepted the water and drank it with five large gulps.
"Here Amber, you're sweating." Chance said. He pulled a towel from his bag and wiped the sweat from her face.
"Eh? You don't have to Chance, give me that. I'll wipe my own sweat. Thaks anyways" Amber said. They were climbing down now.
"ARE WE THERE YET?!" Taec grumbled impatiently.
"Nearly!" Amber answered.

After another hour of climbing down, finally, they reached one of the most breath-taking places they had ever seen in their life.

A large, white sand beach were in front of them. Numerous palm trees swayed while strong breeze of wind swept their faces. It was so relaxing just by breathing the fresh, slightly salty air. Wooyoung clapped his hands in excitement.

"This is fantastic AJ!" he said happily. He ran towards the beach, his arms were wide as tough he was going to hug it all. He jumped up and down and turned round and round. The others laughed at him.

"Immature." Taec grunted.

*Look who's talking*. Amber secretly thought. But she smiled at the face of happy Wooyoung. That was her face too when she was a kid. Carefree and alive.

"Let's go. My house's closer now." They walked a little further and sure enough, a small, nipa hut was standing at the edge of the beach. A small kid was playing stones outside the house. Amber's heart contracted even more. He missed her brother..

The kid looked up to the newcomers. His face lit up when he saw Amber.

"Ate Amber!!!!!" the kid happily ran towards her and hugged her thighs. He was still not tall enough to reach her waist. Amber knelt down and hugged her brother too. She kissed him on both of his cheeks and smiled widely at him.
"You miss me Yuhan?" she asked. The kid nodded vigorously. He embraced her once again and planted a wet kiss on her cheeks. Then he removed his embrace from her and ran inside.
"Here you go again Yuhan, your Ate Amber will not come home yet --" she stopped in front of the door, looking at her daughter. She rounded her eyes in shock and slowly put her hands on .
"Am-amber?" she walked towards her and touched her face softly, tears were flowing from her cheeks. "Oh my God this is really you Amber!" she hugged her tightly. "Amber... We missed you so much..." she cried.

Amber hugged her mother too. There was no point in denying it anymore. She missed them as well. She missed them big time.

"I'm sorry Mom..." she said,
"Shhhh... It's fine now. It already happened. We forgot about that.." her mother softly answered.

None of the men around understand what the two were talking about. They all turned to look at Torrey for an explanation, but she just shrugged.

"Amber!" his father went outside the house too and with no further ado, he hurriedly embraced her daughter. "Amber.."
"About time your back" A tall, thin and handsome man coughed from behind his father. He was pale and gaunt looking but his handsome features were still not fading. He smiled weakly at his little sister. "We missed you." and he too, hugged her.
"How are you feeling Kuya? You still look pale..." Amber said concernedly.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. I see that we have visitors." he pointed at Chance and everyone else.
"Oh Amber! Are they your friends?" her mother asked. The others except Taec nodded.
"I'm his boss - MPPHH!" Chance covered Taec's mouth immediately.
"Boss??" they repeated.
"Ahh.. that's nothing Mama, Papa! It's school work." Amber said. 
"Well come on in!" her father said.

They all cramped inside Amber's small house. She looked at them apologetically.

"I told you that our house is small." she said to them.
"We don't mind, we'll sleep on the floor." Chance said,
"Ok. Then Yuhan and Luhan will be sleeping on our room, so that leaves you girls on your room Amber." her mother said. "Oh! What do you want to eat? I can cook your favorite adobo and vegetables. What do you think? Or we can also cook some pasta! But the market's two hours away from here.."
"Mom, it's ok. We brought some food." she gave her their groceries.

They settled themselves on their new sleeping spaces. Taec and Wooyoung were found bickering on who will sleep on the sofa.
"will sleep here because I'm older that you!" Taec said.
"No! I will sleep here because I'm cuter than you!" Wooyoung argued back.
"It doesn't even count! Get off from here Wooyoung - " he pushed him out,
"Why don't you get out - !"
"Aisshh so nosiy!" Minjun complained.

Amber did not want to hear them arguing anymore and so she went outside the house to breathe some fresh air. She walked towards the edge of the beach and sat at the white sand. She can smell salty air coming from the sea. She breathed in happily. She did not know how much she missed this place... it's happy to be back.

A loud cough came from behind. She looked up and saw Taec. 
"What? So who won the couch?" she asked. Taec sat beside her, but not too close and not too far from her.
"Wooyoung. I let that kid won. He's so immature." he said. When Amber did not reply, he continued.
"I knew it." he said.
"You knew what??"
"That there's something funny when you talk about your family." he looked at her. "It's not like I really care, but you can spit out what's the story behind it. Why are you living in the city alone? Why did it seem like you haven't seen them for a while?"
"Why are you being too nosy?" Amber asked back. She stared at the beach and kept quiet for a while.


"I ran away from home a year ago." she answered.
"Yeah? Why?" he asked.
"You have seen how hard our life here is. Everyday, we have to climb the mountain for two hours then walk our way towards the main town just to go to school. My father's just a fisherman so he can't give us enough pocket money. Then when I finished high school, there's no journalism course in the only public university here. I don't want to study something I don't want. And my Kuya Luhan... My kuya is sick. You can see that from his pale face. He's not strong enough to continue studying." she paused, and stared at the beach. Taec waited for her to continue.

"Our life's not going anywhere if we continue living a life like this. So I ran away, following my dreams. I was ashamed of what I've done that's why I never visited them for a year. I thought they're angry at me, but look. They just hugged me and told me that they missed me and that they already forgot what I've done. It's like I haven't done something stupid." she said.
"Parents can't take being angry with their children for a long time. And yeah, you're stupid. You should've told them that you're leaving before running away."
"Then you're more stupid. That's not running away anymore if I ask for their permission!" Amber retorted. Yet, she was touched by what Taec said. What he said was true after all... parents couldn't be angry with their children for too long. Soon they will forgive them even if they haven't say sorry first.

Silence. After a few minutes, Amber stood up.
"I think dinner's nearly ready. Let's go in." she said. Taec followed her inside.

"Where have you two been? Dinner's ready!" her mother said happily. They sat at the dining table and together they prayed before eating.

Amber missed this part too. It had been so long since they ate together.

"So. What should we do tomorrow?" Wooyoung asked them excitedly.
"You'll see." Amber said confidently. She had a lot of plans on her mind already to make their vacation memorable.

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel