Chapter 14

The breaking of a concept


The restaurant they met at was small but despite that, the atmosphere was just comfortable and family like. Yongguk knew for a long time that this was his little brother's favorite place to eat out and now it seemed almost pointless to ask Junhong where he wanted to go have lunch. It was an italian place, one of the few in town, and it served, what the youngest of the group called 'the most awesome pizza ever!'


When Yongguk and Himchan arrived the others were there already. Jongup was talking quietly with the only waiter while Junhong and Youngjae were sitting quite close to one another talking in what looked like whispers.


They greeted each other with smiles and soft spoken words before ordering. It was so familiar and nice that no one realized how quick time passed. They were all engaged in a couple of conversations and the rapper could tell everyone at the table was having a good time.


It was almost 3 hours later when Yongguk quickly excused himself to the bathroom, apparently sipping his drink whenver he was trying to keep from staring at Himchan wasn't such a good idea.


He was about to return to the table and tell the others it was time to go home when he heared his brother's soft voice.


"So you're now avoiding him hyung?" Junhong seemed amused from what Yongguk could tell.


"I don't know what else to do!"


The elder immediately recognized Youngjae's voice and for a second he stood there unsure of how to proceed. If he was to leave the small hall that led to the bathroom he'd interrupt them and then it may get awkward. But if he was to stay there he'd feel like he's intruding.


"You could talk to him?"


Youngjae snorted and then a deep silence followed. Yongguk was almost ready to get back in the restaurant when the blonde spoke up again.


"I hate him for doing that"


The rapper frowned but before he could get out of the hall and question the two they already left the small bar and went towards the table.


Yongguk couldn't but wonder what was all that about but decided to just question his brother later.


"Oh hyung here you are" Junhong spoke up when he saw his brother approaching the table "Told you I need a lift to the studio and it's late"


"Of course" he replied smiling and ruffling the younger's hair slightly. "You're going to be headed to the university Channie?" he asked turning to his boyfriend who nodded in response.


"I'm going with Himchan hyung" said Jongup when his own boyfriend looked at him.


"And I'll be headed home" Youngjae's voice seemed normal but Yongguk could tell something was bothering him.


"I remember Daehyun telling me you two had a rehearsal today. Isn't it almost time for the presentation of the project?" asked Yongguk quite confused.


"I canceled" was the simple reply he recieved.


~ * ~


"Did something happen with Youngjae?"


Junhong broke into a grin. They were 15 minutes in their car ride and he had a fun little bet with himself over how much time Yongguk could avoid asking the question. Everyone who knew Yongguk was aware of the fact that the male wasn't the most caring person but if you were considered a friend in his book he'd defend the friendship to the end of the world.


"Daehyun cornered him in a dressing room and kissed him"


When the car came to an abrupt halt Junhong was quite happy he was wearing his seatbelt. He turned to watch his older brother and couldn't but laugh at the mixed feelings displayed on Yongguk's face. There was confusion, curiosity and a bit of anger.


"Daehyun did what?"


"As I see it he thought if Himchannie hyung could kiss Youngjae then he could too" was the only reply Yongguk recieved.


The elder's hands clutched the wheel tightly. He didn't like this. Daehyun was young and honestly quite immature and even though he didn't want people to know, Youngjae was easy to hurt.


"How are you and Himchannie hyung?"


Yongguk pushed the thoughts of Daehyun and Youngjae at the back of his head before focusing on his brother's question. He had meant to talk to him about it but didn't quite get the chance.


"We're.. normal"


Junhong laughed and Yongguk was unsure what was so funny.


"You're doing a very poor job as a boyfriend"


The rapper's eyes widened and he stole a glance at his brother.


"With all the girls you took them out and saw them often ... you're too far from Himchannie" continued the younger.


"I just don't want to scare him or .."


"You're making him think you don't care as much hyung... go do couple stuff"


To say Yongguk wasn't expecting the comment and Junhong's eyebrows moving in a suggestive way was an understatement.


"But I didn't want him to take him on same dates at .."


"Of course not hyung! That would be silly. How about a trip? Your parents still own the house in the north right? Near that resort?'


