Chapter 15

The breaking of a concept



Daehyun is pissed. No, he's beyond pissed. How dare Youngjae do that to him? No one ever ignored him like that. And most certainly not after he kissed them.


What the hell was Youngjae's problem anyway? He was perfectly fine with kissing Himchan who, let's face it, was not that hot (at least in Daehyun's not-so-humble opinion) but not okay with kissing him?!


Fine so maybe, just maybe, it was the first time Daehyun saw the blonde with anyone but that didn't mean much considering Youngjae had no trouble just kissing Himchan even if the other liked Yongguk. Because he must've liked Yongguk otherwise the situation was even worse...


The chaos in his head was the reason why he was at a random club drinking himself silly. The whole rejection thing didn't sit well at all and it caused a very much unwanted reaction in Daehyun. He simply couldn't get involved with anyone. (besides Youngjae because he still wanted a kiss... hopefully longer and with tongue and maybe..)


The Busan singer had tried to make out with other people but girls just didn't manage to make him enough and the thought of being with a guy made Daehyun sick. Provided the guy wasn't Youngjae because if it was then he'd be just fine. Or maybe a bit more than fine really...


Three (or maybe five) glasses later Daehyun found new purpose. Make Youngjae talk to him. He paid and got out of the club in as much of a hurry as he could be in his current condition and made his way towards Youngjae's appartment. Slowly.


He was lucky because just as he got to the building door a girl just left, too much in a hurry to even care that a drunk guy entered the building behind her. Daehyun however didn't much care about his luck. He took the elevator up to the 3rd floor, because he couldn't really climb that many stairs, and smiled happily when he saw his blonde's door.


~ * ~


Youngjae was studying, as usual, even though it was already officially break time. He knew he didn't quite have anything else to do. If things went according to plan Yongguk should be already out of the city and far away with Himchan having fun. As for Junhong and Jongup they were out on a date and even though Junhong insisted he could bring someone else, maybe sort of a blind date for Youngjae, the blond denied the offer.


Youngjae honestly felt hurt. He didn't often get the chance to make friends. People either saw him as too hard to approach or more often than not, just someone that could help them with various stuff out of the kindness of his heart. His closest frind was Himchan but now that the silly raven haired boy finally got together with his long time crush, Youngjae found himself feeling lonely often.


That was one of the main reasons Daehyun's act hurt him. How dare he think he could just kiss him like that, like he was one of his random one night stands! Sure, he had kissed Himchan but that was more of giving some help to his friend rather than a ual act.


In Youngjae's book, it was worth way more to be Jung Daehyun's friend than his date.


It was close to midnight when he heared someone knock not so lightly on his door. The boy frowned wondering who would come see him at this hour and he thought about ignoring the kocking of only it would stop already! Whoever was out there was desperately knocking ...


A small glance through the peephole made Youngjae tense and more than slightly unhappy. He more or less decided to ignore the stupid boy outside and just go listen to some music but Daehyun's next action made that option impossible.


"Youngjae-ah!!!" whined the singer through the door. Youngjae cringed, Daehyun was surely loud when he wanted to. "I know you're in there!! Why won't you talk to meeeeeee"


The younger's eyes widened as he realized his ex-partner was very much drunk. Damn! What would his neighbours think?! The old lady next door already didn't like him much.


"I wanna see you.. but you don't want me" was the next thing Youngjae heared followed by a loud noise. He figured Daehyun finally felt down. Maybe he'd fall asleep and shut up? Then Youngjae could pretend he didn't know him and he was just a random drunkard...


"But I want another kiss... gimme!!" Nope, no such luck.


Deciding to save himself some trouble he opened the door to reveal the silly idiot he had been trying to avoid for days. The idiot himself lifted his head to stare up at him and the smile he gave was adorable, at least that's how Youngjae would consider it if the man who was smiling wasn't here giving him so much trouble.


"Come in before you wake other people pabo"


Never before in his life had Youngjae regretted not going to the gym but now... as he was trying to carry a much heavier male inside his house, hopefully get to the empty room before...


Well the idea was a bit too hard to put in practice as Youngjae soon discovered. He tripped over one of the many open textbooks which he carelessly left laying around and met his very fluffy carpet, face first.


He felt Daehyun slide off his back and figured it was the perfect time to try to get up. Who knows, if the silly one felt asleep maybe he could leave him here and hope he'll be gone by morning?


As soon as he tried to turn Daehyun, who was far from being asleep, moved his left elbow on the carpet, on the other side of Youngjae's head, effectively trapping the younger.


"What are you doing Daehyun-ah?" asked Youngjae softly while avoiding the elder's gaze.


"I'm thinking Jae..." whispered Daehyun making Youngjae gasp as he heared the shortened version of his name, which was totally not okay to say, "it's your turn to kiss me right?"


"What are you on about Daehyun-ssi" Youngjae stressed the polite form of his hyung's name "I don't want to kiss you!"


"But I want a kiss..."


And with those words he leaned down and closed the remaining space between their lips. Youngjae wished to say he wanted to push the elder away but honestly, at the time, the only unpleasant thing about the kiss was the bitter taste of vodka.


~ * ~


Youngjae woke up in the same same place where he felt asleep, on the hard floor. He more or less felt asleep after the idiot singer passed out on him. He didn't want to risk waking the older boy so he just gave in and went to sleep there, slightly cuddled in the other's half-hug.


