chapter 8

i'm falling and i like it


Charlotte POV

            Music class was fun. Me and the guys were concentrating on making a good song while having fun. Nichkhun seemed really nice to me after the water incident. It makes me very happy…after music class, science was next. I started feeling dizzy, but maybe it’s because I’m still sleepy.

            ‘ hey, you okay?’ Nichkhun asked me in english.

            ‘ yup… we should hurry. Science’s going to start soon.’ I answered back while power walking with him.

In science, the teacher kept talking about the human body, which I’m very interested into. I took lots of notes, since I want to be a pediatrician in the future. Suddenly, my head started aching again and I started sneezing. I kept slapping my head to get rid of the pain, but nothing happened. It got worst and I started shutting my eyes. I got dizzier and dizzier too. I put my head down and tried calming down. Everyone else was asleep and having their heads on the table. The teacher didn’t mind that. At least we all got average to good grades on our exams. I took long breaths in and out. I started sweating and felt really cold. I can feel Nichkhun looking at me, but I just let it go. I think that the pain will end soon, so I just waited.

            ‘ dude… what’s wrong?’ he asked.

I didn’t know what he was asking so I just nodded.

            ‘ Songsaenim, Charlotte’s not feeling well. Can I take her to the clinic?’ he suddenly asked.


I nudged him in the elbow and looked at him.

            ‘ ya! I’m fine idiot!’ I whispered to him.

            ‘ no you’re not. you’re sweating even though it’s 16 Celsius in here and you’re forehead’s burning up. you’re eyes are teary and red. You are sick.’ He whispered back.

            ‘ oh sure Nichkhun. No wonder her head’s on the table. Miss Dae never sleeps in my class. Thank you Nichkhun.’ The professor answered back.

Some of the girls in class was jealous, especially Kyungri. Oh did I tell you that she moved to this class a couple days ago? Well, I can’t believe with a brain like hers, someone could actually move to this class. It must be her wealth and bribery…so predictable.

Nichkhun gave a smile started to drag me from my seat. When we were out of the classroom, I pulled my hand out of his.

            ‘ YA! I’m fine! Just a little sleepy. I don’t need to go to the clinic…’ I told him in English. I was getting used to talk to him in English since it’s easier for me to communicate with him. I’m slow at Korean and since he’s fluent in English, I rather talk to him in English.

Nichkhun just shook his head and suddenly carried me on his shoulders.

            ‘ Yaaaaa!! Put me down!! I don’t wanna go to the clinic!!’ I semi-shouted at him.

            ‘ shhhhh!! You’ll disturb other classes with that big voice of yours. And it’s easier to carry you then dragging.’ He answered back.

            ‘ at least let me walk… I’m heavy!! you’ll be tired.’ I told him.

            ‘ are you worried about my strength miss cold hearted Dae?’ he smirked.

I became red. ‘ of course not.. well…. urm…gahhh!! Just put me down already!! You’re not strong enough!!’ I answered him shyly.

            ‘ oh, so now you’re assuming I’m weak?’ he pouted.

            ‘ duh.. considering the fact that you lost against me during the bball game.’ I told him proudly.

            ‘ that was the past! Now I’m stronger… and I’m going to show you that when we have another game together.’ He happily told me.

wow.. He’s so happy… another side I’ve never seen. Nichkhun has so much personality.

            ‘ just put me down… pleasee.’ I pouted.

            ‘ nope...’ He told me.

            ‘ please, oppaaaaa’ I tried using aegyo to me.

            ‘ … yo-your aegyo’s not go-gonna work on me.’ he stuttered.

I gave up and just let him do whatever he wants. We were just 10 minutes to the clinic since it was in the other building. My position was quite comfortable so I decided to sleep.


Nickhun POV

            This girl is so stubborn. Her pout was quite cute… and she called me oppa again!! Happy dance ^^ I was worried about her when she started to put her head down on the table. She was shivering and I could see her squinting her eyes. hope she’ll be okay… i kinda hesitated when I was carrying her. I thought that she would be heavy cause I never carried a girl before. Good thing she didn’t see me blushing. She was actually pretty, well very light. It was comfortable heavy her weight on my shoulders. When she called me weak, I was kinda annoyed. I’m not WEAK!! but I’m glad she worried about me.. it felt weird first cause I’ve never seen her worried before. This girl is so mysterious… Suddenly I felt that her weight was getting heavier. I looked up and saw he asleep. She looks so peaceful and like a baby… so cute. Her face was really close to mine and I wanted to close the gap between us… but I know she’ll kill me and hate me more… I’m trying hard to get close to her J. I heard small snores, which were cute. I’m gonna when she wakes up.. kekeke.


Charlotte POV

I felt the soft bed touching back. I carefully opened my eyes and saw the nurse.

            ‘ anyeong haseo.’ I said while sitting up.

Nichkhun pushed me down and told me to stay. He’s not gone yet?

            ‘ ah, miss Dae… have you been playing with water? You have a small fever and a light headache.’ She said.

I just nodded. Suddenly, I felt pain in my head. I squinted my eyes.

            ‘ ah.. here are some aspirins for you. Take them after you eat something okay? I have a meeting now and should be going. Are you fine being here alone?

            I nodded.

            ‘ um, I’ll look after her.’ Nichkhun suddenly said.

            ‘ oh well okay then. Thank you and Miss Dae, please rest until school ends okay? bye.’ The nurse waved goodbye and she was gone.

            ‘ khun, you don’t need to be here. Go to class! I can take care of myself. remember when I beat you in that science exam… you swore that you’ll get a better score, so go.’ I told him.

            ‘ aniya.. you can’t take care of yourself. You’re very clumsy and forgetful. And i can study later or get the notes later.’ He said.

            ‘ oh and I got you some kimbap. Eat now.’ He gave me the kimbap.

            ‘ thaaaanks.’ I told him.

I ate while talking to him. It was comfortable talking to him… we had so much things in common! I found out that his favorite color was red and told him mine. He teased me that him plus me equals to Christmas. I gave him a blank face, then laughed. After eating it, I drank the aspirins and started to feel drowsy.

            ‘ I see you’re getting sleepy. I’ll wait for you in the waiting room okay.’ he told me and was about to leave, but I grabbed his hand.

            ‘ Don’t go… just stay here.’ I fell asleep… not knowing what I said.



Nichkhun POV

            Her palms were really warm. She told me to not go. That was so not her, but who cares. I blushed a little when she grabbed my hand. Hers were small compared to mine. I took a chair and decided to sit next to her, out hands still together. Not long after, I fell asleep. 


An UPDATE!! YAY!! ^^

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Nichkhunieee #1
Are you giving up on this story?</3
itismerobyn #2
Chapter 19: update soon please!
sae-ra #3
Chapter 19: Update soon x_x
Nichkhunieee #4
Chapter 19: Happy birthday!!!!! Who's that girl?!!!?? Kyungri?? Khun was khunfused LOL!!!! HAHAHA
paquitz #5
Chapter 19: Happy birthday! Enjoy your day
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 18: Hahaha khun's want me to sleep with ya made me burst our laughing!!!! BUAHAHAHA gosh I love it!!!!!
alexanadiney #7
Chapter 17: Love the story!!! Heheh please update soon~
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 16: Chapter fic pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 16: chapter fic would be awesome (:
Nichkhunieee #10
Chapter 16: Yayyyy khunnie! I love you author-nimmmmmmmm!