Demon's Prey

When She Was A Boy

 Amber rolled over her fluffy bed and snuggled her fluffy bear. She was giggling uncontrollably when the door opened and a man in silhoutte entered her room. She stopped and looked at the visitor. He approached her slowly and her heart beated faster at every second. She smiled widely at him and waved... He waved back. A couple more steps and now the man was standing in front of her. He was tall and handsome, with shining eyes and curvy lips. He's shirtless which exposed his well-toned chest and abs. Amber stood up and touched his chest lightly and looked intimately at him. The man carressed her face and leaned in. He whispered to her...

"If that's the case," he smiled. Amber looked at him and blinked. The man was now wearing a horrible cat suit while holding a devil's fork. "WELCOME TO HELL!!!" he laughed evily and banged his fork on the floor repeatedly, looking like a maniac. "Bwahahahahaha!"

Amber woke up on a cold and hard marble floor. She shivered and gasped for breath, remembering her dream. *It's a nightmare!! I can't believe I looked at him like THAT!* she shuddered as she remembered the way she looked at Taec on her dream.

She was lying in front of Taec's restroom door, with a single piece of bedspread under her and a comforter around her. She rolled over and looked at the clock. "It's 5:23 a.m.. UGH." She started folding her bedspread and comforter, then she placed them inside an empty cupboard. 

She checked her notes and said, "It's Monday so that means the devil will go to school at 8 o'clock..I wonder what will I cook for breakfast?" She opened the refrigerator and snorted. There's no single food inside except for bottles of water and energy drinks. She searched for onions, celery, tomatoes, and any other spices she can use but found nothing. All she saw were a single piece of egg, a few packs of instant noodles, and cat food.

"What's the cat food for???" she wondered. She looked at the clock again. 5:30 a.m "I guess I need a little visit on the market."  Grumbling, she wore her jacket and went outside Solar Homes, thinking of what she will cook later.

Meanwhile, Taec was having a comfortable, nightmare-free sleep. 

He dozed off for a while until his alarm clock rang. 

Ring!Ring! Ring!Ring!

He slammed his fist on his alarm clock and ruffled his hair a bit. He went straight to his bathroom and took a hot, relaxing shower. After half an hour, he went outside his room wearing his school uniform.

His nose sniffed something delicious and mouth-watering. He followed the scent and saw his new slave cooking his breakfast.

"Oh, you're awake, sir." Amber said.

Taec sat on the dining chair and placed his feet above the table.

"Hurry up you lesbie, I'm starving." he demanded.

Amber pursed her lips and ignored him.

Taec impatiently drummed his fingers at the table until Amber finished cooking. She placed a mouth-watering bowl of fried rice with eggs, onions, beans, celery, and shrimps in it; a nicely-cooked omelette; buttered toasted breads and one cup of hot coffee on the table.

Taec began on wolfing down his breakfast. Amber sat on his opposite side, ready to eat as well, but.

"You never learn, do you?" Taec asked coldly. "Remain standing." he ordered.

Amber stood reluctantly, glaring at Taec. "And when am I supposed to eat man?" she snapped.

"Watch your tone lesbie, I'm the boss here, not you. Eat after I'm finished." he said.

So Amber stood in front of Taec, looking like an idiot watching him ate while her stomach continued on rumbling. After several minutes, Taec said flatly,

"I don't like it." 

Amber looked at him increduously. "You don't like it? You really don't?! Then why the hell did you ate everything!" she shouted at him, losing her temper.

Taec looked at her coldly. "Did you just shout at me?!" he shot back.

Amber was about to argue but remembered something...She closed and bit her lip. 

"If I may remind you, you're staying here at my house. And you're not living here for free as well. Do you want me to double your rent??" he asked her menacingly. When Amber did not respond, he continued. "Say sorry."

Amber looked away and mumbled a few unclear words.

"What did you say??" he asked
"Swryyry" she said again.
"I DON'T HEAR YOU?" Taec said, rising his voice dangerously.
"I said... s-SORRY." 

He smirked. He approached Amber and patted her head just like a dog. "Good boy". and laughed. Amber balled her fists and fought her urge to punch his face. 

"I'm going to school now. Lock the door before you leave." he said and went outside.

After he disappeared, Amber took a deep breath and .. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" she screamed on top of her voice in frustration. She kicked his chair and went to the bathroom, getting ready for school as well.

After several minutes, Amber was walking glumly towards their classroom, thinking of a hundred possible ways to kill his boss. 

"Ambiiiiieeeee!!!" Torrey greeted Amber cheerfully as soon as she entered their classroom .

Amber smiled at her weakly. Torrey locked her arm on Amber's and said: "How are you? Did you have a bad time?"

*Yes Torrey, I did.*

"Not much." she answered.
"Did he let you in his house?"


Amber nodded.

"OMO! What does your new room look like?" Torrey asked.

*What room? I don't have a room. I have a space, outside his restroom*.

"It's simple, but nice." Amber said.
"Ohh! And there I was, thinking he's a devil! Haha!" exclaimed Torrey.

*You have no idea.*

"So Amber.." Torrey started
"AJ." Amber cut.
"Huh?" Torrey asked in confusion.
"From now on, my name is AJ." Amber said.
"What are you talking about??" she demanded.

She sighed and explained to Torrey how she was able to persuade Taec to let her inside his house.

"WHAT??!" Torrey reacted as Amber finished her story.

Amber nodded glumly. Torrey was about to console her friend when their professor, Sir V, entered their classroom. The class went quiet suddenly and all eyes were upon this man. He glared at all of them, looking like a human hawk, ready to set his daggers at his students. 

"You!" he snapped at the nearest kid who jumped back in fright. "Return these test papers back to your classmates." he ordered, pointing at the small stack of papers on his desk.

"And you!" he snapped at another student who cowered this time. "Clean the board, hurry up!" The student immediately stood up and cleaned the board.

While the two students were busy doing their ordered work, Sir V was busy glowering at each student, who all refused to meet his eyes.

"Ugh. Don't tell me those were your long tests?" Amber asked Torrey pointing at the papers being distributed by their classmate.
"Yes, the one that you've missed." she answered while Amber groaned.

Shortly after that, Sir V. began his lecture about journalism jargons. Determined not to lose another opportunity, Amber busied herself on jotting down notes while Torrey yawned every now and then.

The room was filled with scratches of paper and pen and Sir V.'s droning voice.

Then suddenly, the still and quiet lecture room was disturbed by one, loud phone call.

I'm your man. I'm your man. Oooohhh, I'm your man.
Baby I'm your man. I'm your man.
Please believe me, Please be with me

Every head turned towards Amber, whose eyes widened in shock. She rummaged her bag and hurriedly stood up,looking at Sir V.'s piercing glare.

Calling... Demon

"Er, Sir, excuse me.. Emergency!" and she ran out of their classroom, frightened to get killed by deathly stares of her professor.

After making sure that she's out of earshot from her classroom, she answered her phone call.

"What do you want???" she hissed at Taec.
"Bring me 10 pieces of tracing paper here." he ordered bossily.

Amber's mouth literally fell. "WHAT?! I'm at the middle of my class!" she shouted, earning some disapproving stares from the students. "Sorry.." she addressed the students from the corridor. "Are you out of your mind???" she quietly hissed again at Taec.
"No. And stop using that tone to me. I'm at JYP Building, Room Z. Hurry up or I'll double your rent." he said and hung up.

Amber stared at her phone. She just can't believe her ears!

"AARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and grasp on fistfuls of her hair.She kicked the opposite wall and trashed wildly at the center of the corridor. People started to get scared at her weird actions while other laughed at her. 