The idea didn't seem half-bad to Yongguk and a small smile made it's way to his lips. Yeah... that could be fun ...


~ * ~


A huge room filled with professors and assistens and students alike was enough to give anyone at least some nerves but Youngjae was oddly calm. He had spent the most of the past weekend avoiding all calls and texts from a certain light haired singer and instead spent it repeating his part of the song they were about to perform.


It was easy really, 3 minutes and 25 seconds and they would never have to see each other again. After the project evaluation and a few other similar presentations this week, they will have the end of term exams followed by a two week break. As Youngjae saw the matter, it was very likely for him and Daehyun to not have any classes together next term hence, no reason to see each other.


The blonde knew he had arrived late. They were the 24th out of 25 pairs to perform and when he got there the 23rd pair just finished their ballad. He spotted Daehyun instantly and somewhere deep in his heart felt a bit of regret over avoiding the other. The Busan singer was staring at him fiercely and if they weren't in a room full of people Youngjae might even be afraid but Daehyun wouldn't murder him with over two hundred witnesses right?


"Hey" Youngjae said casualy as he got near the window where only Daehyun and other two people stood.


"Hey? That's all you have to say to me?"


The blonde shivered. He had never heard Daehyun's voice get that low.


Fortunately for the smaller blonde they were called to get to the front as it was their turn. Throughout the song Youngjae was very careful to keep smiling and avoid Daehyun in any way possible.


It sounded good, even if they haven't rehearsed nearly as much as they should've but it sounded as if they had. He could swear he saw some girls in the audience go wide-eyed when Daehyun hit some high notes and somehow that made him think of Daehyun's relationship with a lot of girls..


He smiled when his teacher congratulated him and bowed respectfully to the audience before slipping out of the room. He knew results wouldn't take longer than 30 minutes but for once, he didn't quite care about the results.  




Hihi guys! See how fast updates come when I don't have to study? <3

So I'm going to explain just a liiiiittle bit of what silly Daehyun is thinking. He's not sure why but he feels attracted to Youngjae (which is okay because really, who wouldn't?) and he figured that if Youngjae was okay with kissing Himchan (since Daehyun doesn't know it was all a plot) he would be okay with kissing him too! Which of course is very silly of him .. if only he'd think about others' feelings as much as he thinks about food ... 

On to another topic... I'm starting a new B.A.P. fanfic!! I really want to write about them being a band and all that so it's decided. What I'm not really sure about is the pairing on which to focus... they're all so ... adorable ... 

I'll leave you guys a poll here to vote on who you want to see starring in the new fic. Feel free to leave comments about what you would like to see/wouldn't like to see (more drama? ? star life and issues?) 






You'll notice that Youngjae and Daehyun are not an option with anyone else because I just can't pull them apart... even if they won't be a couple in the story I just can't write any of them with someone else as main pairing... cannot do.. 

Remember this will be the MAIN pairing. 

This being said, thanks for reading, subscribing and most of all commenting <3 

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I'm almost done with the chapter guys, look forward to it later today or tomorrow :3


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Chapter 21: THIS WAS FANTASTIC. Author-nim,I think I'm in love with you.
Chapter 21: Great one (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Chapter 21: I can't recall how many times I've re-read this story... Marisse =] you are a godsend... I love this story immensely... so so so so much... I love it...

there should be more and like more more more =] I'm just saying =]
rushea26 #4
Chapter 21: Wonderful job. Looking forward to your other works.
Chapter 21: seriously.. this story.. gahh i love... I had an inkling to re-read this story because of Chapter 16- -- I LOVE THAT CHAPTER.. and THIS ONE TOO CHAPTER 21.. gahh I love this whole damn story... ugh I love it!!! it's just soooo good =] soooooo good =]
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 21: THAT WAS AMAZING <3
Chapter 21: owwwwwww I loved it! *w*
it was just... perfect! I read chapter after chapter *3*
you're amazing author-nim! <3
Chapter 21: nice ending! i love it! <3
thank you for the fic! ^^
Chapter 21: awesome au-nim,perfect for a wrap-up :D srsly amazing~n they move in tgt!!!yesss~~
tks for the lovely fic ^_^
lunarmystery #10
This was very sweet!! I look forward to your future projects :)