
i'm falling and i like it


Nichkhun POV

            I can’t believe that girl. After cussing at me and calling all sorts of name, she decided to embarrass me and my friends in front of class. Urghh… she’s really gonna get it. What kind of devious plan do I have… hmmmmmmm… locking her in a basement? No, too easy. Throwing her into the ocean? Nope, she’ll die and I’ll go to jail. Using my wealth to blackmail her? Maybe… or I’ll just ask the fans to do something… I don’t know lah…

            After the bell rang, she quickly put all her stuff in her bag and ran out of the room. The boys and I ran after for whatever reason. I guess they wanted to confront her or something. I have no idea. We saw her heading towards her locker, so we followed. When we reached where she was, she looked up and I saw anger on her face. I guess our presence annoy her this much.

            ‘ what are you people doing here? Don’t you have class or something?’ she asked with a very cold tone.

            ‘ hi Charlotte! I want to introduce you some other guys.’ Taecyon said.

She stayed silent for a bit and slammed her locker door. Then, she cursed in English which Taecyon and I understand.

            ‘ after cursing in Korean, you decide to curse in English. Wow… you have cursing genes.’ I said trying to heat her up some more.

            ‘ applauds to you for noticing.’ She said ‘ and I know who those 3 are, okay.’

Taecyon thought she was just bluffing and told her to say our names. Since the bell was about to ring she quickly said

            ‘ Minjun, Junho, and Chansung right? Bye’ and ran away to class.  Wow, she’s fast.

We realized that we were late to so we ran to our next class.

            ‘ Hyung, why did we need to introduce ourselves? She’s just a fan girl like every other girl who just wants to play hard to get.’ I said.

            ‘ let’s just see khun. She doesn’t look like a fan to me though.’

I rolled my eyes. Our next class was science/chemistry/physics, which was close to where we’re standing. When we went in, the teacher told us we were late and appointed our seats. I sat next to a girl, while the other guys sat next to guys.

            ‘ okay class, today we will start by opening your text books to page 29.’

Oh yay…

            ‘ before that, so, incase you’re wondering who your lab partners are, they are the one’s you sit next to. I’ll give you 5-10 minutes to introduce yourselves.’

The girl was doodling something in her notebook and didn’t her what the teacher say. She looks familiar though… I saw that everyone was chatting with each other so I took her notebook away and she looked up… I couldn’t believe who I saw in front of me. that y girl Charlotte Dae again?!?! GOOOOOOSH! She looked up at me and her small smile turned upside down. She quickly took her earphones, transparent, and told me,

            ‘ give my book back, face.’


Charlotte’s POV

What the freak?!?!? I’m with that again??!?!? This day is getting worse by the minute!! And he  stole my freaking book! URGHHHHHH!!!!!!!

            ‘ YA! GIVE MY BOOK BACK YOU IDIOT.’ I said whisper-yelling.

Instead of giving it back, he flipped through the pages and stopped at something. Did my doodles attract his attention? Wow, I’m so NOT honored.

            ‘ what the hell is this?’ he pointed at a page. He turned it around and I saw that it was the ‘ I hate face and friends page.’

            ‘ its my doodles captain obvious.’

            ‘ is this how you treat your oppas?’ he said with a smirk. Urgh.. what kind of disgusting smirk is that. Taecyon’s smirk was way better.

            ‘ oh so you want me to call you oppa face?’

            ‘ of course not. getting called oppa by you is a disgrace.’

I rolled my eyes and tried to take my book back. He just holds on to it and looked at me.

            ‘ I take back what I said earlier… if you want your book back, please say “ Nichkhun oppa, please give my book back… pweaaaaase. You’re so awesome and handsome… at the same time”’

what?!? No way I’m gonna say that. Does this guy want me to die?!?

            ‘ hell no. now give my book back this instant!’ I said.

He just shook his head and looked at the board. I tried snatching the book from his hand, but failed. I didn’t want my pride to go down, especially if the cause was jerk .

            ‘ ok class, next week we will have a test. The things we will focus on today will be the main material for the test. So please take note on this presentation.’ The professor stated. Everyone whined.

Oh, God. I need my book?!?! Urgh…

            ‘ face oppa, give me back my book.’ I said trying to act a little bit nicer.

            ‘ that was not the words I wanted to hear. Say the correct ones, and I will give your book back.’ He said with a smirk.

Rather than saying those words, I just took a random piece of paper and took notes without him knowing. He kept glancing at me. when the bell rang, I quickly ran out of the class room and to the next class, ballet… it might seem weird for a girl like me to take that, but I enjoy ballet. J


Nichkhun POV

I tried making Charlotte say some sweet words to me, but surprisingly she didn’t. Does she want her notebook back? And isn’t she worried about the test next week? I am! Even though I look like a selfish idiot on the outside, I have a big brain in the inside! ^^ Next period is dance class. My friends and me took hip hop/ break dance. Urgh.. my body still aches from the accident earlier… oh mentioning that accident, what dance did  miss cold hearted blame on everyone Charlotte take… wait, why should I even care. Ha!

                                                            (After dance Class)


Charlotte POV

Ahh… nice relaxing ballet. Next is… lunch YAY! FOOOOOOOOD!!! I skipped happily to the cafeteria and lined up to buy some food. I decided to have a nice turkey sandwich. I chose a nice empty table near the window. The cafeteria here’s indoors so no need to worry about flies and mosquitoes. As I’m eating, I see the so-called 2pm heading towards the cafeteria. All the girls in the cafeteria started to scream and passing out. ‘Wow’ I thought to myself, ‘ they’re quite popular here, but only amongst the girls.’ They started to walk in one by one and a crowd of girls headed their way. They just coolly walked towards my table… waiiiit MY TABLE?!??!?! CRAAAAAP. Time to escape…

            ‘ CHARLOTTE… how are you? It’s been so long…’ Taecyon said.

            ‘ shut up, its only been 2 periods. Oh, and please stay away from me from now on and focus on your fan girls. They seem to desperately get your attention. It’s a pity to look at them like this.’

            ‘ Whyyyy? We want to talk to you’ Wooyoung asked with aegyo eyes.

            ‘ stop dong aegyos! And it’s cause people like you are annoying brats, so bye’ I said and started to walk away.

I can see that some of the girls were shocked to see someone brave enough to talk off 2pm. Some of them even wanted to come up to me and yell at me.. but why should I care.

‘ Ya, stop acting all y again. Why don’t you have a chat with us oppas.’ Nichkhun said while smirking.

Some of the girls fainted and squealed because of his smirk.

            ‘ *scoff* stop calling me that and I’m just going to waste my time talking to you lame idiots.’

All jaws dropped.

            ‘ HEY YOU! Don’t talk to them like that! They’re not idiots, they’re 6 charming incredibly awesome hot kind princes.’ A girl who seems to be Kyungri said.

I just burst into laughter at what she said. Charming? Hot? Kind? Princes my .

            ‘ oh come on. They’re a disgrace to humanity. One of them is nothing close to your description. Oh btw, you have something on your face.’

She let out a small shriek while she checks her self on a make up mirror. There was a small stain of curry on her left cheek. The cafeteria became silent after what I said. Some of the guys started to smile and nod. Some of them gave me weird looks. The 2pm boys especially were owned. I just let a small chuckle and walked to the next class.










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Nichkhunieee #1
Are you giving up on this story?</3
itismerobyn #2
Chapter 19: update soon please!
sae-ra #3
Chapter 19: Update soon x_x
Nichkhunieee #4
Chapter 19: Happy birthday!!!!! Who's that girl?!!!?? Kyungri?? Khun was khunfused LOL!!!! HAHAHA
paquitz #5
Chapter 19: Happy birthday! Enjoy your day
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 18: Hahaha khun's want me to sleep with ya made me burst our laughing!!!! BUAHAHAHA gosh I love it!!!!!
alexanadiney #7
Chapter 17: Love the story!!! Heheh please update soon~
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 16: Chapter fic pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 16: chapter fic would be awesome (:
Nichkhunieee #10
Chapter 16: Yayyyy khunnie! I love you author-nimmmmmmmm!