He was covered with a soft blanket which he knew he left on the couch and the whole place smelled like fresh coffee. Before he managed to persuade his still sleepy legs to get up Daehyun made his appearance in the room.


"Oh, you're awake. I'm very sorry about last night Youngjae-ah. I had too much to drink"


Youngjae was a bit surprised the other was saying those words but still speechless. He decided to just nod.


Daehyun went into the kitchen and came out a few seconds later with a cup.


"I made some coffee, I hope you don't mind"


It was awkward and they both knew it but somehow easier than to talk about what happened before they went to sleep.


Daehyun regretted and at the same time didn't regret the events of last night. Sure, he might wish he wasn't so drunk as to pass out after kissing Youngjae... but in no way was he regretting doing just that. Honestly if he was to rank the circumstances of his past kisses this one would rank very very low... if not lowest ever. But if he was to rank by how good a kiss was he really didn't have much to say. Kissing Youngjae was different. It wasn't a sort of stupid unnecessary step before the big event and that kind of scared Daehyun. How could it be that kissing one person was much better than having with any of his previous partners?


For Youngjae it was probably harder than for Daehyun... Daehyun was the third person Youngjae ever kissed. The first was his first ever boyfriend who he didn't really like. The only reason he accepted going out with the other was because the guy claimed to be in love with Youngjae. Maybe he was ... but the blonde was inclined to think that was far from truth since the so called love lasted only a few weeks. Or maybe it was Youngjae's fault because even though he tried to make it work he knew that if he'd love the guy as well things would be so much better...


But given that... the kisses he shared with his boyfriend were not really that much. No sparks and certainly no connection. As for the kiss he shared with Himchan that was even less of a kiss really... it was a show meant for one person's eyes. They were more focused on Yongguk than the kiss itself.


And now came Daehyun ... the first time they kissed Youngjae felt something. It was soft and light, like feeling a breeze on one early morning in May... not really cold just something so odd that made you shiver. That was exactly how he felt that day. Which was why he ran... this feeling wasn't meant to be shared with some random guy in a dressing room. It was special. Youngjae tried telling himself it was just a one time event...


But after last night he couldn't state the same thing. Because it still caused him to feel like that.. and in Youngjae's mind that was a big problem.


~ * ~


If anyone would ask, Kim Himchan would say he was happy. Not because it was particullary true but because he didn't want to sound ungrateful. Here he was, dating the man of his dreams, and being totally unsatisfied.


At first he wanted to take things slow. Just to make sure Yongguk knew he wasn't like the others, that he wasn't easy. It was just a way of protecting his heart because he knew Yongguk could totally shatter him if he wanted to.


But now the slow thing just backfired. He didn't want slow anymore. He wanted so much more. The problem was he didn't really know how to ask for more. He was never shy in general but when Bang Yongguk was involved he was about as shy as a teenage girl, maybe even more considering how girls acted these days...




Himchan snapped out of his thoughts and turned his attention back to his boyfriend. Great, now Yongguk would think he wasn't interested. Well it was probably better than know the truth and realize he was a ert.


"Sorry I was just thinking of the break time" he muttered trying to sound convincing.


Yongguk smiled and suddenly Himchan found it hard to breathe properly.


"I was asking if you want to spend the break with me" The rapper smirked and Himchan nodded quickly before realizing he seemed too quiet.


"You have anything in particular in mind?"


"Actually yes"

That sparkled Himchan's interest even more. He was almost desperate for a bit more time alone with his boyfriend.


"My parents still have that house in the north... asked them if it was okay to visit for a week"


Himchan pretty much forgot how to talk while thinking of all things that could happen while he'd be alone with Yongguk, alone, for a whole week!



Hey guys!! I know, I know ... I said this chapter will come soon and it still took a while. I totally blame it on the weather tho ... so so hot here and my AC is still broken. Writing and getting ideas in general isn't easy when you're pretty much melting. 

If you guys can't tell BangHim fun times are coming up next and some very much needed DaeJae fluff to go. 

Also my new story is almost here! You guys crushed that vote in favor of DaeJae and made me go O__O Thank you so much for voting and keep an eye open for the Foreword, it's going to be here really soon ... 

Thank you all for being here <3

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I'm almost done with the chapter guys, look forward to it later today or tomorrow :3


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Chapter 21: THIS WAS FANTASTIC. Author-nim,I think I'm in love with you.
Chapter 21: Great one (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Chapter 21: I can't recall how many times I've re-read this story... Marisse =] you are a godsend... I love this story immensely... so so so so much... I love it...

there should be more and like more more more =] I'm just saying =]
rushea26 #4
Chapter 21: Wonderful job. Looking forward to your other works.
Chapter 21: seriously.. this story.. gahh i love... I had an inkling to re-read this story because of Chapter 16- -- I LOVE THAT CHAPTER.. and THIS ONE TOO CHAPTER 21.. gahh I love this whole damn story... ugh I love it!!! it's just soooo good =] soooooo good =]
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 21: THAT WAS AMAZING <3
Chapter 21: owwwwwww I loved it! *w*
it was just... perfect! I read chapter after chapter *3*
you're amazing author-nim! <3
Chapter 21: nice ending! i love it! <3
thank you for the fic! ^^
Chapter 21: awesome au-nim,perfect for a wrap-up :D srsly amazing~n they move in tgt!!!yesss~~
tks for the lovely fic ^_^
lunarmystery #10
This was very sweet!! I look forward to your future projects :)