After she calmed down, she looked around and saw that everyone is staring at her - either with scared faces or amused ones. She cleared and scratched her head, her ears were bright pink. She walked like nothing happened while everyone followed her with their eyes. 

When she was out of everyone's judging stares, she ran outside her university and searched for the nearest bookstore.

"Stupid demon." she said to herself, balling her fist.
"Stupid tracing paper." she continued.
"Stupid cat." and she kicked the cat in front of her. 

Ngiyaaaaww!!! The cat hissed furiously at her.

She ran again searching everywhere, stopping now and then to ask some random people for the nearest bookstore. When at last she found one, she hurriedly grabbed a pack of tracing paper and paid it fastly at the counter. Then she ran outside again and called for a jeepney, and told the driver to stopped her by St. Evangeline's University. After 10 minutes, she was running around the elite's school, with a visitors pass around her neck, searching her way idiotically for JYP Building.

"Ex..cuse me.... Miss..... where is JYP building?" she stopped and asked the woman in front of her, while clutching the stitch on her chest and gasping for air.

The woman pointed to the left and she ran again, towards the building, searching for room Z.

Amber began to breath heavily, her feet was starting to get tired from running. She turned her head left and right, searching for room Z. Finally, she found Taec's room at the end of 5th floor and entered the room without knocking. Fortunately, there's no professor inside, and she searched for Taec desperately. She found him at the end of the room, laughing with 3 other friends.

She approached him and tried to say something despite of her heavy breathing,

"T-taec.... hah! Here's... ahh! your.. t-tracing paper... " Amber said, large balls of sweat running down her face, while she gasped for air.

Taec looked amusedly at her and said casually. "I already have one", and he pointed at the tracing paper in front of him.

Amber stood dumbfounded and gaped at him for several seconds. Finally, she said, "Then why didn't you tell me that earlier?!!"

Taec crossed his arms and sneered. "Ooopss. I forgot." he said. His friends sniggered behind.

Amber looked around her. All of Taec's classmates are looking at her. Some raised their eyebrows, others whispered but most of them laughed.

Amber looked down. Her eyes were burning with humiliation. Without another word, she turned her back and went outside Taec's room, her heart filled with the desire to punch his sickly face.

She rode another jeepney on her way back to school, and ran towards her classroom. She cautiously approached the front door, and peeked if Sir V. is still inside. When she did not spot the human hawk, she sighed in relief.

"Ditching my class again, Ms. Mallari?" a cold voice from behind asked her.

Amber closed her eyes, spun around and saw Sir V. in front of her, his nose flaring with steam. 

"Sir.. It's not what you think.." Amber said weakly.
"I think it is what I think Ms. Mallari. Come to my office after lunch." he passed her by and Amber followed him. He stopped at the front door and looked at her. "And you can't come in here." then he snapped the front door shut.
"Great." Amber sulked.

After an hour of waiting outside, the class's front door opened and a swarm of students filed out of the room. Torrey was one of the first ones and she gave Amber's bag to her.

"Thanks Torrey." said Amber gloomily. She reached for her bag and stood up. Then her stomach rumbles.

Torrey heard her stomach as well and asked her, "Did you eat your breakfast?" 

Amber was about to say 'no' when her phone started ringing again.

Calling... Demon

Amber sighed exasperatedly and answered Taec's call. "What now?" she said.

"Go back here and carry my things. I have my photoshoot." he said then he hung up.

She closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. "Sorry Torrey but I guess I won't be having lunch with you for today."

Torrey nodded sadly. She understood Amber. She kissed her on the cheek and said, "If ever you need me Amber.. I mean, AJ." she laughed softly and waved.

Amber waved back at her, then went her way towards St. Evangeline's University again.

After another 10-minute ride, she saw Taec leaning in front of Betty. He motioned her to come closer, which she did.

"Get those pile of clothes from my car's compartment, and bring them on this address", he said, handing out a piece of paper. "Then wait for me there. You understand?"

