A Taste of Her Specialty

When She Was A Boy

"OH CRAP. I FORGOT ABOUT SIR V. YESTERDAY!" Amber shouted suddenly while she was preparing Taec's breakfast. Her eyes rounded with fear and shock. "OMO. What am I gonna do?" she asked herself nervously.
"Will you hurry up?!! I'll be late for school!" Taec shouted from the dining table.

She hastily placed his breakfast in front of him and took a step backward. "Today's breakfast, sir, is my specialty, chicken adobo with pineapple tidbits." She lifted her chin and proudly announced. "The best you'll ever taste". she added.

Taec looked down on his food in digust. "You expect me to eat this garbage?" he asked sarcastically.

*Then don't eat you moron!*

Amber opened but stopped. A light knock came from the door.

"Get that, whoever that was." Taec ordered.

Amber obeyed him and opened the door.

"Chance!" she said shocked. He's wearing a school uniform just like Taec's and holds a box of breakfast meals from a fastfood restaurant.
"AJ?" he asked, shocked as well.
"Er, come in..." she took a step back and let Chance inside. He looked confusedly at her and spotted Taec.


"Taec!" he said.

Taec looked around and crossed his arms. "What are you doing here??" he grumpily asked.
"I want to eat breakfast with you so I brought this," he waved the breakfast meals he bought. "but I didn't know that you've got company." he said, looking at Amber.

Amber scratched her head.

"I didn't know you two are close." he commented.
"We're not." Taec answered flatly. "She... I mean, He's my assistant and maid remember? So I let her rent a space here for... um.. special purposes." then he smiled evily.
Chance nodded innocently. "Oh, I see... So I guess that's your room, AJ?" he kindly asked Amber, pointing at the spare bedroom beside Taec's.

Amber and Taec's eyes met and looked away immediately.

"Um, yes, that's my room." Amber lied.
"Surprising" Chance said, raising an eyebrow to Taec who refuses to look at him in return. Then he noticed Amber's chicken adobo, "Ah! We've got food! Your cooking I suppose?" he smiled at Amber who nodded immediately. He sniffs through it and smiled even wider. "Smells delicious. You don't mind if I join your breakfast do you?" he asked again.

Amber shook her head, smiling.

"Great!" he clapped his hands together and settled himself opposite from Taec. Amber gets another set of plate, spoon and fork for him and took a step backwards again. He looked inquiringly at her. "You're not joining?" he asked.
"I'm not allowed to join you when you eat." she answered. 


Chance rounded on Taec. "What is she talking about?" he asked.

"Servant etiquette, I suppose." Taec sneered.

Chance shook his head in disbelief. "You're too much Taec." then he turned towards Amber again. "I suggest that you come and join us AJ." he said. "You don't deserve this." 

Amber's eyes rounded in shock, then her expression softened. She felt a huge wave of gratitude from Chance.  *At least he treats me as an equal* then he glared at Taec. *Unlike him*.

"Whatever." Taec said indifferently.

So Amber took another set of plate and sat beside Chance. "This is my first time seeing this cuisine. What is it called?" Chance asked her while serving himself.
"Chicken adobo. My specialty." Amber proudly answered while Taec snorted.

Chance was the first one to eat her adobo. Everyone looked at him waiting for his reaction. His expression turned from expectant to expressionless.

*I knew it. Even Chansung doesn't like it*. Taec sneered.

"Um.. Chance..?" Amber asked uncertainly.

Chance continues on chewing. Then at last, he spoke.

"I... I... AJ." he turned to Amber and looked her in the eyes. "I LOVE IT!!!" he said. "The best I ever tasted!"

Amber beamed at him. Then she turned to a furious-looking Taec with a "I-told-you-so" look.

"Here Taec, you should try some." Chance offered enthusiastically. He put some chicken on Taec's plate.

Taec looked at it with revoltion.

"No thanks". he said.
"Oh come on!"
"Pass me your breakfast meals Chansung." he ordered.

Chance reluctantly handed over his breakfast meals. Then he turned to Amber. "This food is great. You should eat now while it's still hot." he said smiling.

Amber nodded and ate as well. The three of them ate together in silence. After several minutes, Taec and Chance were finished eating and picked their bags. 

"Hey AJ, thank you for the food. I hope I'll taste your chicken adobo again." Chance said.
"No problem." Amber said and she bro-punched Chance's arm.
"CAN WE GO NOW?!!" Taec said impatiently.

Chance waved at him and Amber waved back. After they've gone, she sighed deeply and looked to the half-emptied caserole.

"If Chance did not visit, I'll be eating you all for three days. That brat Taec Lee is too choosy." then she grimaced.

She looked around the messy house and heaved at sigh. "I think I need some cleaning before I go to school." So she washed the dishes, scrubbed the floor, cleaned the toilet, wiped Taec's picture frames and furnitures, and lastly, changed the bedspreads on Taec's room. She passed the spare bedroom and stopped.

"I wonder why Taec doesn't want me to enter this room?" she asked herself.

She looked warily at the door as if expecting Taec to come back, then when she's sure no one's going to interrupt her, she cautiously pushed the door open.

The room was smaller than Taec's but still looks magnificent. She rolled over the soft bed and looked around.

"What's that??" she went over the mantlepiece and picked a picture frame. From the left side is Taec in his younger years, looking so carefree and loving. She smiled to herself. "You look kind here you devil. What happened now? And why is this picture torn?"

She looked around for its missing piece from under the bed to the top of the cabinet but failed to find it. "Forget it.". She placed the picture frame back to its original position and went outside the room. The she prepared herself for school.

But before going to school, Amber stopped by Beastly Men's Gym and waited for Taec for an hour and a half.

"Why are you in school uniform??" Taec asked her the moment he went outside the gym.

Amber put her fingers under her chin and looked upwards, as if thinking hard. "Hmmm.... let's see.. Why am I wearing a school uniform?? Maybe because I'll go to sleep, OW!" a large bottle of water fell behind her.
"Keep talking back at me, and I'll show you lesbie." he threatened.
"Here." she gave him his orange Gatorade. "I have night classes from Tuesdays-Fridays, satisfied? Right. I don't want to be late for class so I'll get going now." he nodded at Taec and walked out.

She walked her way towards the bus station when a large shadow stopped in front of her. Amber looked up and saw her former landlady face to face.

"There you are girl." she boomed.
"Dang!" she said, shocked by her sudden appearance. "What are you doin' here?" she asked her, looking around.
"Here." she slammed a piece of paper on her chest. "I've been looking for you, I forgot to give you those." she said.
"What are these?" she said, looking at the envelope.
"Your debts, what else?" she snapped. "I expect your payment at the end of the month, do you understand? If by the end of the month, you did not give me anything, then I'll raise your interest until I can sue you. Do I make myself clear??" she asked dangerously.

Amber looked expressionlessly at her and nodded. Dang gave her a long hard look then she walked away. Amber sighed.

*How? How am I going to pay? I have no job. Nothing at all. Taec is not paying me, am paying him. Why is my life so miserable??* she looked longingly to the sky. *Sometimes living independently is such a pain in the *.

On the other hand, while Amber is busy in her school, night fell and Taec has been alone in his condominium for hours. He looks deeply annoyed.

"Aish! Why is that lesbie taking so long?! I'M HUNGRY!" he ruffled his hair in annoyance. Then he searched for food inside the refrigerator and searched for instant noodles in the cupboard but found nothing. Then his eyes landed on the caserole with chicken adobo in it.

He looked childishly around the house, making sure that no one is watching him. Then slowly, he took the smallest pinch on the chicken and chewed. He took another pinch,this time, slightly larger. He nodded in return. He took the whole chicken leg and ripped it apart, his smile grew wider and wider at every second. He started picking the pineapple tidbits, and its flavor mixed with the chicken's flavor resulted in an awesome taste than made his mouth wanting for more."Mmmhmmmmm". He smiled to himself. "This chicken adobo is not bad after all."

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel