The Night of Anguish

When She Was A Boy

Everything was blurred in Taec's vision. He felt groggy and disoriented, and his head hurts like hell. He closed his eyes again. The first thing that appeared in his mind was her face.


He opened his eyes for the second time, focusing on his surroundings. They were inside one of the abandoned rooms in the gymnasium. There were numerous of broken chairs and tables, and the windows were boarded by plywoods, making the whole room dark. In front of him was Amber. They were sitting on the cold, hard stone floor, while their hands were tied by a rope,facing each other. He was bound on the first pole while Amber was on the second pole.

He sighed in relief.

"I thought I lost you." he said.

Just then, the door opened and Jessica came in with a tray of food.

"Oh good. You're awake." she noted unconcernedly.

Taec bulged his eyes. 

"Jess?" he asked, cofused.
"My Taecat." she answered too sweetly.

Jaebeom appeared behind Jessica's back and kissed her on the neck. Taec looked dumbfounded from Jessica to Jaebeom and realization hit him.

"It was... all your plan??!!"
"No Taec, it was all his plan. I just follow his orders." Jessica answered.
"But why?" he asked, dread was dawning on him. Angry was an understatement in his position. He felt more betrayed than ever. 

Jessica shrugged. "I guess I just love his so much." she looked at Taec for his reaction, but his face was indifferent. In fact, he did not feel hurt at her words at all.

"I thought you love me Jessica. You even left him for me!"

Jessica gave him a shrill of laughter.

"I love your money Taec. Not you. After a year of being with you, I think I've had enough. So I followed Jaebeom."
"And you accepted her?" Taec rounded on Jaebeom.
"The same reason why you accepted her after two years." he answered in his deep voice.
"You risked your life Jessica. You risked it just to follow his plan!" Taec said.

She smirked.

"Are you talking about the pool part? Well, I was confident that you'll save me first Taec." she answered.

Taec looked confuse.

"Because." Jessica walked towards them and placed the tray in front of Amber. "Because I'm wearing her clothes. It told you it was a good idea to bring her along." she told Jaebeom. "She's the perfect key to the plan, isn't she Taec?"
"What are you talking about?" he demanded.
"Taec. We've known each other since we're 5. You can't hide things from me anymore. The way you looked at me... It was different than two years ago. The way you hold my hands... It seems that you're not with me at all. Then I realized, it's all because of AJ."
"Why do you think you were on a bad mood on our double date? It was because she's laughing with Chance. Why do you think you saved me first than her? Because you thought that I was her. Because you love her." she continued.

Taec frowned. He didn't know why... but there was a part in his heart that quietly agreed.

Jessica looked amusedly at Amber. Then she slapped her.

"Hey , wake up!" she shouted.
"Stop it!" Taec shouted furiously.
"What? Something wrong?" Jessica challenged. She leered even more and slapped Amber again. "I SAID WAKE UP!" 

Amber stirred. Her eyes were unfocused for a moment then finally, her vision was steady.

"Jessica?" she asked, confused.
"Good. You're back in earth. Open your mouth. Quick!"
"What?-" Amber looked around, she realized that Taec and her were bound by the rope. "Let us go!" she shouted.
"Like I'll do that." Jessica snapped. "Open your mouth." she scooped a spoonful of rice and vegetable and held it in front of her. Amber pursed her lips even more. 
"Oh. You don't want to eat? Fine, I'll make you do it then." she grabbed Amber's face and squeezed it until her lips formed an "O". Then she forced the spoon and and released her. Amber gagged.
"Jessica, I swear I'll kill you.." Taec said furiously.
"It's not the time to make empty threats Taec. You're not on the position. Here, your turn. Say "ahhh"." she scooped another rice and vegetable. Taec opened his mouth and she fed him.
"There you go." Jessica said sweetly. Taec chewed, then, he spit his food on her face.
"You forgot that I don't like vegetables." he said darkly.
"Eeewwwww!!!" she screeched in disgust. "You're so disgusting Taec. Just like what you always are whenever we kiss." she spat and left the room. 

Jaebeom smirked at Taec , then he too, left.

"Lesbie." Taec said. He looked straight into her eyes.
"Are you... okay?"

Amber thought for a moment.
"What do you think?" she said.
"I think you felt ...horrible." 

Amber laughed.
"Yeah, I did felt horrible. You chucked me out of your condo." she said.
"I -"
"Then you almost leave me."
"It was -"
"Then you saved Jessica first than me."

Taec bowed his head. He felt awful. All she said were right. He was such a jerk.
"I'm sorry Amber."

Amber rounded her eyes in shock. First: Taec said sorry for the second time, and second: he said her name.

"You... still remembered my name," she said.

Taec looked up. His eyes were sad, full of pain, regret and love. He smiled.

"Yeah... I was surprised too." Taec gulped. "Will you forgive me?"
"I already did Lee brat." Amber gave him her sweet smile.

Taec's heart fluttered. Then without a warning, he leaned his head to Amber and softly kissed her lips. Amber stiffened, her eyes wide. That. Was. Her. First. Kiss.

"I love you." Taec whispered softly after the kiss.

Amber opened . Then she closed it again, and opened it... Looking like an idiot, struggling for words.

Taec smirked.

"I'm such a good kisser right? Next time we'll do some more -"
"You... You stole my first kiss!" she shouted.
"Why? Who do you want to kiss? Chance?" he cocked his eyebrow.
"You---" Amber blushed furiously, her heart was skipping so loudly she was afraid she'll just die of heart attack.


"Quick! Can you reach the fork?!" Amber asked, looking at the tray in front of her. Taec reached for the fork using his long feet then he pushed it towards Amber. The fork slided until it touched Amber's back. Then she reached for it with her short hands and fiercely sliced the rope with the fork's sharp edges. When at last she was sure that the rope was loose on her hands, she removed her hands quickly and helped Taec.

There were pounding footsteps outside the door. Jaebeom and Jessica were coming back.

"Here!" Amber gave Taec the fork and and she placed herself on the same spot, looking like she was still bound by the rope.

The door opened and Amber bulged her eyes. Jaebeom was holding a gun.

Jaebeom moved towards Taec and smiled evily.

"I told you that you will lose everything you had too. This is my third surprise Taec." he pointed the gun at him. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." he cocked the slide and his evil smile turned wider. Jaebeom's eyes were gleaming with wild manic. It looked like he was dying to see blood.

"Bye, Bye."


Jaebeom fell hard on the floor, the gun flew meters away from his hand. Amber was on top of him, pinning him down. The bullet missed Taec by inches. Jessica shouted in fury.

"Get off him!!!" she screeched. She pulled Amber by her hair and threw her on the wall. "I'm going to kill you AJ!" she bellowed dangerously. She banged Amber's head on the wall and blood ran on her face. She banged it again then Amber aimed a punch on Jessica's face. Jaebeom got up and made her way to help Jessica, but Taec punched him.

"Stay away from her Jaebeom." Taec whispered, his eyes full of hatred. "Stay away from Amber and I swear.."
"Stop your threats Taec." Jaebeom eyed the gun who was a few more meters from him. Taec eyed the gun too.
"AMBER RUN!" Taec shouted. Amber dashed out of the room. As quick as a lightning, Jaebeom ducked and picked the gun. He ran towards Amber but Taec slammed him on the wall.
"JESSICA GO AFTER THE LESBIAN!" Jaebeom shouted. Jessica ran after Amber.

Amber was zigzagging blindly. Everything was dark. She felt the walls behind her, desperately finding her way out.

"There you are!" Jessica's voice rang behind her. She pulled Amber's hair again and grasped . "I don't think I need Jaebeom to do this, I'll finish his business for him." she strangled Amber even more. Amber was starting to turn purple.
"Y-you think? Y-you forgot t-that.. I l-lived like a boy.. J-jessica." Amber punched her hard on her stomach. Jessica released her immediately and clutched the place Amber hit. Then Amber slammed Jessica on the wall. She picked a stray wood and whacked her head pretty hard. Jessica lost consciousness immediately.

"." Amber spat disgustedly. Then she felt her pockets and picked her phone. She dialed Chance's number which she thankfully memorized before. There were a few rings and Chance answered.
"Hello? Who's this?"
"Ch-chance." Amber's voice was rasp.
"Amber?! Whose phone -"
"It doesn't matter! Please. Help us Chance." she whispered urgently. "Taec and I are in the Shruti Gymnasium, you know that abandoned one near the mountain?"
"Taec ? Wait why are you there?! Is-"
"COME PEACHY PEACHY...." Jaebeom's leering voice rang.
"Who's that Amber?!" Chance's voice was nervous and scared.
"It's -"

The battery died. Amber cursed loudly. That was a great timing! She quickly hid herself on the other wall and clasped the wood she used, ready to strike.

Where was Taec? Was he alright? There were numerous of questions she was dying to answer. Jaebeom's footsteps were nearer.... then he stopped.

"Jessica?" Amber heard him approached his girl. Jaebeom cursed furiously. "I'll kill that lesbian first before Taec, I promise you."

Then does that mean Taec's still alive? Amber sighed in relief, which was a big mistake.

Jaebeom just heard her. His smile grew wider.

"Oohhhhhh peachy peachy is near..." he cooed. His footsteps were nearer and nearer. Amber raised the wood. Jaebeom the corner and she immediately whacked his head. Then she ran outside the gym, towards the forest.
"AARRRGGHHH!!! YOU CAN'T OUTRUN ME!!!!" Jaebeom ran after her. He caught a glimpse of Amber running to the woods and followed her.


Loud shots rang in the silent forest. Birds flew from their nests. Amber ducked her head, and never tried to look back. She was just running for her life.