Amber nodded in return. She went to his car's compartment and aimed a kick at Betty's tires. *If it wasn't for you Betty, I shouldn't have been here!*.

She gritted her teeth in frustration, and called for a taxi. She gave the driver the piece of paper and they drove on. 

"I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I'm tired. And I badly want to punch his face." she told herself, and she daydreamed of the 100 ways she to kill Taec.

"We're here sir." the driver said.

Amber gazed outside and bulged her eyes. They're in front of Bench building, one of the most popular brand names in the country. Bench's latest models were Lee Min Ho and Nichkhun, who were both from South Korea.

"A Bench model? The son of Lee Firms and Designs. Co? what else can he be???" Amber muttered bitterly.

She carried the heavy pile of clothes outside and waited for Taec to arrive.

Later on, she spotted the shiny, red Porsche and stood up. Taec got out from his car and went straight towards the building. "Follow me" he said.

Amber followed him while carrying his large stack of clothes. She stumbled a bit and almost tripped but Taec looked impassive about her situation. She cleared . "A little help here?" she asked.

Taec looked at her and ignored her request. Amber rolled her eyes and together they entered an elevator.

They stopped at the 3rd floor and entered a lightly-dimmed room. Amber looked around and saw how busy people were inside. Someone was shouting orders from somewhere; a photographer was busy shooting a male model while the director nodded in approval at the male's every picture; here and there personal assisstants *like me* ran around the room, getting this and getting that. It was an almost chaos.

Finally, the director shouted: "Okay, that's a wrap everybody!"

With that everyone stopped doing their jobs and sighed in relief.

"Taec!!" the male model happily walked over them and shook Taec's hand. "I thought you wouldn't come". he said.
"Why wouldn't I?" he answered grumpily.


The model spotted Amber. "Oh, and we've got company!" he said. Amber nodded curtly.

"I'm Chansung but you can call me Chance. What's your name?" Chance said.
"Am- I mean, AJ." Amber answered.
"She's my assisstant." Taec said.
"AGAIN?" Chance asked, shaking his head. "What, is she your,,, uhh.. 48th?"
"49th" answered Taec then he smirked.
"What 49th?" Amber asked, confused.
"Well... Your his 49th assisstant." Chance answered.

O_____O "What?!" Amber said.
"and she's a lesbian." Taec inserted.


Chance nodded in understanding. "I was about to wonder how come you've let a girl be your assisstant. So, AJ, how old are you?" he inquired.

"18". she answered.

The two of them have a few more small talks until they ran out of topic. Then it was Taec's turn for his photoshoot. Make-up artists put some make-up on him, hair stylists arranged his hair, and fashion directors picked his clothes.

Amber went outside the room and waited. Her stomach grumbling with hunger. Just then, a piece of burger was in front of her and she looked at it to see Chance handing it out. He smiled at her.

"You should eat." he said. "I know that Taec's been giving you a hard time".
"You have no idea. Thanks." and she gratefully accepted his burger. "So, you're friends with that man?" she asked him.
Chance nodded. "We're childhood friends." he answered.

They chatted more and time passed by quickly. Taec went outside looking really pissed and when he saw Amber, he shouted: "Where have you been?! You do not go outside when I'm at the middle of the photoshoot, do you understand?!" 

Amber looked at Chance, exasperated. Chance chuckled and winked at Amber.

"We're going home!" Taec said. And walked out.
"Hey! Wait!" Amber said and quickly gets Taec's clothes inside the room. "Bye dude!" she waved at Chance who also waved back.

When they arrived home, Taec went straight to his room and slammed the door shut. On the other hand, Amber placed her bedspread in front of Taec's rest room and settled herself in.

"It's just less than 24 hours since I woke up but I feel like it's been a week already. I'm so tireeeeeddd" she yawned wildly and grimaced. "49th huh? I guess I'm the devil's latest victim then." she yawned more loudly and befor she knew it, she's already asleep, her body grateful for a rest at last.

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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel