Chapter 8

The breaking of a concept


"And what if I am?" Youngjae crossed his arms and stared at the older male.


"Then I must ask if he's in love with you too" Bang's eyes dropped to the floor after hearing the blonde's answer.


"What would you say if I told you yes to this question as well?" the younger male seemed annoyed.


"Then that would be okay"


"That's it? It's going to be okay?" Youngjae's harsh voice made the rapper glance up "Since when is Bang Yongguk a coward? Someone unable to fight for what he wants?"


Yongguk's eyes scanned the simple furnished room before setting to look at a painting on the wall. It depicted a little dancer, bending her body in a awkward angle. The red haired man stared at it long before gracing the other with an answer.


"Since he felt in love" his low voice was barely above a whisper but the blonde singer heared him and tilted his head to the side as if it would help him understand better "I love him Youngjae-ah, if you're the one that can make him happy then so be it. If not" his eyes moved to stare into the singer's "I'll do my best to be the person he wants me to be"


Youngjae stood there, with a shocked expression on his face, before smiling brightly remembering the moment when all this began.


~ * ~


Youngjae looked sadly at his friend and hyung. Himchan was sitting at the working table but instead of focusing on his asignment he was looking down with a sad expression on his face. Of course the blonde knew the cause of that look.


"You need to get rid of this crush you have on him before it starts affecting your studies hyung" he said with a sigh.


"It's not a crush and there's nothing I can do about it" Himchan seemed annoyed which was nature wrong. Himchan didn't get annoyed, he got moody at times but never like this, never bitter.


To put it simple Youngjae started to resent one of his other friends, a certain red haired rapper, for having such a strong negative effect on his happy-go-lucky best friend. Why would anyone love or rather be in love, with such a cold person as Yongguk was beyong the comphrensive abilities of the blonde singer.


A loud knock saved him the trouble of answering and thus starting another fight, fights which were becoming common seeing as Himchan got easier and easier to annoy with each day that passed.


"Good afternoon hyung!"


Himchan's eyes imediatly snapped towards the door. If little Junhong was here then maybe ...


After the front door closed Himchan's hopeful expression dimmed to a sad pout as only Junhong and Jongup entered the room.


"Oh, you're here too Himchan hyung"


Both boys rushed to say hi before dropping their bags on the floor.


"I should go ..." the black haired male stood up and looked around for his phone and keys.


"Nonsense hyung" all eyes in the room turned to the blue haired boy "We missed you, we never get to hang out together anymore"


It was true... Himchan started avoiding the boy when his feelings for the boy's older brother moved from a simple crush to something else. The strange thing was that the boy actually knew it. He knew Himchan liked his brother and sometimes when the three of them would be together he saw Junhong glance at him curiously ... as if he should just do something. Of course that never happened.


Himchan agreed to stay and went to the kitchen to grab snacks for the younger boys while the two opened their books and started working on homework with the help of their unofficial tutor.


It was odd ... seeing them together. They were like the moon and the sun. Jongup was the moon, Himchan smiled thinking it fit since it was the boy's name afterall, always silent, not shy but not eager for company either. He heared from Junhong, back when he asked how the two of them got together, that people used to bully his now boyfriend. They wanted to know how much would it take to make the boy upset, stop smiling ... from stealing his stuff to teasing and hitting. It was one of the few things that could make Himchan truly mad, remembering how some stupid kids thought that was okay, thought treating such a sweet child like Jongup was in that manner.


Junhong was different though. He was bright, everyone wanted to be his friend or be him. The boy was smart and kind untill something happened to trigger his slightly darker side. Himchan heared (this time from Yongguk) that Junhong broke a classmate's nose after the kid tried to push Jongup down the stairs. The rapper said he gave his brother the first and longest lecture ever but at the end Junhong looked him in the eyes and simply said 'I'd do it again'.


Himchan knew he was gay before he met the younger boys but it was different. He knew other gay people but they were different too. All his other friends had trouble maintaining relationships, they all seemed doomed to fail. When he saw the two boys together for the first time his heart ached. They were simply beautiful. Junhong would talk almost continuously while Jongup looked at him with a soft smile on his face, nodding once in a while. They walked holding hands and the blue haired teen had no qualms about stopping randomly and hugging his boyfriend even stealing kisses from time to time and giggling about it later.


Himchan looked at them now, sitting on the sofa. Jongup was sitting normally, at one end of the sofa while the other teen was half laying on him. They were talking softly and Junhong extended one of his hands to play with his boyfriend's hair while laughing loudly at something the other said. Jongup didn't talk often but when he did it was something worth listening.


"So, hyung, are you still avoiding brother?" Junhong asked turning towards him.


"No ... yes... maybe?" he answered while running a hand through his hair.


The boy laughed while Youngjae frowned.


"Stop encouraging him Junhong! Yongguk can't have a relationship with a girl much less with a guy" said the blonde.


"Then maybe that's the problem, he's not trying the right gender" snikered the youngest.


"Funny..." muttered Youngjae while


"I don't know what to do" Himchan said while looking down.


"Stop avoiding him for starters ..."


All three males looked at Jongup who was still smiling slightly.


"It hurts..." Himchan looked sad "seeing him with them"


All three other boys knew what Himchan was talking about. Yongguk's various girlfriends? That's not the proper term but will have to do ...


"I'm sure he likes you" Junhong's tone left room for no objections "He just doesn't understand it yet" The young boy frowned. "I've seen you two together, I'm certain of it"


"You just need to get in his pants once and get rid of this ... issue" said Youngjae. He totally didn't think young people understood the concept of love. In his mind they confused lust with love 99% of the time.


"Don't listen to him, you don't want to get in his pants!" said Junhong while making himself more comfortable in his boyfriend's lap.


"I don't?" pure confusion was written on Himchan's face.


"No, you don't" Junhong smirked "You want to make him want to get in your pants"


"How is that different?"


Junhong thought Himchan might be years older but was so much more innocenet. He petted his hyung's head "Oh but it makes all the difference hyung"


~ * ~


Everyone but Bang Yongguk could see his brother was a schemer. The boy might've once been all innocent and lovely but now most of his friends (and enemies) knew better.


Youngjae agreed to the plan because of one thing, and one thing alone. He wanted his friend happy. While he himself didn't care much for relationships he wanted to know Himchan was okay. And if this didn't work out... meaning if Junhong was wrong and his brother didn't feel anything for the slightly younger male then maybe this will show Himchan that he needed to move on.


They didn't plan the meeting at the restaurant, that was just a very lucky coincidence. But it seemed that did nothing to Yongguk so they decided (meaning Junhong decided) that another stronger push was necessary.


Yoo Youngjae is biual. In truth he believes love is love, it pays no mind to gender, social status, money or odds. If you fall in love for someone it can be anyone and your rational mind will have no say in it. So when Junhong asked him if he was okay with a kiss he said yes, if it meant a chance of making his friend better then why not?


It was awkward, for both of them, Youngjae didn't mind it much he just was unused to kissing, he kissed only one person before and that was some time ago. Himchan on the other hand was thinking it was wrong, kissing your best friend, who you're not even attracted to, to maybe get a reaction out of the person you truly like, the one you'd really want to be kissing.


The kiss was long, they needed to make sure Yongguk truly saw it. When they were sure the rapper spotted them (because why otherwise would he be pushing people right and left to make his way there) Youngjae grinned in victory because for the first time he saw what Junhong saw.


He expected Yongguk to push him out of the way and just grab Himchan and cause a scene so when he was face to face with his hyung there was a moment of silence, at least for him since the music was still pretty loud.


"May we speak?" Yongguk asked without glancing at Himchan.


Daehyun and a girl arrived a second later and Youngjae barely aknowledged them before nodding and telling Himchan to wait at the bar for a few minutes.


In this moment, looking straight in the eyes of Bang Yongguk, Youngjae knew he made the right choice going with Junhong's plan.


"So if you'd know you still have a chance, you'd take it?"


Youngjae knew that was maybe the last push the rapper needed.


"Damn straight I would"



A/N: -shifty eyes- okaaay so some of you totally saw this coming .. sad sad, I thought i wasn't being so obvious. So ... thoughts on this chapter?

Thanks for reading, subscribing and special love for all the comments <3

-skips away to update the Foreword with the aditional tags necessary-

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I'm almost done with the chapter guys, look forward to it later today or tomorrow :3


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Chapter 21: THIS WAS FANTASTIC. Author-nim,I think I'm in love with you.
Chapter 21: Great one (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Chapter 21: I can't recall how many times I've re-read this story... Marisse =] you are a godsend... I love this story immensely... so so so so much... I love it...

there should be more and like more more more =] I'm just saying =]
rushea26 #4
Chapter 21: Wonderful job. Looking forward to your other works.
Chapter 21: seriously.. this story.. gahh i love... I had an inkling to re-read this story because of Chapter 16- -- I LOVE THAT CHAPTER.. and THIS ONE TOO CHAPTER 21.. gahh I love this whole damn story... ugh I love it!!! it's just soooo good =] soooooo good =]
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 21: THAT WAS AMAZING <3
Chapter 21: owwwwwww I loved it! *w*
it was just... perfect! I read chapter after chapter *3*
you're amazing author-nim! <3
Chapter 21: nice ending! i love it! <3
thank you for the fic! ^^
Chapter 21: awesome au-nim,perfect for a wrap-up :D srsly amazing~n they move in tgt!!!yesss~~
tks for the lovely fic ^_^
lunarmystery #10
This was very sweet!! I look forward to your future projects :)