The Invitation

When She Was A Boy

She rolled over on her soft, fluffy, and very comfortable bed. She leaned closer to her pillow... she hugged it... and cuddled more... and sniffed it delicately - it smelled of a baby cologne with a mixture of sick in it - but she did not mind, she still liked the smell. A small smile appeared in her dreaming face. 

Slowly, Amber opened her eyes. A pair of tiny, black, shining eyes welcomed her. It was looking at her coldly. She continued to smile..
*I must be still dreaming, those eyes looked exactly like Lee brat's*. She blinked a few times. Her smile slowly faded, and a frown was etched on her face.

"Having fun?" Taec asked her coldly. Their faces were so close to each other that Amber breathed alcohol, sick and strawberry scent from his mouth.
"AAHH!" Amber frantically removed her hug from him and pushed Taec hardly, backing a few spaces away. Taec looked at her furiously, his teeth gritted with annoyance.
"This is the second time I'll ask you this lesbie..." he hissed. "What are you doing inside my room?!!!"

Amber opened but Taec cut her.

"Oh, I know. You must be taking advantage of me last night, when I were all drunk and unconscious, huh? What did you do to me last night? huh? Why am I shirtless? huh? Are you a ert? HUH??"

Amber looked back at him with a piercing glare. "If you don't mind, sir.." she dabbed a finger to his chest while she advanced at him. "Try remembering what you did to me last night." she hissed back. "You were the one who hugged me. You were the one who sniffed my neck. You were the ert here, NOT ME!" 
"T-that's not true!" Taec shouted back, his neck turning red. "YYAAAHH! This is the most disgusting day of my life! I slept with a tomboy! And look at your drool, it's all over my chest!"

True enough, an amount of silvery fluid were on his chest. Amber blushed furiously. "T-that's not mine..." she denied, cowering in shame.

Taec snorted. Then she pushed Amber from his bed. "OWW!" she landed flat on her bottom, cursing under her breath. "GET OUT!" he shouted. Amber made faces then she went outside his room, rubbing her . Then, the doorbell rang.

"Minjun?" she asked as she opened the door. Minjun smiled at her.
"I'm sorry, did I disturb your sleep?" he asked.
"Oh, not at all..". She let Minjun inside and prepared him coffee.
"Where's Taec?" he asked. Amber nodded at his door. She put his coffee on the table. A few minutes later, a disgruntled Taec went outside his room, clutching his head.
"What are you doing here?" he snapped at Minjun.
"Bad morning, I guess?" Minjun chuckled. "I came here to give you these." he gave him two pieces of handsome, violet and silver envelopes. "That's our invitation for our inter-college night." he said.
"I'm not going." Taec said unconcernedly. "Ahh, my head hurts!" he ruffled his hair in frustration.
"That's our requirement Taec. You need to come. Here" Minjun answered while he gave Taec pills.
"Pssh. Rubbish. Why do profs always do that? 'Your fieldtrip is a requirement', 'Your night is a requirement' What for? It's not even related to our course!" he grumbled. "And why are there two invitations??" he added.
"First is yours, the second would be for your partner."
"I'm not interested." he said flatly. "Get out of here now Minjun." then he ran towards the rest room, probably to puke.

Amber read the invitation. "Inter-college night?" she asked.
"Yup. The school will partner two colleges and they will spend their college night together. Architecture was partnered with College of Music and Performing Arts."
"Isn't the college of Wooyoung and Junho?" she asked.
"Yup. Then Taec, Chance and I were in the College of Architecture and Fine Arts. Therefore, we will all go together." he answered.
"Except Nichkhun." Amber reminded. Minjun nodded. "Too bad for that dork." he said.

Taec appeared again, looking weak. He wiped his sweat. "I... won't drink anymore.!" he said.
"You always say that every time you wake up." Minjun noted.
"Shut up. And why are you still here?! I thought I told you to get out of here now??" Taec said irritably.
"Ok, ok." Minjun put his hands up in surrender. "I'll go ahead. Start looking for your date Taec! Bye!." he waved and closed the door.
"I said I'm not going!" Taec shouted back. "You!" he turned to Amber. "Prepare my breakfast." then he went inside his room again.

Amber rolled her eyes and started preparing breakfast. They ate together with the usual, awkward silence. After breakfast, she washed the dishes, cleaned the house, and prepared herself for work.


The bell tinkled as Amber opened the door. 
"Good morning AJ!" Fei greeted the moment Amber went inside the shop.
"Morning." Amber greeted back.
"Why didn't you go to work yesterday? Sir Chansung did not go here too." she asked.
"Er...." the bell rang again.
"Good morning Sir Chansung." the other employees bowed and greeted at the new comer.
"Good morning Sir Chansung." Fei and Amber greeted together. Chance smiled at them all and he patted Amber's head gently. "Had a good night's sleep?" he asked her kindly.
"Uhh, yeah. I guess." Amber answered. She did not think it would be a good idea to mention that she slept beside Taec last night. "How about you?".
"I did sleep well." he answered, still patting Amber's head.
"Stop patting me, I'm not a dog." Amber said frowning.
"I'm sorry, hahaha." Chance laughed but he continued patting Amber's head.
A pair of jealous eyes were eyeing them enviously.
The coffee shop was busy today. Amber and Fei were stationed at the kitchen, preparing cakes for their customers. 
"One strawberry cake... Hmmm." she closed her eyes and sniffed the cake. *It smells like Taec's breath*.  GASP. "I did not just say that!" she said to herself.
"What is it that you did not say?" Chance walked inside the kitchen, smiling at her.
"Nothing. Oh, here's their order..." she walked towards him and stepped on her shoelace. "AGGGHHH!!" 
Just like in a slow motion, the cake fell, Amber tripped, and her face landed softly in it.
"HAHAHAHA!!" Chance burst on laughing, clutching his stomach for support. "You look cute Amber!" he said.
"Stop." Amber said, pursing her lips and glaring at Chance. "Stop laughing Chance!"
"HAHA.. HAHA... Ok, ok.. I'll stop." Chance zipped his lips while he tried to muffle his laughter. He walked towards her and put a finger on her nose. He tasted the icing.
"Tastes sweet too." he said.
"Shut up. I'll go and clean this up, then I'll clean myself." Amber growled. 
"I'll take care of it." he said.
"What? No way it's my job, you're the boss here." she said.
"Who says I'll be cleaning this?" he pointed at the messed cake. "I'll be cleaning you." 

