
Ignorance is Bliss (The Secrets We Keep Inside)


Sitting in Japanese class, Vera has problems paying attention in class, which is surprising because it was one of her favorite classes of the day. The boy from earlier kept playing in her mind. As she remembered his sweet smile and his loveable bowlcut, she searched through her mind to see if she ever got his name....which she hadn’t. “Danggit,” she whispers.

“Vera-san?” her teacher, Ms. Suzuki, asks, seemingly worried.

“すみません(sumimasen), Suzuki-sensei,” she says quickly before writing down notes.

Walking to her house, Vera thinks to herself about the day. Despite her better efforts, the girl had thought about the alluring boy for most of the day. He hadn’t made it better by being in 4 of her class, and in all but one of them, he sat in her proximity. “Oh look, there you are again,” he remarked as she breezed past him to her seat. The girl continued to wonder why today was her first day seeing him when she is glomped. “Yah!” she yells, turning to glare at the wrongdoer.

“Vera~~!” the petite girl hugs Vera again, forgetting how much her friend hated hugs.

“Chaerin, hi,” Vera says, stiffly, as she resists the urge to hurl her friend to the other side of the world.

“Vera, are you ok?” she asks, finally letting her friend go as she observes her.

“Of course, why?” Vera continues to walk, following her friend.

“You look like you’re thinking something over,” seconds later, “Tell me!”

Vera gives her a glare. “To think you’re older than me.”

Chaerin giggles and walks closer to her friend. “Now tell me.”

“Just mad at myself about something that happened today.”

“What happened?” a curious look appears on her face.

“Just a bit angry at myself. It’s nothing,” she says, quickening her pace.

“About what?” she asks, when suddenly, she flashes her a devious smile. “Is it a boy?”

Vera stays silent, but walks faster.

“It is! Tell me!” she says, struggling to keep up with her friend’s disproportionately long legs.

“Bye Chaerin!” Vera yells, running home.

“NO~~! TELL ME~!”

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aww! thanks so much! i'll be uploading again shortly. :)
Kitty16 #2
Chapter 31: HERMAHGERSH I REALLY DO POVE LOVE LOVE YOUR STORY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR I READ THIS ALL IN ONE NIGHT NOW IT IS NOW 0700 and I am dead tired well thanks for writing something I could read thouraly for a few hours ^^!
Adriannahope #3
Chapter 13: Amazing as always!
Adriannahope #4
Chapter 9: Amazing! Can't wait for the update!
MV1004 #5
Chapter 6: Johda! I love vampire stories
Can't wait for the sequel. Hwaiting!