chapter 6

i'm falling and i like it


Charlotte POV

            When I got out of the bathroom, students from my class started to crowd in the gym. It was PE class so everyone got changed into their normal PE uniform. The game I had earlier was a great warm up! I can’t believe I won against him and I also can’t believe that he was so nice to me.

            The coach told us that we were going to play a game of dodge ball. My team consist of half the 2pm boys ( Taecyon, Junho, Chansung) and some other kids. Kyungri and her friends were in the opposite team with the rest of the 2pm guys. The game started slowly, but when one person was out, the gym turned into a war zone. The girls were trying to hide from the attacking balls except Kyungri who was holding tight to Nichkhun and Wooyoung. Nichkhun tried to push her off, but she just holds on tighter. I decided to end his misery and threw a ball right to her stomach area. She shrieked and fell down. No one really paid at her until she started fake crying. Some guys went to her, but the others just kept playing. Nichkhun threw a ball at me and I caught it. To tell you the truth, that throw was pretty hard, but I tried not to show it. I passed it to Chansung and told him to throw it a khun. He did as I said and khun was out. At first, he looked at Chansung, but then Chansung pointed at me, which caused him to glare at me. I just playfully stick my tongue out. His expression softened. At the end, my team won and Taecyon, Chansung, and I high-fived each other.

            ‘ You were awesome Charlotte!’ they both said.

            ‘ I couldn’t have done it without you oppas’ I said.

They stared at me like I did killed someone and started to hug me and pinching my cheeks. I pushed them away and they still smiled at me like a lunatic.

            ‘ You called us oppa, Charlotte!! FINALLY’ they screamed in unison.

I didn’t know I said that and blushed really hard. The rest of the 2pm guys came and asked what happened.

            ‘ She called us oppa for the first time!!’ Taecyon said.

The guys were surprised including Nichkhun, but then his shock turned into a frown.            

            ‘ say it again!! For us!’ Minjun said.

            ‘ N.O’ I clearly stated and headed to the bathroom.



Nichkhun POV

I can’t believe she called them oppa…  I want to be called that too… but she called me that first earlier when we played bball.. yay! Me first!!  wait.. no no no khun! Don’t fall for her, don’t be so crazy happy… but it doesn’t hurt too like her right?  Wait no…!! so confusing…


Charlotte POV

After I changed, someone pulled my arm and dragged me to a small garden on the roof. When I saw whom it was, Nichkhun smiled at me. I awkwardly smiled back and said hi.

            ‘ what do you want?’ I asked in soft tone. Not in the mood of pissing him off.

            ‘ nothing… I just wanted to know if you hate Me.’ he said

that was a weird question.

            ‘ um.. I did, but I don’t think I do know.’ I honestly answered.

He smiled that put his hand in front of me to shake.

            ‘ well then, let’s start fresh. Put all those horrible memories we had behind.’ He said.

I wasn’t sure if I could trust him, but something told me just to go along. I started fell happy inside. Sure I hated him, but I guess I want to be friends with him know. My gut says it’s a good thing. I smiled and nodded.

            ‘ hi I’m Nichkhun’ he said with a rare sincere smile.

I was mesmerized for a second and then said

            ‘ hi, I’m charlotte.’

The bell rang and I needed to get to class. I wanted to a bit and said

            ‘ I have to go now. By Nichkhun oppa. And don’t forget the lunch! ’

Nichkhun POV

Did she just call me oppa again? Omaigatttt… my heart feels so giddy inside. And she added my name! So frickin happy


Charlotte POV

It was time for lunch and I decided to finish my math homework since I forgot to do it. I stayed in class and started working on it. Suddenly, some people walked in and slammed my desk.

            ‘ YA. Didn’t I say to stay away from those boys? They’re ours . And stop hanging out with Nichkhun.’ Kyungri said.

I looked up and saw that her posies were with her too. Urgh.. more drama.

            ‘ first of all, I did stay away from them but they just kept annoying me. secondly, they don’t belong to you, and thirdly, don’t call me a . Oh and why should I even do what you say’ I said with a hint of sarcasm.

These girls were starting to get on my nerves. Do they want me to break their plastic faces? God, leave me aloooone.

            ‘ how can we not call you a if that’s what you are. Now, I will say it again nicely as a warning: stay away from those boys.’

            ‘ or what? You’re gonna cry and run to them and tell them lies or you’re gonna try to beat me up which you can’t cause ur so weak.’ I said back.

Kyungri was fuming by that statement.

            ‘ shut up! those guys are just being close with her because they want to play with you. Using you for their own satisfaction. And also, they pity you cause ur poor. See how kind they are towards you!??!’ a girl said behind Kyungri.

Me poor? Hah! But, ….playing with me? What does that even mean…

            ‘ your point is?’ I asked.

            ‘ basically, they’re just using you an messing with you to lessen their bordem in this school. That happened to us last year. And now they’re just playing you like a puppet. Nichkhun just wants to play you around’ Kyungri said with a smirk.

Is that true? They’re annoying me because of that? Just as I was about to trust them and being nice to them, this happens. This is the exact reason why I don’t like being attached. It hurts when something bad happens.

            ‘ I see that you’re shocked by this… since i’m nice, I want the best for you.  You won’t get hurt if you stay away from them.’ Kyungri faked smile.  Nice my .

Of course I will. Just to think that I was about to trust them… I grabbed my things and head to my locker. Little did I know, the girls were laughing behind me.

            When I reached my locker, I saw a picture of my mother… how I miss her… a tear dropped from my eyes as I remembered her.  Umma, I miss you so bad. Why do I have to get attach to peopleso quick?? Help me…


School ended so quickly and I wanted to just quickly go home without the boys seeing me. the words kyungri said kept repeating in my head. “they’re just using you” When I was about to go the lobby area, someone grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to a class room.

            ‘ Ya, why are you avoiding us again? I thought we were okay… And why did you skip lunch? I bought you food already. ’ Nichkhun asked as the others nodded.

            ‘ none of your business’ I barked back.

            ‘ don’t be hard headed and tell us what’s wrong. You were happy earlier before lunch. ’ Minjun said.

            ‘ well, if you people could stop toying with me and leave me alone so those girls won’t bother me, then I might just be happy.’ I said without thinking.

Oh crap…

            ‘ what do you mean toying with you you? We’re not toying with you. And we’ll tell those girls to back off.’ Taecyon replied.

            ‘ but kyungri said-

            ‘ what did she say to you?’ Nichkhun asked worried.

I wanted to know the truth so I jus told them what she said.

            ‘ that is not true! We are not using you and playing with you. Don’t believe her.’ Junho said as he patted my shoulder. I wanted to back away, but my feet won’t move.

For the first time in my life, I trusted what they said and didn’t talk back. My heart says that they’re telling the truth.

            ‘ really?’ I asked in a relieved tone.

            ‘ YeS!’ they shouted in unison.

I felt relieved that they’re not using me. I liked the comfortableness. I liked their company. That simple ‘yes’ warmed my heart. It’s been a long time since I felt this. I don’t think that I’ll open up more because I still don’t want to get attached and get hurt. I won’t tell them anything else from now on, but who knows? Maybe something unexpected will happen to me that’ll change me… no way. They all hugged me and said that they love my company and happy that I’m starting to open up with them. I nodded in agreement, and started to feel the love I’ve missed so much.

            Umma… did you send 6 angels to protect me and give me love? if you did, I am truly grateful…












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Nichkhunieee #1
Are you giving up on this story?</3
itismerobyn #2
Chapter 19: update soon please!
sae-ra #3
Chapter 19: Update soon x_x
Nichkhunieee #4
Chapter 19: Happy birthday!!!!! Who's that girl?!!!?? Kyungri?? Khun was khunfused LOL!!!! HAHAHA
paquitz #5
Chapter 19: Happy birthday! Enjoy your day
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 18: Hahaha khun's want me to sleep with ya made me burst our laughing!!!! BUAHAHAHA gosh I love it!!!!!
alexanadiney #7
Chapter 17: Love the story!!! Heheh please update soon~
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 16: Chapter fic pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 16: chapter fic would be awesome (:
Nichkhunieee #10
Chapter 16: Yayyyy khunnie! I love you author-nimmmmmmmm!