Amber blushed. "Idiot!" She turned her heels and get a piece of rug and soap.
"Go and wash your face AJ, I'll clean this." Fei said, taking the rug and soap from her.
"Are you sure Fei?" Amber asked uncertainly. She nodded.
So Amber walked inside the rest room and washed her face. "Stupid shoelace." she muttered. Just then, a knock came outside.
"Hey Amber." it was Chance.
"Change your clothes too, we're going somewhere."
"What? Where?" she finished wiping her face and went outside. 
"Just do it. I'll be waiting at the parking lot ok?"
Amber followed Chance outside the kitchen.
"Are you going somewhere AJ?" Fei asked.
"Uh, yes, but I don't know where. Bye Fei," she waved at her and proceeded to the changing room. After changing her clothes, she met Chance at the parking lot. He was already seated on his motorcycle.
"Where are we going?" she asked.
"Hop in. You'll see soon." 
Amber settled herself behind his back.
"You would want to hold on to me or you'll fall." he said.
"Where -?!"
But Chance started the engine and bulleted fast. Amber grabbed his waist immediately and clung to him tightly.
"Don't catch me off guard!" she shouted at Chance.
"Scared???" he dared.
"Of course not!" she answered back. Chance increased their speed and Amber hugged his waist more tightly. They could do this everyday... He liked this feeling... This feeling when he was being hugged by Amber....
They stopped in front of the mall after a few minutes.
"Why are we here???" Amber demanded.
"Shopping." he shortly answered.
"I don't like shopping."
"We boys don't like it too. But Wooyoung kept on nagging us to do so." 
"Wooyoung is here too?"
"Yes. And Minjun, and Junho, and NIchkhun, and Taec." They walked passed the entrance guard and strolled on the corridor.
"What are you shopping for?" she asked again. They turned around the corner.
"Suits for the inter-college night." Chance stopped and looked at her.
"What?" she asked. Chance opened his mouth but hesitated.
"I thought Lee brat won't come?" she continued.
"I don't know..." Chance looked around and spotted his friends in front of Jag Jeans store. Together they walked towards them.
And there was Taec, crossing his arms, looking very impatient; Wooyoung who continued to tiptoe excitedly; Junho, who kept his pokerface and stood, looking bored; Minjun, and his calm looks, and Nichkhun, holding hands with a girl not with Sulli nor with Krystal but....
"Hey Chance! You're here. This is Luna, my girlfriend." he put an arm around Luna and smiled. The boys rolled their eyes as usual, and Amber looked at Nichkhun with an open mouth.
*How many girls does he has?!* Amber thought.
"Ow Right! Since everyone's here now, where should we go first!?" Wooyoung clapped his hands together and asked them excitedly.
They went to the first store. 
"Oh oh! I think white looks good on me. What do you think Junho? Should I also change my hair color to black? What do you think Junho?" Wooyoung noisily asked Junho.
"Shut up Wooyoung. You're so noisy." Junho grumbled.
"Hmm... I don't think this suits me.." Minjun muttered to himself.
"Khunnie oppa this looks good to you!" Luna said sweetly to Nichkhun, holding a piece of tuxedo.
"Luna baby... I'm not going. I only accompanied them here." he answered patiently, pinching Luna's chubby cheeks. "You're soooo cute." then he kissed her.
"UGH! Do that outside will you?!!" Taec growled.
They stopped kissing. "Mind your business Taec," Nichkhun smirked. "Here, take that with you." he grabbed the tuxedo that Luna picked and gave it to him.
"I said I'm not going." he threw the tuxedo away.
They continued looking for suits. Wooyoung was the first one to buy. He was holding a large paper bag when they went outside their third store.
"Give me that." Taec grabbed Wooyoung's paper bag and threw it to Amber. "Listen up! All your suits and shoes will be given to her." he pointed at Amber. "That's her job." she said.
"What?!" Amber asked furiously.
"You got a problem?" he flashed his eyes dangerously at her. Amber pursed her lips. "Good." Taec said.
"Did you let me come here just to hold your bags???" Amber hissed furiously at Chance.
"Of course not. Let me help you with that..." he said.
"You don't need to. Or that devil will shout at me." she said.
In and out they went on different stores. Slowly, each men - except for Nichkhun and Taec - had bought their suits and shoes.
"Here AJ please hold this for me!"
"AJ! My shoes too!"
"Oh oh! Don't forget mine AJ!"
"AJ! AJ! Hold it properly, please!"
"AAAAAAAARRRGGGHHHH!" Amber shouted in frustration. She was getting behind the boys already, holding twelve - no - thirteen? fourteen? bags at once. These boys say that they're not into shopping? Who are they kidding?!
"I told you, let me help you with that." Chance said kindly. He was holding his own bag. He took most of the bags from Amber and carried it. "What are you standing there for? Let's go or we'll lose them." he said to Amber smiling. "You want Taec to shout at you?" he laughed.
"Thanks.." Amber said, smiling, then she followed Chance.
They took a rest inside the restaurant while they waited for their food. Nichkhun was playing with Luna's hair; Wooyoung was checking his clothes; and the others just sat. Just then...
"Hey babe. You missed me?" a sharp voice said.
The boys, Amber and Luna turned around. There standing in front of them was Krystal, giving Nichkhun the deadliest glare Amber had ever seen in her life.
"K-krystal!" Nichkhun stood up nervously and opened his arms. She smiled at him coldly.
"I don't remember you calling me 'Krystal' babe." she said.
"A-ahh.. Hehe.."
"Khun?" a melodic voice said.

Nichkhun closed his eyes and turned around. Then he smiled widely at Sulli too.
"Sulli..." he grinned weakly. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm with my sister... What are you doing here? I though you have your photo shoot?" Suli asked.
"And who are you?" Krystal snapped at Sulli.
"I'm Sulli, Khun's girlfriend." she answered calmly. "And you?"
"I'm Krystal. Nichkhun's babe." Krystal said icily.

Taec, Junho, Chance, Minjun, Wooyoung, and Amber watched the scene tensely. *This is what a playboy gets...* They all thought secretly.
"What is going on Khunnie?" Luna stood up too, looking from Nichkhun, to Krystal, to Suli.
"Let me guess, you're his mother?" Krystal snapped sarcastically at Luna.
"I'm not. I'm his baby." she said proudly. "Right Khunnie?"

The three girls looked at him for explanation. Nichkhun looked like he would go anywhere but here. He stared at them and opened his mouth, struggling for words.
"That's it." Krystal walked towards him and slapped his right cheek. The sound was so loud that half of the customers inside stared. "I can't believe it. After what we've done last night." she said and stormed away.
Nichkhun looked at the bleary-eyed Sulli. "Sulli..."
Sulli slapped his left cheek and sniffed. "I trusted you Khun." she too, walked away.
Nichkhun sighed and looked at the surprised Luna. "Luna baby..."
Luna slapped his right cheek. "I hate you! Don't call me baby!" then she slapped his left cheek too. She get her bag and turned her heels, away from them.
Nichkhun heaved another sigh and rubbed his cheeks. He looked around and saw that everyone inside the restaurant was watching them. He sat again looking like he did not care.
"Well that hurts." Minjun said in an understatement.
"Would you like me to slap you Minjun?" Nichkhun retorted. Everyone sniggered.
A few minutes later their order came, and they all started talking about Nichkhun's incident.
"...That's what you get, you're too much for a player.."
"Did you see Sulli cried? You're a bad boy Khun! Bad boy!"
"How were your cheeks? I can give them another try..."
"What if I give yours a try?!"
"Oh oh! Don't forget me! I want to try too!"
"Shut up Wooyoung!"
"Shut up all of you! Aish! Too noisy!"
"Shut up Taec you're being noisy too!"
*ugggggghhhhh*. Amber groaned inwardly. The boys - except Chance and Junho - were giving her headache. At last they finished eating, but they haven't stopped arguing.
"Hey, did you guys have your dates yet?" Nichkhun suddenly said.
"Changing the topic eh?" Minjun said.
"I'm not!"
"You all know that I already have a girlfriend. She'll be my date." Junho said seriously.
"I still don't have one.." Wooyoung said worriedly..
"Ambiiieeeee!!!" a sweet voice called. Everyone turned around and saw Torrey running towards them.
"Is that your girlfriend AJ?" Minjun asked.
"No.. she's my.."
"Ambie I missed you!" Torrey hugged Amber tightly.
"Get off Torrey, we just met yesterday." she said. "Uh, this is Torrey, my best friend." Amber introduced Torrey to her companions. She in return bowed to all of them and landed her eyes on Nichkhun.
"N-nichkhun....." she said, her eyes bulging in surprise. 
Nichkhun's eyes shined. Then he took Torrey's right hand and kissed it gently. Torrey gasped loudly. "I'm Nichkhun." he said. "What's your name?"
"V-victoria... but you can call me Torrey..." 
"What a beautiful name... Torrey." Nichkhun let go of her hands and smiled at her. Torrey looked like she ran out of breath.
*Oh no.* Amber thought. "Uhhh! Torrey! Aren't you going home now?" she rounded her eyes at Torrey meaningfully.
"What? I -"
"I understand, I understand.. Bye!" she pushed Torrey away from Nichkhun. Then she rounded at Nichkhun and the rest. "Why are we still standing here? It's getting dark, let's go." she said, and she carried their bags again. They started walking, Nichkhun looking back at Torrey.
"I'll ride you home." Chance offered.
"No, it's fine, I'll take the bus..."
"I insist." Chance smiled at her. Looking defeated, Amber just nodded.
They separated ways - riding their own cars, (in Chance and Amber's case, in Chance's motorcycle.) Chance looked happy when Amber slid her arms around his waist again. If only they can do this forever....
"Hey, wait. Let's take a picture." Chance said. He get his phone and tapped the camera icon on it.
"Eh? I don't like.."
"Come on." he tugged Amber near him and smiled at the camera. Amber shrugged and slightly pouted. "Chance really -"
"On 3. 1, 2, 3!" he clicked the icon and looked at their picture. He smiled. Amber looked so beautiful with her jet black short hair and her little pout. "Perfect. Let's go!" he started the engine and went off.
Meanwhile, Taec reached his condominium first. He made his way to his bedroom but stopped when he saw the two invitations Minjun left at his table. He picked it up and flipped it open.
"Two invitations... One for my partner, one for me. Idiots. Who the hell would I ask?!" he scowled. Then his eyes moved towards Amber's bedroom. 
Chance went straight to his shower and let the icy water splash his face. He's feeling happy and at the same time, nervous. He wrapped himself up after taking a bath and glanced at his two invitations. Then he picked his phone and looked at his wallpaper. Should he ask her...?
"Aachhoo!" Amber sneezed as she rolled over her bed. Nothing was bothering her right now, all she wanted is to sleep. "Inter-college night huh? I guess I'll be spending a whole night here by myself then. If Lee brat will attend, that is." then she closed her eyes to sleep.
How very wrong she was.
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"when she was a girl" updated! ^___^


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Chapter 23: I loved this fic and the ending even though it's sad was amazing!!
sleepylips #2
the last part is too funny! XD
sleepylips #3
Richahpatel1224 #4
Chapter 23: Omfg!!! The ending is soo depressing, why is she gone????? Noo! Authornim, you made me cry!!!
xxcindyxx1 #5
Chapter 23: Sad ending, but hopefully the sequel is of her finally being able to live happy as a girl. eeeppp can't wait for it! i loved this story :)
Chapter 23: Is amber die??? Or she isn't, since u write the sequel