chapter 15

i'm falling and i like it


Charlotte POV

            When we went back to the table, the guys were talking about random things and… girls. They were questioning Jinwoon oppa if he’s single or not. of course my oppa lied and said yes. Typical oppa ^^. They became moody and talked about random things. Nichkhun joined the conversation and I was all alone sitting in my seat while eating banana bread pudding. Since they weren’t eating their desserts, I ate theirs…. I’m just so hungryyyy.

            ‘ hey guys, want some desserts?’ oppa said and pointed to the empty table.

            ‘ what dessert?’ Chansung asked.

            ‘ there’s nothing crazy hyung.’ Wooyoung said.

then, Jinwoon oppa eyed me and knew that I ate them all. I just shrugged and avoided his eyes.

            ‘ well, nevermind…. We should get going now. Almost everyone is gone and it’s 1am in the morning.’ Jinwoon oppa said.

1am..???? oh freak.. tomorrow’s a school day.

            ‘ YAAA!! OPPA LET’S GO HOME NOW!’ I yelled at him and dragged him out.

2pm guys followed us out and called their driver to pick them up.

            ‘ why the rush?’ Jinwoon asked.

            ‘ tomorrow is a school day pabo… do you want your little sister to have no energy tomorrow??’ I said.

the 2pm guys forgot that tomorrow was a school day and told their driver to hurry up. My car was already there so I quickly ran towards it.

            ‘ urm.. bye guys.. see ya tomorrow.’ I said and gave a quick smile.

            ‘ byeeeee’ they smiled back.

When we were in the car, I was so tired. I fell asleep on oppa’s shoulder.


-next day-

            I woke up still tired from yesterday. I looked at the time and it was 7:30.. an hour till school start. Wait… why am I in my room? I don’t remember walking up to my room last night…sleep walk? Arhggg I don’t care. I quickly grabbed my uniform and took a quick shower. After 5 minutes, I was out and freshened up for the day. I grabbed my school bag and went down to eat breakfast.

            ‘ dongsaeng… did you have a nice sleep?’ oppa asked.

I just nodded and sat down. I grabbed some cereal and poured it on my bowl, along with some milk.

            ‘ hey, don’t eat so much.’ Oppa said.

            ‘ wae?’ I asked.

            ‘ because when I was carrying you last night, it felt like carrying 2 pigs.’ He teased.

            ‘ so what? And breakfast is the most important meal of the day.’ I said back.

He scoffed and continued eating.

After finishing my bowl of cereal, I grabbed my back and kissed oppa on the cheek.

            ‘ bye… see you later.’ I said and walked out the door.

He waved back and continued to read the newspaper.

As my car was heading towards the school, the weather outside was terrible. It was a mix of rain and very strong wind currents. I grabbed a coat from my bag and put it on.

            ‘ Ms… we’ve arrived.’ My driver said.

            ‘ oh thanks ahjusshi. Pick me up around 3 okay.’ I said and got out of the car.

As I stepped out, I could feel the cold wind sweeping my legs. Gosh… it’ freakin cold. I ran inside the building and straight to my locker. I took out all the books I needed for 1st-3rd period and went to homeroom. I sat at the back as usual and listened to some music.

            ‘ KYAAAA… 2PM!! SARANGHAEEE’ the girls in my classroom all screamed.

I looked up and saw them coming in and heading towards me. they smiled when they saw my face and waved hello. I ignored their hello and continued listening to my music while looking outside the windows.

            Suddenly, someone pulled my earphones out of my ear.

            ‘ hey.’ Nichkhun said.

I looked at him annoyingly and just simply nodded.

            ‘ Charlotte-ah… good morning.’ The others said.

I nodded.

As I looked closely at their faces, I saw that all of them have bags under their eyes.

            ‘ did you guys get enough sleep last night?’ I asked kind of worried.

            ‘ look at that.. you’re worried about these bags right?’ Minjun said as he pointed at his bags.

            I blushed at his rightness.. ‘ yeah sure watevs.’ I scoffed.

They chuckled and replied a simple yes.

The teacher walked in and the class fell silent. Role call started and everyone was here. After the bell rang, we all went to our next class. I had music next so I walked with the guys to the music room. Taecyon and I talked about anime and manga. I found out that we both liked SAO (Sword Art Online).

            When class started, the teacher told us to work on our group project.

            ‘ so guys.. what’s our theme again?’ I asked clueless.

            ‘ brokenhearted.’ Taecyon replied.

            ‘ why is it so…’ I stopped.

            ‘ what?’ Nichkhun asked.

            ‘ cheesy.’ I finished.

            ‘ well, that’s the easiest topic… I guess.’ Wooyoung responded.

            ‘ no it’s not.’ I said.

            ‘ why not? each of us have experienced being dumped or rejected before.. except for that guy.’ Wooyoung pointed to Nichkhun.

            ‘ yeah.. every girl wants to be with him and sometimes, he just can’t say no.’ Taecyon added.

Nichkhun’s that type of guy??....

            ‘ ya, I’m not like that.’ Nichkhun said.

            ‘ you are so like that!’ Wooyoung said.

            ‘ yeah khun.. face it. You’re a playboy like us.’ Taecyon winked.

I chuckled.

            ‘ how can he even be a playboy? He’s just so mean to everyone and his looks aren’t that great.’ I sort of lied.

Nichkhun is quite handsome… but his personality is a buzz kill.

            ‘ what do you mean? Are you stating that I’m bad looking?’ Nichkhun glared at me.

            ‘ I believe so.’ I said.

the two guys just chuckled.

            ‘ how bout you Charlote-ah? Have you ever been dumped or rejected or just broken hearted?’ Taecyon asked.

            ‘ sure.’ I replied.

            ‘ have you ever even dated?’ Nichkhun asked.

How does that guy know?! … well maybe once but I don’t think a month is dating really.

            ‘ of c-course I have.’ I lied.

            ‘ how many?’ Wooyoung asked.

            ‘ a-around… urmm..’ I tried stalling.

            ‘ zero or one?’ Nichkhun teased.

            ‘ whatever… guys! Focus on the project.’ I said.

they all chuckled.

            Taecyon started to compose the melody and rhythm, while I was trying to come up with lyrics. I has nothing honestly… Nichkhun tried to come up with something but nothing matched.

            ‘ Taec, it’s a slow song right?’ I asked.

            ‘ yup.’ He replied.

            ‘ oooh.. and I’m done!’ he said.

            ‘ let’s listen.’ I said. (suddenly 2pm piano v. :p)

            ‘ it’ so good hyung.’ Nichkhun said.

I agree. It was so beautifully sad..

            ‘ it’s only the piano… I’ll add other instruments later.’ Taec said.

            ‘ charlotte-ah.. did come up with the lyrics?’ Taec asked.

            ‘ hell no… it’s hard!’ I complained.

They all scoffed.

            ‘KRIIIING’ the bell rang signaling for us to go to our next class. For me, it’s Ballet ;).

            ‘ Charlotte-ah, what’s your next period?’ Taec asked.

            ‘ Ballet..’ I replied.

Whenever people find out that I take ballet, they’re always surprised for some reason.. can’t a girl take Ballet?!

            ‘ Ballet?!?! You dance Ballet!?!?’ Wooyoung asked shocked.

            ‘ of course… I took it since I was 3,’ I replied, ‘ it calms me down and gets rid of my stress.’

            ‘ so you’re good?’ Nichkhun asked.

            ‘ I guess..’ I replied.

            ‘ is there a concert later in the year?’ Nichkhun asked.

            ‘ I don’t know.. maybe.’ I replied.

            ‘ well then, we’ll watch it.’ He winked.

            ‘ please don’t… I .’ I said.

            ‘ we don’t careee’ Taec sang as they went outside.

Those guys are annoying… gosh.

The rest of the day was okay. there was a pop quiz in science and I think I aced it. Kyungri didn’t come to school so life was at peace today.

As I waited for my car, Jinwoon oppa text me.

            “ Dongsaeng, can you ask a friend to drop you home? The driver is busy doing errands and I’m in a meeting. I won’t get out till 5. Ask 2pm guys… or should I call Kyung Soo to pick you up? kekeke.. I’m sorry okay.. love you and see you at home.”

Aishhh… oppa!

            ‘ heyy’ Minjun oppa said from behind.

            ‘ oh, hi.’ I simply replied.

            ‘ waiting for your car?’ Junho oppa asked.

            ‘ well.. can I ask a favor from you guys?’ I asked.

            ‘ sure, what is it?’ Nichkhun asked.

            ‘ can you guys dro-

            ‘ hello sweetie.’ Kyung Soo said while hugging my back.

What the freak… I kicked his shins and got out of his grasps. The 2pm guys were quite angry when they saw him. And what is he doing here???!?!

            ‘ why are you here?’ I said coldly.

            ‘ just getting homework for my sister..’ he replied.

            ‘ anyways, can you guys drop me home? Oppa and driver can’t cuz they’re busy.’ I said to the 2pm guys.

            ‘ sur-

            ‘ why don’t I take you home?’ Kyung Soo offered.

            ‘ urm..n-

            ‘ she’ll be coming with us okay.’ Nichkhun said as he pulled me towards him.

I blushed a little..

            ‘ well her dad trust me more than you… you guys could be kidnappers or might her.’ Kyung Soo said back.

            ‘ We Are Not. and she trusts us better than you. and your face shows that you might do something to her.’ Junho said.

Kyung Soo pulled me towards him but Nichkhun grabbed my other hands to stop him.

            ‘ let go bastard.’ Kyung Soo said.

Did he call Nichkhun a bastard?... what the .

            ‘ No, you let go of him face.’ Nichkhun said.

omaigashhh he used his nickname to call him.

            ‘ why should i?’ Kyung Soo said.

            ‘ because I said so.’ Nichkhun replied.

            ‘ okay dude… how much do you want? 100k, 200k, 1mil? Name any price. Just give her to me’ Kyung Soo asked.

What the ?! Is he seriously trying to buy me? Does he even know who I freaking am!

            ‘ she is a human being douche head. She is not for sale and we won’t let her go!’ Chansung said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

            ‘ oh come on… I’m freaking rich and I can sue you for stealing what’s mine.’ Kyung Soo said.

oh that’s it.

            ‘ Look head, I am not YOUR property and I am a freaking human being! You can’t win me or my trust with your ing money.. Go to hell.’ I said coldly and kicked his nuts. I harshly pulled my hand away from him. He just screamed in pain. The 2pm guys were happy. Khun released his grip on me and smiled.

            ‘ your father’s not going to be happy Charlotte-ah.’ Kyung Soo said.

            ‘ why?’ I asked.

            ‘ because you just kicked you future bf/husband in the willy wonka.. we might not have children..’ he smirked.

The 2pm guys were furious… I could see why.

            ‘ yeah right… you are never going to be my future bf or even husband! I can get someone 100 times better than you.’ I said.

            ‘ no you can’t…. Charlotte-ah, please stop your childish act and let’s go home.’ Kyung Soo said and grabbed my hand again.

Just as I was about to be dragged away, Nichkhun tickled the guy on the side and grabbed my other hand. He then pushed me behind him.

            ‘ what the hell do you think you’re doing bastard?’ Kyung Soo asked.

            ‘ Stop calling him bastard and leave us alone now!’ I screamed at him.

            ‘ oh come o-

            ‘ Leave her and us alone or you might not be returning home.’ Taecyon said as he cracked his knuckles.

Kyung Soo was a bit scared since he isn’t that fit and muscled.

            ‘ Are you sure you want to go home with them?’ he asked.

            ‘ hell yes.’ I simply said.

            ‘ now go before I kill you.’ Taec said.

With that he scoffed and walked away. The 2pm guys all circled around me.

            ‘ what the hell is his problem?’ Wooyoung asked.

            ‘ Why does he keep doing that????’ Minjun asked.

            ‘ can’t I kill him and not go to jail?’ Taec asked.

            ‘ Are you okay??’ Junho asked.

            ‘ Does anything hurt?’ Chansung asked.

They kept questioning me except Khun. He just kept holding my hand tightly… so warm.

            ‘ hey guys, we should go home now… and give her some space will you.’ Khun finally talked.

            ‘ yeah, let’s go home. Kaja.’ Minjun said and we started to walk to their car.

While we were walking, khun kept holding my hands. I felt happy inside.

            ‘ Charlotte, you okay?’ he asked in English.

            ‘ I’m fine…but he grabbed me really hard the second time.’ I said while shaking my arms.

            ‘ let me see.’ He said and took my other arm, examining it.

            ‘ it’s really red… you should treat it when you get home.’ He said.

I nodded.

            ‘ didn’t I say yesterday to not let him do that to you?’ he worriedly asked.

            ‘ I know… but he attacks surprisingly.’ I replied.

            ‘ I know… I should protect you next time he does that, or I’ll seriously kill him’ Nichkhun said. I didn’t catch the last part though…

            ‘ we’ve reached the car! Get in~’ Minjun said.

they let me get in first, then khun, then the rest. As Minjun oppa was driving, I felt really sleepy.

            ‘ I bet you’re tired… just sleep. We’ll wake you up when we arrive.’ Taec said.

I nodded and slept.


Nichkhun POV

            As she slept, her head fell to my shoulders exposing her cute peaceful face. She was snoring.. again and was smiling. I wanted to really pinch her cheeks or even well, kiss her. Some of the guys were asleep too.

            ‘ khun.. she looks so peaceful when she sleep.’ Taec said.

I nodded.

            Suddenly, her smile turned into a frown. Her forehead was starting to sweat. And she was breathing quickly.

            ‘ Ya, what’s wrong with her??’ Taec asked worriedly.

            ‘ I don’t know…’ I said… not knowing what to do.

            ‘ YA! Wake her up!!’ Minjun hyung said.

I shake her shoulders harshly until she finally woke up.

            ‘ W-what…’ she said. I could see her eyes were wet.

            ‘ are you okay?’ Taec asked.

She was silent for a moment then sighed.

            ‘ oh I’m fine… are we there yet?’ she asked. She was still breathing weirdly, but calmer than before.

‘ not yet.. just keep sleeping okay?’ Minjun said.

            ‘ okay…’ she said and slept again.

Well that was weird… I guess I have to watch out for her more.


Forgive me for not updating!!! I've been busy... This update is quite long so ENJOY ~

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Nichkhunieee #1
Are you giving up on this story?</3
itismerobyn #2
Chapter 19: update soon please!
sae-ra #3
Chapter 19: Update soon x_x
Nichkhunieee #4
Chapter 19: Happy birthday!!!!! Who's that girl?!!!?? Kyungri?? Khun was khunfused LOL!!!! HAHAHA
paquitz #5
Chapter 19: Happy birthday! Enjoy your day
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 18: Hahaha khun's want me to sleep with ya made me burst our laughing!!!! BUAHAHAHA gosh I love it!!!!!
alexanadiney #7
Chapter 17: Love the story!!! Heheh please update soon~
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 16: Chapter fic pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 16: chapter fic would be awesome (:
Nichkhunieee #10
Chapter 16: Yayyyy khunnie! I love you author-nimmmmmmmm!