*Taec. Please be safe*. She found herself thinking. She ran, but Jaebeom caught up with her.

"Stop!" Jaebeom cocked the slide again and Amber stopped in her tracks. She gulped nervously. She didn't turn around to look at him. She was just waiting for him to blew her head off.


There was another shot, and Amber thought she was already dead. But she wasn't and she turned around. Taec was pinning Jaebeom on the ground.

"What are you standing there for? RUN!" he shouted urgently.

Amber hesitated. Then she ran again. Jaebeom was very pissed. 

"This is the second time I missed my target!" he punched Taec continuously. He punched and punched and punched angrily until there was only blood seen in his face. Then he ran after Amber again.

Amber didn't know where to go. Then she saw a clearing ahead, and she desperately went for it. Salty breeze of air welcomed her. They were near the seaside. She continued to run.... then she stopped.

She was at the edge of the cliff already.

Jaebeom laughed triumphantly.

"Finally!" he said happily. He slowly made his way towards her. "The cat and mouse game's over missy. This is the end." he leered at her. "Thank you for your participation in this game, I appreciate it." he pointed the gun at her.
"Jaebeom. Stop."

A bloody-faced Taec groggily ran passed Jaebeom and opened his arms protectively. "You have to go through me first before you have her." he warned.
"I will Taec. Don't worry." Jaebeom pointed the gun at him. "You know, this wouldn't happen if your father just had mercy on us. I regret that I have to kill a childhood friend. But, sadly." he tilted his head and leered. "I don't care anymore. After I'm done with the two of you, your father's next." 

"But before that, I want you to experience what I felt when I saw my father die in front of me." 


He squeezed the trigger and shot Taec on his right shoulder. Taec knelt down, grasping his bloody arm.

"NO! TAEC!!!" Amber shouted.


There were two shots and Amber bulged her eyes. She looked down on her.... Her sides were bleeding like hell.


Amber took a step backward, forgetting that they were on the edge of the cliff. She started to fall..... and Taec caught her hand with his right arm.

Amber felt like slipping from her consciousness... She looked above her. Taec's bloody face was scared, his bloody right arm holding her for dear life.

"Taec." she said softly.
"Amber.. Amber please tell me you can still hear me.." he pleaded desperately.

Amber nodded. "I can... you're.. bleeding.."

Pain shot through Taec's injured shoulder, he winced, but he continued to hold on to her.

"Let go of me Taec. Or you'll lose your arm." she said. She badly want to sleep now... everything was swirling around her. The furious splashes of waves below her was enticing. She wanted to just fall...
"Better to lose an arm than to lose you Amber." he hold on more tightly, but sweat and blood were mixing together and he felt Amber's hand slipping away from him.
"Look at me, Taec." she said softly.

Taec looked intently on her beetle- black eyes. Amber gave him her signature sweet smile.

"I love you." and she let go of his hands.

Amber was falling..... falling straight to the wallowing sea beneath. *This was a terrible way to die* she thought. Amber closed her eyes. She's free...

"No... Amber... Am-AMBER!!!!!!!" Taec shouted his heart out. Anguish was the only thing he felt. The woman he loved.... The woman who cooked him adobo and served him for months... was...

"Painful isn't Taec? Now. It's your turn." Jaebeom pointed the gun at him for one last time. 
"FREEZE!!!!!" A number of police surrounded Jaebeom, guns pointed towards him. Jaebeom snorted. "Party-poopers." he said. He threw his gun on the floor and raised his hands in surrender. A police locked his arms together and handcuffed him.
"It's fine that I didn't kill you Taec. Losing someone you love is like dying already."
"TAEC!" Chance ran towards his friend and helped him stand. He looked at Jaebeom and bulged his eyes. "J-jaebeom?"

Jaebeom smirked. "'Sup Chance. Long time no see." Then the police yanked him away. Chance looked around. There's someone missing...

"Where's Amber?" Chance asked. Taec did not meet his eyes. Tears were falling from his cheeks.

Chance grabbed Taec's collar.

"I SAID WHERE IS SHE TAEC?!" he asked angrily. Still. Taec refused to meet his eyes. Chance gasped for air, trying to breathe properly... but his heart was too tight. Very tight. He pushed Taec roughly and fell on his knees. He can't stop himself from crying uncontrollably.

He realized it.

Amber's gone.

"I should not have let you go Amber." Chance and Taec both whispered to the calm, night breeze.

She was just a boyish looking girl who was always mistakened on her gender. She crashed into a luxurious car, and her bad luck started. She lost the place she lived, she lost her job. She almost has nothing left. Then she gained more.

She started to have more friends; She blushed. She hold hands with boys; She was forced to dress like what a girl should; she reconciled with her family; she had her first date; her first kiss; she learned to love...

She thought she has such an unfortunate life when she started pretending to be a boy. But she realized she wasn't. Amber's life changed in an instant - when she was a boy.


>The end<

SEQUEL: When She Was A Girl

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel