chapter 17

i'm falling and i like it


My alarm woke me up and thank god it did. I was having another nightmare… it was similar to the one I had on the car the other day. I looked at the time and I had an hour before school start. I took a quick shower, put on my uniform, and went downstairs.

            ‘ good morning sis.’ Jinwoon said.

I gave him a blank wave and sat down.

            ‘ so… how’s your sleep?’ he asked.

            ‘ it was okay.’ I lied.

He smiled at me and read the newspaper.

After finishing my cereal, I watched a bit of the news while putting on my shoes.

            ‘ oh.. btw, can you go home with the guys again? Dad needs the car and the other driver’s sick.’ Jinwoon asked.

            ‘ sure… can’t I just walk home?’ I asked. I didn’t feel like being stuck in a small place with those boys again. I might fall asleep again and have that nightmare.

            ‘ of course not chaerim. It’s dangerous for a girl like you to be walking alone on the streets.’ He replied.

            ‘ what? Yah, I am 1000% sure that I would return home safe and sound.’ I assured him.

He shook his head and gave a glare.

            ‘ it’s still a no no. I don’t want anything to happen to you.. even if you’re 1000% sure, which you’re not.’ he said.

I fake sighed.

            ‘ fine, fine. Oh.. I’m late. Bubai~’ I said and went outside.

That brother of mine won’t know if I go home by myself right? It isn’t like he would keep track of where I go… it’s settled then.

When I reached school, I felt a dark aura filling the school… the she devil must be here today. I quickly head to my locker and went to homeroom. Everyone was still chatting and I walk towards my usual seat. Suddenly, a hand slammed my desk. I looked up.

            ‘ hello princess…’ Kyungri mocked.

            ‘ oh hi peasent.’ I replied.

Everyone giggled. Anger was shown on her face.

            ‘ so I heard from my brother that you went home with 2pm yesterday.’ She said.

            ‘ so..?’ I asked annoyed by her presence.

She got closer to me and whispered in my ear.

            ‘ didn’t I tell you to stay away from them? You don’t want your life to be ruined right?’ she smirked.

            ‘ I don’t care… and there is no way that I’m not gonna let you ruin my life .’ I whispered back.

She backed up and her eyes were on fire. She was about to punch me when someone interrupted.

            ‘ stop and move.’ Khun said from behind.

Everyone looked at him. Kyungri was scared.

            ‘ o-oh op-ppa… didn’t see you there… well.. bye!’ she said and ran out of the room with her girls.

Khun sat next to me and sighed.

            ‘ did she do anything?’ he asked concerned.

I shook my head and looked at the window… the weather’s nice today.

I heard the other guys arriving and taking their seats. After a couple of minutes, the teacher walked in and started the class.

            it was now time for lunch and I was superrrrr hungry. I quickly walked to the canteen and ordered a chicken sandwich. Then, I went to the garden and sat on a bench near the pond and ate my lunch.

            ‘ well, hello there~’ Kyungsoo said, scarring the out of me.

            ‘ h-holy crap!’ I said as I chocked on my sandwich.

He gave me water and I drank it rapidly.

            ‘ omo~ indirect kiss!’ he said joyfully.

I gave him a ‘dafuq’ look.

            ‘ what the hell are you doing here?’ I asked annoyed.

He put his arm around me.

            ‘ I just wanted to see you~’ he said.

I was disgusted.

            ‘ okay.. please take your arms off me before I break them.’ I said angrily.

He chuckled and release his grip.

            ‘ you didn’t get hurt nor by those beasts right???’ he asked comcerned.

            ‘ no and shut up.’ I replied.

For 30 minutes, he just sat beside me while humming random songs. Even though I hate this dude, I have to admit that his voice is awesome. And I kind of like it..

When the humming stopped, I looked at him and he had his infamous O.O expression. I looked at where he was looking and saw the 2pm guys giving him a deathly glare.

            ‘ didn’t we tell you to stay away from her?’ Taec asked angrily.

            ‘ yah.. he didn’t do anything. Let it go.’ I said.

The guys gave me a disbelief look. When I realized what I just said, I was shocked myself.

            ‘ woa.. you’re defending him?’ Wooyoung asked.

            ‘ yeah.. you’re defending me?’ Kyungsoo asked. Even he himself was shocked.

I just shrugged. I didn’t know what to say.

            ‘ OMG!! There is still a chance for me~’ he sang joyfully.

I kicked his shins.

            ‘ whatever.. bye.’ I said and walked away. Kyungsoo screamed a loud bye and walked the other way. The 2pm guys were left dumbfounded. After a couple of minutes, they followed me.

            ‘ chaerim… you’re in good terms with him?’ Chansung asked.

            ‘ well.. he wasn’t touchy so it’s okay I guess. Honestly, he’s a nice guy.. I just hate his sister.’ I shrugged.

The guys let it go and followed me to the next class. I have a feeling that Khun was starrng at me for the whole time.


After school was done, I quickly grab some books from my locker and went out of the gates. Oppa didn’t text me to go with 2pm so I guess I won’t.

            ‘ chaerim-ah..!!’ I heard Kyungsoo yell at me.

            ‘ what?’ I asked.

            ‘ are you going home alone? You need a ride? I can take you!’ he said happily.

No effin way.

            ‘ uh… someone’s taking me home.’ I lied.

            ‘ who?’ he asked.

I looked around and saw nobody I knew… when I turned around, I saw khun walking out of he gates and ran to him. I dragged him back with me to where Kyungsoo was.

            ‘i-I’m going w-with him.’ I said huffing.

            ‘ oh okay then..’ Kyungsoo said sadly.

Khun was khunfused. (hehehe)

            ‘ well bye then chaerim-ah~’ kyungsoo said as he walked away.

I sighed and looked at the khunfused khun.

            ‘ dafuq.was.that?’ he said.

            ‘ well, i-I urm.. .’ I said as I started to walk away. It’s dark and I need to walk home alone.. aish

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand. Woa… his hand’s warm. W-why is my heart beating so fast???

            ‘let me walk you home.. it’s dark and it’s dangerous for a girl like you to walk alone… a-and I need t-to talk to hyung.’ He lied, his face turning a bit red.

I nodded and looked away since I, myself am blushing.

            We walked for a few minutes and I felt someone’s hands holding mine. I looked down and saw that our hands were still together.

            ‘ h-hey..let go of my hand.’ I said blushing hardly.

He looked down and blushed too… but didn’t let go. he held it tighter.

            ‘ I don’t wanna… this is your punishment for asking me to walk you home.’ He smirked.

            ‘ HEY! I didn’t force you to walk with me! You offered..!’ I exclaimed.

            ‘ but I know you’re a bit scared of walking home alone.. and hyung text me about you not having a ride home’ He said while putting his tongue out.

I looked away and he smirked.

I just let him continue holding my hands while we walked towards my house.

            As we passed a mini market, I bumped into a girl who was pushed my the store owner.

            ‘ get out and stay out!’ the owner yelled and shut his door.

I immediately crouched down and help the girl.

            ‘ are you okay?’ I asked while helping her stand up.

she hid her face and cried.

            ‘ w-what’s wrong?’ I asked concerned.

Khun was picking up her stuff from the ground.

            ‘ i-I was t-trying to tell the store o-owner t-to not yell at the worker for being so careless. I g-guess he guy had a short temper and fired the worker. I yelled at the owner and he pushed m-me out.’ She said as she sobbed.

            ‘ the worker got fired b-because of m-me.’ she cried harder.

i hugged her and let her cry on my shoulders. People who cry are my weakness.. I can’t help but to comfort them.

After she finished crying, I gave her a tissue and she looked up. the smile I had suddenly vanished. When I saw her face, I couldn’t believe it.

            Quick update before i go celebrate my b'day~~ Happy b'day to moi~~ hope u guys enjoy =]

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Nichkhunieee #1
Are you giving up on this story?</3
itismerobyn #2
Chapter 19: update soon please!
sae-ra #3
Chapter 19: Update soon x_x
Nichkhunieee #4
Chapter 19: Happy birthday!!!!! Who's that girl?!!!?? Kyungri?? Khun was khunfused LOL!!!! HAHAHA
paquitz #5
Chapter 19: Happy birthday! Enjoy your day
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 18: Hahaha khun's want me to sleep with ya made me burst our laughing!!!! BUAHAHAHA gosh I love it!!!!!
alexanadiney #7
Chapter 17: Love the story!!! Heheh please update soon~
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 16: Chapter fic pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 16: chapter fic would be awesome (:
Nichkhunieee #10
Chapter 16: Yayyyy khunnie! I love you author-nimmmmmmmm!