Chapter 7

The breaking of a concept

A/N: For those of you who want only DaeJae moments this chapter sadly has none. So feel free to skip it ~



For days Bang Yongguk could only think of a chat he had with his little brother.


Choi Junhong was not his blood brother but Yongguk would happily punch anyone who dared to say they are not family. Junhong was closer to him than his own twin brother was and for those who knew the rapper one thing was clear, his little brother was his most treasured person, the only one in this world for whom Yongguk would do anything.


When Junhong started having trouble with his parents Yongguk asked his own family if the teenager boy could come live with them. His request was bluntly denied and it angered Yongguk, they had enough space for him ... heck they had enough to never have to meet Junhong around the house if they didn't want to. Everyone thought that after the refusal Yongguk would limit himself to offering just moral support so what followed was a total surprise. The Bang family woke up one morning only to find all of their youngest son's belongings neatly packed in a few boxes. The red haired man announced boldly that he was 'going to live with Junhong' .


It was comfortable... perfect even. Yongguk honestly thought Junhong was the only person for who he could care so deeply. Love even. It felt so good to come home to a person you adore and simply feel happy doing random tasks around the house. Yongguk learned to cook for the younger boy after he realized take-out wasn't the ideal meal for a growing boy. He loved those mornings when he rushed to prepare breakfast for both of them then, most of the time, he had some spare minutes to just watch his sleeping brother. Junhong was innocent, delicate and just plain adorable, when the elder decided they'd be late if he didn't wake the other he tried to do it as gently as possible. The moments when Junhong opend his eyes slowly and focused on his hyung's face before smiling brightly were forever engraved in Yongguk's memory.


When time for college arrived he tried persuading his brother... scratch that. He was totally convinced Junhong would change schools and just keep living with him so when his most precious person told him 'No, hyung. I'm going to stay here untill i finish school, just one more year'. After that Yongguk wanted to just take the year off but his brother seemed upset by the idea 'You love music! It's just silly to take a year, besides I'm going to live with a friend, Jonguppie, you know him hyung' was what Junhong said on the matter.


After that year passed Yongguk, who was already living Daehyun, wanted to just get back to living together with his baby brother. Junhong flat out refused him. He knew Yongguk had a roommate already and didn't want to cause trouble with moving, besides Jongup was going to attend the same university, they were used to living together by then.


Since that time, two years ago, Sunday became their brother day. They'd meet each Sunday without fault. At first they tried to see each other more often but their schedules clashed awfully.


Six weeks ago, on a Sunday, everything was still perfectly normal ...


~ * ~


A loud knock caused a certain red haired rapper to spill a glass of water.


"Aish" he hurried to grab a towel and carelessly threw it on the wet table before rushing to the hall.He was happy Daehyun was out today so he could stay home and just have Junhong over for a home cooked meal.


He opened the door and instantly he smiled widely, showing what his brother called his 'gummy smile'.


"Hey Hyung" Junhong said before almost tackling him to the ground.


Yongguk lived for two things in this world... his music which was represented by his performances in various clubs more than his studies and this little, fragile boy.


They ate while talking continuously and Yongguk felt all his worries crumble into nothing because honesltly ... what could matter more than his brother?


"Hyung ... I have to tell you something"


Junhong was biting his lower lip, a habbit he picked from Yongguk, which showed he was worried about what he wanted to say.


"You know you can tell me anything" Yongguk said reassuringly.


The younger boy nodded but kept silent.


"I .." The blue haired boy kept opening and closing his mouth causing Yongguk to worry. Did his parents bother him again? The rapper pulled his brother in a tight embrace. He wanted to make sure the younger know that he'd be there for him no matter what.


Small black eyes looked up to him.


"Mm.." the boy took a deep breath "Me and Jonguppie are dating" he said slowly before bowing his head afraid of Yongguk's reaction.


"Dating? As in... "


"We're together, as a couple hyung" he stated clearly any hesitation gone from his voice.


~ * ~


Yongguk couldn't lie ... at least not to himself. It wasn't Junhong who put the thoughts of dating a guy in his head ... for the past months he started, slowly but surely, to notice small things about guys.


Well not guys. One guy. Someone who could be called special. But even if the thoughts were there they were insignificant at first. Like how his smile is just gorgeous and his hair smells nice, like a girl's but not really. Or how he's shy around new people ... Yongguk didn't even like shy girls, why in the world like a shy guy? Even if the matter is uncertain is was happening.


But it was easy to ignore. They didn't see each other that often and they were never alone so Yongguk's weird thoughts, as he called them, were few and far in between.


Of course when Junhong told him he was dating Jongup... a guy, he was a bit shocked. After the initial reaction (if being speechless for close to 5 minutes could be called a reaction) he did what an older brother does best (and is supposed to do). He calmed Junhong, who was very scared because his dear hyung wasn't even looking at him, and assured the younger boy that everything was okay.


While Yongguk didn't give gay couples much thought before it wasn't like the issue bothered him. At first it was more of ... his baby brother was dating someone. Who cares if it was a guy or a girl? Some fellow was putting her(his in this case really) hands on someone too young and innocent for such acts.


When Yongguk voiced his worries to the blue haired teen he was met with a lot of .. laughter. He watched, at first surprised then a bit annoyed, how the teen just laughed and laughed and laughed as if Yongguk was the funniest person on the planet. When the Junhong stopped laughing he just whiped away his tears before saying 'Kind of late for that Hyung'


It was probably that line that made Yongguk get in the situation in which he was now. From that moment all he could think of ... at least for a while, was how his brother and a guy were having physical contact. Even if he talked to Junhong about it and (to his embarassment) had to ask if the two had he couldn't live in peace even when he knew that no, they didn't.


After that slowly he began thinking about the idea of seeing a guy and that combined with his already confused feelings about one certain guy led to so much more.


First time when he woke up from a wet dream involving a particular singer he was confused, ashamed but more than that, aroused. He refused to give in and just take care of his problem so he resorted to taking cold showers, yes, plural because it wasn't a one time event.


He realized (and admitted), about 3 weeks ago, that he was indeed attracted to the younger male. So what? Not like it was a big deal. It was just one guy... maybe if he ever got the chance he'd try to have a night with him even. So that wasn't a big deal, not anymore but when one problem goes another one comes to haunt you.


Yongguk noticed his feelings passed the limit of simple physical attraction. He liked the boy for his personality, for his smile and that amazing voice that he'd like to test out in less than innocent situations and that was a problem because ... simply put, Yongguk didn't know where to start.


After careful thinking, because despite what everyone said Yongguk liked to plan everything carefully and just make it seem like he did not, he decided that it was good to just go slow. Start with a meal, follow it with some time together, maybe go for a few movies and slowly get to the point where a date was possible. Date ... the word itself sounded weird to the rapper. He didn't date, he went out with girls because it was a way to get them in bed and that was the only good thing about most girls. But here he was, planning dates and with a guy at that!


Of course all his careful planning went to the garbage when he saw them together. It was impossible right? Right? Had he been too slow to figure things out? Did he lose maybe his only chance at dating this amazing person?


~ * ~


Yongguk dragged Youngjae to a room in the back of the club fully aware that Himchan and Daehyun were behind them. He didn't seem to care about this because he closed the door and locked it making silence fill the room.


"Youngjae please... please tell me you two are not dating, tell me you're not in love with him"



A/N: I woke up at an hour I didn't know existed untill today (read: 4am) I totally thought the day just skips these ungodly hours ... been so tired and not feeling great but somehow I felt like writing and once I started I couldn't stop .. so, chapter!

In this chapter I wanted to show you a bit of background on Yongguk/Junhong and I hope I did it decently... also felt like adding a bit about how Yongguk went from a hopeless womanizer to a lovely puppy in love with someone.

Sorry for the lack of DaeJae interactions but I didn't want to stuff too many ideas in the chapter... and also sorry for letting you
be confused for one more chapter .. I'll do my best to clear things out in the next one -nod- (don't I always say this?)

I hope you're happy with the chapter, thank you for reading <3


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I'm almost done with the chapter guys, look forward to it later today or tomorrow :3


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Chapter 21: THIS WAS FANTASTIC. Author-nim,I think I'm in love with you.
Chapter 21: Great one (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Chapter 21: I can't recall how many times I've re-read this story... Marisse =] you are a godsend... I love this story immensely... so so so so much... I love it...

there should be more and like more more more =] I'm just saying =]
rushea26 #4
Chapter 21: Wonderful job. Looking forward to your other works.
Chapter 21: seriously.. this story.. gahh i love... I had an inkling to re-read this story because of Chapter 16- -- I LOVE THAT CHAPTER.. and THIS ONE TOO CHAPTER 21.. gahh I love this whole damn story... ugh I love it!!! it's just soooo good =] soooooo good =]
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 21: THAT WAS AMAZING <3
Chapter 21: owwwwwww I loved it! *w*
it was just... perfect! I read chapter after chapter *3*
you're amazing author-nim! <3
Chapter 21: nice ending! i love it! <3
thank you for the fic! ^^
Chapter 21: awesome au-nim,perfect for a wrap-up :D srsly amazing~n they move in tgt!!!yesss~~
tks for the lovely fic ^_^
lunarmystery #10
This was very sweet!! I look forward to your future projects :)